Toxxulia Forest

  • Level of Monsters:
  • 1-10
  • Types of Monsters:
  • Snakes of all types, Spiderlings, Fire Beetles, Decaying Skeletons, Kobold Runts, Kobold Scouts, Kobold Watchers, Kobold Sentries, Kobold Shamans, Skeletons, Piranha, Giant Pirhana, Poachers, Elementals, Fading Spectre
  • Name in /who:
  • tox
  • Succor/Evacuate:
  • Y: 203.0, X: 2295.0 Z: -45.0
  • ZEM:
  • 0.75
Quick Facts
Expansion: Original.gif
Cast Outdoor
Cast Dungeon Only
Casters can Bind

Toxxulia Forest is a dark, quiet forest that encompasses much of the island continent of Odus. It is separated into two areas by a river running roughly east to west through it, the northern half more inhabited and the southern half controlled by the kobolds and the necromancers.

The design of the Toxxulia Forest teleportation spires are later copied throughout Norrath as the moon of Luclin is explored. The armies of Paineel used these teleportation spires to transport many Kerrans to the moon of Luclin, where they were forced to resettle.


Toxxulia Forest
  • 1. Wizard Hut: Books including On Languages and Lexicon, also Throwing Daggers and Blacksmithing Books and Molds
  • 2. Bags
  • 3. Enchanter's Hut: Books, Tiny Daggers, Gems, Gold Robes, also Cooking supplies
  • 4. Magician's Hut: Books, Gems/Components, Blue Robes
  • 5. Druid Ring with NPC selling the Succor and Circle Of spells (1049.34, -346.56)
  • 6. Abandoned Necromancer's Hut* (*this is not abandoned in classic, until Paineel is in. Pre-Paineel it is full of necro NPCs and guildmasters)
  • 7. Western Dock
  • 8. Kobold Camp
  • 9. Wizard Spires (-1489.66 , -911.84)
  • 10. Kobold Camp
  • 11. Rungupp

This island is the newbie area for the Erudites, and much of the northern half of the zone consists of creatures second level or less running around. The southern half is a little more dangerous, with the most dangerous being the fact that it's easy to get lost here and aggressive skeletons and kobolds roam the zone. It is considered unwise to venture below the bridge unless you are at least 4th level or higher. Good-aligned Erudites should be aware of Talrigar Eklorin who patrols in the southern half of the zone.

Once Paineel opens, its newbie citizens below 4th level should gain experience in the Paineel "yard" before venturing outside the confines of the city into Toxxulia Forest.


This is generally a pretty quiet and safe zone. There are not so many creatures in the newbie area that you can get killed easily by wandering monsters. On the other side of the bridge, although there are dangers, it is generally pretty safe. The water acts as sort of a barrier for monsters in the zone, in that the tougher monsters generally appear south of the water, but this isn't always the case, and it's important to stay on your toes north of the bridge.

The other benefit is the kobolds in the camps. They are generally pretty safe to camp out and there are rarely anyone else by them. A mage with a 4th level pet could take one on if they were careful, or a two person group, and they provide good mid-range exp. Be wary of wandering skeletons and kobolds. Talrigar Eklorin is an extremely high level Necromancer who has a tendency to patrol to the northern Kobold camp.

The Paineel newbie area is just one zone over as well to the south. Spiderling silks and bone chips can be found here like the other starting areas. Most importantly the overall coolness and uniqueness of this zone compared to other zones with the lore of a potential plague dragon from one of the NPCs as well as a yellowish green fog that permeates the air. Not to mention, when you are killing Kobolds you are gaining faction with Heretics as well as the High Guard of Erudin.

Travel To and From

At the northern edge of the zone lies the entrance to the city of Erudin, home of the followers of Erud. Passing underneath the "patio" will take you to the city beyond. Within lies the docks from which you can reach the ferry to Erud's Crossing and Qeynos.

Swimming west across the water, straight out from the dock on the west coast, will take you to the shores of Kerra Island, which is the home of the Kerrans. The channel is only guarded by the occasional piranha.

To the south lies another "patio" that leads to the Heretic city of Paineel...

