Karnor's Castle

  • Level of Monsters:
  • 40-55+
  • Types of Monsters:
  • Decayed Kylong Iksar, Decayed prisoner, Decayed Soldier, A Drolvarg Bodyguard, Guardians, Ragers, Sentries, Skeletal Guardian, Spectral caller, Curates, Knights, and Protectors
  • Name in /who:
  • karnor
  • Succor/Evacuate:
  • Y: 302.0, X: 18.0 Z: 6.0
  • ZEM:
  • 0.85
Quick Facts
Expansion: Kunarkicon.gif
Cast Outdoor
Cast Dungeon Only
None Can Bind

Karnor's Castle stands bleakly in the center of the Dreadlands. Once one of the major military establishments of the Iksar Empire, it now stands in ruins. The inhabitants within are maintained in their unholy life by the eternal Iksar vampire, Venril Sathir.


Upper Level
  • 1. "Left Corner"
  • 2. "Right Corner"
  • 3. "Moat" where multiple random monsters spawn
  • 4. "Captain Room" where a drolvarg captain who drops Drolvarg Mantle (Common), Cobalt Gauntlets (Uncommon), Jade Mace (Uncommon), Polyphenomenal Axe (Rare), and Lupine Dagger (Very Rare) spawns
  • 5. "Left courtyard" or "lcy" with:
    • Sentry of Sathir who drops Jarsath Scale Helm (Common), Jaundiced Bone Gauntlets (Rare), Bone Amulet of Blade Turning (Rare), and Swarmcaller (Very Rare)
    • Caller of Sathir who drops Kunzar Cloak (Common), Nature's Wrath (? Rarity), Cobalt Boots (Rare) and Sionachie's Partisan (Very Rare)
    • Skeletal Berserker who drops Jarsath Scale Chestplate (Common), Band of Eternal Flame (? Rarity), Deathbringer's Rod (Very Rare), and Jaundiced Bone Gauntlets (? Rarity) spawn
  • 6. "Right courtyard" or "rcy" with same spawns as lcy
  • 7. "Towers" where Skeletal Captain who drops Sarnak-Hide Mask (Common), Tolan's Darkwood Gauntlets (Uncommon), Soul Binder (Very Rare) and Fist of Zek spawns
  • 8. "Warlord Room" where the following spawn:
    • a Drolvarg warlord who drops Supple Scale Armband (Common), Harmonic Dagger (Rare), Noctivagant Blade (Rare), and Donal's Boots of Mourning (Very Rare)
    • Drolvarg Bodyguard
    • a drolvarg pawbuster who drops A Metal Pipe (Zan Fi)
    • Wulfwere Bodyguard
  • 9. Rooms where Skeletal Berserker (for drops see lcy above) and skeletal warlord who drops Jarsath Scale Wrist Guards (Common), Deepwater Boots (Rare), Dwarven Sap (Rare), and Tranquil Staff (Very Rare) spawn
  • 10. "Hand Room" with:
    • Construct
    • Construct of Sathir who drops Helm of Rile (Common), Polished Obsidian Great Axe (? Rarity), Blood Ember Gauntlets (Rare), Fang Amulet of Calling (Very Rare)
    • a cursed hand who drops Donal's Gauntlets of Mourning (Rare)
    • Hangnail who drops Elder Spiritist's Gauntlets (Common)
  • 11. "Jail Cell" where skeletal warlord (for drops see area 9 above), A human skeleton (second door on the right), and Undead Jailer who drops Jarsath Scale Leggings (Common), Mrylokar's Boots (Rare), and Baton of Faith (Very Rare) spawn
  • 12. "Box Room"
  • 13. "Prep Room" Multi-levelled room with multiple passages taking off here, colored numbers correspond to what level they take off on, also Venril Sathir Remains spawn
  • 14. Venril Sathir's Room where Venril Sathir spawns (see raid encounter page for drops)
Note that Red #s above correspond to the level of area 13 that the hallway takes off from Note that letters lead to the corresponding areas on the map above C leads to area C on the Catacombs map

  • 1. Rooms with Skeletal Caretaker who drops Jarsath Scale Vambraces (Common), Mrylokar's Gift (Uncommon) and Tolan's Darkwood Boots (Rare), easternmost area is also area of Verix Kylox's Remains who drops Kylong Medallion
  • 2. Rooms with Undead Jailer who drops Jarsath Scale Leggings (Common), Baton of Faith (Rare) and Mrylokar's Boots (Ultra Rare)
  • 3. Area where moat monsters spawn and move west and south to Moat, including Skeletal Scryer who drops Jarsath Scale Gauntlets (Common), Jarsath Trident (Rare), Deepwater Gauntlets (Rare), and Locustlure (Rare)
  • 4. Rooms with Spectral Turnkey who drops Jarsath Scale Boots (? Rarity), Book of Obulus (Rare) and Mrylokar's Gauntlets (Ultra Rare)

