Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 5 (L9) to 7 (L14), Everyone else by 4 (L9) to 5 (L14)
Increase Max Hitpoints by 44 (L9) to 100 (L65)
Increase HP when cast by 44 (L9) to 100 (L65)
Mana: 40 Casting Time: 4.0s Recast Time: 8.0s Recovery Time: 2.5s Range to Target: 100 AE Radius: 0 Zone Type: Any Target Type: Single
Skill: Abjuration Resist Type: Unresistable
(0) Spell Type: HP Buffs [Single] Deleteable yes Interruptable yes Reflectable no Dispellable yes Short Buff Box no Time of Day:
When cast on you:
You feel magnanimous of spirit. When cast on other: Soandso
is surrounded by a divine aura. When fading:
Your sense of center fades.