
Mob Information
Race: Velious Dragon
Body Type: VeliousDragon
Class: Warrior
Level: 66
Zone: Temple of Veeshan
Default (Expansion tagging in progress)
AC: 650
HP: 120,000
Mana: 0
MR: 225
CR: 190
FR: 190
DR: 170
PR: 185
Damage Per Hit: 235 - 900
ATK Delay: 13
Special Abilities:
Attack Proc: 
  • None
Proc Chance:  N/A

Aaryonar guards the entrance to the main ring of the northern wing. If aggroed before he is defeated, he will assist any other dragons, except for the five located in the far northern hall. Although he typically comes with his guards if they are aggroed, he can be pulled individually. Be cautious of both Aaryonar's long aggro range and the guards. Additionally, the top step leading to him is very slippery, so tread carefully.

Wizards: Utilize either Lure of Ice or Porlo's Fury for optimal performance. A solid strategy involves positioning yourself 4-5 steps down. After an area effect (AE) attack, rush up to cast Lure or Bane, then retreat back down the steps. When the next AE occurs, quickly run up again, cast two Concussions (if you’re using Bane), and then retreat once more. You have enough time between AEs to cast Bane and one Concussion, but trying to cast two while avoiding the AE can be risky.

Credit to Talodar for the original map script. Credit for all maps goes to Brewall.
  • Claws Of Veeshan(-500)
  • Guardians Of Veeshan(-500)
Opposing Factions
  • None
Item Name Platinum.png Gold.png Silver.png Copper.png Qty
Spawn Points - Found 1 spawn points for Aaryonar in Temple of Veeshan.
Coordinates (y,x,z) Respawntime
(208.0, -781.0, 98.7) 7 days, 0:00:00
Spawn Groups - Found 1 spawn groups for Aaryonar in Temple of Veeshan.
NPC (Spawn Chance) Spawn Points
Spawn Group: #1 has 1 spawn points
Aaryonar (100%)
Aaryonar (100%)
  • (208.0, -781.0, 98.699997)
Loot Tables - Found 2 loot drop tables for Aaryonar in Temple of Veeshan.
  • Min Cash: 1430 copper
  • Max Cash: 9460 copper
  • Average Coin: 0 copper
Related Quests

No quest information available.

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