Permafrost Caverns

  • Level of Monsters:
  • 15-50+
  • Types of Monsters:
  • Ice Goblin, Goblin Mendicants, Diviners, Evokers, Priests, Prelates, Wizards, Sages, Elite Goblin Guard, Giant Wooly Spider, Dire Pup, Young Dire Wolf, Dire Wolf, Large Dire Wolf, Giant Dire Wolf, Icy Terror, a giant polar bear, Ice Giant Youth, Ice Giant, Ice Giant Magi, Ice Giant Priest
  • Name in /who:
  • permafrost
  • Succor/Evacuate:
  • Y: 61.0, X: -121.0 Z: 2.0
  • ZEM:
  • 0.80
Quick Facts
Expansion: Original.gif
Cast Outdoor
Cast Dungeon Only
Casters can Bind

Permafrost Keep is an ancient ice giant castle that has fallen into ruin, buried in the glaciers that are slowly claiming the northlands. Most of the ancient castle lies in ruins, and what is left consists of rediscovered areas of the old castle and a warren of caves dug out by the goblins who owe fealty to the great dragon Lady Vox. Ice Giants still live here, trapped deep beneath in the cold, waiting in attendance on their master.


  1. Lair of Lady Vox (see Raid Encounter page for drops)
  2. Ice Giant Diplomat who drops Throwing Boulder, and Ice Goblin Champion who drops Crystalline Blade.
  3. King's Room
    • King Thex'Ka IV who drops Symbol of Loyalty to Vox (Common) and White Wolf-hide Cloak (Rare)
    • A goblin patriarch who drops Goblin Frost Totem
    • Elite Goblin Guards who drop Icy Greaves, Frost Goblin Skin
    • Elite Honor Guards who drop Silvery War Axe (Common), and Silvery Two Handed Axe (Rare)
    • High Priest Zaharn who drops Zaharn's Coronet
  4. Goblin Archeologist (Level 24-27) who drops Archeologist Pack (Common) and Dented Brass Mask (Rare)
  5. Well that drops to sub-caverns shown at lower right
  6. Goblin Preacher (Level 24) who drops Cold Iron Morning Star (Common) and Runed Circlet (Rare)
  7. "Flag Room"
  8. A goblin alchemist (Permafrost) (Level 27) who drops Mammoth Hide Leggings (Common) and Mammoth Hide Cloak (Rare)
  9. Goblin Jail Master (Level 20) who drops Wooly Spider Silk Net (Common) and Etched Ivory Charm (Rare)
  10. Goblin Scryer (Level 25) who drops Ice Crystal Staff (Common) and Wolf Fur Slippers (Rare)
  11. An icy goblin (Level 24) who drops Book of Frost (rare)

Permafrost Keep is similar to other goblin dungeons in that there are always a large number of goblins either standing or wandering around anyplace that you are. This makes it a very challenging, some would say impossible, area to solo in, although there are certainly a couple of places where soloing is possible. Most adventuring within requires a group so that you can survive the constant onslaught of the goblins, many of whom are casters and can see through invisibility.

It should be noted that one of the two dragons on Antonica resides in the depths of Permafrost. Lady Vox herself holds court deep within this dungeon. She is guarded by Ice Giants who attend to her, and who are highly aggressive. Her lair is also protected by pit traps, which can drop you into a dangerous underground area filled with dire wolves, polar bears, and icy terrors. Do not attempt to take Lady Vox or the Ice Giant Castle by yourself or even in a small group, to kill Vox requires the coordinated efforts of several well-balanced groups.


This zone, despite being far off in the north, actually does get some travellers from afar, seeking out the goods that lie within it. There are many rare items that are highly prized elsewhere in Norrath that can only be found here.

Lady Vox herself typically draws the most attention these days, as the players become more and more powerful. Although she herself is godlike in power, the items that she typically drops are equal to the risk, and many guilds and groups vie for the chance to fight her.

There are a couple of specific areas that are relatively safe to hunt in for large periods of time. One is the Flag Room, named such because of the flag hanging on an ancient pole in the middle of the room. A group of the appropriate level can stay up against the wall and pull from the flag room and the room beyond for quite some time. This requires a powerful and well-coordinated group, however, as you can accidentally pull as many as five spellcasting goblins at once.

