
  • Level of Monsters:
  • 7-25+
  • Types of Monsters:
  • Giant Rats, Plague Rats, Decaying Skeletons, Skeletons, Dread Bone Skeletons, Putrid Skeletons, Large Skeletons, Greater Skeletons, Lesser Mummies, Ice Bone Skeletons, Ghouls, Will O' Wisps, Necromancer Apprentices, Neophytes, and Acolytes, Theurgist
  • Name in /who:
  • befallen
  • Succor/Evacuate:
  • Y: 35.0, X: -82.0 Z: 3.0
  • ZEM:
  • 1.60
Quick Facts
Expansion: Original.gif
Cast Outdoor
Cast Dungeon Only
Casters can Bind

Befallen was once the site of a wonderful temple, a reclusive home for the monks who maintained it. Many blame the dark elves for what it has become, but whatever the cause, Befallen is now a home to the undead its inhabitants used to hunt and destroy. Individuals who thrive on these beings have also taken up residence in its halls, necromancers and shadow knights.


Level One and Two
  • A. First locked door, requires Splintered Wooden Key
  • B. Second locked door, requires Charred Bone Key
  • C. Third locked door, requires Smoked Glass Key
  • 1. Dark Elf Shadowknight who drops Splintered Wooden Key and Chipped Bone Rod
  • 2. Skeleton Lrodd and pit to area 1 on level 3
  • 3. Human female Shadowknight who drops the Charred Bone Key, also pit trap to area 4 on level 3
  • 4. Ogre Shadowknight who drops Smoked Glass Key and Barbed Armplates
  • 5. The broken stair

Level Three
  • C. Locked door, requires smoked glass key
  • 1. Pit from area 2 on level 1
  • 2. Spawn area of The Thaumaturgist who drops Dagger of Marnek (Common), Gossamer Robe (Uncommon) and Thaumaturgist's Robe (Rare) and Damask Robe (Rare), and Priest Amiaz who drops Blackened Wand (Rare)
  • 3. Spawn area of a shadowknight (Troll) who drops Bone Bladed Claymore (Rare), Smoked Glass Key (Always), Splintered Wooden Key (Always?), Charred Bone Key (Always?)
  • 4. Bottom of pit trap in area 3 on level 2
  • 5. Spawn area of An Elf Skeleton who drops Thex Mallet Piece
  • 6. Spawn area of Dark Elf Female Shadow Knight who drops Barbed Legplates (Rare); can drop any of the keys of Befallen including Splintered Wooden Key, Charred Bone Key, and Smoked Glass Key.

Note that in the room north of #6 is the spawn spot of Boondin Babbinsbort who drops Icon of the Ardent Room 2 on image is drawn in slightly incorrect spot. Should be further south around ~-480.


Befallen is a small dungeon filled to the brim with undead creatures of all sorts. If that doesn't give you enough of a feel for the danger here, I'll explain more. Trains and being swarmed here are the largest danger to anyone adventuring into the halls. Most adventurers would describe this place as difficult to adventure in without dying at least once, and usually for one of the above reasons.

First off, the trains can be atrocious. There is a very low level area (the 1st floor) and a quite high level area (3rd floor). On the 3rd floor (well, on any floor actually) it is very easy to be swarmed and overwhelmed, and many people, if they don't die, will then be running for the exit. This causes problems for the people who lie along their path. Many of the monsters will jump off of the train and attack people that they pass by, but even worse is what happens when the person that all the monsters are chasing either zones or dies, and that is that the entire train walks back down to its level again. Along the way, they will attack anyone within their frenzy radius (which is almost the whole dungeon, it is so small). The trains are also more deadly because, if you are fleeing them, you have to somehow try and open locked doors from your inventory screen while being slammed.

As for the swarming, if you are able to walk in the front door and look down into the main hall when it hasn't been cleared out in a while, you will have a good idea of how this is readily possible. From your standpoint at the top of the stairs, there are at least four skeletons within view. Each of these skeletons is in attack trigger range of each other one, so basically, if you are low enough level to get experience from killing them, attacking one will bring all four onto you, which if you can get experience from them, can be tough to handle. Needless to say, every single room in the whole dungeon has essentially the same design, so either get used to soloing greens and low blues, or get in a group. It's even worse when you get jumped by creatures who spawn during your fight, so keep your eyes peeled and your keys handy (in order to create the trains mentioned above).

Specific dangers... Mummies attack, and mummies cause rabies. If you cannot cure disease, make sure you are friendly to someone who can (and will). Sitting or, even worse, meditating, is a surefire way to get swarmed. Basically, what happens is when you do either (or loot, incidentally) you increase the attack radius for any creatures around you. In other words, they will attack someone who is sitting down at a farther distance than someone who is standing. Also, aggressive greens (everything here) will attack when you sit, so if you sit down next to a decaying skeleton, he will attack you. Very annoying and potentially dangerous depending on your level. Necromancers are pure evil (no kidding, right?). They are much more deadly than they /con to you, especially since the normal rules of spellcasting that you and I follow do not apply to NPC casters (rules like not casting while running, using mana, being interrupted, etc). They tend to run early, so kill them fast and effectively.


Most people who come to hunt here are either looking for a specific item, either quest or otherwise, or are necromancers, clerics or paladins who have spells specifically designed for dealing with the undead. For them, this place is a great area in which to increase their experiences in the world, and almost anybody will group with them if they are interested in doing so.

For the rest of us, this place has a lot to offer still. The various undead have a high spawn rate and carry around a lot of cash, so if you're careful it's very easy to make a lot of experience and a lot of money. Some of the higher undead carry bronze weapons and rawhide armor, which is worth a fair amount of money.

Travel To and From

Befallen can be reached through a small, partially hidden tunnel along the southern wall of the West Commonlands. An unholy glow marks the entrance at night, and during the day one must climb the dunes to find it, as it is hidden behind an upward-jutting sand dune.

History, Lore, Background

The Keys

This dungeon is unique among the lower level dungeons in that you need to obtain keys to move around the dungeon at will. All of the keys are obtained by killing various shadowknights, and the shadowknights will give the appropriate key and also all keys lower down in the key chain. For instance the second SK gives her key as well as the splintered wooden one. The first key, the Splintered Wooden Key, is obtained from all the SK's, but must initially be obtained from the dark elf SK in the room to the west of the well and where Skeleton Lrodd spawns. This opens the first locked door. The second key, the Charred Bone Key, comes off of the female SK in the room with the pits, and opens the door directly across the hall. The third key, Smoked Glass Key, spawns off of the ogre SK who also spawns the barbed armplates. People will also sometimes leave this key on wimpy skeletons or rats on the top level for someone else to pick up later on, since it is No Rent. This key opens the third and final door at the bottom of the ruined stair. All of these keys can be obtained from the female shadow knight on the third level, so if you fall down, you can still walk back out. This key is also a no camp item, so if you log off when you come back it will be gone. You can also reach the lower level by either falling through the pits in the female SK room or going through the pit (not recommended due to significant damage from fall).


Befallen is one of the most infamous dungeons on all of Norrath, but it was not originally built to serve as a home to undead and dark magic. It was designed and built by the Order of Marr's Fist, a guild of knights and clerics dedicated to the twin gods Erollisi and Mithaniel Marr. The order needed a stronghold to aid them in their efforts to pacify and patrol the Commonlands. Already in control of Freeport, the Order says this, their westerly stronghold called the Chapterhouse of the Fist, as a way to expand their forces throughout the western Commonlands. Under the command of High Lord William Taros, the Order set about their business.

Now having two strong bases, the Order of Marr's Fist spread their influence from the Ocean of Tears to Kithicor Forest, securing roads, eliminating bandits, and driving the Deathfist Orcs to the brink of extinction. When the knights of the Order found things of dangerous power, they stored them away deep within the Chapterhouse for safekeeping. Among these objects was an ancient elven weapon of power known as the Thex Mallet.


After many decades of success, the order suffered a critical setback. A patrol of paladins found a sick, starved, half-mad wanderer in the western Commonlands. Though he was barely able to speak, the paladins learned his name was Gynok Moltor. In his fevered ramblings, Moltor claimed he had been cursed by gnoll shamans and driven into exile. Concerned for his safety, the patrol brought him back to the Chapterhouse, in the hopes of nursing him to health.

Unbeknownst to the Order, Moltor had a long history of unscrupulous behavior, bu this vile betrayal within Befallen was the worst. A petty thief and smuggler, Gynok had managed to rise to a position of power and authority within the merchant community of Qeynos long ago, through shady deals and blackmail. When a caravan set out to find a commerce route from Qeynos to Halas, Gynok managed to secure a position on it. the group nearly died in the frozen lands of the north, but they made it to Halas. There the barbarians told them of a quicker path between Halas and Qeynos, through the burrow of the Blackburrow gnolls.

An expedition was arranged to see if a route through the gnolls' territory could be established. The expedition was met by Opolla of Blackburrow, and old and wise gnoll shaman who saw that her people needed to live peacefully with their neighbors if they were to thrive. Opolla met the traders in peace, and offered to put out a feast in their honor. When the traders asked how they could be sure the other gnolls would obey Opolla, she showed them the four rings she wore on her right hand, the badge of her authority.

