159.gif Drones of Doom

Spell ID: 259

Slot Description
1 Decrease Hitpoints by 34

Mana: 141
Casting Time: 4.05s
Recast Time: 2.25s
Recovery Time: 2.5s
Range to Target: 250
AE Radius: 0
Zone Type: Any
Target Type: Single
Skill: Conjuration
Resist Type: Magic (-100)
Spell Type: DoT [Magic]
Deleteable yes
Interruptable yes
Reflectable yes
Dispellable yes
Short Buff Box no
Time of Day:  Any

When cast on you:  You feel the pain of a thousand stings.
When cast on other: Soandso is engulfed by a swarm.
When fading:  The swarm departs.

Quick Facts


Class Level
RNG 54
DRU 34

Expansion: ?
Duration:  0:01:00 (10 ticks)