It is also possible to solo relatively safely in two areas, one in the area of the Goblin Alchemist, and you can often find rangers from afar in this room waiting for him to appear. The other area is the King's Room, where a brave person can sit along the front wall and pull the spawns carefully.

Travel To and From

There is only one way in and out of Permafrost Keep, through the tunnels leading in from the ancient castle ruins along the eastern border of Everfrost Peaks. There are, however, two ways to get to the tunnels. If you pass directly through the castle, you have found the shortest way, but also the most dangerous, as there are usually several ice giants in that tunnel standing guard. The other route lies through a small tunnel that can be found nearby along the northern wall of Everfrost. This winds its way through ancient tunnels and eventually into the main exit, past the guards through a secret door. Through this way, Permafrost Keep can be safely entered.

History, Lore, Background

Travelling to the Bear Pits

You will want to cast Levitate and Invisibility on yourself before you zone into Permafrost; SoW is useful but not necessary. You will want Bind Affinity and a port spell memorized (not Gate).

No mobs see through Invis until you get to the south side of the King's Room (#3 on map). The Elite Guards there will see through Invis. Travel *high* along the east wall of the room until you get to the north side. Don't approach the wooden door if you get aggro and decide to fight it out, as you will aggro the Giant behind the door.

You need to drop Levitate before opening the wooden door at 717, n180. The Giant behind the door may see thru Invis depending on the spawn. Run to the drop if he does.

Take the first right at 776, n43. You may see a Spider in the corridor at 845,n46. At the T-intersection past the Spider turn right and follow the U-turn corridor. You will now see 3 ramps, two on the left and one straight ahead. You may aggro a Giant standing at these ramps. Take the first ramp on the left. You will drop down a trap at the top at 1025, 50. You will aggro the Tenticle standing beside that trap.

You now fall a short distance to the Bear Pits. You will also have aggro'ed a bunch of mobs that are heading toward you.

Videos mention you should not bind immediately below the trap as a Spider may spawn there now. Move beside the big rock in front of you, cast Bind Affinity, then port/evac away ASAP. I have successfully camped instead of porting but YMMV.

Items - Found 355 items that drop in The Permafrost Caverns:
Item Name Dropped By
item_870.png A Faded Salil's Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Salil's Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Salil's Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Salils Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Salils Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Velishouls Tome Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Velishouls Tome Page
Multiple mobs
item_819.png A Spider Venom Sac giant wooly spider
item_884.png Archeologist Pack a goblin archeologist
item_776.png Barbarian Hunting Spear an injured polar bear
item_817.png Bear Meat a giant polar bear
item_1138.png Block of Permafrost
Multiple mobs
item_777.png Book of Frost an icy goblin
item_831.png Bottle of Kalish High Priest Zaharn
item_836.png Breath of Ro
Multiple mobs
item_569.png Bronze Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_524.png Bronze Boots
Multiple mobs
item_516.png Bronze Bracers
Multiple mobs
item_624.png Bronze Breastplate
Multiple mobs
item_626.png Bronze Collar
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Bronze Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_531.png Bronze Gauntlets
Multiple mobs
item_549.png Bronze Girdle
Multiple mobs
item_540.png Bronze Greaves
Multiple mobs
item_550.png Bronze Helm
Multiple mobs
item_975.png Bronze Knuckles
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Bronze Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_578.png Bronze Mace
Multiple mobs
item_763.png Bronze Main Gauche
Multiple mobs
item_772.png Bronze Mask
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Bronze Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_798.png Bronze Pauldron
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Bronze Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_740.png Bronze Shortened Spear
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Bronze Spear
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Bronze Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_622.png Bronze Vambraces
Multiple mobs
item_960.png Carnelian High Priest Zaharn
item_639.png Cloth Cap
Multiple mobs
item_656.png Cloth Cape
Multiple mobs
item_500.png Cloth Choker
Multiple mobs
item_572.png Cloth Cord
Multiple mobs
item_517.png Cloth Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_631.png Cloth Pants
Multiple mobs
item_666.png Cloth Sandals
Multiple mobs
item_665.png Cloth Shawl
Multiple mobs
item_678.png Cloth Shirt
Multiple mobs
item_670.png Cloth Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_677.png Cloth Veil
Multiple mobs
item_638.png Cloth Wristband
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Cold Iron Morning Star a goblin preacher
item_601.png Cracked Staff
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Crystalline Blade a goblin champion
item_740.png Crystalline Spear Lady Vox
item_772.png Dented Brass Mask a goblin archeologist
item_1075.png Diamond Dust
Multiple mobs
item_505.png Dragon Bone Bracelet Lady Vox
item_836.png Essence of Rathe
Multiple mobs
item_585.png Essence of Winter
Multiple mobs
item_566.png Etched Ivory Charm a goblin jailmaster
item_943.png Eye of Serilis
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Fine Steel Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Fine Steel Great Staff
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Fine Steel Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Fine Steel Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Fine Steel Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_604.png Fine Steel Scimitar
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Fine Steel Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Fine Steel Spear
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Fine Steel Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_581.png Fine Steel Warhammer
Multiple mobs
item_706.png Flame of Vox
Multiple mobs
item_835.png Frost Goblin Skin
Multiple mobs
item_835.png Giant Dire Wolf Skin a giant dire wolf
item_835.png Giant Polar Bear Skin a giant polar bear
item_905.png Giant Wood Spider Femur giant wooly spider
item_1246.png Giant Wood Spider Thorax giant wooly spider
item_518.png Glove of Rallos Zek
Multiple mobs
item_895.png Goblin Frost Totem a goblin patriarch
item_668.png Gossamer Amice
Multiple mobs
item_640.png Gossamer Cap
Multiple mobs
item_660.png Gossamer Cape
Multiple mobs
item_643.png Gossamer Collar
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Gossamer Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_635.png Gossamer Leggings
Multiple mobs
item_838.png Gossamer Robe
Multiple mobs
item_564.png Gossamer Sash
Multiple mobs
item_634.png Gossamer Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_677.png Gossamer Veil
Multiple mobs
item_637.png Gossamer Wristbands
Multiple mobs
item_1003.png Heart of Frost
Multiple mobs
item_811.png Ice Crystal Staff a goblin scryer
item_1094.png Ice Giant Toes
Multiple mobs
item_1156.png Ice Goblin Blood
Multiple mobs
item_972.png Ice of Velious
Multiple mobs
item_541.png Icy Greaves an elite goblin guard
item_770.png Iron Visor
Multiple mobs
item_952.png Jade Shard
Multiple mobs
item_949.png Jasper High Priest Zaharn
item_722.png Kavruul`s Mystic Pouch Lady Vox
item_1138.png Large Brick of High Quality Ore
Multiple mobs
item_1138.png Large Brick of Unrefined Ore
Multiple mobs
item_841.png Mammoth Hide Cloak a goblin alchemist
item_635.png Mammoth Hide Leggings a goblin alchemist
item_593.png McVaxius` Horn of War Lady Vox
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 115
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 116
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 300
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 301
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 35
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 351
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 352
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 36
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 378
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 379
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 400
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 401
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 415
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 416
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 449
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 450
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 30
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 30
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 312
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 312
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 375
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 375
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390
Multiple mobs
item_972.png Pearl Shard
Multiple mobs
item_1015.png Permafrost Crystals
Multiple mobs
item_1129.png Permafrost Snowball
Multiple mobs
item_582.png Pouch of Polished Jade Stones Greshvoule
item_570.png Prickly Pear an icy terror
item_570.png Ration High Priest Zaharn
item_564.png Raw-hide Belt
Multiple mobs
item_633.png Raw-hide Boots
Multiple mobs
item_660.png Raw-hide Cloak