C leads to the stairs marked C on the Upper Level Map

D leads to well marked D on the Upper Level Map

Note that the letter A's sections connect to one another

Note that the tunnel leading to the tower section has been truncated


This dungeon is one of the highest level dungeons in all of Norrath, and as such, is very dangerous for many reasons. First of all, all of the monsters that you meet are at least 45th level, and many are in the 50's. This means that they have some very powerful abilities, including complete healing, gating, etc. Secondly, it is very difficult to separate spawns when pulling, and most of the time you will need to fight at least two monsters with every pull. This requires either an excellent puller, a very well-balanced and functioning group, or an enchanter for crowd control, and it is recommended to have all three.

The layout of the dungeon is also notable. There is only one major exit for the zone, and everyone entering and exiting goes through one common area. It is important to remember this when either entering the zone or fleeing a train to the zone, in order to keep yourself or others from getting killed. Typically you should enter from the right hand (southern) side and flee on the left (northern) side. Be sure, however, to find out the local server rules regarding this, as people can get very upset if you train the wrong way and get a dozen people butchered.

Monsters also seem to have a long aggro range, and will generally attack you from a seemingly large range. They will jump out of the moat to join in, or join in attacks if you start going after monsters a level below or above you.

For evil races, care must be taken if you wish to hunt in this zone. The faction hit that you take is Venril Sathir, which is the same as the faction in the outpost in The Overthere. If you hunt here long enough, you will no longer be welcome in your only outpost on Kunark.

Venril Sathir also has made Karnor's Castle his home. He is considered one of the most powerful creatures in all of Norrath, for he is resistant to most damage spells and procs a massive lifetap spell every time he hits a creature, healing himself in the process. Destroying him takes the coordinated effort of several groups, and there are only a few strategies known to work against him. Proceed at your own risk...


Karnor's Castle is where many of the class-specific armor from Kunark comes from. Many of the lesser items drop from random monsters, and there are many separate monsters where the more powerful items drop. Many groups are here to acquire this equipment. There are also some incredible weaponry and other equipment here as well.

This zone is also considered to be an outdoor zone in terms of what spells you can cast (like SoW, Wolf Form, Harmony, etc), but you can also cast the Kunark Dungeon Evac Spells, which are generally indoor only. This makes the zone very druid- and ranger-friendly. Druids can charm the level 29 Caller of Sathir pet after it's original master has been killed.

Travel To and From

Karnor's Castle is reached through the Dreadlands. It's location is approximately 500, -2250.


When Entering or Exiting Karnor's Castle it's common practice to enter on the right and exit on the right.