Items - Found 216 items that drop in Toxxulia Forest:
Item Name Dropped By
item_870.png A Faded Velishouls Tome Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Velishouls Tome Page
Multiple mobs
item_927.png A Large Widow Abdomen
Multiple mobs
item_818.png A Snake Venom Sac
Multiple mobs
item_819.png A Spider Venom Sac a large widow
item_1143.png Aglthins Fishing Pole Aglthin Dasmore
item_710.png Ale
Multiple mobs
item_951.png Amber
Multiple mobs
item_565.png Backpack
Multiple mobs
item_812.png Bandages
Multiple mobs
item_601.png Battle Staff
Multiple mobs
item_848.png Bead Necklace a kobold watcher
item_561.png Belt Pouch
Multiple mobs
item_804.png Bone Chips
Multiple mobs
item_804.png Bones Shintar Vinlail
item_804.png Bones Elial Brook
item_831.png Bottle of Kalish
Multiple mobs
item_813.png Briar Snake Skin a briar snake
item_1135.png Brick of Crude Bronze
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Bronze Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Bronze Two Handed Sword Phaeril Nightshire
item_507.png Burned Out Lightstone a willowisp
item_804.png Calcified Finger Bones
Multiple mobs
item_804.png Calcified Foot Bones
Multiple mobs
item_905.png Calcified Humerus
Multiple mobs
item_974.png Calcified Ribcage
Multiple mobs
item_1070.png Calcified Skull
Multiple mobs
item_905.png Calcified Sternum
Multiple mobs
item_905.png Calcified Tibia
Multiple mobs
item_905.png Calcified Ulna
Multiple mobs
item_955.png Cat's Eye Agate a kobold watcher
item_639.png Cloth Cap a decaying skeleton
item_656.png Cloth Cape a decaying skeleton
item_500.png Cloth Choker a decaying skeleton
item_572.png Cloth Cord a decaying skeleton
item_631.png Cloth Pants a decaying skeleton
item_666.png Cloth Sandals a decaying skeleton
item_665.png Cloth Shawl a decaying skeleton
item_670.png Cloth Sleeves a decaying skeleton
item_677.png Cloth Veil a decaying skeleton
item_638.png Cloth Wristband a decaying skeleton
item_754.png Copper Amulet
Multiple mobs
item_748.png Copper Band
Multiple mobs
item_601.png Cracked Staff
Multiple mobs
item_986.png Emissary Head
Multiple mobs
item_1067.png Enlarged Fire Beetle Leg a giant fire beetle
item_943.png Eye of Serilis
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Fine Steel Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Fine Steel Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_859.png Fire Beetle Eye
Multiple mobs
item_1089.png Fire Beetle Leg a fire beetle
item_799.png Fish Scales a fish
item_955.png Flame Agate
Multiple mobs
item_706.png Flame of Vox
Multiple mobs
item_775.png Fresh Fish a fish
item_775.png Fresh Piranha
Multiple mobs
item_813.png Giant Briar Snake Skin
Multiple mobs
item_1205.png Giant Fire Beetle Brain a giant fire beetle
item_927.png Giant Fire Beetle Carapace a giant fire beetle
item_859.png Giant Fire Beetle Eye a giant fire beetle
item_1089.png Giant Fire Beetle Leg a giant fire beetle
item_1225.png Giant Fire Beetle Tergite a giant fire beetle
item_800.png Giant Rat Tooth an infected rat
item_518.png Glove of Rallos Zek
Multiple mobs
item_615.png Gold Ring
Multiple mobs
item_535.png Golden Earring a pixie
item_507.png Greater Lightstone a willowisp
item_1157.png Human Blood
Multiple mobs
item_972.png Ice of Velious
Multiple mobs
item_556.png Intact Kobold Pelt
Multiple mobs
item_570.png Iron Ration
Multiple mobs
item_1129.png Ivory
Multiple mobs
item_952.png Jade
Multiple mobs
item_715.png Jade Earring
Multiple mobs
item_952.png Jade Shard
Multiple mobs
item_556.png Jaggedpine Panther Hide Fittorn Bladespur
item_804.png Kobold Finger Bones
Multiple mobs
item_804.png Kobold Foot Bones
Multiple mobs
item_744.png Kobold Head
Multiple mobs
item_834.png Kobold Hide
Multiple mobs
item_905.png Kobold Humerus a kobold runt
item_974.png Kobold Ribcage a kobold runt
item_1070.png Kobold Skull
Multiple mobs
item_905.png Kobold Sternum a kobold runt
item_905.png Kobold Tibia a kobold runt
item_905.png Kobold Ulna
Multiple mobs
item_945.png Lapis Lazuli
Multiple mobs
item_539.png Large Bag
Multiple mobs
item_813.png Large Briar Snake Skin
Multiple mobs
item_907.png Large Fire Beetle Patella a large fire beetle
item_1225.png Large Fire Beetle Sternite a large fire beetle
item_1203.png Large Fire Beetle Tarsus a large fire beetle
item_507.png Lightstone a willowisp
item_944.png Malachite
Multiple mobs
item_586.png Mead
Multiple mobs
item_756.png Mithril Earring
Multiple mobs
item_1157.png Necromancer Blood Elial Brook
item_743.png Odd Kobold Paw a kobold shaman
item_592.png Parrying Dagger a decaying skeleton
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390
Multiple mobs
item_953.png Pearl
Multiple mobs
item_972.png Pearl Shard
Multiple mobs
item_917.png Petrified Eyeball a fading spectre
item_986.png Phaeril Nightshire's Head Phaeril Nightshire
item_800.png Piranha Tooth
Multiple mobs
item_813.png Plague Rat Tail an infected rat
item_982.png Poacher's Head
Multiple mobs
item_556.png Pristine Kobold Pelt a kobold runt
item_793.png Rat Ears an infected rat
item_917.png Rat Eye an infected rat
item_800.png Rat Tooth an infected rat
item_794.png Rat Whiskers an infected rat
item_570.png Ration
Multiple mobs
item_556.png Ruined Kobold Pelt
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Al'Kabor
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Attraction
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Disassociation
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Dismemberment
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Expulsion
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Fulguration
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Karana
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Presence
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Rallos Zek
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Regeneration
