Pets By Class

Level Icon Spell Name Details Race Pet Level Pet Class HP Mana AC Min Damage Max Damage
4 Pet Spell Icon Elementalkin: Water View Elemental 6 Warrior 72 0 12 1 12
4 Pet Spell Icon Elementalkin: Air View Elemental 6 Warrior 58 0 12 1 12
4 Pet Spell Icon Elementalkin: Earth View Elemental 6 Warrior 88 0 12 1 12
4 Pet Spell Icon Elementalkin: Fire View Elemental 6 Warrior 47 0 12 1 12
8 Pet Spell Icon Elementaling: Air View Elemental 9 Warrior 160 0 20 1 16
8 Pet Spell Icon Eye of Zomm View Eye of Zomm 1 Warrior 1 0 5 0 0
8 Pet Spell Icon Elementaling: Earth View Elemental 9 Warrior 240 0 18 1 16
8 Pet Spell Icon Elementaling: Fire View Elemental 9 Warrior 128 0 18 1 16
8 Pet Spell Icon Elementaling: Water View Elemental 9 Warrior 194 0 18 1 16
12 Pet Spell Icon Elemental: Fire View Elemental 12 Warrior 182 0 24 1 18
12 Pet Spell Icon Elemental: Water View Elemental 12 Warrior 275 0 24 1 18
12 Pet Spell Icon Elemental: Air View Elemental 12 Warrior 225 0 24 1 18
12 Pet Spell Icon Elemental: Earth View Elemental 12 Warrior 340 0 25 1 18
16 Pet Spell Icon Minor Summoning: Air View Elemental 17 Warrior 345 0 57 1 20
16 Pet Spell Icon Minor Summoning: Earth View Elemental 17 Warrior 515 0 58 1 20
16 Pet Spell Icon Minor Summoning: Fire View Elemental 17 Warrior 275 0 58 1 20
16 Pet Spell Icon Minor Summoning: Water View Elemental 17 Warrior 415 0 58 1 20
20 Pet Spell Icon Lesser Summoning: Air View Elemental 20 Warrior 445 0 73 1 22
20 Pet Spell Icon Lesser Summoning: Earth View Elemental 20 Warrior 670 0 75 1 22
20 Pet Spell Icon Lesser Summoning: Fire View Elemental 20 Warrior 350 0 75 1 22
20 Pet Spell Icon Lesser Summoning: Water View Elemental 20 Warrior 540 0 75 1 22
24 Pet Spell Icon Summoning: Fire View Elemental 23 Warrior 430 0 85 1 24
24 Pet Spell Icon Summoning: Water View Elemental 23 Warrior 660 0 85 1 26
24 Pet Spell Icon Summoning: Air View Elemental 21 Warrior 480 0 88 2 23
24 Pet Spell Icon Summoning: Earth View Elemental 23 Warrior 810 0 85 1 24
29 Pet Spell Icon Greater Summoning: Air View Elemental 25 Warrior 650 0 100 3 25
29 Pet Spell Icon Greater Summoning: Earth View Elemental 26 Warrior 975 0 105 1 28
29 Pet Spell Icon Greater Summoning: Fire View Elemental 26 Warrior 500 0 100 1 28
29 Pet Spell Icon Greater Summoning: Water View Elemental 26 Warrior 780 0 100 1 28
34 Pet Spell Icon Minor Conjuration: Air View Elemental 29 Warrior 765 0 120 8 31
34 Pet Spell Icon Minor Conjuration: Earth View Elemental 29 Warrior 1150 0 120 4 34
34 Pet Spell Icon Minor Conjuration: Fire View Elemental 29 Warrior 600 0 120 4 34
34 Pet Spell Icon Monster Summoning I View Doug 29 Warrior 1200 0 115 8 34
34 Pet Spell Icon Minor Conjuration: Water View Elemental 29 Warrior 930 0 120 4 34
39 Pet Spell Icon Lesser Conjuration: Fire View Elemental 33 Warrior 760 0 140 8 40
39 Pet Spell Icon Lesser Conjuration: Water View Elemental 33 Warrior 1175 0 140 8 40
39 Pet Spell Icon Lesser Conjuration: Air View Elemental 33 Warrior 960 0 140 8 40
39 Pet Spell Icon Lesser Conjuration: Earth View Elemental 33 Warrior 1450 0 140 8 40
44 Pet Spell Icon Conjuration: Air View Elemental 37 Warrior 1105 0 155 11 45
44 Pet Spell Icon Conjuration: Earth View Elemental 37 Warrior 1685 0 160 12 46
44 Pet Spell Icon Conjuration: Fire View Elemental 37 Warrior 885 0 155 12 48
44 Pet Spell Icon Conjuration: Water View Elemental 37 Warrior 1370 0 155 12 48
49 Pet Spell Icon Greater Conjuration: Air View Elemental 41 Warrior 2100 0 185 16 56
49 Pet Spell Icon Greater Conjuration: Earth View Elemental 41 Warrior 3075 0 185 16 56
49 Pet Spell Icon Greater Conjuration: Fire View Elemental 41 Warrior 1640 0 185 16 56
49 Pet Spell Icon Greater Conjuration: Water View Elemental 41 Warrior 2550 0 185 16 56
50 Pet Spell Icon Monster Summoning II View Doug 41 Warrior 3200 0 153 17 56
51 Pet Spell Icon Vocarate: Earth View Elemental 45 Warrior 3200 0 210 16 58
52 Pet Spell Icon Vocarate: Fire View Elemental 45 Wizard 1725 1700 210 8 29
53 Pet Spell Icon Vocarate: Air View Elemental 45 Warrior 2600 0 210 16 56
54 Pet Spell Icon Vocarate: Water View Elemental 45 Rogue 2380 0 210 16 56
55 Pet Spell Icon Rage of Zomm View Elemental 46 Warrior 100 0 173 23 85
56 Pet Spell Icon Dyzil's Deafening Decoy View Elemental 40 Warrior 3150 0 180 11 46
57 Pet Spell Icon Greater Vocaration: Earth View Elemental 48 Warrior 3275 0 215 17 70
57 Pet Spell Icon Eye of Tallon View Eye of Zomm 1 Warrior 1 0 5 0 0
58 Pet Spell Icon Greater Vocaration: Fire View Elemental 48 Wizard 2000 2016 210 11 48
59 Pet Spell Icon Greater Vocaration: Air View Elemental 48 Warrior 2675 0 210 17 68
60 Pet Spell Icon Monster Summoning III View Doug 48 Warrior 3300 0 190 18 60
60 Pet Spell Icon Greater Vocaration: Water View Elemental 48 Rogue 2500 0 210 17 68
61 Pet Spell Icon Ward of Xegony View Elemental 60 Warrior 4000 0 382 22 83
62 Pet Spell Icon Servant of Marr View Elemental 60 Rogue 3600 0 350 22 81
63 Pet Spell Icon Child of Ro View Elemental 60 Wizard 2280 2520 300 13 58
65 Pet Spell Icon Rathe's Son View Elemental 60 Warrior 4800 0 430 22 79