Items - Found 223 items that drop in Karnor's Castle:
Item Name Dropped By
item_870.png A Faded Salil's Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Salil's Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Salils Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_601.png A Metal Pipe a drolvarg pawbuster
item_531.png Ancient Shissar Gauntlet Venril Sathir
item_565.png Backpack
Multiple mobs
item_617.png Band of Eternal Flame skeletal berserker
item_529.png Basoon Haste Gauntlets skeletal captain
item_602.png Baton of Faith undead jailer
item_804.png Blackened Iksar bones Venril Sathir
item_737.png Blackjack
Multiple mobs
item_524.png Blood Ember Boots Knight of Sathir
item_531.png Blood Ember Gauntlets Construct of Sathir
item_540.png Blood Ember Greaves Venril Sathir
item_742.png Blood Fork
Multiple mobs
item_502.png Bone Amulet of Blade Turning sentry of Sathir
item_804.png Bone Chips
Multiple mobs
item_789.png Book of Obulus spectral turnkey
item_836.png Breath of Ro Verix Kyloxs remains
item_738.png Brokenskull Club undead jailer
item_848.png Busted Prayer Beads skeletal captain
item_524.png Cobalt Boots caller of Sathir
item_531.png Cobalt Gauntlets a drolvarg captain
item_540.png Cobalt Greaves Venril Sathir
item_1074.png Crystallized Sulfur
Multiple mobs
item_887.png Deathbringers Rod skeletal berserker
item_524.png Deepwater Boots skeletal warlord
item_531.png Deepwater Gauntlets skeletal scryer
item_540.png Deepwater Greaves Venril Sathir
item_542.png Dented Battleshield
Multiple mobs
item_966.png Diamond
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Diamond Encrusted Staff Venril Sathir
item_524.png Donal's Boots of Mourning a Drolvarg warlord
item_531.png Donal's Gauntlets of Mourning
Multiple mobs
item_540.png Donal's Leggings of Mourning Venril Sathir
item_668.png Drolvarg Mantle a drolvarg captain
item_733.png Dust of Decay
Multiple mobs
item_1188.png Dwarven Sap skeletal warlord
item_531.png Elder Spiritist's Gauntlets Hangnail
item_622.png Elder Spiritist's Vambraces
Multiple mobs
item_540.png Elder Spiritists Greaves Venril Sathir
item_1041.png Emerald Ring
Multiple mobs
item_836.png Essence of Rathe
Multiple mobs
item_802.png Fang Amulet of Calling Construct of Sathir
item_592.png Fine Steel Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Fine Steel Great Staff
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Fine Steel Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Fine Steel Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_962.png Fire Emerald
Multiple mobs
item_960.png Fire Opal
Multiple mobs
item_567.png Fist of Zek skeletal captain
item_706.png Flame of Vox
Multiple mobs
item_633.png Flayed Skin Boots
Multiple mobs
item_637.png Flayed Skin Bracers
Multiple mobs
item_640.png Flayed Skin Cap
Multiple mobs
item_655.png Flayed Skin Leggings
Multiple mobs
item_634.png Flayed Skin Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_632.png Flayed Skin Tunic
Multiple mobs
item_518.png Glove of Rallos Zek
Multiple mobs
item_811.png Gnarled Staff Venril Sathir
item_804.png Greyish Bone Chips skeletal warlord
item_592.png Harmonic Dagger a Drolvarg warlord
item_746.png Helm of Rile Construct of Sathir
item_776.png Howling Harpoon
Multiple mobs
item_737.png Iksar Berserker Club skeletal caretaker
item_578.png Jade Mace a drolvarg captain
item_633.png Jarsath Scale Boots spectral turnkey
item_527.png Jarsath Scale Chestplate skeletal berserker
item_636.png Jarsath Scale Gauntlets skeletal scryer
item_745.png Jarsath Scale Helm sentry of Sathir
item_540.png Jarsath Scale Leggings undead jailer
item_543.png Jarsath Scale Vambraces skeletal caretaker
item_637.png Jarsath Scale Wrist Guards skeletal warlord
item_1163.png Jarsath Trident skeletal scryer
item_949.png Jasper
Multiple mobs
item_524.png Jaundiced Bone Boots skeletal berserker
item_531.png Jaundiced Bone Gauntlets sentry of Sathir
item_540.png Jaundiced Bone Greaves Venril Sathir
item_840.png Kunzar Cloak caller of Sathir
item_575.png Locustlure skeletal scryer
item_592.png Lupine Dagger a drolvarg captain
item_602.png Lycanthropic Staff Venril Sathir
item_752.png Mithril Amulet
Multiple mobs
item_540.png Mrylokar's Greaves Venril Sathir
item_524.png Mrylokars Boots undead jailer
item_531.png Mrylokars Gauntlets spectral turnkey
item_602.png Mrylokars Gift skeletal caretaker
item_1083.png Nature's Wrath caller of Sathir
item_887.png Nightshade Scented Staff Venril Sathir
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 115
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 116
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 300
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 301
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 35
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 351
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 352
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 36
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 378 Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 379 Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 400 Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 401 Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 415 Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 416 Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 449 Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 450 Verix Kyloxs remains
item_590.png Noctivagant Blade a Drolvarg warlord
item_1164.png Oggok Cleaver Knight of Sathir
item_956.png Onyx
Multiple mobs
item_521.png Opal Bracelet
Multiple mobs
item_851.png Pearl Necklace
Multiple mobs
item_957.png Peridot
Multiple mobs
item_744.png Petrified Werewolf Skull a Drolvarg warlord
item_1002.png Piece of a medallion Verix Kyloxs remains
item_1246.png Plague Mites
Multiple mobs
item_1166.png Polished Obsidian Great Axe Construct of Sathir
item_1164.png Polyphenomenal Axe Hangnail
item_578.png Ringed Mace of the Ykesha
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Al'Kabor
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Ap`Sagor Verix Kyloxs remains
item_967.png Rune of Attraction
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Conception
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Concussion Verix Kyloxs remains