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Combine
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Helix
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Trauma
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Xegony
Multiple mobs
item_569.png Rusty Axe
Multiple mobs
item_577.png Rusty Bastard Sword
Multiple mobs
item_569.png Rusty Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_605.png Rusty Broad Sword
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Rusty Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_975.png Rusty Knuckles
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Rusty Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_578.png Rusty Mace
Multiple mobs
item_768.png Rusty Mining Pick
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Rusty Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_604.png Rusty Scimitar
Multiple mobs
item_579.png Rusty Scythe
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Rusty Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_740.png Rusty Shortened Spear
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Rusty Spear
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Rusty Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_1180.png Rusty Ulak a decaying skeleton
item_567.png Rusty Warhammer
Multiple mobs
item_986.png Sentinel Creot's Head Sentinel Creot
item_828.png Short Beer
Multiple mobs
item_566.png Silver Amulet
Multiple mobs
item_544.png Silver Stud
Multiple mobs
item_905.png Skeleton Tibia
Multiple mobs
item_1130.png Skunk Eye
Multiple mobs
item_820.png Skunk Scent Gland
Multiple mobs
item_680.png Skunk Tail
Multiple mobs
item_539.png Small Bag
Multiple mobs
item_609.png Small Box
Multiple mobs
item_660.png Small Leather Cloak a pixie
item_1006.png Snake Bile
Multiple mobs
item_871.png Snake Egg
Multiple mobs
item_801.png Snake Fang
Multiple mobs
item_813.png Snake Scales
Multiple mobs
item_1089.png Spider Legs
Multiple mobs
item_782.png Spider Silk a large widow
item_806.png Spider Venom a large widow
item_885.png Spiderling Eye
Multiple mobs
item_1089.png Spiderling Legs
Multiple mobs
item_782.png Spiderling Silk
Multiple mobs
item_737.png Splintering Club
Multiple mobs
item_950.png Star Rose Quartz a pixie
item_578.png Tarnished Mace Terago Omath
item_986.png Terago Omath's Head Terago Omath
item_954.png Topaz
Multiple mobs
item_996.png Troll Head Rungupp
item_817.png Troll Parts Rungupp
item_946.png Turquoise a kobold watcher
item_639.png Useless Cloth Cap a kobold scout
item_987.png Veisha Fathomwalker's Head Veisha Fathomwalker
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 109
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 8
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 9
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.17
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.43
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.44
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.67
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.68
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.75
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.76
Multiple mobs
item_1134.png Vial of Smoke a willowisp
item_584.png Water Flask
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Absorption
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Acquisition (Azia)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Allure
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Cazic-Thule
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Cloudburst
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Coercion
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Detachment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dimension
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Discernment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dissemination
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Eventide
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Haunting
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Mistbreath
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Parasitism
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Possession
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Purification
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Recluse
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Rupturing
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Sight
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Incorporeal
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Sentient (Beza)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Transcendence
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Worn Great Staff
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Worn Weighted Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_572.png Woven Spider Silk
Multiple mobs
item_572.png Woven Widow Silk a large widow
Item Name Dropped By
NPCs - Found 78 NPC's that spawn in Toxxulia Forest:
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
a skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 7 - 10 190 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
abandoned heretic pet Skeleton Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Aglthin Dasmore Erudite Warrior Male 8 221 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 7 - 10 190 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Phaeril Nightshire Erudite Paladin Male 25 1,110 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Veisha Fathomwalker Erudite Paladin Female 25 1,360 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
abandoned heretic pet Skeleton Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
an Erudin Emissary Erudite Warrior Female 20 - 22 630 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
