Wizard Epic: Staff of the Four

Quick Checklist / Guide
- Getting the Faction (Multiple Steps require certain amounts of Truespirit faction to function)
- Buy the potion called Ro's Breath from Dargon in Halas, outside the shaman guild (900-1100pp).
- Find Camin at the Vasty Deep Inn in Erudin. Hail him, Hand him 1000pp.
- Give Camin the Ro's Breath potion. Receive back a similar potion with no charges.
- Give Dargon in Halas the no-charge version of the Ro's Breath. Arantir Spawns.
- Hail Arantir, receive Arantir's Ring. recommend Bind Affinity here for fast return
- Give Chalice, found in the bottom of the Felwithe Paladin Guild, Arantir's Ring. Receive a similar ring back.
- Return to Arantir/Dargon in Halas. Give either of them the new Arantir's Ring. recommend gating back
- A new version of Arantir should spawn. Ask him "what about the gnome". Receive: Note from Arantir
Find Kandin Firepot in Butcherblock Mountains near the shoreline south of the docks, next to south houses. Give him the Note from Arantir.
Get the Staff of Gabstik & Note to Arantir
- Ask Kandin Fireport, "What oil". Receive: Golem Sprocket
- Bring a small raidforce and Find "a broken golem" inside Plane of Fear near the clocktower. (Multiday respawn). Give the broken golem the Sprocket and kill the enraged golem that will spawn, loot Green Oil.
- Give Kandin Firepot the Green Oil. Receive: Staff of Gabstik and Note to Arantir.
Kill Phinigel Autropos in Kedge Keep. Loot the Blue Crystal Staff.
Kill Venril Sathir in Karnors's Castle, loot Gnarled Staff.
Get the Staff of the Four (EPIC)
- Give Dargon in Halas the "Note to Arantir" to spawn Arantir, then hail him. Give him the Blue Crystal Staff, Gnarled Staff, and Staff of Gabstik.
Receive Magically Sealed Bag.
- Give the Magically Sealed Bag to Solomen in the Temple of Solusek Ro, receive the Staff of the Four
- Give Dargon in Halas the "Note to Arantir" to spawn Arantir, then hail him. Give him the Blue Crystal Staff, Gnarled Staff, and Staff of Gabstik.
Receive Magically Sealed Bag.
Full Walkthrough
Head to the the Temple of Solusek Ro and talk to a human wizard named Solomen. He is located on the left side of the temple between the two undead knights (one room from Lord Searfire at +425, +80, +29).
You say, 'Hail, Solomen'
Solomen says 'Ah, I see you have found my study. This is where I study and scribe the history of magic in Norrath.'
You say, 'What history?'
Solomen says 'I have worked to chronicle everything from the beginnings of magic to what we consider the modern day of magic. Solusek Ro has been very generous to those who wield magic in Norrath. But throughout history there is one thing I have noticed - too much power corrupts the soul. I have seen and documented that the strongest wizards and those closest to Solusek Ro become corrupted by their power.'
You say, 'What Wizards?'
Solomen says 'Unfortunately, I don’t have time to speak of such things right now. But I could use your help since you are here. I have here an envelope that I need delivered to one Camin Rah. You can find Camin in the wizard tower in the city of Erudin. He is a sage like myself whose knowledge rivals my own. Do you [agree] to undertake my task?'
You say, 'I agree.'
Solomen says 'Here you are, then. Good luck on your journey.'
You receive a Note to Camin.
The note identifies as "I've found what we've been searching for!")
You must hand this note to Camin, the next NPC involved in the epic. It reads:
"Hello, old friend, I have made an updated list and locations of the items required for my research. Dragon bones- Plane of Fear Jet Black egg- Unknown Mistletoe powder- Old Sebilis Rune of Lost Thought- Unknown Contact me when you find them Solomen"
Now head to the City of Erudin and find Camin. He can be found inside the Vasty Deep Inn on the 2nd floor. To find him, simply open the front door and go up the stairs to your right. Go down the hall and open the first door on your left. Camin will be behind the door at -1166, -11, 84. He is on Truespirit faction (similar to Beta Neutral - no faction for killing him and starts non-KOS to all).
Hand him the note that Solomen gave to you to get this response:
Camin says 'So you have met Solomen, eh? He is a man with a wealth of knowledge. It is good to hear he is well.'
You say, 'Hail, Camin'
Camin says 'Go away! I have no time for you!'
You say, 'What are you searching for?'
Camin says 'Ah! A smart one, I see! If you really wish to know about such a thing, you will have to help me finance my studies. The knowledge I have acquired and researched did not come cheaply.'
You will need to give Camin 1000pp at this point.
Camin says 'Good, good, you show a willingness to learn of this with your offer. What I can tell you is that Solusek Ro had four followers who had shown exceptional aptitude in the arts of wizardry. Solusek Ro himself tutored them. He considered them to be like his own children. I know of one who still exists. He goes by the name of Arantir Karondor. He used to specialize in the storing of magic into physical objects. Arantir has been hiding for many, many years and will most assuredly be going by another name, so keep your eyes open. Anyway, be off, I need to continue my research. Return to me if you ever find Arantir Karondor.'
Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 10. You gain experience!
Now you must head to Halas. Once there, head toward the shaman guild and find a vendor named Dargon (location 350, 357) that sells a potion called Ro's Breath (identifies as "Powerful magic radiates from this object."). Buy this potion for around 1000pp and make your way back to Erudin.
Hand Ro's Breath over to Camin and get this response:
Camin says 'Very interesting... I’ve seen this work before. Yes, yes! It's the work of Arantir Karondor! Give this back to the person you got it from. Maybe he will have a clue to Arantir's location.'
Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 10. You gain experience!
Camin gives you back the potion.
It now identifies as "I know who you are."). The only difference is that it no longer has a charge of Shield of Lava. You must now take this potion back to Dargon in Halas. Once it's handed in, she will turn into Arantir Karondor and reply with:
Dargon says 'So, I’ve been discovered! You must know Camin - he is one of the only people who could have recognized my work. I have worked very hard to mask my presence here.'
You say, 'Hail, Arantir Karondor'
Arantir Karondor says 'Before I tell you anything, I require you to help me. Seek a woman named Challice. Give her this ring and then return to me.'
You receive Arantir's Ring (identifies as "My love has no bounds").
You now need to seek Challice out inside the Felwithe Paladin guild at location -13, -263.
Give her the ring.
Challice says 'Oh yes? Arantir? What a fool he was! The man gave me everything, but for all his intelligence, he could never understand why I was truly with him. It was for his power; he could do anything. But when he mysteriously lost it, he became just another toy. I never loved him. Return this ring to him. He will understand that I have no desire to see him again.'
Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 10. You gain experience!
You get a different version of the ring back (identifies as "I never could love a man like you.").
Now you must head back to Halas.
You can hand the ring to either version of Arantir. Handing it into Dargon will spawn the real version.
Arantir Karondor says 'Ah, but it pains my heart to see this. How I could love a woman like that is beyond me. And yet, I still do love her. It was on the day I was to ask her to marry me that I lost my powers. When I was about to cast my greatest spell to prove my love to her, my magic failed. She ran out on me that day. But enough of me, do you wish to hear my story?'
You say, 'I wish to hear your story.'
Arantir Karondor says 'I once was one of four true followers of Solusek Ro. So great were the four of us that Solusek Ro himself made us each a special item. We did not know what the others’ items were, but we realized that was for our own safety. Each one of us, after receiving the item, began to plot against Solusek Ro. Each of us believed we had enough power to dominate Norrath. Solusek Ro saw this and at the time we needed our powers most, he stripped us of them. Now I know two of the other wizards by name. One was called Sylen Tyrn, the other’s name was Demunir Scry. The last wizard was a gnome, but I can’t think of his name.'
You say, 'What about Sylen Tyrn?'
Arantir Karondor says 'Sylen was a high elf wizard, and like many high elves, he believed himself to be better than others. Because of his birth, he thought he was more noble and more intelligent than anyone else. I heard how met his demise - while flying over a vast area of water, his powers were stripped from him in midflight. He fell and was captured by a rival wizard who specialized in magics of the water. Search for that wizard and you could find a trace of Sylen.'
The "trace of Sylen" he speaks of can be found on Phinigel Autropos in Kedge Keep, just make sure you keep going on with the rest of the dialog below before you go there. A Blue Crystal Staff is what you need. It's one of Phinigel's rare drops so you're in for a "fun" camp. He can be taken out easily by two or three organized groups. He has a number of magic immune guardians surrounding him so you may want a monk to do the pulling.
You say, 'What about Demunir Scry?'
Arantir Karondor says 'Demunir was a human in a rush for power. He was extremely intelligent and resourceful but, unfortunately, was more interested in destructive magic. Hearing of an ancient land, he immediately traveled to it, believing there to be powerful relics left undiscovered there. While exploring, he came upon a dwelling that housed a powerful warrior. Believing himself to be more powerful, he attempted to take this dwelling for himself. While in battle with this warrior, Solusek Ro stole his powers and left him helpless. It is said that Demunir’s item is the warrior’s most prized trophy.'
After you go through the rest of the below dialog and get the note, you're in for another not-so-enjoyable camp. The item you need now is the Gnarled Staff which can be found on Venril Sathir in Karnor's Castle (/loc?). It's his uncommon drop.
Although only 55th level, Venril will take three or four groups to put down. He procs a 1500 point lifetap so your raid will need to manage aggro very carefully.
You say, 'Who is the gnome?'
Arantir Karondor says 'Ah, the gnome I know very little about. I know he was small and crafty, and that he had a brother. His brother’s craft was that of making fireworks, and he was the unfortunate victim of one of his own experiments. His firework exploded, leaving his mind diminished in capacity, even for a gnome. I remember others calling him ‘Old Stewpot’ in jest. I do not know if this is his birth name, but it may help you to locate him. I hear he also stays close to water because of the explosion. You never know when another gnomish invention will go awry. Give him this letter to help motivate him to remember.'
You receive a Note from Arantir (identifies as "What is lost must be found").
It reads:
"Greetings Sir Gnome, I hope this letter reaches you in good health."
The gnome Arantir is referring to is Kandin Firepot. He has a 2.5-3 day respawn timer and is found at about -1490, 2845 in Butcherblock Mountains (in a gnome vendor camp along the coastline far south of the dock area). When you give Kandin the Note from Arantir he will say:
Kandin Firepot says 'Brother! I have one of those. He's great, but he's dead. His name was Gabstik and he was a really powerful wizard. I still have one of his greatest possessions! You look like you could use it. I’ve added another item to my shopping list. I require a dry brittle skin that I can mold or a rare oil found in the planes that I must soak the fuse in. Get me one of these things and I’ll trade it for my brother’s stick.'
Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 10.
You say, 'Hail, Kandin Firepot'
Kandin Firepot says 'Hello, there! Don’t have time to talk. I’m workin’, workin’, workin’! Careful! Don’t slip in the oil!'
You say, 'What oil?'
Kandin Firepot says 'Ah the oil! I recently sent a specially crafted golem to explore through a huge portal to another plane. Its instructions were to collect special oil that I suspect existed in the plane. What I think is the golem broke down. This looks like a good task for one like you. Go see what’s wrong with the golem. Here are spare gears of mine in case it’s broken. Be careful though, if you put it in wrong it could explode, or worse!'
You receive a Golem Sprocket.
Head to the Plane of Fear with a raid intact. Hand the sprocket to a broken golem. You now have a 65th level Enraged Golem to deal with. This will be a LONG fight, as he has well over 150k hps.
An enraged golem says 'Error! Malfunction! Destroy!'
An enraged golem says 'Wizards like you always bring out the worst in me.'
Once he is dead, loot Green Oil.
Head back to Butcherblock and hand in the Green Oil to Kandin in Butcherblock.
Kandin Firepot says 'Oh wow! You found the oil! Where is the golem? You didn’t hurt him did you? I am very fond of him. Anyways, here is your reward a note and staff to give to that guy you were asking me about.'
Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 30. You gain experience!
You receive a Staff of Gabstik and a Note to Arantir (identifies as "Give him a fish!"), which reads:
"The fish thank you for the people you sent me! Oh also if you ever come across my lantern please let me know."
Now take the note from Kandin and make sure you have the Blue Crystal Staff and the Gnarled Staff and the Staff of Gabstik on you. Give the note to Dargon in Halas. Arantir will once again appear in her place.
You say, 'Hail, Arantir Karondor'
Arantir Karondor says 'Ah yes, you again. Do you have the items? Give me the three you possess and I’ll combine them with my own.
At this point, hand Arantir the Blue Crystal Staff, the Gnarled Staff, and the Staff of Gabstik.
Arantir Karondor says 'Here, this pack contains all of our items. You will never be able to open it again, so you must deliver the pack, intact, to Solomen. He will then reward you. Now that I have helped you, leave me in peace.'
Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 30. You gain experience!
You receive a Magically Sealed Bag (identifies as "Godlike magic radiates from this bag").
Now you must go back to Solomen in Temple of Solusek Ro and hand him the bag.
Solomen says 'You actually did it! I never would have thought that anyone could have truly followed this path. This is a tribute to your intelligence and patience. Here, take this staff and know that you have made Solusek Ro and all the wizards of the world proud this day.'
Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by -100.
The final faction hit is in fact negative.
You receive the Staff of the Four.