item_967.png Rune of Crippling Verix Kyloxs remains
item_967.png Rune of Embrace
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Frost Verix Kyloxs remains
item_967.png Rune of Impetus Verix Kyloxs remains
item_967.png Rune of Infraction
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Paralysis
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Petrification
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Rathe
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Astral Verix Kyloxs remains
item_967.png Rune of the Combine
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Helix
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Inverse
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Tyranny
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Runed Blade Knight of Sathir
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 153
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Salil's Writ Pg. 174
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 174
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Salil's Writ Pg. 282
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 288
Multiple mobs
item_963.png Sapphire
Multiple mobs
item_771.png Sarnak-Hide Mask skeletal captain
item_810.png Sathir's Wand Knight of Sathir
item_805.png Shield of the Immaculate Venril Sathir
item_602.png Shissar Guardian Staff Venril Sathir
item_602.png Shissar Nullifier Staff Venril Sathir
item_524.png Singing Steel Boots
Multiple mobs
item_531.png Singing Steel Gauntlets
Multiple mobs
item_540.png Singing Steel Greaves Venril Sathir
item_1187.png Sionachie's Partisan caller of Sathir
item_688.png Soul Binder skeletal captain
item_504.png Spell: Bandoleer of Luclin Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Bedlam Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Blizzard Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Bonds of Tunare Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Exile Undead Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Eye of Tallon Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Fist of Karana Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Forlorn Deeds Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Fortitude Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Frost Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Girdle of Karana Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Greater Vocaration: Fire Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Largarn`s Lamentation Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Manasink Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Mark of Karn Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Naltron's Mark Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Pillar of Flame Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Plainsight Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Pouch of Quellious Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Rage of Zomm Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Retribution of Al`Kabor Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Servant of Bones Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Talisman of the Cat Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Talisman of the Rhino Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Talisman of the Serpent Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Torment of Argli Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Umbra Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Vocarate: Water Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Wake of Karana Venril Sathir
item_504.png Spell: Word of Restoration Venril Sathir
item_737.png Springwood Club
Multiple mobs
item_601.png Springwood Stave spectral turnkey
item_961.png Star Ruby
Multiple mobs
item_1055.png Supple Scale Armband a Drolvarg warlord
item_1176.png Swarmcaller sentry of Sathir
item_1183.png Sword Breaker
Multiple mobs
item_699.png Tears of Prexus
Multiple mobs
item_528.png Terror Forged Mask spectral turnkey
item_599.png The Scent of Marr
Multiple mobs
item_524.png Tolan's Darkwood Boots skeletal caretaker
item_531.png Tolan's Darkwood Gauntlets skeletal captain
item_540.png Tolan's Darkwood Greaves Venril Sathir
item_601.png Tranquil Staff skeletal warlord
item_602.png Waters of Impenetrable Aura Venril Sathir
item_633.png Wild Lord's Sandals skeletal captain
item_635.png Wild Lord's Trousers Venril Sathir
item_636.png Wild Lords Gauntlets spectral turnkey
item_753.png Wing of Xegony Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Words of Acquisition (Beza) Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Words of Bidding
Multiple mobs
item_896.png Words of Bondage Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Words of Burnishing
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Cazic-Thule
Multiple mobs
item_864.png Words of Collection (Azia)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Collection (Beza)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Collection (Caza)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Convocation
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Crippling Force Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Words of Descrying
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Disillusionment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Grappling Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Words of Incarceration
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Obligation
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Odus Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Words of Projection
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Requisition Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Words of Seizure
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Ethereal Verix Kyloxs remains
item_869.png Words of the Psyche
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Spectre
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Suffering
Multiple mobs
Item Name Dropped By
NPCs - Found 45 NPC's that spawn in Karnor's Castle:
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