an Erudin Emissary Erudite Warrior Male 20 - 22 630 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
an infected rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a boat Boat Warrior Neuter 50 750 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a briar snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 50 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a decaying skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a fading spectre Spectre Warrior Neuter 8 176 17 17 17 17 17 -1 All
a fire beetle Beetle Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a fish Fish Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant briar snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant briar snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
a giant fire beetle Beetle Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant fire beetle Beetle Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
a giant piranha Piranha Warrior Neuter 6 - 10 160 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant thistle snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant thistle snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
a giant widow Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant widow Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
a heretic prophet Erudite Cleric Female 3 - 5 44 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a heretic prophet Erudite Cleric Male 3 - 5 44 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a kobold runt Kobold Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a kobold scout Kobold Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a kobold sentry Kobold Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 63 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a kobold shaman Kobold Shaman Neuter 3 - 5 63 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a kobold watcher Kobold Warrior Neuter 3 48 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large briar snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 5 - 7 100 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large briar snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 5 - 7 100 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
a large fire beetle Beetle Warrior Neuter 6 - 8 160 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large fire beetle Beetle Warrior Neuter 6 - 8 160 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
a large skunk Skunk Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large thistle snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 5 - 7 100 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large thistle snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 5 - 7 100 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
a large widow Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large widow Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
a moss snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a piranha Piranha Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a pixie Pixie Ranger Female 13 - 17 315 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 5 - 9 140 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a skunk Skunk Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a spiderling Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 1 - 3 20 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a thistle snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a widow hatchling Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a willowisp Wisp Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 171 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Cyria Lorewhisper Erudite Shopkeeper Female 45 5,875 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Elial Brook Erudite Necromancer Male 7 87 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Emil Parsini Erudite Citizen Shopkeeper Male 25 810 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Fittorn Bladespur Half Elf Rogue Male 32 1,344 35 35 35 25 25 3 All Remaining
Ilanics skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 75 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Islan Hetston Erudite Citizen Shopkeeper Male 24 770 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Jalen Goldsinger Erudite Enchanter Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Knarthenne Skurl Erudite Citizen Shadowknight Male 50 9,550 35 35 35 25 25 1 All Remaining
Lanivon Baxer Erudite Wizard Male 50 9,550 35 35 35 25 25 1 All Remaining
Martyn Firechaser Human Shopkeeper Male 45 5,875 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Nexus Scion Erudite Warrior Male 66 1,000,000,000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 3 All Remaining
Poacher Dell Human Rogue Male 2 - 4 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Poacher Hill Human Rogue Male 2 - 4 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Poacher Shelli Human Rogue Female 3 - 5 48 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Poacher Topi Human Rogue Male 2 - 4 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Poacher Unil Human Rogue Female 2 - 4 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Poacher Willa Human Rogue Female 3 - 5 48 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Quana Rainsparkle Erudite Shopkeeper Female 45 5,875 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Rungupp Troll Shaman Male 3 - 5 63 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Sentinel Creot Erudite Citizen Paladin Male 30 1,110 75 50 50 50 50 -1 All
Sentinel Drom Erudite Citizen Paladin Male 50 15,120 200 175 175 175 175 -1 All
Sentinel Flavius Erudite Citizen Paladin Male 50 15,120 200 175 175 175 175 -1 All
