Paladin Spells by Level

# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 99.gif Lay on Hands Single Tiger Claw Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 33 (L1) to 2081 (L65)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 25.gif Cease Single Evocation Slot 1 :  Stun (1.0 sec)
2 99.gif Minor Healing Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 10
3 23.gif Flash of Light Single Divination Slot 1 :  Blindness (1)
Slot 2 :  Decrease ATK by 5
4 132.gif Courage Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 3 (L1) to 5 (L10), Everyone else by 2 (L1) to 3 (L10)
Slot 2 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 11 (L1) to 20 (L10)
Slot 3 :  Increase HP when cast by 10
5 42.gif Cure Poison Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Decrease Poison Counter by 1
6 79.gif True North Self Divination Slot 1 :  True North (1)
7 164.gif Spook the Dead Undead Alteration Slot 1 :  Fear up to level 52
8 6.gif Yaulp Self Abjuration Slot 3 :  Increase STR by 10
Slot 4 :  Decrease Fatigue by 1
Slot 5 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 7, Everyone else by 5
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 151.gif Holy Armor Single Abjuration Slot 4 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 7, Everyone else by 5
2 99.gif Light Healing Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 26 (L5) to 33 (L18)
3 25.gif Desist Single Evocation Slot 1 :  Stun (2.5 sec)
4 39.gif Lull Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Frenzy Radius (15/30)
Slot 2 :  Reaction Radius (15/30)
5 41.gif Cure Disease Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Decrease Disease Counter by 1
6 153.gif Ward Undead Undead Evocation Slot 1 :  Decrease Hitpoints by 35 (L5) to 41 (L11)
7 74.gif Sense the Dead Self Divination Slot 1 :  Detect Undead (1)
8 37.gif Hammer of Wrath Self Conjuration Slot 1 :  Create Item : Summoned: Hammer of Wrath
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 101.gif Reanimation Corpse Alteration Slot 1 :  Resurrect and restore 0% experience
2 6.gif Reckless Strength Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase STR by 20
3 132.gif Center Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 5 (L9) to 7 (L14), Everyone else by 4 (L9) to 5 (L14)
Slot 2 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 44 (L9) to 100 (L65)
Slot 3 :  Increase HP when cast by 44 (L9) to 100 (L65)
4 138.gif Invigor Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Decrease Fatigue by 35
5 61.gif Endure Poison Single Abjuration Slot 2 :  Increase Resist Poison by 19 (L9) to 20 (L10)
6 117.gif Root Single Alteration Slot 2 :  Root (10000)
7 37.gif Halo of Light Self Conjuration Slot 1 :  Create Item : Summoned: Halo of Light
8 33.gif Invisibility versus Undead Single Divination Slot 1 :  Invis vs Undead (1)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 99.gif Healing Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 84 (L14) to 100 (L30)
2 104.gif Instrument of Nife Self Abjuration Slot 1 :  Add Proc: Condemnation of Nife
3 37.gif Hammer of Striking Self Conjuration Slot 1 :  Create Item : Summoned: Hammer of Striking
4 151.gif Spirit Armor Single Abjuration Slot 4 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 14 (L16) to 17 (L24), Everyone else by 10 (L16) to 12 (L24)
5 101.gif Reconstitution Corpse Alteration Slot 1 :  Resurrect and restore 10% experience
6 25.gif Stun Single Evocation Slot 1 :  Stun (4.0 sec)
7 69.gif Endure Magic Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase Resist Magic by 20
8 150.gif Symbol of Transal Single Abjuration Slot 3 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 34 (L14) to 73 (L21)
Slot 4 :  Increase HP when cast by 34 (L14) to 73 (L21)
9 153.gif Expulse Undead Undead Evocation Slot 1 :  Decrease Hitpoints by 88 (L14) to 94 (L20)
10 39.gif Soothe Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Frenzy Radius (10/40)
Slot 2 :  Reaction Radius (10/40)
Slot 3 :  NPC Aggro (0)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 101.gif Reparation Corpse Alteration Slot 1 :  Resurrect and restore 20% experience
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 99.gif Greater Healing Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 288 (L24) to 300 (L30)
2 151.gif Guard Single Abjuration Slot 4 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 23 (L29) to 24 (L34), Everyone else by 17 (L29) to 18 (L34)
3 90.gif Divine Vigor Single Alteration Slot 4 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 100
4 6.gif Yaulp II Self Abjuration Slot 3 :  Increase STR by 20
Slot 4 :  Decrease Fatigue by 1
Slot 5 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 11, Everyone else by 8
5 32.gif Cancel Magic Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase Dispel Magic by 1
6 132.gif Daring Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 9 (L19) to 11 (L26), Everyone else by 7 (L19) to 8 (L26)
Slot 2 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 84 (L19) to 130 (L65)
Slot 3 :  Increase HP when cast by 84 (L19) to 130 (L65)
7 42.gif Counteract Poison Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Decrease Poison Counter by 8
8 101.gif Revive Corpse Alteration Slot 1 :  Resurrect and restore 35% experience
9 0.gif Divine Purpose Self Alteration Slot 1 :  Mana by 3 per tick (total 450)
Slot 2 :  Increase Hitpoints by 8
10 65.gif Endure Disease Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase Resist Disease by 19 (L9) to 20 (L10)
11 150.gif Symbol of Ryltan Single Abjuration Slot 3 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 94 (L24) to 158 (L31)
Slot 4 :  Increase HP when cast by 94 (L24) to 158 (L31)
12 99.gif Wave of Life Group v2 Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 120
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 118.gif Ethereal Cleansing Single Alteration Slot 1 :  DoT Heals by 98 (L44) to 100 (L45) per tick (total 392 to 400)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 151.gif Armor of Faith Single Abjuration Slot 4 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 30 (L39) to 33 (L44), Everyone else by 23 (L39) to 24 (L44)
2 16.gif Valor of Marr Self Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Attack Speed by 25%
3 21.gif Thunder of Karana Single Evocation Slot 3 :  Mana by 100
4 39.gif Calm Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Frenzy Radius (5/50)
Slot 2 :  Reaction Radius (5/50)
Slot 3 :  NPC Aggro (0)
5 132.gif Valor Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 16 (L34) to 17 (L40), Everyone else by 11 (L34) to 12 (L40)
Slot 2 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 168 (L34) to 200 (L50)
Slot 3 :  Increase HP when cast by 168 (L34) to 200 (L50)
6 153.gif Dismiss Undead Undead Evocation Slot 1 :  Decrease Hitpoints by 140 (L24) to 162 (L35)
7 25.gif Holy Might Single Evocation Slot 1 :  Stun (6.0 sec)
Slot 2 :  Decrease Hitpoints by 29 (L19) to 60 (L50)
8 101.gif Renewal Corpse Alteration Slot 1 :  Resurrect and restore 50% experience
9 139.gif Remove Curse Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Decrease Curse by 4
Slot 2 :  Decrease Curse by 4
10 104.gif Divine Might Self Alteration Slot 1 :  Add Proc: Divine Might Effect
11 150.gif Symbol of Pinzarn Single Abjuration Slot 3 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 224 (L34) to 307 (L41)
Slot 4 :  Increase HP when cast by 224 (L34) to 307 (L41)
12 90.gif Brell's Steadfast Aegis Group v2 Alteration Slot 4 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 145
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 161.gif Flame of Light Single Evocation Slot 1 :  Decrease Hitpoints by 125
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 39.gif Pacify Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Frenzy Radius (1/55)
Slot 2 :  Reaction Radius (1/55)
Slot 3 :  NPC Aggro (0)
2 65.gif Resist Disease Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase Resist Disease by 40
3 46.gif Divine Aura Self Abjuration Slot 1 :  Invulnerability (1)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 99.gif Light of Life Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 410
2 25.gif Force Single Evocation Slot 1 :  Stun (6.0 sec)
Slot 2 :  Decrease Hitpoints by 74 (L34) to 90 (L50)
3 6.gif Frenzied Strength Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase STR by 40
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 90.gif Divine Glory Single Alteration Slot 4 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 150
2 25.gif Force of Akera Single Evocation Slot 1 :  Stun (4.0 sec)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 25.gif Quellious' Word of Tranquility Single Evocation Slot 1 :  Stun (10.0 sec)
Slot 2 :  Decrease Hitpoints by 108
2 117.gif Instill Single Alteration Slot 2 :  Root (10000)
3 153.gif Expel Undead Undead Evocation Slot 1 :  Decrease Hitpoints by 261 (L34) to 273 (L38)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 69.gif Resist Magic Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase Resist Magic by 40
2 101.gif Restoration Corpse Alteration Slot 1 :  Resurrect and restore 75% experience
3 99.gif Wave of Healing Group v2 Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 220
4 77.gif Divine Favor Single Abjuration Slot 2 :  Increase Stoneskin by 150
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 0.gif Breath of Tunare Self Alteration Slot 1 :  Mana by 4 per tick (total 700)
Slot 2 :  Increase Hitpoints by 12
2 6.gif Yaulp III Self Abjuration Slot 3 :  Increase STR by 30
Slot 4 :  Decrease Fatigue by 7
Slot 5 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 15, Everyone else by 11
3 41.gif Counteract Disease Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Decrease Disease Counter by 8
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 99.gif Superior Healing Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 565 (L34) to 583 (L40)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 99.gif Healing Wave of Prexus Group v2 Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 660
2 32.gif Nullify Magic Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase Dispel Magic by 4
Slot 2 :  Increase Dispel Magic by 4
3 150.gif Symbol of Naltron Single Abjuration Slot 3 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 406 (L44) to 525 (L50)
Slot 4 :  Increase HP when cast by 406 (L44) to 525 (L50)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 118.gif Celestial Cleansing Single Alteration Slot 1 :  DoT Heals by 175 per tick (total 700)
2 101.gif Resurrection Corpse Alteration Slot 1 :  Resurrect and restore 90% experience
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 151.gif Shield of Words Single Abjuration Slot 4 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 41, Everyone else by 30
2 90.gif Brell's Mountainous Barrier Group v2 Alteration Slot 4 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 225
3 132.gif Resolution Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 20 (L44) to 21 (L50), Everyone else by 15
Slot 2 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 232 (L44) to 250 (L50)
Slot 3 :  Increase HP when cast by 232 (L44) to 250 (L50)
4 139.gif Remove Greater Curse Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Decrease Curse by 9
Slot 2 :  Decrease Curse by 9
Slot 3 :  Decrease Curse by 9
Slot 4 :  Decrease Curse by 9
Slot 5 :  Decrease Curse by 9
5 90.gif Divine Strength Single Alteration Slot 4 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 200
6 6.gif Yaulp IV Self Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase ATK by 17
Slot 3 :  Increase STR by 40
Slot 4 :  Decrease Fatigue by 10
Slot 5 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 18, Everyone else by 14
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 61.gif Resist Poison Single Abjuration Slot 2 :  Increase Resist Poison by 40
2 99.gif Touch of Nife Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 1125
3 117.gif Greater Immobilize Single Alteration Slot 2 :  Root (10000)
4 132.gif Heroism Single Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 23 (L52) to 24 (L60), Everyone else by 17 (L52) to 18 (L60)
Slot 2 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 360 (L52) to 425 (L65)
Slot 3 :  Increase HP when cast by 360 (L52) to 425 (L65)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 104.gif Ward of Nife Self Abjuration Slot 1 :  Add Proc: WardOfNifeEffect
2 153.gif Deny Undead Undead Evocation Slot 1 :  Decrease Hitpoints by 621 (L62) to 651 (L65)
3 41.gif Crusader`s Touch Single Alteration Slot 1 :  Decrease Disease Counter by 20
Slot 2 :  Decrease Poison Counter by 20
Slot 3 :  Decrease Curse by 5
4 25.gif Force of Akilae Single Evocation Slot 1 :  Stun (4.0 sec)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 132.gif Heroic Bond Group v2 Abjuration Slot 1 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 23 (L52) to 24 (L60), Everyone else by 17 (L52) to 18 (L60)
Slot 2 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 360 (L52) to 425 (L65)
Slot 3 :  Increase HP when cast by 360 (L52) to 425 (L65)
2 25.gif Quellious' Word of Serenity Single Evocation Slot 1 :  Stun (10.0 sec)
Slot 2 :  Decrease Hitpoints by 108
3 118.gif Supernal Cleansing Single Alteration Slot 1 :  DoT Heals by 250 per tick (total 1000)
4 133.gif Aura of the Crusader Self Abjuration Slot 2 :  Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 38, Everyone else by 29
Slot 3 :  Increase HP when cast by 342 (L64) to 345 (L65)
Slot 4 :  Mana by 3 per tick (total 4320)
Slot 10 :  Increase Max Hitpoints by 342 (L64) to 345 (L65)
# Name Target Type Skill Effect
1 99.gif Act of Valor Single Tiger Claw Slot 1 :  Increase Hitpoints by 1