a construct Iksar Hand Warrior Neuter 47 - 50 8,897 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a cursed hand Iksar Hand Warrior Neuter 44 - 48 6,744 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a drolvarg bodyguard Lycanthrope Warrior Neuter 48 - 52 9,590 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a drolvarg captain Lycanthrope Warrior Neuter 48 7,259 28 28 28 28 28 -1 All
a drolvarg guardian Lycanthrope Warrior Neuter 43 - 47 5,915 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a drolvarg pawbuster Lycanthrope Monk Neuter 51 10,411 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a drolvarg sentry Lycanthrope Warrior Neuter 42 - 44 4,400 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a drolvarg sentry Lycanthrope Warrior Neuter 40 - 44 3,651 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a drolvarg sentry Lycanthrope Warrior Neuter 39 - 41 3,651 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a Drolvarg warlord Lycanthrope Warrior Neuter 51 - 54 11,354 41 41 41 41 41 -1 All
a human skeleton Skeleton Wizard Neuter 42 3,711 31 31 31 31 31 -1 All
caller of Sathir Spectral Sarnak Shaman Neuter 46 - 48 7,259 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Construct of Sathir Sarnak Golem Shadowknight Neuter 52 11,314 41 41 41 41 41 -1 All
decayed kylong Iksar Iksar Skeleton Warrior Neuter 46 - 49 7,974 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decayed prisoner Iksar Skeleton Warrior Neuter 41 - 45 4,883 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decayed prisoner Sarnak Skeleton Warrior Neuter 42 - 46 5,410 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decayed soldier Iksar Skeleton Warrior Neuter 46 - 50 7,994 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decayed soldier Sarnak Skeleton Warrior Neuter 45 - 49 7,361 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Hangnail Iksar Hand Warrior Neuter 50 9,550 26 26 26 26 26 -1 All
Knight of Sathir Spectral Sarnak Shadowknight Neuter 51 10,411 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
sentry of Sathir Spectral Iksar Warrior Male 46 - 47 7,914 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeletal berserker Sarnak Skeleton Warrior Neuter 48 7,259 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeletal captain Sarnak Skeleton Warrior Neuter 47 7,239 26 26 26 26 26 -1 All
skeletal caretaker Iksar Skeleton Warrior Neuter 49 8,731 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeletal guardian Sarnak Skeleton Warrior Neuter 42 - 46 5,484 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeletal guardian Iksar Skeleton Warrior Neuter 41 - 45 4,901 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeletal lookout Sarnak Skeleton Warrior Neuter 43 - 46 5,432 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeletal lookout Iksar Skeleton Warrior Neuter 41 - 44 4,865 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeletal protector Iksar Skeleton Warrior Neuter 41 - 45 4,739 38 38 38 38 38 -1 All
skeletal protector Sarnak Skeleton Warrior Neuter 42 5,246 31 31 31 31 31 -1 All
skeletal scryer Iksar Skeleton Wizard Neuter 47 7,239 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeletal warlord Iksar Skeleton Warrior Neuter 40 - 44 4,400 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeletal watcher Iksar Skeleton Warrior Neuter 47 - 50 8,152 26 26 26 26 26 -1 All
skeletal watcher Sarnak Skeleton Warrior Neuter 48 - 49 7,259 28 28 28 28 28 -1 All
spectral caller Spectral Sarnak Shaman Neuter 40 - 44 4,400 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
spectral curate Spectral Iksar Cleric Male 39 - 43 3,917 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
spectral knight Spectral Iksar Warrior Male 48 - 52 9,790 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
spectral knight Spectral Sarnak Warrior Neuter 48 - 52 9,590 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
spectral protector Spectral Sarnak Warrior Neuter 45 - 49 7,259 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
spectral protector Spectral Iksar Warrior Male 46 - 50 7,994 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
spectral turnkey Spectral Sarnak Warrior Neuter 47 7,219 26 26 26 26 26 -1 All
undead jailer Iksar Golem Warrior Neuter 50 - 51 9,570 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Venril Sathir Doppleganger Warrior Neuter 55 18,325 360 335 355 315 315 -1 All
Venril Sathirs remains Iksar Skeleton Shadowknight Neuter 50 8,750 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Verix Kyloxs remains Iksar Skeleton Shaman Neuter 52 11,354 41 41 41 41 41 -1 All
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
Spawn Points - Found 136 spawn points in Karnor's Castle:
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
(-83.0, 15.0, 35.8) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
a drolvarg guardian (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(104.0, -590.0, 38.7) a human skeleton (20%)
a drolvarg sentry (30%)
skeletal warlord (10%)
skeletal guardian (20%)
skeletal guardian (20%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(128.0, 49.0, 34.9) a drolvarg captain (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (72%)
a drolvarg guardian (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(81.0, 49.0, 34.9) a drolvarg captain (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (72%)
a drolvarg guardian (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(125.0, 46.0, 34.8) a drolvarg captain (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (72%)
a drolvarg guardian (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(41.0, -106.0, 36.8) a drolvarg captain (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (72%)
a drolvarg guardian (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-1.0, 180.0, 6.9) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
a drolvarg guardian (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(75.0, -304.0, 3.7) skeletal guardian (20%)
a drolvarg sentry (60%)
skeletal guardian (20%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(126.0, -481.0, 17.7) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(119.0, -502.0, 17.7) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(103.0, -569.0, 38.7) a drolvarg sentry (40%)