Shintar Vinlail Erudite Magician Male 4 38 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Stylla Parsini Erudite Shopkeeper Female 45 5,875 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Terago Omath Erudite Cleric Male 12 264 25 25 25 25 25 3 All Remaining
Tran Lilspin Erudite Citizen Shopkeeper Male 26 860 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Win Karnam Erudite Shopkeeper Female 45 5,875 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Xylania Rainsparkle Erudite Shopkeeper Female 28 960 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
Spawn Points - Found 211 spawn points in Toxxulia Forest:
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
(1001.0, 433.0, -44.1) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1319.0, 785.0, -35.4) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1570.0, 947.0, -18.6) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1755.0, -296.0, -51.6) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1937.0, -539.0, -47.6) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(890.0, 794.0, -18.5) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1685.0, 81.0, -48.8) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1398.0, -171.0, 36.4) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1563.0, 287.0, -52.6) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1651.0, 144.0, -57.5) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1155.0, -865.0, -48.1) abandoned heretic pet (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1969.0, 263.0, -73.0) a kobold runt (50%)
a moss snake (25%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1802.0, -104.0, -68.4) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1979.0, -33.0, -71.0) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1693.0, -295.0, -56.8) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-992.0, -367.0, -78.4) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1207.0, 15.0, -52.9) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1191.0, -853.0, -48.1) abandoned heretic pet (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-481.0, -625.0, -9.0) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(872.0, 531.0, -45.8) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-111.0, -113.0, -47.1) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-810.0, -146.0, -26.2) a giant fire beetle (13%)
a giant widow (13%)
a giant briar snake (13%)
a large thistle snake (12%)
a large briar snake (12%)
a giant thistle snake (13%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (12%)
0:02:30 (0) 3 All Remaining
(-1953.0, -192.0, -71.7) Fittorn Bladespur (100%)
0:02:30 (0) 3 All Remaining
(-1945.0, -153.0, -76.7) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-945.0, 271.0, -47.5) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1580.0, 716.0, -58.7) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1556.0, 942.0, -44.0) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1107.0, -932.0, -47.5) Terago Omath (100%)
0:02:30 (0) 3 All Remaining
(1703.0, 694.0, -26.8) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1127.0, -672.0, -57.5) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1433.0, 657.0, -31.5) a kobold runt (50%)
a moss snake (25%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-172.0, -212.0, -46.3) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1638.0, -593.0, -45.0) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1268.0, 511.0, -53.8) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1888.0, -253.0, -69.2) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1829.0, -836.0, -25.4) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1005.0, -456.0, -85.9) a kobold sentry (25%)
a kobold shaman (25%)
a kobold watcher (25%)
a kobold scout (25%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-997.0, -439.0, -84.6) a kobold sentry (25%)
a kobold shaman (25%)
a kobold watcher (25%)
a kobold scout (25%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2393.0, 1174.0, 104.9) Rungupp (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1899.0, -1070.0, -31.3) a kobold sentry (25%)
a kobold shaman (25%)
a kobold watcher (25%)
a kobold scout (25%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(162.0, 1164.0, -55.3) Elial Brook (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2008.0, -303.0, -52.0) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-592.0, 3.0, -50.8) a giant fire beetle (13%)
a giant widow (13%)
a giant briar snake (13%)
a large thistle snake (12%)
a large briar snake (12%)
a giant thistle snake (13%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (12%)
0:02:30 (0) 3 All Remaining
(-1245.0, -406.0, -49.6) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-428.0, 82.0, -29.0) a giant fire beetle (13%)
a giant widow (13%)
a giant briar snake (13%)
a large thistle snake (12%)
a large briar snake (12%)
a giant thistle snake (13%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (12%)
0:02:30 (0) 3 All Remaining
(-995.0, -13.0, -22.9) a kobold runt (50%)
a moss snake (25%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-819.0, -459.0, -60.7) a giant fire beetle (13%)
a giant widow (13%)
a giant briar snake (13%)
a large thistle snake (12%)
a large briar snake (12%)
a giant thistle snake (13%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (12%)
0:02:30 (0) 3 All Remaining
(-997.0, -636.0, -64.6) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2576.0, -388.0, -41.3) a skeleton (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1954.0, 196.0, -82.9) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2079.0, 255.0, -81.8) a kobold runt (50%)
a moss snake (25%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1181.0, -857.0, -57.6) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-557.0, -71.0, -65.2) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2050.0, 315.0, -80.0) a kobold runt (50%)
a moss snake (25%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1523.0, -997.0, -33.1) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1800.0, 322.0, -44.6) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1154.0, -218.0, -50.1) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(473.0, -460.0, -52.7) Aglthin Dasmore (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2074.0, -508.0, -51.5) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1605.0, 119.0, -14.3) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2012.0, -265.0, -60.1) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1043.0, -360.0, -53.4) Martyn Firechaser (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1529.0, -670.0, -43.7) Lanivon Baxer (100%)
0:02:30 (0) 1 All Remaining
(-1721.0, -142.0, -60.7) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1514.0, -911.0, -36.8) Nexus Scion (100%)
0:02:30 (0) 3 All Remaining
(2035.0, 814.0, -1.8) an Erudin Emissary (50%)
an Erudin Emissary (50%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(920.0, -147.0, -46.5) an Erudin Emissary (50%)
an Erudin Emissary (50%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1502.0, -300.0, -22.3) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1526.0, -839.0, -45.7) Jalen Goldsinger (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1611.0, -464.0, -55.2) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1654.0, -172.0, -51.9) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1642.0, -425.0, -65.7) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2105.0, 404.0, -39.4) Stylla Parsini (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1179.0, -879.0, -48.1) abandoned heretic pet (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1324.0, 634.0, -20.4) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2359.0, -744.0, -56.2) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(167.0, 1102.0, -46.8) Sentinel Creot (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-267.0, -840.0, -40.4) Shintar Vinlail (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2363.0, 995.0, 3.0) a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (11%)
a kobold shaman (11%)
a skunk (11%)
a kobold watcher (11%)
an infected rat (11%)
a widow hatchling (11%)
a briar snake (11%)
a kobold scout (12%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-616.0, 2353.0, -60.0) a boat (100%)
0:00:10 (0) -1 All
(139.0, 1222.0, -60.0) a boat (100%)
0:00:10 (0) -1 All
(800.0, 891.0, -17.0) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-946.0, -486.0, -80.4) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-897.0, -261.0, -49.8) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1121.0, 571.0, 28.0) Poacher Hill (10%)
Poacher Dell (10%)
Poacher Topi (10%)
Poacher Shelli (10%)
Poacher Unil (10%)
Poacher Willa (10%)
a heretic prophet (10%)
a heretic prophet (10%)
a large skunk (20%)
0:15:00 (0) -1 All
(-1081.0, -812.0, -59.3) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2569.0, -388.0, -41.3) a skeleton (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1433.0, -364.0, 40.3) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1594.0, 650.0, -66.8) a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (11%)
a kobold shaman (11%)
a skunk (11%)
a kobold watcher (11%)
an infected rat (11%)
a widow hatchling (11%)
a briar snake (11%)
a kobold scout (12%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1719.0, 107.0, -24.5) a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (11%)
a kobold shaman (11%)
a skunk (11%)
a kobold watcher (11%)
an infected rat (11%)
a widow hatchling (11%)
a briar snake (11%)
a kobold scout (12%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1416.0, -763.0, -33.2) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1311.0, 278.0, -46.1) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1814.0, -847.0, -32.9) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1750.0, 170.0, -41.7) a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (11%)
a kobold shaman (11%)
a skunk (11%)
a kobold watcher (11%)
an infected rat (11%)
a widow hatchling (11%)
a briar snake (11%)
a kobold scout (12%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1221.0, -1120.0, -21.5) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(35.0, 318.0, -24.0) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1193.0, -740.0, -54.0) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-448.0, -489.0, -47.6) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1208.0, -286.0, -48.2) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1151.0, -229.0, -50.0) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-622.0, -514.0, -45.7) a giant fire beetle (13%)
a giant widow (13%)
a giant briar snake (13%)
a large thistle snake (12%)
a large briar snake (12%)
a giant thistle snake (13%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (12%)
0:02:30 (0) 3 All Remaining
(-2031.0, 100.0, -66.7) a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (11%)
a kobold shaman (11%)
a skunk (11%)
a kobold watcher (11%)
an infected rat (11%)
a widow hatchling (11%)
a briar snake (11%)
a kobold scout (12%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1840.0, -89.0, -74.4) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1180.0, -842.0, -48.1) abandoned heretic pet (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-935.0, -711.0, -58.4) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-773.0, -79.0, -17.7) a giant fire beetle (13%)
a giant widow (13%)
a giant briar snake (13%)
a large thistle snake (12%)
a large briar snake (12%)
a giant thistle snake (13%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (12%)
0:02:30 (0) 3 All Remaining