Immediately, Gynok lusted after these rings and schemed to steal them. After the feast, when other traders and gnolls were asleep, he snuck into Opolla's quarters and tried to remove the rings. But Opolla awoke and began to raise and alarm. Gynok panicked and cut off the shaman's hand to retrieve the rings. The shaman survived, and refused to allow the traders to be killed as they had entered the gnoll home under her promise of safety. But she declared a war between the gnolls of Blackburrow and the humans of Qeynos and barbarians of Halas. She also cursed Gynok Moltor and his family, and the angry residents of Qeynos banished him for his evil act.

Some months later, he was led into Befallen by the knights of the Order of Marr's fist, starving and dehydrated. Once Gynok had recovered his wits somewhat, he repaid this kindness by killing the knights watching over him, sacrificing them on a defiled alter to any god willing to give him the power to destroy Blackburrow and Qeynos. The dark, cursed magic that answered his call indeed gave him such power, but also bound him to the site of his evil deep, preventing him from ever using that power to gain his desires.

The exact nature of the dread power that answered Moltor's call is not well understood even to this day, and at best can only be described as a thinking, malignant force. Creating a cloud of black, foul necromancy, this evil force destroyed all those who dwelled within the Chapterhouse. Even Gynok was killed, although he was raised within minutes as an undead himself. The could spread out from the Chapterhouse to destroy small villages and whole caravans, and even to raise a horde of undead at an old battlefield around a tower in the eastern Commonlands. But the power of the malignancy was not limitless, and killing and perverting so many holy men and women drained much of its foul power. When dawn broke on the second day, the dark force was drawn back to the bunker within. Though its evil had spread for miles on its first night of existence, the evil could no longer break free of the bunker, but was limited to toying with those willing to enter. The Order of Marr's Fist never recovered from the loss of their main stronghold, although the Knights of Truth and Priest of Marr rose up to take their place.

For decades, none entered the former chapterhouse, which became known as Befallen. So quick was the destruction of the Order's base, and so complete was its transformation to a place of evil, Commonlands assumed Befallen was a different location entirely. Gynok Moltor ruled over Befallen as a petty warlord, luring the occasional adventurer into his lair and making deals with necromancers wishing to study Befallen's power. Moltor's power was relatively weak in terms of the great powers of Antonica, but with no Order of Marr's fist to raise an army against him, he endured as a force to be reckoned with in the Commonlands, despite being unable to leave Befallen himself.

Commander L'Rodd

Many high elves entered Befallen searching for one of the objects the order had placed within for safekeeping: the Thex Mallet. A few even managed to find this object, yet they were each trapped by the evil of Befallen and kept from carrying the artifact back to Faydwer. Word of these expeditions eventually reached the dark eleves of Neriak, who concluded that if an elven artifact resided within Befallen, the place must be the remnants of the elven empire that stood where the Desert of Ro is now found. A force of dark elves, commanded by the shadowknight Lord L'Rodd, traveled to Befallen to claim it and the Thex Mallet for the greater glory of Neriak.

Lord L'Rodd and his brace of necromancers assaulted Befallen directly, decimating the undead of Gynok Moltor. Moltor managed to hold only the western wing of the second level, granting L'Rodd dominion over the rest of the dungeon. L'Rodd found the Thex Mallet and claimed it for himself. Impressed by the power of the dark elf commander, the evil force of Befallen threw aside its weak vessel, Moltor, and set its hooks into this new shadowknight. L'Rodd found he could now command the undead of Befallen, and made preparations to return to Neriak at the head of a conquering army. To L'Rodd's surprise, however, he was unable to leave the dungeon without suffering great pain.

He too had fallen prey to the curse of Befallen.

Struggle for Power

Tales of Befallen's power spread far beyond the Commonlands, eventually reaching the Innothule Swamp. There it attracked the attention of Redak Brokenskull, a troll shadowknight of great power. Brokenskull wished to unite the troll clans of Norrath under his control, and then lead them in conquest against the rest of the world. Though a mighty warrior and a fair leader (for a troll), Brokenskull lacked the raw power to bring his splintered and insular people together. In the tales of Befallen's undead masses, the troll saw an opportunity to gain the forces he required.

Brokenskull arrived to find Lord L'Rodd raging against Befallen itself, with only a tenuous grip on command of the dungon. Gynok Moltor fought him at every turn, stealing the Thex Mallet and hiding it in pieces throughout the stronghold. The troll offered his services to first L'Rodd, and then Moltor, playing the two undead against one another. When both were weakened and disadvantaged by their fighting and his maneuvering, Brokenskull betrayed them both , stealing Moltor's sword and using it to destroy every living creature loyal to either Moltor or L'Rodd. When both undead turned on him in fury at his betrayal, he proved unable to destroy them both, and was forced to withdraw to an abandoned corner of Befallen to lick his wounds.

But the evil that inhabited Befallen knew a conqueror when it saw one and granted Brokenskull its dark authority. He was made the new lord of Befallen, able to send its legions in nighttime raids against nearby villages and camps. But when the troll attempted to march his new forces to Innothule Swamp, he discovered himself unable to leave the dungeon. Another dark villain had been caught by Befallen's darker curse.

The Burning Dead

Matters in Befallen remained unchanged for decades, with Redak Brokenskull unquestioned ruler of the place of evil but unable to send his forces further afield than one night's march. A decade ago, though, new forces came to Befallen, offering to aid Brokenskull in overcoming this limitation - members of the Burning Dead, the forbidden gnomish guild of necromancers, came to Befallen to offer a deal. Led by Menizzia the Thaumaturge, the gnomes promised Brokenskull they would serve him and seek a way to free him of Befallen's grip, in return for being allowed to live in Befallen and study its dark magics. Frustrated with the limited scope of his efforts thus far, Brokenskull agreed.

Secretly, of course, Menizzia had no intention of freeing Redak Brokenskull, though she certainly spent a great deal of time and effort researching the limits and range of the evil power's domain. In truth, Menizzia planned to use the power of Befallen for her own fell purposes. She was a disciple of the teachings of a powerful gnomish necromancer who lived centuries before, the great Marnek Jaull. Once a mighty force in Tunaria, Jaull had fought against the elves of Taksih Hiz and come close to exerting domination over half the continent before he and the Burning Dead were stopped by the paladins of Prexus. Since his loss, gnomish necromancers had continually sought a way to recapture or recreate his power. But Menizzia hopes to do more than that - she planned to bring back Jaull himself.

Items - Found 271 items that drop in Befallen:
Item Name Dropped By
item_870.png A Faded Velishouls Tome Page Boondin Babbinsbort
item_554.png a piece of Rat Fur a giant rat
item_710.png Ale
Multiple mobs
item_951.png Amber an elf skeleton
item_880.png Antiqued Silver Band
Multiple mobs
item_565.png Backpack
Multiple mobs
item_812.png Bandages
Multiple mobs
item_543.png Barbed Armplates a shadowknight
item_540.png Barbed Legplates a shadowknight
item_529.png Basoon Haste Gauntlets Gynok Moltor
item_848.png Bead Necklace
Multiple mobs
item_561.png Belt Pouch
Multiple mobs
item_809.png Blackened Wand Priest Amiaz
item_947.png Bloodstone
Multiple mobs
item_674.png Bloodstone Ring
Multiple mobs
item_603.png Bone Bladed Claymore a shadowknight
item_804.png Bone Chips
Multiple mobs
item_831.png Bottle of Kalish
Multiple mobs
item_569.png Bronze Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_603.png Bronze Claymore
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Bronze Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_975.png Bronze Knuckles
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Bronze Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_578.png Bronze Mace
Multiple mobs
item_763.png Bronze Main Gauche
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Bronze Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Bronze Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_740.png Bronze Shortened Spear
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Bronze Spear
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Bronze Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_759.png Buckler
Multiple mobs
item_507.png Burned Out Lightstone a willowisp
item_960.png Carnelian
Multiple mobs
item_955.png Cat's Eye Agate
Multiple mobs
item_1078.png Charred Bone Key
Multiple mobs
item_810.png Chipped Bone Rod
Multiple mobs
item_639.png Cloth Cap
Multiple mobs
item_656.png Cloth Cape
Multiple mobs
item_500.png Cloth Choker
Multiple mobs
item_572.png Cloth Cord
Multiple mobs
item_517.png Cloth Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_631.png Cloth Pants
Multiple mobs
item_666.png Cloth Sandals an elf skeleton
item_665.png Cloth Shawl
Multiple mobs
item_678.png Cloth Shirt
Multiple mobs
item_670.png Cloth Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_677.png Cloth Veil
Multiple mobs
item_638.png Cloth Wristband
Multiple mobs
item_754.png Copper Amulet
Multiple mobs
item_748.png Copper Band
Multiple mobs
item_748.png Copper Ring Gynok Moltor
item_601.png Cracked Staff
Multiple mobs
item_804.png Crystallized Marrow ice boned skeleton
item_592.png Dagger Boondin Babbinsbort
item_574.png Dagger of Marnek the thaumaturgist
item_668.png Damask Amice
Multiple mobs
item_640.png Damask Cap
Multiple mobs
item_660.png Damask Cape
Multiple mobs
item_643.png Damask Collar
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Damask Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_635.png Damask Leggings
Multiple mobs
item_838.png Damask Robe
Multiple mobs
item_564.png Damask Sash
Multiple mobs
item_634.png Damask Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_677.png Damask Veil
Multiple mobs
item_637.png Damask Wristbands
Multiple mobs
item_817.png Dark Elf Parts
Multiple mobs
item_955.png Flame Agate an elf skeleton
item_793.png Giant Rat Ear a giant rat
item_554.png Giant Rat Pelt a giant rat
item_794.png Giant Rat Whiskers a giant rat
item_518.png Glove of Rallos Zek Boondin Babbinsbort
item_817.png Gnome Meat
Multiple mobs
item_615.png Gold Ring an elf skeleton
item_615.png Gold Ring Gynok Moltor
item_535.png Golden Earring
Multiple mobs
item_838.png Gossamer Robe
Multiple mobs
item_507.png Greater Lightstone a willowisp
item_767.png Hematite
Multiple mobs
item_1157.png Human Blood
Multiple mobs
item_972.png Ice of Velious
Multiple mobs
item_894.png Icon of the Ardent Boondin Babbinsbort
item_570.png Iron Ration
Multiple mobs
item_1129.png Ivory an elf skeleton
item_952.png Jade an elf skeleton
item_715.png Jade Earring an elf skeleton
item_952.png Jade Shard
Multiple mobs
item_949.png Jasper
Multiple mobs
item_945.png Lapis Lazuli
Multiple mobs
item_539.png Large Bag
Multiple mobs
item_770.png Large Iron Visor a shadowknight
item_564.png Large Raw-hide Belt
Multiple mobs
item_633.png Large Raw-hide Boots a greater skeleton
item_660.png Large Raw-hide Cloak
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Large Raw-hide Gloves a greater skeleton
item_643.png Large Raw-hide Gorget a greater skeleton
item_635.png Large Raw-hide Leggings a greater skeleton
item_771.png Large Raw-hide Mask a greater skeleton
item_668.png Large Raw-hide Shoulderpads a greater skeleton
item_640.png Large Raw-hide Skullcap
Multiple mobs
item_634.png Large Raw-hide Sleeves a greater skeleton
item_632.png Large Raw-hide Tunic a greater skeleton
item_637.png Large Raw-hide Wristbands a greater skeleton
item_562.png Large Ringmail Belt a shadowknight
item_545.png Large Ringmail Boots a shadowknight
item_620.png Large Ringmail Bracelet
Multiple mobs
item_661.png Large Ringmail Cape a shadowknight
item_527.png Large Ringmail Coat a shadowknight
item_625.png Large Ringmail Coif a shadowknight
item_526.png Large Ringmail Gloves a shadowknight
item_769.png Large Ringmail Mantle a shadowknight
item_627.png Large Ringmail Neckguard a shadowknight
item_540.png Large Ringmail Pants a shadowknight
item_543.png Large Ringmail Sleeves a shadowknight
item_633.png Leather Boots
Multiple mobs
item_507.png Lightstone a willowisp
item_944.png Malachite
Multiple mobs
item_1092.png Mallet Head an elf skeleton
item_732.png Mallet Hilt an elf skeleton
item_586.png Mead
Multiple mobs
item_756.png Mithril Earring an elf skeleton
item_1157.png Necromancer Blood
Multiple mobs
item_956.png Onyx
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Parrying Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 30 Gynok Moltor
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 30 Gynok Moltor
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 312 Gynok Moltor
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 312 Gynok Moltor
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 375 Gynok Moltor
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 375 Gynok Moltor
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390 Boondin Babbinsbort
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390 Boondin Babbinsbort
item_953.png Pearl an elf skeleton
item_972.png Pearl Shard
Multiple mobs
item_813.png Plague Rat Tail
Multiple mobs
item_614.png Platinum Ring Gynok Moltor
item_793.png Rat Ears
Multiple mobs
item_917.png Rat Eye
Multiple mobs
item_817.png Rat Meat a giant rat
item_800.png Rat Tooth
Multiple mobs
item_794.png Rat Whiskers
Multiple mobs
item_570.png Ration
Multiple mobs
item_564.png Raw-hide Belt
Multiple mobs
item_633.png Raw-hide Boots
Multiple mobs
item_660.png Raw-hide Cloak
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Raw-hide Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_643.png Raw-hide Gorget
Multiple mobs
item_635.png Raw-hide Leggings
Multiple mobs
item_771.png Raw-hide Mask
Multiple mobs
item_668.png Raw-hide Shoulderpads
Multiple mobs
item_640.png Raw-hide Skullcap
Multiple mobs
item_634.png Raw-hide Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_632.png Raw-hide Tunic
Multiple mobs
item_637.png Raw-hide Wristbands
Multiple mobs
item_542.png Round Shield
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Al'Kabor Gynok Moltor
item_967.png Rune of Attraction Boondin Babbinsbort
item_967.png Rune of Disassociation Boondin Babbinsbort
item_967.png Rune of Expulsion Boondin Babbinsbort
item_967.png Rune of Falhalem
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Fulguration
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Karana Boondin Babbinsbort
item_967.png Rune of Nagafen
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Neglect Gynok Moltor
item_967.png Rune of Oppression Gynok Moltor
item_967.png Rune of Periphery
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Presence Boondin Babbinsbort
item_967.png Rune of Proximity
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Substance
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Trauma Boondin Babbinsbort
item_967.png Rune of Velious Gynok Moltor
item_967.png Rune of Xegony Boondin Babbinsbort
item_569.png Rusty Axe
Multiple mobs
item_577.png Rusty Bastard Sword
Multiple mobs
item_569.png Rusty Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_605.png Rusty Broad Sword
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Rusty Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_736.png Rusty Halberd
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Rusty Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_578.png Rusty Mace
Multiple mobs
item_768.png Rusty Mining Pick a skeletal excavator
item_741.png Rusty Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Rusty Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_604.png Rusty Scimitar
Multiple mobs
item_579.png Rusty Scythe
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Rusty Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_740.png Rusty Shortened Spear
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Rusty Spear
Multiple mobs
item_568.png Rusty Two Handed Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Rusty Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_567.png Rusty Warhammer
Multiple mobs
item_828.png Short Beer
Multiple mobs
item_566.png Silver Amulet an elf skeleton
item_544.png Silver Earring
Multiple mobs
item_675.png Silver Ring
Multiple mobs
item_675.png Silver Ring Gynok Moltor
item_544.png Silver Stud
Multiple mobs
item_539.png Small Bag
Multiple mobs
item_609.png Small Box
Multiple mobs
item_500.png Small Cloth Choker
Multiple mobs
item_517.png Small Cloth Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_631.png Small Cloth Pants
Multiple mobs
item_666.png Small Cloth Sandals
Multiple mobs
item_665.png Small Cloth Shawl
Multiple mobs
item_678.png Small Cloth Shirt
Multiple mobs
item_670.png Small Cloth Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_638.png Small Cloth Wristband
Multiple mobs
item_564.png Small Raw-hide Belt
Multiple mobs
item_633.png Small Raw-hide Boots ice boned skeleton
item_660.png Small Raw-hide Cloak ice boned skeleton
item_636.png Small Raw-hide Gloves ice boned skeleton
item_643.png Small Raw-hide Gorget
Multiple mobs
item_635.png Small Raw-hide Leggings ice boned skeleton
item_668.png Small Raw-hide Shoulderpads ice boned skeleton
item_640.png Small Raw-hide Skullcap ice boned skeleton
item_634.png Small Raw-hide Sleeves ice boned skeleton
item_632.png Small Raw-hide Tunic ice boned skeleton
item_637.png Small Raw-hide Wristbands
Multiple mobs
item_1080.png Smoked Glass Key
Multiple mobs
item_633.png Soft Leather Boots the thaumaturgist
item_633.png Soft Leather Shoes
Multiple mobs
item_1081.png Splintered Wooden Key
Multiple mobs
item_737.png Splintering Club
Multiple mobs
item_950.png Star Rose Quartz
Multiple mobs
item_838.png Thaumaturgists Robe
Multiple mobs
item_954.png Topaz an elf skeleton
item_817.png Troll Parts a shadowknight
item_946.png Turquoise
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 8 Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 9 Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.17 Boondin Babbinsbort
item_584.png Water Flask
Multiple mobs
item_542.png Wooden Shield
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Absorption
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Allure Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Words of Anthology Gynok Moltor
item_869.png Words of Cazic-Thule
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Cloudburst Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Words of Derivation
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Detachment Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Words of Dimension Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Words of Discernment Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Words of Dissolution
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dominion Gynok Moltor
item_869.png Words of Enlightenment Gynok Moltor
item_869.png Words of Eradication
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Eventide Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Words of Imitation
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Materials
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Mistbreath Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Words of Possession
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Radiance Gynok Moltor
item_869.png Words of Recluse Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Words of Refuge Gynok Moltor
item_869.png Words of Reviviscence
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Spirit
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Element
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Extinct Gynok Moltor
item_869.png Words of the Quickening Gynok Moltor
item_869.png Words of the Sentient (Azia)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Sentient (Beza) Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Words of the Spoken
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Transcendence Boondin Babbinsbort
item_869.png Words of Tyranny
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Worn Great Staff
Multiple mobs
Item Name Dropped By
NPCs - Found 45 NPC's that spawn in Befallen:
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
an elf skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 17 - 19 510 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a burnt zombie Zombie Warrior Male 11 - 13 280 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a cracked skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a decaying skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a dread bone Skeleton Warrior Neuter 8 - 10 190 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a ghoul Ghoul Warrior Neuter 13 - 17 370 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a giant rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 2 - 4 28 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a greater skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 11 - 13 280 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a large plague rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 8 - 10 190 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a lesser mummy Zombie Warrior Male 10 - 12 250 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a necro acolyte Dark Elf Necromancer Male 15 - 17 227 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a necro acolyte Human Necromancer Male 15 - 17 227 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a necro acolyte Gnome Necromancer Male 15 - 17 227 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a necro apprentice Human Necromancer Male 13 - 15 187 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a necro apprentice Dark Elf Necromancer Male 13 - 15 187 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a necro apprentice Gnome Necromancer Female 13 - 15 187 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a necro initiate Human Necromancer Male 9 - 11 166 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a necro neophyte Dark Elf Necromancer Male 7 - 9 150 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a necro neophyte Gnome Necromancer Male 7 - 9 150 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a necro neophyte Gnome Necromancer Female 7 - 9 150 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a necro neophyte Dark Elf Necromancer Female 7 - 9 150 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a necro neophyte Human Necromancer Male 7 - 9 150 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a necro theurgist Erudite Necromancer Male 17 - 19 288 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a necro theurgist Gnome Necromancer Male 17 - 19 288 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a necro theurgist Erudite Necromancer Female 17 - 19 288 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a plague rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a putrid skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 5 - 7 110 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a shadowknight Troll Shadowknight Male 14 - 16 370 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a shadowknight Human Shadowknight Female 9 - 11 198 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a shadowknight Dark Elf Shadowknight Female 13 - 15 330 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a shadowknight Ogre Shadowknight Male 11 - 13 256 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a shadowknight Dark Elf Shadowknight Male 5 - 7 115 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a skeletal excavator Skeleton Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 150 25 25 25 15 15 4 All Remaining
a skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a sturdy skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 150 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a willowisp Wisp Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a wimpy skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a zombie Zombie Warrior Male 6 - 8 150 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Boondin Babbinsbort Gnome Necromancer Male 25 442 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Gynok Moltor Zombie Warrior Male 21 - 23 635 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
ice boned skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 12 - 14 310 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Priest Amiaz Dark Elf Necromancer Male 16 - 17 400 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
skeleton Lrodd Skeleton Warrior Neuter 11 - 13 273 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
the thaumaturgist Erudite Necromancer Female 17 - 19 265 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
Spawn Points - Found 130 spawn points in Befallen:
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
(-77.0, 25.0, 3.0) a giant rat (24%)
a plague rat (24%)
a putrid skeleton (24%)
a greater skeleton (23%)
Gynok Moltor (5%)
0:15:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-81.0, -91.0, 3.8) a skeletal excavator (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) 4 All Remaining
(-77.0, -117.0, 3.8) a skeletal excavator (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) 4 All Remaining
(-163.0, 80.0, -8.3) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-147.0, 94.0, -10.2) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-215.0, 52.0, -10.2) a putrid skeleton (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-297.0, -10.0, -10.2) a skeletal excavator (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) 4 All Remaining
(-298.0, -73.0, -10.2) a skeletal excavator (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) 4 All Remaining
(-222.0, -52.0, -10.2) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-214.0, -27.0, -10.2) a wimpy skeleton (50%)
a putrid skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-139.0, -25.0, 5.6) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-70.0, -123.0, 6.4) a giant rat (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-76.0, -44.0, 3.8) a putrid skeleton (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-358.0, 91.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-391.0, 92.0, -66.8) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-400.0, -1.0, -64.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-482.0, 71.0, -78.0) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-437.0, 37.0, -73.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-469.0, 7.0, -70.9) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-356.0, -123.0, -83.1) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-371.0, -104.0, -77.6) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-434.0, -149.0, -69.1) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-479.0, -93.0, -65.0) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-511.0, -78.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-591.0, -96.0, -66.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1001.0, -79.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-998.0, -61.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-817.0, 38.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-815.0, 136.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-874.0, 39.0, -65.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-886.0, 48.0, -65.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-974.0, -205.0, -67.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-985.0, -174.0, -67.4) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-850.0, -226.0, -68.0) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-846.0, -204.0, -65.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-851.0, -22.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-901.0, -85.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-899.0, -72.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-836.0, -126.0, -68.0) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-820.0, -102.0, -65.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-776.0, -101.0, -67.7) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-796.0, -147.0, -67.8) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-651.0, 113.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-644.0, -124.0, -65.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-675.0, 130.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-749.0, 32.0, -65.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-677.0, 35.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-704.0, -37.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-731.0, -64.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-705.0, -101.0, -68.0) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-626.0, -32.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-646.0, -20.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-619.0, -89.0, -65.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-622.0, -161.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-621.0, -185.0, -66.2) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-532.0, -158.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-294.0, -115.0, -10.2) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-364.0, 104.0, -9.6) skeleton Lrodd (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-545.0, 191.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-518.0, 130.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-567.0, 161.0, -37.5) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-590.0, 88.0, -37.5) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-539.0, 85.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-585.0, -59.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-391.0, -99.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-570.0, 26.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-555.0, 18.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-399.0, 98.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-436.0, 104.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-455.0, 80.0, -37.5) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-448.0, 47.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-464.0, 20.0, -38.8) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-371.0, 7.0, -40.0) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-371.0, 29.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-399.0, -40.0, -37.5) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-455.0, -30.0, -38.8) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-436.0, -81.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-415.0, -113.0, -37.5) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-438.0, -210.0, -37.5) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-428.0, -241.0, -37.5) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-499.0, -230.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-487.0, -104.0, -40.0) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-490.0, -165.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-383.0, -174.0, -37.5) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-362.0, -160.0, -38.2) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-376.0, -254.0, -21.4) a large skeleton (10%)
a greater skeleton (14%)
a dread bone (10%)
a lesser mummy (15%)
a sturdy skeleton (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a burnt zombie (10%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a zombie (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro acolyte (5%)
a necro initiate (10%)
a necro apprentice (2%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-324.0, -225.0, -9.6) a large plague rat (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-292.0, -236.0, -8.3) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-282.0, -214.0, -10.2) a putrid skeleton (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-333.0, -166.0, -10.2) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-304.0, -93.0, -10.2) a putrid skeleton (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-276.0, -168.0, -10.2) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-272.0, -140.0, -12.1) a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-331.0, 166.0, -9.6) a large plague rat (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-281.0, 140.0, -10.8) a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-293.0, 128.0, -10.8) a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-274.0, 126.0, -8.3) a giant rat (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-327.0, 13.0, -12.1) a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-286.0, 31.0, -9.6) a large plague rat (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-288.0, 10.0, -10.8) a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-372.0, 69.0, -10.2) a putrid skeleton (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-394.0, 95.0, -10.2) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-318.0, 84.0, -10.2) a putrid skeleton (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-274.0, 80.0, -10.8) a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-170.0, -101.0, -8.3) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-140.0, -106.0, -9.6) a large plague rat (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-199.0, -120.0, -10.2) a decaying skeleton (50%)
a putrid skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-188.0, -243.0, -10.2) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-216.0, -210.0, -8.3) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-130.0, -237.0, -12.1) a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-134.0, -160.0, -11.2) a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-252.0, -178.0, -8.3) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-249.0, -133.0, -10.0) a putrid skeleton (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-215.0, 139.0, -10.2) a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
a necro neophyte (20%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-208.0, 162.0, -10.2) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-129.0, 154.0, -10.2) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-135.0, 118.0, -10.2) a putrid skeleton (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-813.0, -205.0, -68.0) Boondin Babbinsbort (100%)
3:57:30 (0) -1 All
(-551.0, -53.0, -38.2) a dread bone (50%)
a shadowknight (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-664.0, -183.0, -67.2) a dread bone (50%)
an elf skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-485.0, 86.0, -77.0) a ghoul (33%)
a necro theurgist (33%)
the thaumaturgist (34%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-493.0, 95.0, -75.8) Priest Amiaz (20%)
a ghoul (80%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-357.0, -95.0, -79.4) a shadowknight (20%)
ice boned skeleton (25%)
a willowisp (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (25%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-834.0, 162.0, -65.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-842.0, 154.0, -65.5) ice boned skeleton (18%)
a willowisp (15%)
a greater skeleton (15%)
a ghoul (15%)
a dread bone (3%)
a lesser mummy (3%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a burnt zombie (2%)
a necro acolyte (3%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
a necro acolyte (2%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro theurgist (5%)
a necro apprentice (3%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-987.0, -194.0, -68.7) ice boned skeleton (25%)
a greater skeleton (25%)
a ghoul (25%)
a shadowknight (25%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-510.0, 152.0, -36.3) a shadowknight (100%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-333.0, 183.0, -10.8) a plague rat (20%)
a shadowknight (80%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-191.0, 42.0, -4.9) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-158.0, 47.0, -3.6) a skeleton (50%)
a plague rat (50%)
a cracked skeleton (50%)
0:08:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
Fishing - Found 0 fish-able items in Befallen:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Foraging - Found 7 forage able items in Befallen:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_1037.png Fruit 0 15% -1 All
item_1037.png Berries 0 15% -1 All
item_1011.png Vegetables 0 15% -1 All
item_925.png Rabbit Meat 0 15% -1 All
item_583.png Roots 0 15% -1 All
item_584.png Pod of Water 0 15% -1 All
item_926.png Fishing Grubs 0 15% -1 All
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Ground Spawns - Found 0 ground spawns in Befallen:
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
Merchants - Found 0 merchants in Befallen (these are included in the NPCs list):
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion