Cease |
9 |
Spell: Cease
5 0 0 0
Courage |
9 |
Spell: Courage
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Erudin:
Syra Printell
Kathar Varselli
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Trik N`Tan
- North Freeport:
Direlee Furme
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Gralpa Axeheft
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Kragie Rolana
- Northern Felwithe:
Wellin Brookleap
Seleni Treekeeper
- Paineel:
Zarnlel Apridor
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Thiran
Cavalier Aodus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Likka Sowtsui
- Rivervale:
Gilth Harvester
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Tirisa
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Bogen Chazel
Fesse Bontex
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Derrin
Cure Poison |
9 |
Spell: Cure Poison
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Kabda
- Erudin:
Lissa Respelti
Kathar Varselli
- Greater Faydark:
Uleen Laughingwater
Aleena Lightleaf
- Grobb:
- Halas:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Sol Punox
- North Freeport:
Geep Tresoj
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Krako Stonesplitter
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Henlom Visrek
- Northern Felwithe:
Assa Leafwind
Seleni Treekeeper
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Zarnlel Apridor
- Plane of Knowledge:
Wanderer Qenda
Cavalier Aodus
Pathfinder Vaered
Mystic Goharkor
- Rivervale:
Bumpy Quickfinger
Altha Shadowjumper
- Shadow Haven:
Feirus Hollowbranch
Frewin Strongpaw
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Fesse Bontex
- Surefall Glade:
Bukem Breewood
Qomber Roblen
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Scribe Mojir
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Derrin
Flash of Light |
9 |
Spell: Flash of Light
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Kirtokk
- Erudin:
Syra Printell
Kathar Varselli
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Trik N`Tan
- North Freeport:
Direlee Furme
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Gralpa Axeheft
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Kragie Rolana
- Northern Felwithe:
Wellin Brookleap
Seleni Treekeeper
- Oasis of Marr:
- Paineel:
Zarnlel Apridor
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Thiran
Cavalier Aodus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Likka Sowtsui
- Rivervale:
Gilth Harvester
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Tirisa
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Bogen Chazel
Fesse Bontex
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Derrin
Minor Healing |
9 |
Spell: Minor Healing
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Kabda
- Erudin:
Lissa Respelti
Kathar Varselli
- Greater Faydark:
Uleen Laughingwater
Aleena Lightleaf
- Grobb:
- Halas:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Sol Punox
- North Freeport:
Geep Tresoj
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Krako Stonesplitter
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Henlom Visrek
- Northern Felwithe:
Assa Leafwind
Seleni Treekeeper
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Zarnlel Apridor
- Plane of Knowledge:
Wanderer Qenda
Cavalier Aodus
Pathfinder Vaered
Mystic Goharkor
- Rivervale:
Ilscent Tagglefoot
Bumpy Quickfinger
Altha Shadowjumper
- Shadow Haven:
Feirus Hollowbranch
Frewin Strongpaw
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Fesse Bontex
- Surefall Glade:
Bukem Breewood
Qomber Roblen
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Scribe Mojir
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Derrin
Spook the Dead |
9 |
Spell: Spook the Dead
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
a clockwork merchant
- Cabilis East:
Squire Gristle
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Plight
- East Freeport:
Peku Croxe
Tagus Wunne
- Erudin:
Syra Printell
Kathar Varselli
- Grobb:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Misal S`Kor
Trik N`Tan
Jys D`Bious
- North Freeport:
Direlee Furme
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Gralpa Axeheft
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Kragie Rolana
- Northern Felwithe:
Wellin Brookleap
Seleni Treekeeper
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Sheras Milaku
Kilevra Natasu
Zarnlel Apridor
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Thiran
Heretic Edalith
Cavalier Aodus
Reaver Thirlan
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Gehnon Dejartes
Likka Sowtsui
Gyrna Porrin
- Rivervale:
Gilth Harvester
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Tirisa
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Bogen Chazel
Fesse Bontex
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Derrin
True North |
9 |
Spell: True North
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
a clockwork merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Kabda
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Suffering
- Erudin:
Syra Printell
Kathar Varselli
- Erudin Palace:
Telor Beteria
- Grobb:
- Halas:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Trik N`Tan
- Neriak - Commons:
Tkaz H`Rugla
- North Freeport:
Direlee Furme
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Gralpa Axeheft
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Kragie Rolana
- Northern Felwithe:
Wellin Brookleap
Seleni Treekeeper
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Nedorl Ipabrun
Zarnlel Apridor
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Thiran
Cavalier Aodus
Mystic Goharkor
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Likka Sowtsui
- Rivervale:
Gilth Harvester
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Tirisa
Frewin Strongpaw
Mark Blotter
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Bogen Chazel
Neapha Vesturo
Pai Berenis
Fesse Bontex
- Southern Felwithe:
Srell Tumblebrook
- The Bazaar:
Halois Gueinds
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Scribe Mojir
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Derrin
- West Freeport:
Xinari Anara
Yaulp |
9 |
Spell: Yaulp
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Erudin:
Syra Printell
Kathar Varselli
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Trik N`Tan
- North Freeport:
Direlee Furme
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Gralpa Axeheft
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Kragie Rolana
- Northern Felwithe:
Wellin Brookleap
Seleni Treekeeper
- Paineel:
Zarnlel Apridor
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Thiran
Cavalier Aodus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Likka Sowtsui
- Rivervale:
Gilth Harvester
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Tirisa
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Bogen Chazel
Fesse Bontex
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Derrin
Cure Disease |
15 |
Spell: Cure Disease
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Kabda
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Pestilence
- East Freeport:
Hundle Quatvel
- Erudin:
Lissa Respelti
Kathar Varselli
- Greater Faydark:
Uleen Laughingwater
- Grobb:
- Halas:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Sol Punox
Olak N`Mar
- North Freeport:
Geep Tresoj
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Krako Stonesplitter
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Henlom Visrek
- Northern Felwithe:
Assa Leafwind
Seleni Treekeeper
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Devinious Natasu
Oren Calferdo
- Plane of Knowledge:
Wanderer Qenda
Heretic Ceikon
Cavalier Aodus
Mystic Goharkor
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Vidurlyn Aeminee
- Rivervale:
Bumpy Quickfinger
Altha Shadowjumper
- Shadow Haven:
Feirus Hollowbranch
Frewin Strongpaw
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Fesse Bontex
- Surefall Glade:
Qomber Roblen
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Scribe Mojir
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Zorik
Desist |
15 |
Spell: Desist
10 0 0 0
Hammer of Wrath |
15 |
Spell: Hammer of Wrath
4 0 5 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Erudin:
Mertitt Phentilly
Kathar Varselli
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Issia H`Rugla
- North Freeport:
Amata D`Lavi
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Zeffan Holdsman
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Mellisa Purgor
- Northern Felwithe:
Celest Palestream
Allia Moondancer
Seleni Treekeeper
- Paineel:
Lillean Han Oni
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Delin
Cavalier Aodus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Leon Ereek
- Rivervale:
Frappy Slimfinger
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Arnthus
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Fesse Bontex
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Brita
Holy Armor |
15 |
Spell: Holy Armor
0 5 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Erudin:
Syra Printell
Kathar Varselli
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Trik N`Tan
- North Freeport:
Direlee Furme
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Gralpa Axeheft
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Kragie Rolana
- Northern Felwithe:
Wellin Brookleap
Seleni Treekeeper
- Paineel:
Oren Calferdo
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Thiran
Cavalier Aodus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Likka Sowtsui
- Rivervale:
Gilth Harvester
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Tirisa
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Bogen Chazel
Fesse Bontex
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Zorik
Light Healing |
15 |
Spell: Light Healing
0 5 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Grott
- Erudin:
Lissa Respelti
Kathar Varselli
- Greater Faydark:
Zelli Starsfire
Verth Mistwielder
- Grobb:
- Halas:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Sol Punox
- North Freeport:
Geep Tresoj
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Krako Stonesplitter
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Henlom Visrek
- Northern Felwithe:
Assa Leafwind
Seleni Treekeeper
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Oren Calferdo
- Plane of Knowledge:
Wanderer Frardok
Cavalier Aodus
Pathfinder Thoajin
Mystic Ryrin
- Rivervale:
Staria Longhair
Altha Shadowjumper
- Shadow Haven:
Teriesl Windwalker
Jales Gaelshorad
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Fesse Bontex
- Surefall Glade:
Durvinna Barkkis
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Scribe Lar
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Zorik
Lull |
15 |
Spell: Lull
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Erudin:
Syra Printell
Kathar Varselli
- Erudin Palace:
Vellenon Harrance
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Trik N`Tan
- Neriak - Commons:
Lizza D`Unnar
- North Freeport:
Direlee Furme
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Gralpa Axeheft
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Kragie Rolana
- Northern Felwithe:
Wellin Brookleap
Seleni Treekeeper
- Paineel:
Zarnlel Apridor
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Thiran
Cavalier Aodus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Likka Sowtsui
- Rivervale:
Gilth Harvester
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Tirisa
- South Qeynos:
Caleah Herblender
Lisdon Trekka
Bogen Chazel
Khensol Undesta
Chalios Bensted
Fesse Bontex
- Southern Felwithe:
Xista Finder
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Derrin
- West Freeport:
Remon Zarga
Sense the Dead |
15 |
Spell: Sense the Dead
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
a clockwork merchant
- Cabilis East:
Squire Rygle
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Bile
- East Freeport:
Mika Fugas
Sermio Capret
- Erudin:
Mertitt Phentilly
Kathar Varselli
- Grobb:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Issia H`Rugla
Vissa D`Dbth
Camor V`Retta
- North Freeport:
Amata D`Lavi
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Zeffan Holdsman
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Mellisa Purgor
- Northern Felwithe:
Celest Palestream
Allia Moondancer
Seleni Treekeeper
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Dovan Sires
Danus Kelmun
Lillean Han Oni
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Delin
Heretic Elirev
Cavalier Aodus
Reaver Uledrith
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Jexun Elsorg
Pakeg Aspet
Leon Ereek
- Rivervale:
Frappy Slimfinger
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Arnthus
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Fesse Bontex
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Brita
Ward Undead |
15 |
Spell: Ward Undead
0 5 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
a clockwork merchant
- Cabilis East:
Squire Gristle
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Plight
- East Freeport:
Peku Croxe
Tagus Wunne
- Erudin:
Syra Printell
Kathar Varselli
- Grobb:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Misal S`Kor
Trik N`Tan
Jys D`Bious
- North Freeport:
Direlee Furme
Orex Nolus
- North Kaladim:
Gralpa Axeheft
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
Storn Trueblade
- North Qeynos:
Kragie Rolana
- Northern Felwithe:
Wellin Brookleap
Seleni Treekeeper
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Sheras Milaku
Kilevra Natasu
Oren Calferdo
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Thiran
Heretic Edalith
Cavalier Aodus
Reaver Thirlan
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Gehnon Dejartes
Likka Sowtsui
Gyrna Porrin
- Rivervale:
Gilth Harvester
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Tirisa
- South Qeynos:
Lisdon Trekka
Bogen Chazel
Fesse Bontex
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Zorik
Center |
22 |
Spell: Center
4 0 5 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Erudin:
Mertitt Phentilly
Issibla Belstince
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Issia H`Rugla
- North Freeport:
Donala Baris
Amata D`Lavi
- North Kaladim:
Zeffan Holdsman
Axa Stormshield
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
- North Qeynos:
Mellisa Purgor
- Northern Felwithe:
Celest Palestream
Allia Moondancer
Seria Woodwind
- Paineel:
Lillean Han Oni
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Delin
Cavalier Preradus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Leon Ereek
- Rivervale:
Frappy Slimfinger
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Arnthus
- South Qeynos:
Oriyame Nelafre
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Brita
Endure Poison |
22 |
Spell: Endure Poison
4 0 5 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Kirtokk
Grazik Plaguebringer
- Erudin:
Mertitt Phentilly
Issibla Belstince
- Everfrost Peaks:
Starn Bearjumper
- Innothule Swamp:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Issia H`Rugla
- North Freeport:
Donala Baris
Amata D`Lavi
- North Kaladim:
Zeffan Holdsman
Axa Stormshield
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
- North Qeynos:
Mellisa Purgor
- Northern Felwithe:
Celest Palestream
Allia Moondancer
Seria Woodwind
- Northern Plains of Karana:
Tak Whistler
- Paineel:
Lillean Han Oni
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Delin
Wanderer Kedrisan
Cavalier Preradus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Leon Ereek
- Rivervale:
Frappy Slimfinger
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Arnthus
Ealerel Tidebringer
- South Qeynos:
Oriyame Nelafre
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Dar Khura Ahmih
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Brita
Halo of Light |
22 |
Spell: Halo of Light
5 4 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Erudin:
Mertitt Phentilly
Issibla Belstince
Weltria Ostriss
- Greater Faydark:
Zelli Starsfire
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Issia H`Rugla
Jusar V`Lask
- North Freeport:
Donala Baris
Amata D`Lavi
- North Kaladim:
Zeffan Holdsman
Axa Stormshield
- North Qeynos:
Mellisa Purgor
- Northern Felwithe:
Celest Palestream
Seria Woodwind
- Paineel:
Erelin Verisue
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Delin
Wanderer Frardok
Cavalier Preradus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Leon Ereek
- Rivervale:
Staria Longhair
Frappy Slimfinger
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Arnthus
Teriesl Windwalker
- South Qeynos:
Oriyame Nelafre
- Southern Felwithe:
Serri Moonwatcher
- Surefall Glade:
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Taben
Invigor |
22 |
Spell: Invigor
4 0 5 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Grymm
- Erudin:
Lissa Respelti
Issibla Belstince
- Greater Faydark:
Zelli Starsfire
Verth Mistwielder
- Grobb:
- Halas:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Sol Punox
- North Freeport:
Donala Baris
Geep Tresoj
- North Kaladim:
Krako Stonesplitter
Axa Stormshield
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
- North Qeynos:
Henlom Visrek
- Northern Felwithe:
Assa Leafwind
Allia Moondancer
Seria Woodwind
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Lillean Han Oni
- Plane of Knowledge:
Wanderer Frardok
Cavalier Preradus
Pathfinder Thoajin
Mystic Pikor
- Rivervale:
Staria Longhair
Altha Shadowjumper
- Shadow Haven:
Teriesl Windwalker
Horsal Bittrosas
- South Qeynos:
Oriyame Nelafre
- Surefall Glade:
Durvinna Barkkis
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Scribe Natji
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Brita
Invisibility versus Undead |
22 |
Spell: Invisibility vs Undead
0 1 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
a clockwork merchant
- Cabilis East:
Squire Rygle
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Bile
- East Freeport:
Mika Fugas
Sermio Capret
- Erudin:
Mertitt Phentilly
Issibla Belstince
- Erudin Palace:
Estra Nancer
- Grobb:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Issia H`Rugla
Vissa D`Dbth
Camor V`Retta
- Neriak - Commons:
Litz B`Div
- North Freeport:
Donala Baris
Amata D`Lavi
- North Kaladim:
Zeffan Holdsman
Axa Stormshield
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
- North Qeynos:
Mellisa Purgor
- Northern Felwithe:
Celest Palestream
Seria Woodwind
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Dovan Sires
Danus Kelmun
Erelin Verisue
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Delin
Heretic Elirev
Cavalier Preradus
Reaver Uledrith
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Jexun Elsorg
Pakeg Aspet
Leon Ereek
- Rivervale:
Frappy Slimfinger
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Arnthus
- South Qeynos:
Corrao Duperame
Oriyame Nelafre
- Southern Felwithe:
Seren the Swift
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Taben
- West Freeport:
Lasiris Oncre
Reanimation |
22 |
Spell: Reanimation
5 0 0 0
Reckless Strength |
22 |
Spell: Reckless Strength
0 5 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Erudin:
Syra Printell
Issibla Belstince
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Trik N`Tan
- North Freeport:
Donala Baris
Direlee Furme
- North Kaladim:
Gralpa Axeheft
Axa Stormshield
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
- North Qeynos:
Kragie Rolana
- Northern Felwithe:
Wellin Brookleap
Seria Woodwind
- Paineel:
Oren Calferdo
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Thiran
Cavalier Preradus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Likka Sowtsui
- Rivervale:
Gilth Harvester
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Tirisa
- South Qeynos:
Bogen Chazel
Oriyame Nelafre
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Zorik
Root |
22 |
Spell: Root
0 4 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
a clockwork merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Grott
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Suffering
- Erudin:
Mertitt Phentilly
Issibla Belstince
- Erudin Palace:
Telor Beteria
- Grobb:
- Halas:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Issia H`Rugla
- Neriak - Commons:
Tkaz H`Rugla
- North Freeport:
Donala Baris
Amata D`Lavi
- North Kaladim:
Zeffan Holdsman
Axa Stormshield
Tempia Lauley
Busey Nehart
- North Qeynos:
Mellisa Purgor
- Northern Felwithe:
Celest Palestream
Seria Woodwind
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Nedorl Ipabrun
Lillean Han Oni
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Delin
Cavalier Preradus
Mystic Ryrin
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Leon Ereek
- Rivervale:
Frappy Slimfinger
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Arnthus
Jales Gaelshorad
Mark Blotter
- South Qeynos:
Pai Berenis
Oriyame Nelafre
- Southern Felwithe:
Srell Tumblebrook
- The Bazaar:
Halois Gueinds
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Scribe Lar
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Brita
- West Freeport:
Xinari Anara
Endure Magic |
30 |
Spell: Endure Magic
8 5 5 0
Expulse Undead |
30 |
Spell: Expulse Undead
6 3 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Pestilence
- East Freeport:
Hundle Quatvel
- Erudin:
Mertitt Phentilly
Issibla Belstince
- Grobb:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Issia H`Rugla
Olak N`Mar
- North Freeport:
Donala Baris
Amata D`Lavi
- North Kaladim:
Zeffan Holdsman
Axa Stormshield
- North Qeynos:
Mellisa Purgor
- Northern Felwithe:
Celest Palestream
Seria Woodwind
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Brettas Norval
Devinious Natasu
Erelin Verisue
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Delin
Heretic Ceikon
Cavalier Preradus
Reaver Muron
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Leon Ereek
Vidurlyn Aeminee
- Rivervale:
Frappy Slimfinger
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Arnthus
- South Qeynos:
Oriyame Nelafre
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Taben
Hammer of Striking |
30 |
Spell: Hammer of Striking
10 8 0 0
Healing |
30 |
Spell: Healing
6 3 0 0
Instrument of Nife |
30 |
Spell: Instrument of Nife
15 0 0 0
Reconstitution |
30 |
Spell: Reconstitute
5 0 0 0
Soothe |
30 |
Spell: Soothe
3 6 0 0
Spirit Armor |
30 |
Spell: Spirit Armor
7 2 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Pestilence
- East Freeport:
Hundle Quatvel
- Erudin:
Stolace Printell
Issibla Belstince
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Svlia C`Luzz
Olak N`Mar
- North Freeport:
Donala Baris
Locarme Zennix
- North Kaladim:
Axa Stormshield
Duppa Pickstone
- North Qeynos:
Berane Constarg
- Northern Felwithe:
Seria Woodwind
- Paineel:
Devinious Natasu
Erelin Verisue
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Diarin
Heretic Ceikon
Cavalier Preradus
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Tessia Sowtsui
Vidurlyn Aeminee
- Rivervale:
Blippo Stumbletoe
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Paloney
- South Qeynos:
Oriyame Nelafre
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Taben
Stun |
30 |
Spell: Stun
0 5 0 0
Symbol of Transal |
30 |
Spell: Symbol of Transal
6 3 0 0
Reparation |
35 |
Spell: Reparation
5 0 0 0
Cancel Magic |
39 |
Spell: Cancel Magic
3 6 0 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
a clockwork merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Grymm
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Suffering
- Erudin:
Mertitt Phentilly
Tollari Mistell
- Erudin Palace:
Telor Beteria
- Greater Faydark:
Verth Mistwielder
- Grobb:
- Halas:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Issia H`Rugla
- Neriak - Commons:
Tkaz H`Rugla
- North Freeport:
Amata D`Lavi
- North Kaladim:
Zeffan Holdsman
- North Qeynos:
Mellisa Purgor
- Northern Felwithe:
Celest Palestream
- Northern Plains of Karana:
Tak Whistler
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Brettas Norval
Nedorl Ipabrun
Erelin Verisue
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Delin
Wanderer Kedrisan
Cavalier Cerakor
Pathfinder Thoajin
Reaver Muron
Mystic Pikor
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Leon Ereek
- Rivervale:
Frappy Slimfinger
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Arnthus
Ealerel Tidebringer
Horsal Bittrosas
Mark Blotter
- South Qeynos:
Pai Berenis
- Southern Felwithe:
Srell Tumblebrook
- Surefall Glade:
Durvinna Barkkis
- The Bazaar:
Halois Gueinds
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Scribe Natji
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Taben
- West Freeport:
Xinari Anara
Counteract Poison |
39 |
Spell: Counteract Poison
10 8 0 0
Daring |
39 |
Spell: Daring
8 5 5 0
Divine Purpose |
39 |
Spell: Divine Purpose
7 5 0 0
Divine Vigor |
39 |
Spell: Divine Vigor
2 0 0 0
Endure Disease |
39 |
Spell: Endure Disease
4 0 5 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Cabilis East:
Vessel Kirtokk
Squire Gristle
Grazik Plaguebringer
- East Freeport:
Tagus Wunne
- Erudin:
Mertitt Phentilly
Tollari Mistell
- Everfrost Peaks:
Starn Bearjumper
- Grobb:
- Innothule Swamp:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Issia H`Rugla
Jys D`Bious
- North Freeport:
Amata D`Lavi
- North Kaladim:
Zeffan Holdsman
- North Qeynos:
Mellisa Purgor
- Northern Felwithe:
Celest Palestream
- Northern Plains of Karana:
Tak Whistler
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Sheras Milaku
Kilevra Natasu
Erelin Verisue
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Delin
Wanderer Kedrisan
Cavalier Cerakor
Reaver Thirlan
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Gehnon Dejartes
Leon Ereek
- Rivervale:
Frappy Slimfinger
- Shadow Haven:
Adept Arnthus
Ealerel Tidebringer
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Dar Khura Ahmih
- The City of Thurgadin:
Lorekeeper Taben
Greater Healing |
39 |
Spell: Greater Healing
10 8 0 0
Guard |
39 |
Spell: Guard
13 0 5 0
Revive |
39 |
Spell: Revive
13 0 5 0
Symbol of Ryltan |
39 |
Spell: Symbol of Ryltan
10 8 0 0
Wave of Life |
39 |
Spell: Wave of Life
19 8 0 0
Yaulp II |
39 |
Spell: Yaulp II
8 5 5 0
Armor of Faith |
49 |
Spell: Armor of Faith
17 5 5 0
Brell's Steadfast Aegis |
49 |
Spell: Brell's Steadfast Aegis
22 0 5 0
Calm |
49 |
Spell: Calm
8 5 5 0
Dismiss Undead |
49 |
Spell: Dismiss Undead
10 8 0 0
Divine Might |
49 |
Spell: Divine Might
10 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Holy Might |
49 |
Spell: Holy Might
8 5 5 0
Remove Curse |
49 |
Spell: Remove Curse
8 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Renewal |
49 |
Spell: Renewal
5 0 0 0
Symbol of Pinzarn |
49 |
Spell: Symbol of Pinzarn
15 3 0 0
Thunder of Karana |
49 |
Spell: Thunder of Karana
3 5 0 0
Valor |
49 |
Spell: Valor
15 3 0 0
Valor of Marr |
49 |
Spell: Valor of Marr
2 5 0 0
Flame of Light |
50 |
Spell: Flame of Light
16 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Divine Aura |
51 |
Spell: Divine Aura
0 1 0 0
Pacify |
51 |
Spell: Pacify
17 5 5 0
Resist Disease |
51 |
Spell: Resist Disease
15 3 0 0
Force |
52 |
Spell: Force
15 3 0 0
Frenzied Strength |
52 |
Spell: Frenzied Strength
15 3 0 0
Divine Glory |
53 |
Spell: Divine Glory
16 0 0 0
Force of Akera |
53 |
Spell: Force of Akera
78 6 9 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Expel Undead |
54 |
Spell: Expel Undead
15 3 0 0
Instill |
54 |
Spell: Instill
9 0 0 0
Quellious' Word of Tranquility |
54 |
Spell: Words of Tranquility
3 5 0 0
Divine Favor |
55 |
Spell: Divine Favor
7 5 0 0
Resist Magic |
55 |
Spell: Resist Magic
17 5 5 0
Restoration |
55 |
Spell: Restoration
5 0 0 0
Wave of Healing |
55 |
Spell: Wave of Healing
7 5 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Breath of Tunare |
56 |
Spell: Breath of Tunare
3 5 0 0
Counteract Disease |
56 |
Spell: Counteract Disease
10 8 0 0
Yaulp III |
56 |
Spell: Yaulp III
19 8 0 0
Superior Healing |
57 |
Spell: Superior Healing
15 3 0 0
Healing Wave of Prexus |
58 |
Spell: Healing Wave of Prexus
3 5 0 0
Nullify Magic |
58 |
Spell: Nullify Magic
13 0 5 0
- Ak'Anon:
Clockwork Merchant
Clockwork Merchant
- Butcherblock Mountains:
- Cabilis East:
Gaxl the scribe
Vessel Migron
Lord Vizaroth
- Cabilis West:
Keeper Suffering
- Erudin:
Junice Weslent
- Firiona Vie:
Raciel Sanherb
Drizel Maxton
- Grobb:
- Halas:
- Neriak - 3rd Gate:
Lyniv S`Kor
- North Freeport:
Nosspri Andrika
- North Kaladim:
Poriss Splitrock
- North Qeynos:
Ladia Qursii
- Northern Felwithe:
Terren Starwatcher
- Oggok:
- Paineel:
Nedorl Ipabrun
- Plane of Knowledge:
Vicar Ceraen
Wanderer Astobin
Cavalier Waut
Pathfinder Viliken
Reaver Nydlil
Mystic Abomin
- Qeynos Aqueduct System:
Senst Ereek
- Rivervale:
Misty Valefriend
- The City of Shar Vahl:
Scribe Dav
- The Overthere:
Grubmar Hartblak
- The Wakening Land:
Weinna Oakchild
- Katta Castellum:
Rolanda Unja
Greta Teralin
Symbol of Naltron |
58 |
Spell: Symbol of Naltron
7 2 0 0
Celestial Cleansing |
59 |
Spell: Celestial Cleansing
150 0 0 0
Resurrection |
59 |
Spell: Resurrection
22 0 5 0
Brell's Mountainous Barrier |
60 |
Spell: Brell's Mountainous Barrier
3 5 0 0
Divine Strength |
60 |
Spell: Divine Strength
7 5 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Remove Greater Curse |
60 |
Spell: Remove Greater Curse
10 8 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Resolution |
60 |
Spell: Resolution
19 8 0 0
Shield of Words |
60 |
Spell: Shield of Words
22 0 5 0
Yaulp IV |
60 |
Spell: Yaulp IV
15 9 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Greater Immobilize |
61 |
Spell: Greater Immobilize
5 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Heroism |
61 |
Spell: Heroism
13 0 0 0
Resist Poison |
61 |
Spell: Resist Poison
15 3 0 0
Touch of Nife |
61 |
Spell: Touch of Nife
22 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Crusader`s Touch |
62 |
Spell: Crusaders Touch
22 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Deny Undead |
62 |
Spell: Deny Undead
22 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Force of Akilae |
62 |
Spell: Force of Akilae
22 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Ward of Nife |
62 |
Spell: Ward of Nife
22 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Improved Invis to Undead |
63 |
Spell: Improved Invis vs Undead
7 5 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Light of Nife |
63 |
Spell: Light of Nife
22 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Pious Might |
63 |
Spell: Pious Might
22 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Symbol of Marzin |
63 |
Spell: Symbol of Marzin
18 9 0 0
Aura of the Crusader |
64 |
Spell: Aura of the Crusader
22 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Heroic Bond |
64 |
Spell: Heroic Bond
31 9 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Quellious' Word of Serenity |
64 |
Spell: Quellious' Word of Serenity
22 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Supernal Cleansing |
64 |
Spell: Supernal Cleansing
22 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Brell's Stalwart Shield |
65 |
Spell: Brell's Stalwart Shield
40 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Bulwark of Faith |
65 |
Spell: Bulwark of Faith
28 5 0 0
Shackles of Tunare |
65 |
Spell: Shackles of Tunare
40 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.
Wave of Marr |
65 |
Spell: Wave of Marr
40 0 0 0
No purchase info. Likely researched, dropped, or quested.