Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 23 (L52) to 24 (L60), Everyone else by 17 (L52) to 18 (L60)
Increase Max Hitpoints by 360 (L52) to 425 (L65)
Increase HP when cast by 360 (L52) to 425 (L65)
Mana: 420 Casting Time: 3.5s Recast Time: 2.25s Recovery Time: 2.5s Range to Target: 0 AE Radius: 70 Zone Type: Any Target Type: Group v2
Skill: Abjuration Resist Type: Unresistable
(0) Spell Type: HP Buffs [Single] Deleteable no Interruptable yes Reflectable no Dispellable yes Short Buff Box no Time of Day:
When cast on you:
You feel heroic. When cast on other: Soandso
's eyes gleam with heroic resolution. When fading:
Your heroism fades.