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Raw-hide Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_643.png Raw-hide Gorget
Multiple mobs
item_635.png Raw-hide Leggings
Multiple mobs
item_771.png Raw-hide Mask
Multiple mobs
item_668.png Raw-hide Shoulderpads
Multiple mobs
item_640.png Raw-hide Skullcap
Multiple mobs
item_634.png Raw-hide Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_632.png Raw-hide Tunic
Multiple mobs
item_637.png Raw-hide Wristbands
Multiple mobs
item_545.png Ringmail Boots
Multiple mobs
item_620.png Ringmail Bracelet
Multiple mobs
item_661.png Ringmail Cape
Multiple mobs
item_538.png Ringmail Coat
Multiple mobs
item_625.png Ringmail Coif
Multiple mobs
item_526.png Ringmail Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_769.png Ringmail Mantle
Multiple mobs
item_627.png Ringmail Neckguard
Multiple mobs
item_540.png Ringmail Pants
Multiple mobs
item_562.png Ringmail Skirt
Multiple mobs
item_543.png Ringmail Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Al'Kabor
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Ap`Sagor
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Arrest
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Attraction
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Attraction
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Banding
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Conception
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Concussion
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Consumption
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Contortion
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Crippling
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Disassociation
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Dismemberment
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Embrace
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Expulsion
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Falhalem
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Frost
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Fulguration
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Fulguration
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Howling
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Impetus
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Infraction
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Karana
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Nagafen
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Neglect
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Oppression
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Paralysis
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Periphery
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Petrification
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Presence
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Proximity
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Rallos Zek
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Rathe
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Regeneration
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Solusek Ro
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Sorcery
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Substance
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Astral
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Catalyst
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Combine
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Cyclone
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Helix
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Inverse
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Trauma
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Tyranny
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Velious
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Xegony
Multiple mobs
item_563.png Runed Bolster Belt Lady Vox
item_523.png Runed Circlet a goblin preacher
item_569.png Rusty Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_605.png Rusty Broad Sword
Multiple mobs
item_975.png Rusty Knuckles
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Rusty Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_578.png Rusty Mace
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Rusty Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Rusty Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_579.png Rusty Scythe
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Rusty Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_740.png Rusty Shortened Spear
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Rusty Spear
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Rusty Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_567.png Rusty Warhammer
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 153
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Salil's Writ Pg. 174
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 174
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Salil's Writ Pg. 282
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 288
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 60
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Salil's Writ Pg. 60
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 64
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Salil's Writ Pg. 90
Multiple mobs
item_1169.png Scimitar of the Mistwalker Lady Vox
item_863.png Scroll of the Tempest Eye The Ice Witch
item_827.png Short Ale High Priest Zaharn
item_1166.png Silvery Two Handed Axe an elite honor guard
item_902.png Silvery War Axe an elite honor guard
item_539.png Small Bag High Priest Zaharn
item_1138.png Small Brick of High Quality Ore
Multiple mobs
item_1138.png Small Brick of Unrefined Ore
Multiple mobs
item_1074.png Snowfall Algae
Multiple mobs
item_1089.png Spider Legs giant wooly spider
item_782.png Spider Silk giant wooly spider
item_663.png Splinted Bronze Cloak
Multiple mobs
item_737.png Splintering Club
Multiple mobs
item_887.png Staff of Forbidden Rites Lady Vox
item_950.png Star Rose Quartz High Priest Zaharn
item_975.png Steel Knuckles
Multiple mobs
item_516.png Symbol of Loyalty to Vox King Thex`Ka IV
item_1200.png Tares Lichen
Multiple mobs
item_699.png Tears of Prexus
Multiple mobs
item_599.png The Scent of Marr
Multiple mobs
item_591.png Throwing Boulder
Multiple mobs
item_595.png Tobrin's Mystical Eyepatch Lady Vox
item_865.png Torn, Frost covered book Lady Vox
item_963.png Unholy Coldstone
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 109
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 8
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 9
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.17
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.43
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.44
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.67
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.68
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.75
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.76
Multiple mobs
item_567.png Warhammer of Divine Grace Lady Vox
item_636.png Weighted Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_552.png White Dragon Hide Lady Vox
item_1088.png White Dragon Scales Lady Vox
item_801.png White Dragon Tooth Lady Vox
item_839.png White Wolf-hide Cloak King Thex`Ka IV
item_753.png Wing of Xegony
Multiple mobs
item_666.png Wolf Fur Slippers a goblin scryer
item_817.png Wolf Meat
Multiple mobs
item_782.png Wooly Spider Silk Net a goblin jailmaster
item_869.png Words of Abatement
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Absorption
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Acquisition (Azia)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Acquisition (Beza)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Allure
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Anthology
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Bidding
Multiple mobs
item_896.png Words of Bondage
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Burnishing
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Cazic-Thule
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Cloudburst
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Coercion
Multiple mobs
item_864.png Words of Collection (Azia)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Collection (Beza)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Collection (Caza)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Convocation
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Crippling Force
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dark Paths
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Derivation
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Descrying
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Detachment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Detention
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dimension
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Discernment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Disillusionment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dissemination
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dissolution
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dominion
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Duration
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Duress
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Efficacy
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Endurance
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Enlightenment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Eradication
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Eventide
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Grappling
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Haunting
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Imitation
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Incarceration
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Materials
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Mistbreath
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Motion
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Neglect
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Obligation
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Odus
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Parasitism
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Possession
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Projection
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Purification
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Quivering
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Radiance
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Recluse
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Refuge
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Requisition
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Resolve
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Reviviscence
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Rupturing
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Seizure
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Sight
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Spirit
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Element
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Ethereal
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Extinct
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Incorporeal
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Psyche
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Quickening
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Sentient (Azia)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Sentient (Beza)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Spectre
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Spoken
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Suffering
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Transcendence
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Tyranny
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Worn Great Staff
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Worn Weighted Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_523.png Zaharns Coronet High Priest Zaharn
Item Name Dropped By
NPCs - Found 50 NPC's that spawn in The Permafrost Caverns:
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
an elite goblin guard Goblin Warrior Neuter 25 - 29 790 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
an elite honor guard Goblin Warrior Neuter 30 1,142 35 100 35 25 25 -1 All
an ice giant Giant/Cyclops Warrior Neuter 47 - 50 13,600 50 450 35 25 25 -1 All
an ice giant Giant/Cyclops Warrior Neuter 32 - 35 1,850 50 450 35 25 25 -1 All
an ice giant Giant/Cyclops Warrior Neuter 39 - 45 8,000 50 450 35 25 25 -1 All
an ice giant diplomat Giant/Cyclops Wizard Neuter 35 1,390 35 200 35 25 25 -1 All
an ice giant magus Giant/Cyclops Wizard Neuter 42 - 43 3,900 35 450 35 25 25 -1 All
an ice giant magus Giant/Cyclops Wizard Neuter 48 - 51 9,000 35 450 35 25 25 -1 All
an ice giant priest Giant/Cyclops Cleric Neuter 49 - 50 9,150 35 450 35 25 25 -1 All
an ice giant youth Giant/Cyclops Warrior Neuter 33 1,200 35 200 35 25 25 -1 All
an ice goblin Goblin Warrior Neuter 18 - 24 494 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
an ice goblin Goblin Warrior Neuter 10 - 12 200 25 100 25 15 15 -1 All
an ice goblin Goblin Warrior Neuter 13 - 17 300 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
an ice goblin Goblin Warrior Neuter 18 - 20 494 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
an icy goblin Goblin Wizard Neuter 24 - 26 759 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
an icy terror Tentacle Warrior Neuter 48 - 50 8,731 35 100 35 25 25 -1 All
an injured polar bear Bear Warrior Neuter 46 6,500 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a dire pup Wolf Warrior Neuter 12 - 13 80 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a dire wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 17 - 21 530 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a giant dire wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 43 - 47 6,775 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a giant polar bear Bear Warrior Neuter 43 - 47 8,009 35 100 35 25 25 -1 All
a goblin alchemist Goblin Shaman Neuter 24 - 25 510 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin archeologist Goblin Warrior Neuter 21 650 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin champion Goblin Warrior Neuter 35 1,675 35 100 35 25 25 -1 All
a goblin diviner Goblin Wizard Neuter 15 - 17 265 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin diviner Goblin Wizard Neuter 12 - 14 200 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin evoker Goblin Wizard Neuter 18 - 22 334 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin evoker Goblin Wizard Neuter 16 - 18 302 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin jailmaster Goblin Rogue Neuter 20 697 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin mendicant Goblin Cleric Neuter 15 - 18 375 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin mendicant Goblin Cleric Neuter 13 - 15 338 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin patriarch Goblin Cleric Neuter 30 902 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a goblin preacher Goblin Cleric Neuter 24 816 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin prelate Goblin Cleric Neuter 23 - 25 490 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin priest Goblin Cleric Neuter 18 - 22 421 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin scryer Goblin Shaman Neuter 24 - 25 816 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin warlock Goblin Wizard Neuter 27 - 29 458 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin warlock Goblin Wizard Neuter 20 - 22 350 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a goblin wizard Goblin Wizard Neuter 23 - 26 390 25 100 25 25 25 -1 All
a large dire wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 21 - 22 690 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a priest of Nagafen Giant/Cyclops Cleric Neuter 49 9,153 50 35 200 25 25 -1 All
a young dire wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 14 - 18 150 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
giant wooly spider Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 43 - 47 5,835 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Greshvoule Barbarian Rogue Male 35 1,675 35 35 35 25 25 3 All Remaining
High Priest Zaharn Goblin Cleric Neuter 30 1,200 35 100 35 25 25 -1 All
King Thex`Ka IV Goblin Warrior Neuter 30 - 31 1,275 35 100 35 25 25 -1 All
Lady Vox Lava Dragon Cleric Neuter 55 32,000 340 1000 70 340 340 -1 All
Scout Janomin Vah Shir Warrior Male 15 370 25 25 25 25 25 3 All Remaining
the goblin sage Goblin Wizard Neuter 28 648 35 100 35 25 25 -1 All
The Ice Witch Human Wizard Female 50 12,000 35 35 35 25 25 3 All Remaining
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
Spawn Points - Found 215 spawn points in The Permafrost Caverns:
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
(45.0, -269.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(507.0, -369.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(49.0, -287.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(602.0, -294.0, -15.9) an elite goblin guard (95%)
an elite honor guard (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(586.0, -183.0, -2.3) a goblin wizard (60%)
a goblin warlock (40%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(498.0, -242.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(50.0, -314.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(48.0, -255.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(537.0, -191.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(496.0, -222.0, 3.7) a goblin champion (10%)
a goblin priest (60%)
a goblin prelate (30%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(77.0, -384.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(106.0, -385.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(48.0, -344.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(763.0, 69.0, -30.7) an ice giant priest (30%)
an ice giant (50%)
an ice giant magus (20%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(1135.0, -216.0, 59.7) an icy terror (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(1137.0, -245.0, 59.7) an icy terror (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(1184.0, -230.0, 48.2) giant wooly spider (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(1154.0, -85.0, -63.4) a giant polar bear (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(1074.0, -101.0, -78.3) giant wooly spider (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(907.0, 243.0, -82.2) a giant dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(965.0, -216.0, -107.5) a giant polar bear (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(957.0, -224.0, -107.5) a giant polar bear (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(944.0, -202.0, -107.5) an injured polar bear (25%)
a giant polar bear (75%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(934.0, -71.0, -107.5) a giant polar bear (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(924.0, -140.0, -107.5) a giant polar bear (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(916.0, -148.0, -107.5) a giant polar bear (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(929.0, -22.0, -107.5) a giant polar bear (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(845.0, 5.0, -107.5) a giant polar bear (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(837.0, -2.0, -107.5) a giant polar bear (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(886.0, 50.0, -79.5) a giant polar bear (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(1014.0, 244.0, -82.2) a giant dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(1006.0, 236.0, -82.2) a giant dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(996.0, 266.0, -82.2) a giant dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(270.0, 59.0, -26.8) a young dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(339.0, -4.0, -26.5) a dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(329.0, 96.0, -19.4) a dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(361.0, 41.0, -27.1) a dire pup (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(418.0, 56.0, -40.8) a young dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(369.0, 85.0, -41.1) a dire pup (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(357.0, 120.0, -40.5) a dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(417.0, 120.0, -40.8) a young dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(462.0, 198.0, -41.1) a dire pup (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(460.0, 263.0, -40.2) a large dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(458.0, 363.0, -40.5) a dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(413.0, 240.0, -41.1) a dire pup (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(341.0, 166.0, -41.1) a dire pup (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(350.0, 227.0, -40.8) a young dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(370.0, 332.0, -40.2) a large dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(331.0, 375.0, -41.1) a dire pup (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(277.0, 433.0, -40.5) a dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(237.0, 441.0, -40.8) a young dire wolf (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(1071.0, -381.0, 3.7) an icy terror (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(1038.0, -230.0, 11.2) an ice giant priest (100%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(900.0, -128.0, 13.1) an ice giant priest (30%)
an ice giant (50%)
an ice giant magus (20%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(857.0, -261.0, 22.0) Lady Vox (100%)
7 days, 0:00:00 (12:00:00) -1 All
(942.0, -344.0, 11.9) an ice giant priest (30%)
an ice giant (50%)
an ice giant magus (20%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(874.0, -269.0, 15.1) an ice giant priest (30%)
an ice giant (50%)
an ice giant magus (20%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(865.0, -344.0, 11.3) a priest of Nagafen (100%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(1014.0, -165.0, 3.7) an icy terror (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(1024.0, -1.0, 3.7) an icy terror (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(994.0, -69.0, 3.7) an icy terror (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(895.0, 42.0, -30.7) an ice giant magus (100%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(806.0, 210.0, -28.8) an ice giant (100%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(759.0, 172.0, -28.8) an ice giant (100%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(620.0, 261.0, -36.3) giant wooly spider (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(670.0, 282.0, -28.8) an ice giant priest (30%)
an ice giant (50%)
an ice giant magus (20%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(704.0, 259.0, -30.7) an ice giant priest (30%)
an ice giant (50%)
an ice giant magus (20%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(680.0, 158.0, -28.8) an ice giant (100%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(667.0, 103.0, -28.8) an ice giant youth (34%)
an ice giant (66%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(839.0, 49.0, -36.3) giant wooly spider (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(678.0, -24.0, -28.8) an ice giant youth (34%)
an ice giant (66%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(743.0, -25.0, -28.8) an ice giant youth (34%)
an ice giant (66%)
4:00:00 (0) -1 All
(91.0, -394.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(120.0, -314.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(133.0, -329.0, 3.7) a goblin priest (75%)
a goblin jailmaster (25%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(714.0, -145.0, -30.7) an ice giant diplomat (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(636.0, -227.0, -38.2) a goblin champion (15%)
an elite goblin guard (80%)
an elite honor guard (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(660.0, -314.0, -38.2) an elite goblin guard (95%)
an elite honor guard (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(680.0, -280.0, -38.2) an elite goblin guard (75%)
an elite honor guard (5%)
King Thex`Ka IV (20%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(661.0, -263.0, -38.2) High Priest Zaharn (25%)
a goblin patriarch (75%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(664.0, -295.0, -38.2) the goblin sage (100%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(598.0, -244.0, -11.6) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(586.0, -418.0, 3.7) a goblin champion (10%)
a goblin priest (60%)
a goblin prelate (30%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(504.0, -165.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(36.0, -271.0, 3.7) an icy goblin (50%)
a goblin wizard (50%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(46.0, -214.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(49.0, -187.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(75.0, -155.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(106.0, -160.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(187.0, -588.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (75%)
a goblin scryer (25%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(169.0, -544.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(207.0, -548.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(199.0, -497.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(177.0, -499.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (50%)
an elite goblin guard (10%)
an elite honor guard (10%)
a goblin mendicant (5%)
a goblin priest (5%)
a goblin wizard (15%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(199.0, -587.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(176.0, -588.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(269.0, -454.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(267.0, -480.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(228.0, -477.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(189.0, -465.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(205.0, -436.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(169.0, -414.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(141.0, -411.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(168.0, -308.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(150.0, -306.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(138.0, -256.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(205.0, -230.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(160.0, -227.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(184.0, -196.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(217.0, -212.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(192.0, -367.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(211.0, -366.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(202.0, -320.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(243.0, -413.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(230.0, -394.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(243.0, -285.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(240.0, -315.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(311.0, -369.0, 4.6) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(288.0, -373.0, 4.8) a goblin evoker (75%)
a goblin alchemist (25%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(300.0, -309.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(301.0, -290.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(445.0, -321.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(437.0, 353.0, -38.2) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(406.0, -297.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(348.0, -360.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(367.0, -334.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(327.0, -250.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(343.0, -290.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(355.0, -219.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(374.0, -261.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(381.0, -282.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(385.0, -173.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(400.0, -185.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(380.0, -186.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(315.0, -199.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(493.0, 283.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(481.0, 293.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(550.0, 260.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(567.0, 246.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(496.0, 201.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(512.0, 181.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(519.0, 178.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(619.0, 140.0, 5.3) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(614.0, 168.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(590.0, 166.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(588.0, 56.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(542.0, 35.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(567.0, 16.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(519.0, -50.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(480.0, -36.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(495.0, -75.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(458.0, -12.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(432.0, -19.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(385.0, -16.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(401.0, -6.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(375.0, -3.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(378.0, 50.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(383.0, 78.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(443.0, 52.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(448.0, 80.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(424.0, 105.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(421.0, 342.0, 17.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(418.0, 350.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(320.0, 306.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (50%)
a goblin wizard (25%)
a goblin warlock (25%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(300.0, 294.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(357.0, 340.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(335.0, 319.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(338.0, 301.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(407.0, 298.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(414.0, 279.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(414.0, 217.0, 17.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(421.0, 190.0, 22.7) a goblin evoker (75%)
a goblin archeologist (25%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(402.0, 183.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(383.0, 242.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(356.0, 179.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(302.0, 197.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(295.0, 220.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(309.0, 163.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(240.0, 244.0, 10.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(210.0, 244.0, 10.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(223.0, 264.0, 10.7) a goblin preacher (25%)
a goblin prelate (75%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(228.0, 141.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(218.0, 141.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(203.0, 77.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(246.0, 84.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(288.0, 75.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(287.0, 105.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(228.0, 24.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(260.0, 22.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (65%)
a goblin mendicant (1%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
a goblin priest (3%)
a goblin wizard (5%)
a goblin prelate (5%)
a goblin diviner (1%)
an ice goblin (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(267.0, -97.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(291.0, -83.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(213.0, -116.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(211.0, -130.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(225.0, -40.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(224.0, -56.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(143.0, -70.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(116.0, -90.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(96.0, -57.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-2.0, 2.0, 3.7) a goblin mendicant (5%)
an ice goblin (85%)
a goblin diviner (5%)
a goblin evoker (5%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-13.0, -40.0, 1.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-57.0, -37.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-25.0, -125.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-33.0, -104.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-136.0, -25.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-117.0, -98.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-127.0, -110.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-155.0, -43.0, 17.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-163.0, -24.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-182.0, -31.0, 3.7) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-182.0, 67.0, 3.8) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-179.0, 51.0, 3.8) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(-55.0, 62.0, 3.8) an ice goblin (40%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
an ice goblin (15%)
a goblin mendicant (15%)
a goblin diviner (15%)
0:20:00 (0) -1 All
(1115.0, -205.0, -80.2) The Ice Witch (100%)
1:25:12 (0) 3 All Remaining
(173.0, -162.0, 4.3) Greshvoule (100%)
0:20:00 (0) 3 All Remaining
(-232.0, -24.0, 4.3) Scout Janomin (100%)
2 days, 0:00:00 (2 days, 0:00:00) 3 All Remaining
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
Fishing - Found 0 fish-able items in The Permafrost Caverns:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Foraging - Found 7 forage able items in The Permafrost Caverns:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_1037.png Fruit 0 8% -1 All
item_1037.png Berries 0 4% -1 All
item_1011.png Vegetables 0 20% -1 All
item_925.png Rabbit Meat 0 16% -1 All
item_583.png Roots 0 14% -1 All
item_584.png Pod of Water 0 34% -1 All
item_926.png Fishing Grubs 0 4% -1 All
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Ground Spawns - Found 8 ground spawns in The Permafrost Caverns:
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_1015.png Permafrost Crystals (277.0, 433.0, -39.0) Default comment -1 All
item_1015.png Permafrost Crystals (272.0, 6.0, 4.0) Default comment -1 All
item_1015.png Permafrost Crystals (313.0, 173.0, 4.0) Default comment -1 All
item_1015.png Permafrost Crystals (467.0, 362.0, -39.0) Default comment -1 All
item_1015.png Permafrost Crystals (260.0, -16.0, -24.0) Default comment -1 All
item_1015.png Permafrost Crystals (411.0, 330.0, 18.0) Default comment -1 All
item_1015.png Permafrost Crystals (316.0, 105.0, -16.0) Default comment -1 All
item_1015.png Permafrost Crystals (261.0, -3.0, -24.0) Default comment -1 All
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
Merchants - Found 0 merchants in The Permafrost Caverns (these are included in the NPCs list):
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion