Mob Information |
About |
Race: Black and White Dragon |
Body Type: Dragon2 |
Class: Necromancer |
Level: 70 |
Zone: Dragon Necropolis |
Expansion: (Expansion tagging in progress) |
Stats |
AC: 400 |
HP: 110,000 |
Mana: 2,940 |
MR: 235 |
CR: 155 |
FR: 140 |
DR: 425 |
PR: 425 |
Combat |
Damage Per Hit: 106 - 315 |
ATK Delay: 13 |
Special Abilities: Summon, Rampage, Quad Attack, Magical Attack, Unmezable, Uncharmable, Unstunable, Unsnareable, Unfearable, Immune to Non-Magical Damage, Resist Ranged Spells, Unpacifiable, Flee Percentage |
Spells |
Attack Proc: |
Proc Chance:
Casts: |
Information needed.
Coordinates (y,x,z) | Respawntime (variance) |
Expansion |
(-268.0, -290.0, -235.5) | 4 days, 0:00:00 (2 days, 0:00:00) |
Item | Chance | Min. Expansion |
Spell: Spiritual Purity | 1.0% | Luclin |
Spell: Cannibalize IV | 1.0% | Default |
Spell: Monster Summoning III | 1.0% | Default |
Spell: Gift of Brilliance | 1.0% | Default |
Spell: Arch Lich | 1.0% | Default |
Spell: Ice Spear of Solist | 1.0% | Default |
Spell: Focus of Spirit | 1.0% | Default |
Spell: Protection of the Glades | 1.0% | Default |
Spell: Aegolism | 1.0% | Default |
Song: Composition of Ervaj | 1.0% | Default |
Spell: Divine Strength | 1.0% | Default |
Spell: Death Peace | 1.0% | Default |
Spell: Call of the Predator | 1.0% | Default |
Item | Chance | Min. Expansion |
Jaundice Gem | 1.0% | Default |
Nephrite | 1.0% | Default |
Coral Crescent | 1.0% | Default |
Flawed Topaz | 1.0% | Default |
Chipped Black Marble | 1.0% | Default |
Flawed Chrysolite | 1.0% | Default |
Flawed Emerald | 1.0% | Default |
Flawed Opal | 1.0% | Default |
Flawed Flame Opal | 1.0% | Default |
Flawed Flame Emerald | 1.0% | Default |
Flawed Sea Sapphire | 1.0% | Default |
Flawed Lava Ruby | 1.0% | Default |
Chipped Onyx Sapphire | 1.0% | Default |
Imperfect Diamond | 1.0% | Default |
Item | Chance | Min. Expansion |
First Brood Talisman | 20.0% | Default |
Massive Dragonclaw Shard | 20.0% | Default |
Cowl of Mortality | 20.0% | Default |
Gauntlets of Mortality | 20.0% | Default |
Cracked Claw of Zlandicar | 20.0% | Default |
Item | Chance | Min. Expansion |
Frakadar's Talisman | 100.0% | Default |
Item | Chance | Min. Expansion |
Zlandicar's Talisman | 100.0% | Default |
Item | Chance | Min. Expansion |
Zlandicar's Heart | 100.0% | Default |
No quest information available.