(-1680.0, 112.0, -18.6) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1757.0, -140.0, -70.1) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-631.0, 954.0, -47.5) Veisha Fathomwalker (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1515.0, 272.0, -59.4) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2309.0, -290.0, -46.3) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1975.0, 385.0, -58.6) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1079.0, 607.0, 42.6) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(774.0, 726.0, -60.7) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2047.0, 574.0, -22.5) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1611.0, -754.0, -40.5) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1464.0, -408.0, 19.6) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2085.0, 637.0, 0.5) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1191.0, 673.0, -27.8) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1008.0, -461.0, -53.7) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1592.0, -413.0, -34.5) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1813.0, -337.0, 47.1) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1039.0, 667.0, 30.6) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1081.0, -479.0, -57.3) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1278.0, -322.0, -51.6) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-3.0, 1149.0, -25.7) Knarthenne Skurl (100%)
0:02:30 (0) 1 All Remaining
(1770.0, 118.0, -46.9) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1981.0, 555.0, -39.0) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(445.0, 712.0, -60.4) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1301.0, 378.0, -48.7) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(361.0, 732.0, -50.7) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1565.0, -394.0, -12.7) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2027.0, -59.0, -61.9) a thistle snake (20%)
a kobold runt (30%)
a moss snake (20%)
a decaying skeleton (25%)
an infected rat (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(409.0, 266.0, -43.5) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1358.0, -107.0, -1.8) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1329.0, 417.0, -56.9) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(883.0, 113.0, -46.3) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1760.0, 724.0, -33.1) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-995.0, 264.0, -47.6) a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (11%)
a kobold shaman (11%)
a skunk (11%)
a kobold watcher (11%)
an infected rat (11%)
a widow hatchling (11%)
a briar snake (11%)
a kobold scout (12%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(704.0, 979.0, -46.3) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1207.0, 829.0, -36.6) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1779.0, 171.0, -42.7) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2057.0, 105.0, -52.0) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2026.0, 22.0, -60.8) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1800.0, -718.0, -70.2) Cyria Lorewhisper (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2382.0, 190.0, -44.9) Sentinel Flavius (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(117.0, 731.0, -30.2) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1240.0, 855.0, -31.4) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1472.0, -439.0, 18.2) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2251.0, 1008.0, -27.7) Islan Hetston (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(970.0, -1042.0, -128.7) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1622.0, 135.0, -64.6) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1653.0, 241.0, -35.5) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1721.0, -416.0, -77.8) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(623.0, -713.0, -84.1) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2202.0, -1127.0, -13.0) Xylania Rainsparkle (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1503.0, 340.0, -48.6) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(959.0, -1053.0, -88.0) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1105.0, 1276.0, -83.9) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(791.0, -860.0, -135.2) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(766.0, 500.0, -50.9) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1023.0, 477.0, -20.4) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1023.0, 1863.0, -83.3) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1787.0, 1366.0, -74.2) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2003.0, 993.0, -42.3) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1309.0, 1843.0, -85.0) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1657.0, 1459.0, -88.0) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(806.0, 1197.0, -67.0) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1336.0, 289.0, -41.2) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1114.0, 1196.0, -81.6) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(82.0, 1220.0, -79.7) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-262.0, 1207.0, -83.4) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1054.0, -105.0, -56.9) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1909.0, -1052.0, -31.9) a kobold sentry (25%)
a kobold shaman (25%)
a kobold watcher (25%)
a kobold scout (25%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1821.0, -254.0, -68.4) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-770.0, -323.0, -16.2) a giant fire beetle (13%)
a giant widow (13%)
a giant briar snake (13%)
a large thistle snake (12%)
a large briar snake (12%)
a giant thistle snake (13%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (12%)
0:02:30 (0) 3 All Remaining
(531.0, 1207.0, -81.9) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(620.0, -430.0, -143.3) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(616.0, -102.0, -115.5) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1405.0, 110.0, -32.2) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(594.0, -124.0, -133.9) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1486.0, 32.0, -70.8) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(605.0, -113.0, -84.1) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1887.0, -1056.0, -31.8) a kobold sentry (25%)
a kobold shaman (25%)
a kobold watcher (25%)
a kobold scout (25%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(609.0, -441.0, -84.1) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(634.0, -702.0, -107.1) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-974.0, -442.0, -83.0) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-522.0, -889.0, -44.9) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(813.0, -838.0, -126.8) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(802.0, -849.0, -88.0) a fish (65%)
a piranha (25%)
a giant piranha (10%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1252.0, 473.0, -42.3) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1408.0, 378.0, -50.5) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(107.0, 857.0, -47.4) Phaeril Nightshire (100%)
4:00:00 (2:00:00) -1 All
(1761.0, -735.0, -70.2) Tran Lilspin (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2171.0, -1110.0, -13.0) Quana Rainsparkle (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1389.0, 249.0, -63.0) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (11%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (15%)
a kobold shaman (8%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (10%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (8%)
a widow hatchling (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2247.0, 979.0, -27.7) Win Karnam (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1713.0, 700.0, -28.8) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1272.0, 612.0, -51.8) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2156.0, 13.0, -45.7) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1963.0, -770.0, -52.0) a thistle snake (8%)
a kobold sentry (8%)
a fire beetle (8%)
a kobold runt (8%)
a kobold shaman (2%)
a skunk (8%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a spiderling (8%)
a decaying skeleton (8%)
an infected rat (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (7%)
a kobold scout (9%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1162.0, 3.0, -57.2) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(1446.0, -185.0, -13.7) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (24%)
a kobold shaman (5%)
a skunk (10%)
a kobold watcher (16%)
a spiderling (13%)
a widow hatchling (10%)
a briar snake (12%)
a pixie (5%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2119.0, 423.0, -39.4) Emil Parsini (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1315.0, -234.0, -12.2) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-1572.0, -504.0, -32.5) a kobold sentry (5%)
a fire beetle (7%)
a kobold runt (18%)
a kobold shaman (6%)
a skunk (13%)
a moss snake (6%)
a kobold watcher (8%)
a decaying skeleton (5%)
an infected rat (5%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
a briar snake (10%)
a kobold scout (8%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2012.0, 923.0, -46.2) a thistle snake (5%)
a spiderling (3%)
a giant fire beetle (5%)
a giant widow (5%)
a giant briar snake (7%)
a large thistle snake (16%)
a large briar snake (18%)
a pixie (5%)
a giant thistle snake (12%)
a large widow (12%)
a large fire beetle (10%)
a willowisp (2%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(2383.0, 222.0, -44.9) Sentinel Drom (100%)
0:02:30 (0) -1 All
(-2006.0, -489.0, -50.7) a fading spectre (35%)
a skeleton (65%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-2052.0, 497.0, -44.0) Ilanics skeleton (100%)
0:30:00 (0) -1 All
(-225.0, -170.0, -46.0) abandoned heretic pet (100%)
0:19:10 (0) -1 All
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
Fishing - Found 1 fish-able items in Toxxulia Forest:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_787.png Greengill Salmon 74 50 -1 All
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Foraging - Found 8 forage able items in Toxxulia Forest:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_773.png Bag of Caynar Nuts 0 24% -1 All
item_1037.png Fruit 0 8% -1 All
item_1037.png Berries 0 2% -1 All
item_1011.png Vegetables 0 18% -1 All
item_925.png Rabbit Meat 0 4% -1 All
item_583.png Roots 0 14% -1 All
item_926.png Fishing Grubs 0 10% -1 All
item_584.png Pod of Water 0 20% -1 All
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Ground Spawns - Found 0 ground spawns in Toxxulia Forest:
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
Merchants - Found 9 merchants in Toxxulia Forest (these are included in the NPCs list):
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion
Martyn Firechaser Human Shopkeeper Male (1043.0, -360.0, -53.400002) -1
Stylla Parsini Erudite Shopkeeper Female (2105.0, 404.0, -39.400002) -1
Cyria Lorewhisper Erudite Shopkeeper Female (1800.0, -718.0, -70.199997) -1
Islan Hetston Erudite Citizen Shopkeeper Male (2251.0, 1008.0, -27.700001) -1
Xylania Rainsparkle Erudite Shopkeeper Female (2202.0, -1127.0, -13.0) -1
Tran Lilspin Erudite Citizen Shopkeeper Male (1761.0, -735.0, -70.199997) -1
Quana Rainsparkle Erudite Shopkeeper Female (2171.0, -1110.0, -13.0) -1
Win Karnam Erudite Shopkeeper Female (2247.0, 979.0, -27.700001) -1
Emil Parsini Erudite Citizen Shopkeeper Male (2119.0, 423.0, -39.400002) -1
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion