133.gif Arch Shielding

Spell ID: 67

Slot Description
1 Increase Max Hitpoints by 144 (L44) to 150 (L50)
2 Increase AC for Cloth Casters by 33 (L44) to 35 (L48), Everyone else by 24 (L44) to 25 (L48)
6 Increase Resist Magic by 20

Mana: 200
Casting Time: 12.0s
Recast Time: 2.25s
Recovery Time: 2.25s
Range to Target: 0
AE Radius: 0
Zone Type: Any
Target Type: Self
Skill: Abjuration
Resist Type: Unresistable (0)
Spell Type: Shielding
Deleteable yes
Interruptable yes
Reflectable no
Dispellable yes
Short Buff Box no
Time of Day:  Any

When cast on you:  You feel armored.
When fading:  Your shielding fades.

Quick Facts


Class Level
NEC 44
WIZ 44
MAG 44
ENC 44

Expansion: ?
Duration:  1:12:00 (720 ticks)

Items with Spell Effect:
