Bard Epic: Singing Short Sword

Start at: The Dreadlands with Baldric Slezaf NPC in The Dreadlands
Level: 46 + | Expansion: Kunark


Quick Checklist / Guide

  • Maestro's Symphony Page 24 Top

    • Talk to Konia Swiftfoot in Western Karana, receive a Torch of Misty
    • Give the Torch of Misty to Fajio Knejo in Misty Thicket, receive a Torch of Ro
    • Give the Torch of Ro to Andad Filla in Southern Desert of Ro, receive a Torch of Rathe
    • Give the Torch of Rathe to Misty Tekcihta in Lake Rathetear, receive ring Proof of Speed
    • Give the ring to Konia Swiftfoot in Western Karana, receive Maestro's Symphony Page 24 Top
  • Maestro's Symphony Page 24 Bottom

    • Ask Baenar Swiftsong in South Karana, “what doll,” receive invoice
    • Take the invoice to Marfen Binkdirple in Solusek's Eye, receive a Mechanical Doll
    • Give the Mechanical Doll to Serra in Unrest, receive a note
    • Give the note to Baenar Swiftsong, receive a note
    • Give the note to Maligar in Western Plains of Karana
    • Kill Maligar's Enraged Doppleganger, loot his head
    • Give the head to Baenar Swiftsong, receive Mahlin's Mystical Bongos.
    • Give Mahlin's Mystical Bongos to Konia Swiftfoot, receive Maestro's Symphony Page 24 Bottom
  • Maestro's Symphony Page 25

    • Kill Blackwing in Rathe Mountains, loot Onyx Drake Gut
    • Kill Nezekezena or Phurzikon in Burning Woods, loot Red Wurm Gut
    • Kill Eldrig the Old in Skyfire Mountains, loot Chromodrac Gut
    • Give all the guts to Kelkim Menkia in South Karana, receive Maestro's Symphony Page 25
  • Mystical Lute Head

    • Kill Quag Maelstrom in Ocean of Tears, loot Alluring Horn.
    • Give Alluring Horn to Vedico Windwhisper in Butcherblock Mountains, receive a Note to Forpar.
    • Give Note to Forpar to Forpar Fizfla in Steamfont Mountains.
    • Say "What Components" to Forpar Fizfla, Receive Forpar's Note to Himself.
    • Kill Phinigel Autropos in Kedge Keep, loot Kedge Backbone
    • Kill an Amygdalan warrior in Plane of Fear, loot Amygdalan Tendril
    • Kill Drolvarg Warlord in Karnor's Castle, loot Petrified Werewolf Skull
    • Give Note to Forpar, Kedge Backbone, Amygdalan Tendril, Petrified Werewolf Skull to Forpar and receive Mystical Lute Head
  • Mystical Lute Body

    • Kill a red dragon and loot Red Dragon Scales (Lord Nagafen, Zordakalicus Ragefire, Talendor , Nortlav the Scalekeeper)
    • Kill a white dragon (Lady Vox, Gorenaire), loot White Dragon Scales
    • Give 1 metal bits (smithed), Red Dragon Scales and White Dragon Scales to Forpar, receive Mystical Lute Body
  • Undead Dragongut Strings

    • Live servers onlyGive Undead Bard in Old Sebilis the Mystical Lute Body to spawn a triggered version of Trakanon.
    • Kill Trakanon in Old Sebilis, loot Undead Dragongut Strings
  • Mystical Lute

    • Give Mystical Lute Head, Mystical Lute Body and Undead Dragongut Strings to Forpar, receive the Mystical Lute
  • Singing Short Sword!

    • Give Maestro's Symphony Page 24 top, Maestro's Symphony Page 24 bottom, Maestro's Symphony Page 25 and Mystical Lute to Baldric Slezaf, receive Singing Short Sword

Full Walkthrough

Visit Baldric Slezaf, located inside a pyramid at +775, +9665, around the portal area of the Dreadlands.

You say, 'Hail, Baldric Slezaf'

Baldric Slezaf says 'Hello. Don't you think this would be a wonderful place to perform a symphony?'

You say, 'What symphony?'
Baldric Slezaf says 'It has been my dream for years to perform a symphony that would be remembered for ages to come. I have run into a few minor snags, however.'

You say, 'What snags?'

Baldric Slezaf says 'Several years ago I bought sheets of the most beautiful sounding music from a traveling merchant. He did not know the author of the work as it was simply signed 'the Maestro'. The melody I played from them was wondrous and invoked feelings in me I have never felt before. However, as I reached the middle of the music, I discovered it was missing two pages!'

You say, 'What pages?'

Baldric Slezaf says 'The pages that were missing were pages 24 and 25. I have been searching the world for a spot to hold my symphony and I have finally found it. Without the music and a new lute crafted by the famous instrument maker Forpar Fizfla, I do not think I can pull it off.'

You say, 'Who is Forpar Fizfla?'

Baldric Slezaf says 'Forpar Fizfla is an eccentric instrument maker from Ak'Anon. He makes enchanted instruments that enhance the sound of the music. If I am to perform the concert of all concerts, I must have one of his instruments. I went to Ak'Anon, seeking to purchase an instrument from him but he wouldn't even speak to me.'

You say, 'What music?'

Baldric Slezaf says 'It makes me sad to know that the pages of this music may be spread across the world or destroyed. If you find and bring me the two missing sheets as well as a new lute, I would be happy to repay you in some way.'

You say, 'How will you repay me?'

Baldric Slezaf pulls a fantastic looking sword from its scabbard and says, 'I might be willing to part with this wonderful sword if I were able to perform this symphony. You would also gain recognition at the opening of the symphony.' Baldric sheathes his sword and begins to hum a haunting melody.

Baldric Slezaf wants these four items:

1) First Half of Page 24
2) Second Half of Page 24
3) Page 25
4) Lute made by Forpar Fizfla

To get top part page 24 go to West Karana and see Konia Swiftfoot, who may be found inside a guard tower at -500, -2400. She gives you a Torch of Misty and starts a race. Take the torch to Fajio Knejo in Misty Thicket (close to the wall guards). He gives you a Torch of Ro. Then take that torch to Andad Filla in South Ro (close to innothule zone) who gives you a Torch of Rathe. Then take that torch to Misty Tekcihta in Lake Rathetear (by the Arena zone). This will get you Proof of Speed. Finally, take this back to Konia Swiftfoot and you will get the top part of page 24.

You say, 'Hail, Konia Swiftfoot'

Konia Swiftfoot says 'Hello there, ______. I am hosting a relay running contest. Would you like to participate?'

You say, 'I would like to participate.'

Konia Swiftfoot says 'Great! The prize will be this silly old music sheet. Let me know when you are ready and I will pass you the torch and tell you where the first stop is.'

You say, 'I am ready.'

Konia Swiftfoot says 'Here you go. Run with this torch as fast as you can to the misty thicket and hand this torch off to Fajio Knejo. He will tell you where to go from there. Hurry! You do not have much time!'

You have entered The Misty Thicket.

You say, 'Hail, Fajio Knejo'

Fajio Knejo says 'Greetings, ______. I hope you are having a fine day.'

Fajio Knejo says 'Run onward, my friend, to the far off Desert of Ro and give this torch to Andad Filla.'

You gain experience!!

You have entered South Desert of Ro.

You say, 'Hail, Andad Filla'

Andad Filla says 'Hello, traveler, please do not bother me right now. I am waiting for someone.'

Andad Filla says 'You still have a way to go! Seek out Misty Tekcihta near the arena at Lake Rathe. Run like the wind!'

You gain experience!!

You have entered Lake Rathetear.

You say, 'Hail, Misty Tekcihta'

Misty Tekcihta smiles and taps her foot. Misty Tekcihta hands you a small ring.

You gain experience!!

Konia Swiftfoot says 'Excellent! You are quite a runner. Here is half of the sheet music. I decided to keep the other half because it has this wonderful signature. I think it might be quite valuable. It is probably worth as much as an instrument the great Mahlin used.'

To get the bottom half, you need to give Konia Swiftfoot Mahlin's Mystical Bongos. Talk to Baenar Swiftsong at location -15, +100 in South Karana. He will give you an invoice after you ask "what doll?". Go to Solusek A and give the gnome vendor Marfen the invoice and you will receive a doll. Take the doll to the Estate of Unrest and find Serra (next to the gnomish spelunker):

You say, 'Hail, Serra'

Serra says 'H..h..hello? Can you help me? I lost [something] and I need it so I can go back home.'

You say, 'Something?'

Serra says 'I never got my doll for my birthday. Before he could bring it to me I was h..hurt by the bad man. I cannot leave without my doll. Will you please help me?'

You say, 'What doll?'

Serra claps her hands. 'Oh goody! But... I cannot seem to remember his name. He gave me this note before I...'

You say, 'What note?'

Serra says 'I hope it will help you out. Please find him so I can leave this place?'

You receive a Ripped Qeynos Bards Guild Flyer.

Give her the Mechanical Doll:

Serra says 'Oh! You have the dolly! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I can go home now. Please give this to my father, Baenar. He will understand when he gets it.' Serra begins to fade away. 'Bye bye!''

You receive a Note for Baenar.

Take the note to Braenar, who will give a new note for Maligar. Take the note from Braenar to Maligar, who is in West Karana at loc 1200, -10900. Maligar's Enraged Doppleganger will attack at this point (bring a group). Kill the Doppleganger and loot his head. Take the head back to Braenar and receive "Mahlin's Mystical Bongos". Take the bongos to Konia Swiftfoot in West Karana to get the bottom of Page 24.

To get Page 25 go to South Karana and talk to the wood elf bard named Kelkin Mekia.

You say, 'Hail, Kelkim Menkia'

Kelkim Menkia sighs as she looks over her lute. 'My lute was mangled by those damnable gnolls! I have no idea how I'm going to get a new set of strings for it. They were so rare.'

You say, 'Why are they so rare?'

Kelkim Menkia says 'I only use the finest lute strings on my lute. My uncle got them for me from across the world. His name was Zendrik the Wurmslayer. As his name implies, he killed many wurms and drakes. The strings for my lute were all made from the guts of the wurms and drakes he slew.

You say, 'What wurms and drakes?'

Kelkim Menkia says 'The strings were from a chromodrac, a red wurm and a huge onyx drake. It always sounded so wonderful.' Kelkim sighs, looking off to the horizon. As she shakes her lute angrily, she says, 'I'll kill all of you dirty gnolls!'

Find these three items and give them to her to receive Page 25:

Chromodrac Gut (dropped by Eldrig the Old, a named chromodrac in Skyfire) Red Wurm Gut (dropped by Nezekezena, a named wurm in the Burning Woods) Onyx Drake Gut (dropped by Blackwing, an onyx drake in Rathe Mountains)

Kelkim Menkia snatches the gut strings from your hand and immediately begins to string her lute. 'This is wonderful, I will be able to play my lute again soon! Take this old sheet of music I found - I don't think I will have much use for it. My new desire is to bash gnoll heads in with my lute. Safe travels to you, Kenayne.'

You gain experience!!

Now you need Forpar's Lute. This is rewarded as head, body and strings.

First you need to get horn from Ocean of Tears (Alluring Horn from Quag Maelstrom). Take the alluring horn from Ocean of Tears to Vedico Windwisper, a half elf bard in Butcherblock, by the docks.

Vedico Windwisper says, 'Hello, _____. Have you seen the port master? I am here to complain about the shoddy service.'

You say, 'what shoddy service?'

Vedico Windwisper says, 'I was sailing from Freeport on one of the boats when a giant cyclops attacked the boat! No one lifted a finger as he stole the horn I was playing and ran off. Someone here has to answer for the loss of my horn.'

You offered 1 Alluring Horn to Vedico Windwisper.

Vedico Windwisper says, 'Where did you find this? I thought the cyclops took it. I am in your debt, SoAndSo. This horn has always been special to me.' Vedico reaches into her pack and pulls out a note. 'Do you think you could deliver this to my gnome friend Forpar. I have not spoken to him in a while and unfortunatly I will be unable to make the trip to visit him. If you are looking to have an instrument made, he is the man to ask.'

You receive Note to Forpar Fizfla in your inventory.

Take the note she gives you to Forpar. He then gives you a note and a list of items he needs:

Forpar Fizfla says, 'Get out, you pesky Wood Elf! I don't need any Wood Elf germs! Out, ye filthy beast!'

You offered 1 Note to Forpar Fizfla to Forpar Fizfla.

Forpar Fizfla says, 'So you know Vedico! How is the lass? If Vedico would give you the time of day, you must be something special. What can I do for you? I hope you have not come to have me make another [mystical instrument].'

You say, 'mystical instrument'

Forpar Fizfla says, 'I have made many mystical instruments in the past. Each one seemed to be better than the last. I have always had a dream of building the world's best lute, but I have yet to find someone brave enough to gather the [components] needed to make the instrument.'

You say, 'components'

Forpar Fizfla says, 'To make a mystical lute I will first need to make several pieces. If you bring me the backbone of an ancient fishman, a strong tentacle from one of the long lost amalgyms, and a petrified skull of a lycanthrope I may be able to create the head and neck of the instrument. If you go out and gather these things, make sure to bring me the note I gave you or I might forget who you are. I am getting quite old, you know.'

You receive Forpar's Note to Himself in your inventory.

This is the list of items he needs:

1) Backbone of an Ancient Fishman - Kedge Backbone from Phinigel Autropos in Kedge Keep.
2) Amalgam Tentacle - Amygdalan Tendril from Plane of Fear.
3) Petrified Skull of a Lycanthrope - Petrified Werewolf Skull from Karnor's Castle off a Drolvarg Warlord.

Take all 3 items and the note back give to Forpar.

Forpar Fizfla says 'Wow! I didn't think a Human like you would be able to gather all of those things.' Forpar rambles around and works with small tools for a good ten minutes before handing you a very fine looking lute head. 'Now, do you want to gather the next pieces for me?'

He gives you the Mystical Lute Head.

You say, 'What next pieces?'

Forpar Fizfla says 'The next pieces are a little harder to come by than those. To make the body of an instrument that will last ages to come, I need something very special. The scales of a big red dragon and the scales of a big white dragon will make it unbreakable, as well as giving it a unique look. Some metal bits will allow me to hold the body together. Please, if you gather up these things, bring them to me as soon as possible. I have not felt this good in years!'

The body requires the following items:

1) Red Dragon Scales from Talendor, Lord Nagafen, or Echo of Nortlav.
2) White Dragon Scales from Gorenaire or Lady Vox.
3) Metal Bits (regular smithed metal bits). (There's been some confusion because the name of the item is plural, but you really only need one copy of this. Verified in-game.)

Forpar Fizfla says 'Woooooo! You are doing a wonderful job, ______. I wish I could go out and gather these things myself.' 

Forpar sits back down at his desk and pulls several very strange looking tools out. Eventually he looks up at you and says, 'The body is done! Only one more piece to go!'

You say, 'One more piece to go?'

Forpar Fizfla says 'The lute has a head and body. The only thing missing is a set of strings that will never break! I have heard rumors of a living dead poison dragon in the lands of Kunark. If your were somehow able to get your hands on his guts, I could finish the lute. You would have to bring me the head, the body and the undead dragon gut for lute strings!'

Find and bring a raidforce to Trakanon's lair in Old Sebilis at -2085, -705.

Kill Trakanon and loot the Undead Dragongut Strings from him. On Live servers, spawn the triggered version of Trakanon by giving the Undead Bard the Mystical Lute Body.

Once you have all three lute parts, give the following to Forpar to receive the mystical lute: the head, body and gut strings.

Forpar Fizfla says 'Goodness! I can hardly contain myself! This will be my greatest creation ever!' 

Forpar sits down, slides the lute head into place and screws it together. After a few minutes, he begins to string the lute with the gut strings of the poison dragon. A wonderful sound fills the air as he strums the lute once and hands it to you. 'I hope you find a good use for that! I bet you could play it from the mountaintops and the people below would hear you. Thank you, ______, for making my lifelong dream come true!'

You gain experience!!

Now head back to Baldric Slezaf and give him the following items:

1) Maestro's Symphony Page 24 Top
2) Maestro's Symphony Page 24 Bottom
3) Maestro's Symphony Page 25
4) Mystical Lute from Forpar

Baldric Slezaf looks shocked as you hand him the pages and the mystical lute. 'I will put on a symphony the likes of which the gods have never seen. Thank you so much, ______. Please take this sword as a token of my gratitude.'

You gain experience!! He will reward you with the Singing Short Sword.

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