January 8, 2002 3:00 am
* Items *
- All beastlord-usable items are now useable by their requisite races
- Regular, medium quality, high quality, mithril, brellium and adamantite rings, as well as their enchanted versions are now stackable. (this time we mean it)
- Made Rune Encrusted Short Sword rentable (was No Rent, should not have been)
- Fixed Shadowscream and all related recipes so that they return the correct mallet
- Reduced the price of the Fuligan Soulstone of Innoruuk and Cloudy Stone of Veeshan
- Reduced the price of the first two keys for the Plane of Air
- Coterie Mask of the Dead has been retroactively changed to have 5 charges as originally intended
- Gauntlets of the Blood Fiend - Warrior has been removed from the wearable classes
- Shiny Trinket of Speed - An appropriate level of haste has been added to this item
* Interface *
Added /tgb as a short version of /targetgroupbuff
/shownames now works with the following parameters: no parameter = display the current setting. off = don't show player names over their heads 1 = show only first names of players 2 = show First and Last Name 3 = show First, Last, and Guild (if any) 4 = show Title (if any), First, Last, and Guild (if any)
Also, the LFG, AFK and LD tags will always show if names are not off. There will no longer be brackets around them, and LFG will now appear at the end of the name with the AFK and LD tags (instead of being a * at the beginning)
- A player character will always have a name over its head, even if they are skeletons (unless /shownames is off), with the exception of some rare cases when players are turned into certain NPCs
- Added /ttell. This will send a tell to the player character that is currently your target. The command will also allow corpses as a valid target. /ttell'ing a player's corpse will auto-tell that player (this was actually patched earlier along with an emergency patch)
- Added IRC style '/me' as a synonym for /emote (this was actually patched earlier along with an emergency patch)
- Added '/send' as a synonym for /tell (this was actually patched earlier along with an emergency patch)
* Spells *
- Necromancer Group spells should now be working, they were only affecting the caster. This includes spells such as: Degeneration, Succession of Shadows, Crippling Claudication, and Zavfeer's Theft of Vitae. These spells have also had their duration increased. Mind Wrack will be fixed soon.
- Shadowknight "Torrent" spells have also been fixed and have had their duration increased as well
- Flowing Thought effects will now stack
- Meditating on a horse occurs only while not in combat
- Mark of Retribution should work as intended
- The Decession spell now requires you to be in the same group
- Levitation can no longer be used in The Deep
- Fixed a problem that was still allowing people to Cast Eye of Zomm in Ssra Temple
- Fixed a problem that was still allowing people to cast Call of the Hero in Ssra Temple
- NPCs that cannot be stunned will once again take damage from damaging stun spells (this was actually patched earlier along with an emergency patch)
- Critical heals and nukes now display damage numbers (this was actually patched earlier along with an emergency patch)
* Zones *
- Characters will no longer take falling damage when in the Bazaar
- Characters can now bind in the Nexus
* Alternate Advancement *
- Made it so the percentages of Spell Casting Fury Mastery scale a bit more
- Fixed Soul Abrasion to work with a few spells that it didn't work with before
- Dire Charm should no longer break (this was actually patched earlier along with an emergency patch)
- Mental Clarity and Body/Mind Rejuvenation now give mana regeneration both when standing and medding, as intended
* Miscellaneous *
- Added a few new socials: /nudge, /pat, /flex, /fidget, /purr and /smack
- Changed the automatic targeting code so that it won't automatically target someone that cast a beneficial spell on you
- Adjusted the timing of the Luclin Spire activations to more closely match the announcements by the Scions. This has the net effect of reducing the time between portal activations