skeletal warlord (10%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(54.0, -589.0, 38.7) a drolvarg sentry (40%)
skeletal warlord (10%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(56.0, -611.0, 38.7) a drolvarg sentry (40%)
skeletal warlord (10%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(102.0, -610.0, 38.7) a drolvarg sentry (40%)
skeletal warlord (10%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(55.0, -400.0, 45.7) spectral curate (20%)
caller of Sathir (20%)
a drolvarg sentry (10%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal guardian (10%)
a drolvarg sentry (10%)
skeletal guardian (10%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-11.0, -342.0, 31.7) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-19.0, -351.0, 31.7) a drolvarg sentry (50%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(41.0, -107.0, 6.8) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
a drolvarg guardian (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(1.0, -106.0, 6.8) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
a drolvarg guardian (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(28.0, -237.0, 3.7) a drolvarg sentry (40%)
skeletal warlord (10%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(12.0, -237.0, 3.7) a drolvarg sentry (40%)
skeletal warlord (10%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-14.0, 19.0, 6.8) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
a drolvarg guardian (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(73.0, -256.0, 3.7) skeletal guardian (20%)
a drolvarg sentry (60%)
skeletal guardian (20%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(126.0, -350.0, 3.7) spectral curate (19%)
spectral caller (19%)
skeletal guardian (9%)
a drolvarg sentry (44%)
skeletal guardian (9%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(58.0, 21.0, 6.8) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
a drolvarg guardian (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(41.0, 179.0, 6.9) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
a drolvarg guardian (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(18.0, -525.0, 5.6) spectral curate (20%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal guardian (13%)
skeletal berserker (10%)
a drolvarg sentry (22%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(0.0, -540.0, 19.6) Knight of Sathir (10%)
skeletal protector (23%)
skeletal protector (23%)
spectral protector (22%)
spectral protector (22%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-21.0, -513.0, 3.7) spectral curate (20%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal guardian (13%)
skeletal berserker (10%)
a drolvarg sentry (22%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(49.0, -495.0, 3.7) a drolvarg sentry (40%)
skeletal warlord (10%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(35.0, -435.0, 3.7) spectral curate (19%)
spectral caller (19%)
skeletal guardian (9%)
a drolvarg sentry (44%)
skeletal guardian (9%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(63.0, -432.0, 3.7) a drolvarg sentry (40%)
skeletal warlord (10%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
skeletal guardian (25%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(176.0, -406.0, 3.7) spectral curate (20%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal guardian (13%)
skeletal berserker (10%)
a drolvarg sentry (22%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(176.0, -425.0, 5.6) spectral curate (19%)
spectral caller (19%)
skeletal guardian (9%)
a drolvarg sentry (44%)
skeletal guardian (9%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(111.0, -311.0, 5.6) spectral curate (45%)
caller of Sathir (15%)
spectral caller (40%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(162.0, -301.0, 3.7) a drolvarg sentry (50%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(164.0, -315.0, 3.7) a drolvarg sentry (50%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(175.0, -345.0, 45.7) spectral curate (33%)
spectral caller (33%)
a drolvarg sentry (34%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(114.0, -630.0, -43.2) Verix Kyloxs remains (10%)
decayed kylong Iksar (90%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(13.0, -457.0, -36.2) a drolvarg sentry (50%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-180.0, -320.0, -18.3) spectral curate (45%)
skeletal scryer (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(189.0, -409.0, 45.7) spectral curate (33%)
spectral caller (33%)
a drolvarg sentry (34%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-25.0, -508.0, -32.3) spectral curate (35%)
a drolvarg sentry (65%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(190.0, -532.0, 38.7) a drolvarg sentry (50%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-143.0, -429.0, -17.1) spectral curate (45%)
skeletal scryer (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-73.0, -423.0, -48.6) skeletal guardian (50%)
skeletal guardian (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(220.0, -136.0, -16.7) a drolvarg sentry (50%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-176.0, 108.0, -16.8) a drolvarg sentry (50%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-107.0, -108.0, 34.8) a drolvarg captain (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (72%)
a drolvarg guardian (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-77.0, -559.0, 19.6) Venril Sathirs remains (100%)
1 day, 2:23:20 (0) -1 All
(147.0, -518.0, -34.2) undead jailer (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(183.0, -489.0, -34.2) undead jailer (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(157.0, -489.0, -34.2) undead jailer (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(185.0, -531.0, -34.2) undead jailer (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(116.0, -660.0, -15.2) undead jailer (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(33.0, -750.0, -30.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(72.0, -701.0, -28.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(0.0, -705.0, -31.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(0.0, -676.0, -31.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-24.0, -638.0, -29.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-23.0, -684.0, -29.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-62.0, -688.0, -27.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-84.0, -665.0, -28.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-41.0, -638.0, -22.2) decayed prisoner (50%)
decayed prisoner (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-79.0, -640.0, -22.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-79.0, -621.0, -22.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-42.0, -579.0, -21.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-43.0, -620.0, -21.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-22.0, -620.0, -17.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-22.0, -580.0, -17.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-6.0, -616.0, -18.2) spectral turnkey (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(55.0, -220.0, -17.6) a drolvarg sentry (50%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(83.0, -150.0, -15.9) spectral curate (35%)
a drolvarg sentry (65%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-196.0, -129.0, -16.7) spectral curate (45%)
skeletal scryer (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-15.0, -525.0, -34.2) decayed soldier (26%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
skeletal caretaker (5%)
decayed soldier (23%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(84.0, -574.0, 19.8) a Drolvarg warlord (15%)
a drolvarg bodyguard (85%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(55.0, -571.0, 19.8) a Drolvarg warlord (15%)
a drolvarg bodyguard (85%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(105.0, -588.0, 22.8) a Drolvarg warlord (15%)
a drolvarg pawbuster (5%)
a drolvarg bodyguard (80%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(105.0, -628.0, 22.8) a Drolvarg warlord (15%)
a drolvarg bodyguard (85%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-46.0, -458.0, -34.2) decayed soldier (26%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
skeletal caretaker (5%)
decayed soldier (23%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(142.0, -601.0, -44.2) decayed soldier (26%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
skeletal caretaker (5%)
decayed soldier (23%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(143.0, -625.0, -44.2) decayed prisoner (46%)
skeletal caretaker (8%)
decayed prisoner (46%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(122.0, -678.0, -43.2) decayed soldier (26%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
skeletal caretaker (5%)
decayed soldier (23%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(75.0, -654.0, -41.2) decayed soldier (26%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
skeletal caretaker (5%)
decayed soldier (23%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(40.0, -549.0, -43.2) decayed soldier (26%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
skeletal caretaker (5%)
decayed soldier (23%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(92.0, -539.0, -43.2) decayed soldier (26%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
skeletal caretaker (5%)
decayed soldier (23%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(92.0, -574.0, -43.2) decayed soldier (26%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
skeletal caretaker (5%)
decayed soldier (23%)
decayed prisoner (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-50.0, -398.0, 31.7) a drolvarg sentry (70%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-159.0, -696.0, 33.6) spectral protector (50%)
spectral protector (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-124.0, -695.0, 32.6) spectral protector (50%)
spectral protector (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-125.0, -664.0, 33.6) spectral protector (50%)
spectral protector (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-71.0, -674.0, 12.6) spectral protector (50%)
spectral protector (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-111.0, -767.0, 12.6) Knight of Sathir (15%)
spectral knight (26%)
spectral protector (18%)
spectral knight (23%)
spectral protector (18%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-110.0, -738.0, 12.6) Knight of Sathir (15%)
spectral knight (26%)
spectral protector (18%)
spectral knight (23%)
spectral protector (18%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-67.0, -777.0, 11.6) Knight of Sathir (15%)
spectral knight (26%)
spectral protector (18%)
spectral knight (23%)
spectral protector (18%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-173.0, -503.0, 19.6) Knight of Sathir (15%)
spectral knight (26%)
spectral protector (18%)
spectral knight (23%)
spectral protector (18%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-61.0, -437.0, 21.6) Knight of Sathir (15%)
spectral knight (26%)
spectral protector (18%)
spectral knight (23%)
spectral protector (18%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-82.0, -415.0, 21.6) Knight of Sathir (15%)
spectral knight (26%)
spectral protector (18%)
spectral knight (23%)
spectral protector (18%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-149.0, -314.0, 3.1) Construct of Sathir (5%)
a cursed hand (65%)
a construct (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-161.0, -234.0, 3.7) undead jailer (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-136.0, -234.0, 3.7) undead jailer (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-147.0, -196.0, 3.7) undead jailer (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(97.0, -618.0, -3.2) undead jailer (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(117.0, -563.0, -3.2) undead jailer (4%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
decayed soldier (24%)
decayed prisoner (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(118.0, -589.0, -3.2) decayed soldier (50%)
decayed soldier (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(181.0, -633.0, 31.1) Construct of Sathir (5%)
a cursed hand (65%)
a construct (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(137.0, -633.0, 31.1) Construct of Sathir (5%)
a cursed hand (65%)
a construct (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(126.0, -690.0, 31.1) Hangnail (15%)
a cursed hand (60%)
a construct (25%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(173.0, -689.0, 31.1) Construct of Sathir (5%)
a cursed hand (65%)
a construct (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(205.0, -378.0, 45.7) skeletal watcher (23%)
skeletal watcher (24%)
skeletal captain (5%)
skeletal lookout (24%)
skeletal lookout (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-147.0, -192.0, 45.7) skeletal watcher (23%)
skeletal watcher (24%)
skeletal captain (5%)
skeletal lookout (24%)
skeletal lookout (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(191.0, -213.0, 45.7) skeletal watcher (23%)
skeletal watcher (24%)
skeletal captain (5%)
skeletal lookout (24%)
skeletal lookout (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-6.0, -196.0, 45.7) skeletal watcher (23%)
skeletal watcher (24%)
skeletal captain (5%)
skeletal lookout (24%)
skeletal lookout (24%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(78.0, -519.0, 5.6) spectral curate (20%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal guardian (13%)
skeletal berserker (10%)
a drolvarg sentry (22%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(102.0, -520.0, 5.6) spectral curate (20%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal guardian (13%)
skeletal berserker (10%)
a drolvarg sentry (22%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(116.0, -382.0, 5.6) spectral curate (20%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal guardian (13%)
skeletal berserker (10%)
a drolvarg sentry (22%)
skeletal guardian (15%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-107.0, -400.0, 19.7) spectral curate (19%)
spectral caller (19%)
skeletal guardian (9%)
a drolvarg sentry (44%)
skeletal guardian (9%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-129.0, -372.0, 21.6) spectral caller (100%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-128.0, -431.0, 21.6) spectral curate (19%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal scryer (10%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
a drolvarg sentry (35%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-113.0, -434.0, 19.7) spectral curate (19%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal scryer (10%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
a drolvarg sentry (35%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-60.0, -432.0, 3.7) spectral curate (19%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal scryer (10%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
a drolvarg sentry (35%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-81.0, -442.0, 3.7) spectral caller (33%)
a drolvarg sentry (33%)
skeletal guardian (34%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-78.0, -410.0, 5.6) spectral curate (19%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal scryer (10%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
a drolvarg sentry (35%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-109.0, -420.0, 3.7) spectral curate (19%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal scryer (10%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
a drolvarg sentry (35%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-129.0, -437.0, 5.6) spectral curate (19%)
spectral caller (20%)
skeletal scryer (10%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
a drolvarg sentry (35%)
skeletal guardian (8%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-91.0, -329.0, 3.7) skeletal guardian (20%)
a drolvarg sentry (60%)
skeletal guardian (20%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-20.0, -314.0, 3.7) sentry of Sathir (10%)
a drolvarg sentry (60%)
skeletal guardian (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-18.0, -254.0, 3.7) skeletal guardian (50%)
skeletal guardian (50%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-100.0, -232.0, 3.7) sentry of Sathir (10%)
a drolvarg sentry (60%)
skeletal guardian (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-133.0, -301.0, 3.7) sentry of Sathir (10%)
a drolvarg sentry (60%)
skeletal guardian (30%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(146.0, -109.0, 34.8) a drolvarg captain (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (72%)
a drolvarg guardian (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-83.0, 65.0, 34.8) a drolvarg captain (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (72%)
a drolvarg guardian (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-13.0, 64.0, 34.9) a drolvarg captain (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (72%)
a drolvarg guardian (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(125.0, 64.0, 34.8) a drolvarg captain (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (72%)
a drolvarg guardian (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(57.0, 65.0, 34.9) a drolvarg captain (5%)
a drolvarg sentry (72%)
a drolvarg guardian (23%)
0:25:58 (0) -1 All
(-91.0, -778.0, 11.6) Venril Sathir (100%)
3 days, 0:00:00 (12:00:00) -1 All
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
Fishing - Found 1 fish-able items in Karnor's Castle:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_775.png Wulf Fish 50 100 -1 All
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Foraging - Found 7 forage able items in Karnor's Castle:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_584.png Pod of Water 0 14% -1 All
item_583.png Roots 0 14% -1 All
item_926.png Fishing Grubs 0 14% -1 All
item_1011.png Vegetables 0 14% -1 All
item_1037.png Berries 0 14% -1 All
item_1037.png Fruit 0 14% -1 All
item_925.png Rabbit Meat 0 14% -1 All
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Ground Spawns - Found 2 ground spawns in Karnor's Castle:
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_890.png Rile's Shattered Blade (44.0, -662.0, 45.0) For the Crusaders of Greenmist Quest -1 All
item_875.png Ring of the Construct (-149.0, -302.0, 2.0) Shackle of Tynonnium Quest -1 All
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
Merchants - Found 0 merchants in Karnor's Castle (these are included in the NPCs list):
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion