Greater Faydark

  • Level of Monsters:
  • 1-12
  • Types of Monsters:
  • Bandits, Bats, Black Wolves, Brownie Scouts, Decaying Skeletons, Fae Drake Hatchlings, Faeries, Giant Wasp Drones, Orc Pawns, Orc Centurions, Orc Oracles, Orc Shamans, Pixie Tricksters, Spiderlings, Will-o'-Wisps
  • Name in /who:
  • gfaydark
  • Succor/Evacuate:
  • Y: 10.0, X: -20.0 Z: 0.0
  • ZEM:
  • 0.75
Quick Facts
Expansion: Original.gif
Cast Outdoor
Cast Dungeon Only
All can Bind

Greater Faydark is one of the largest and most confusing regions in all of the world of Norrath. It is quite vast, with the added bonus of being dark at all times with very few recognizable landmarks to tell where you are at any given time. It is the home of the wood elves, and is also the newbie area for the wood elves, high elves, and half elves that start out in Kelethin and Felwithe. It is also very near the homes of both the dwarves and the gnomes, so many members of those races are seen here as well.

Although Greater Faydark is a large zone, there aren't very many points of interest. Most of what can happen here is that one can get lost, so it's best to simply stick to the paths and not wander too far unless you know where you are going or have a good sense of direction. The only area of note not on a path is Crushbone, and it is so close to Kelethin that you don't need to wander.

Kelethin is one of the most amazing cities in all of Norrath, a tree city built peacefully around the trunks of the giant trees of the Greater Faydark. I was seeking Bards in this part of the world, and a fellow traveller who gave me directions told me to not look at my feet, but I had no idea what he meant until I saw the bottoms of dozens of wooden platforms sticking out of the mist. This is the ancestral home of the wood elves, and the center of their society. Guarded elevator platforms are the only means of accessing this great city in the trees.


Greater Faydark
  • 1. Orc Camps
  • 2. Abandoned Druid Ring
  • 3. Bandit Camp
  • 4. Wizard Spires
  • 5. Priest of Discord lift to Kelethin
  • 6. Newbie lift to Kelethin
  • 7. Orc lift to Kelethin

Kelethin (within the zone)
  • 1. Abandoned Platform with Loom
  • 2. Lift to ground - "Orc Lift," Merchants selling Food and other Goods and Pottery Sketches, Inn
  • 3. Merchants selling Elven Food Items, Food, and other Goods
  • 4. Tavern selling Alcohol, Merchant selling Plate Armor
  • 5. Merchants selling Racial Alcohol, Common Gems
  • 6. Abandoned Platform
  • 7. Tavern selling Alcohol, Merchant selling Plate Armor
  • 8.-Upper (connects to platforms 5, 6, and 7) Sparkling Glass with Merchant selling Metals and Rare Gems, Merchants selling Elven Food, Oven
  • 8.-Lower (connects to platforms 3 and 11) Pottery and Fletching Supply Merchants, Warrior Guild
  • 9. Heartwood Tavern selling Alcohol
  • 10. Hut selling Food and other Goods, connected platform has Tavern selling Alcohol
  • 11. "Priest of Discord Lift aka PoD Lift," Merchants selling Medium Armor Molds, Sheet Metal, Food and other Goods
  • 12. Bank, Merchant selling Potions and Crystals
  • 13. Platform with Rangers
  • 14.-Upper (connects to platform 13) Abandoned Platform
  • 14.-Lower (connects to platforms 11 and 15) Packwearers Goods selling Bags and Boxes, Bard Guild across bridge
  • 15. Newbie Lift, Merchants selling Food, Milk and other Goods, Large Sewing Kit, tailoring patterns and instructions
  • 16. Faydark's Champions - Ranger Guild
  • 17. Inn with Innkeep Wuleran selling Food and other Goods, Forge, Merchant selling Potions and Crystals, Chain Mail Patterns, Weapons Outside on the Platform "Merchant Winerasea" Sells Bows for about 3pp each
  • 18. Merchant selling Leather Armor and Sewing Patterns, Merchant in hut selling Bags and Boxes
  • 19. Inn selling Food, including Muffins and other Goods
  • 20. Shop selling Smithing Books and Container, Weapon, and File Molds, Merchant selling Cloth Armor, Pottery Wheel and Kiln
  • 21. Soldiers of Tunare - Druid Guild, Brew Barrel, bridge connects to Bilrio's Smithy selling Sharp and Blunt Weapons
  • 22. Merchants selling Chain Mail Armor and Boots, also Fier'Dal Forge
  • 23. Scouts of Tunare - Rogue Guild, sells Throwing Weapons
  • 24. Trueshot Bows selling Fletching (arrow) Supplies, Merchants selling Fletching (bows) Supplies, Tavern selling Alcohol and Ranger Spells

Greater Faydark is a relatively safe place to travel and fight in, barring the entrance of Crushbone. The rest of the zone is relatively safe, and the only inherently aggressive creatures here are the orcs. They tend to wander all over the zone and include orc pawns — level 2 lowbie mobs — and orc centurions which are much higher level. These are the most significant dangers wandering throughout the zone. Of the other monsters in the zone, none are notable except that they are "social" and will all group to attack you if you they see you fighting others of their kind. Some evil characters may be KOS to the faeries and fae dragons in the zone.

Near Crushbone, however, things can become a bit more risky for the unprepared adventurer. There are no reliable guards that you can run to except at the northern lift of Kelethin itself, also known as "orc lift." The orcs here are tougher, and there is still pretty reasonable hunting here up to 6th or 7th level before moving to Crushbone for its significantly higher zone experience modifier.

The problem with Greater Faydark — more of an annoyance, really — is that it tends to be quite overcrowded with a significant bottleneck for players around levels 4-6 during peak hours. This means that it sometimes is very difficult to find creatures to hunt, and the only place to find a good number of things to kill after the newbie area is right in front of Crushbone on Orc Hill. When all the camps around the forest are locked down, perhaps you will have better luck in Butcherblock or even at the windmills in Steamfont Mountains.

The other thing to be aware of is that the guards in Greater Faydark are some of the most dense guards around. They tend to stand right next to you and watch you get pounded on before they consider responding, so you might want to run to them sooner than usual because you're going to need some HP cushion while they try to connect their last three remaining brain cells to realize that the orc centurion you brought to them is indeed not a wood elf.


Starting in Greater Faydark has its problems, but they are few and far between once you get the hang of carefully navigating the ramparts of Kelethin and raise your Sense Heading skill enough to avoid getting lost in the woods. Kelethin has most of the goods necessary to craft items (with the occasional short jaunt to Steamfont for smithing supplies and Frosting).

This zone is the most popular bind location for all melee; you can bind anywhere in the zone here, and you have easy central access to all other zones on the continent of Faydwer. This may not sound like much, but a lot of good work went into designing this island to be self-sufficient, and if you know the island well, there are places for you to go to hunt that are perfectly suited to your level and are at most 2 short zones away.

Inherently, Greater Faydark also has the benefit of having easy access within itself to good hunting sites. As you can tell from the above example, my wood elf spent a great deal of time travelling here, and the zone is excellent for anyone up to and including about 6th level. After that you really need to move on to Crushbone or one of the other zones on the island. I knew it was time to move on when I took out an orc centurion, an oracle, and a shaman all at the same time.

Travel To and From

To the North of Greater Faydark lies Crushbone. Felwithe lies down the road from Kelethin in the southeastern corner of the zone. Approximately two-thirds of the way across the southern edge of the zone is the entrance to Lesser Faydark, which is how you get to Steamfont Mountains (take a left once you pass into Lesser Faydark at about 45 degrees and run for about 2 minutes, you'll hit the edge and the zone).

Following the path across the southern edge of Greater Faydark to the western wall you'll reach Butcherblock Mountains. You can reach this by following the path past Lesser Faydark to its completion.

Last, but not least, there is a set of portal towers located directly on the path between the zone edge to Lesser Faydark and the zone edge to Butcherblock. Follow the path east from them to head towards Felwithe, Kelethin, or Lesser Faydark, and west to Butcherblock Mountains.


Kelethin is one of the four major cities on the continent of Faydwer. The others include the cities of the high elves, the dwarves, and the gnomes. Wood elves share Greater Faydark with the high elves, although the high elf city of Felwithe is almost exactly the opposite of Kelethin. Felwithe is a grand and opulent city on the outside while being simple and beautiful on the inside. The gnome city of Ak'Anon and the dwarven city of Kaladim are both a short distance away. The journey to Ak'Anon goes through the sparsely populated forest of Lesser Faydark. Kaladim is found in the nearby Butcherblock Mountains.

As far as traveling abroad, Kelethin is about as far from a port as you can be on this island. The trip from Kaladim's port to the human city of Freeport is a long and boring one. There is a set of magical gates near the pass to Lesser Faydark where powerful mages have been rumored to travel, but they have been inactive for quite some time.


There are three lifts from Greater Faydark into Kelethin.

Northern Lift

Other names: "Orc Lift"

Location: Approximately (988.77, 221.86, -21.26) in Greater Faydark.

(Guard Fayfear & Guard Pineshade at bottom, Guard Orcflayer at top)

Central Lift

Other names: "PoD Lift"

Location: Approximately (138.10, 233.33, 8.60) in Greater Faydark.

(Guard Rainstrider, Guard Fireblight & POD at bottom, Merchant Kwein & Merchant Linolyen at top)

Southeastern Lift

Location: Approximately (27.07, -137.08, 8.82) in Greater Faydark.

Other names: "Newbie Lift"

(Guard Brookrock at base, Merchant Iludarae at top)

Surrounding Areas

The area surrounding Kelethin is swarming with life. Black wolves, wasp drones, and bats move through the forest and provide targets for many a budding archer from the city above. The nearby orc city of Crushbone occasionally sends out scouts as far as Kelethin, but they have never gained a foothold on the city's platforms themselves.

Farther from the main city lies the entrance to Crushbone itself. The orcs have made camps ringing the entrance and many heroes (and corpses) have been made fighting the large orc families that live here. Faeries also move through the forest, but they will leave the average traveler alone unless they are known to hunt faerie-kin. The nearby smaller forest of Lesser Faydark holds the portal to the land of the gnomes and is inhabited by more ferocious orcs and other, more horrible creatures. The way to the dwarven city of Kaladim lies through the Butcherblock Mountains and its dangers.

History, Lore, Background

Local Color


The city itself is really the site to see when you are in Kelethin. It is incredible to an outsider (although I'm part elf myself) that these wood elves live and work on platforms with no rails or protection from falls to the ground below. Although personally not afraid of heights, my barbarian friend who made the trip to this city with me refused to ride the elevator to the platforms and curled up in a bush below to await my return. I can't say that I blame him.


The people of Kelethin are a quiet folk. They are sequestered away in Greater Faydark, and since the population reveres nature as a rule, it would be difficult to find any of the poachers or other misusers of the gifts in Kelethin. It pains my human half to say it, but I feel that elves are one of the truly beautiful races in Norrath, and this peaceful city is a faint reflection of an inner peace and harmony that we all could learn from.


The Koada'Dal generally like to think they are the closest to their ancestors of ancient Tunaria, but the Fier'Dal know better. When the Elves arrived in Faydwer and saw the marvelous unspoiled woodlands, fae-touched and lovely, some of them saw a chance for a fresh start, away from the mistakes of the past. Some, however, were too rooted in the past to see this great opportunity and set about building walls and buildings and canals, trying to force a portion of the Faydark into their memory of Takish'Hiz.

The Fier'Dal (Wild Elves), as they would come to be called, saw this for the folly it was. When they looked at the Faydark, they all agreed it was much like Takish'Hiz, only much wilder, and they did not see this as a bad thing. They tried to convince their countrymen to abandon their city, but they were unable to convince them. In then end, they left the Koada'Dal to their marble halls and struck out into the wilderness.

Between where Kelethin and Crushbone stand today, the Wood Elves set about their first attempt at a woodland home, Shadow-Wood Keep. There stood-- stands, to this day-- a massive broadwood tree. The Elves spent decades coaxing the trees around it to grow horizontally to furnish a flat surface on which to build. They then laid crossbeams over the trunks, and mats on top, and hung mats from the surrounding upright trees. Leaves served as the roof. For many years, the Feir'Dal dwelled here very happily.

The Orcs and Elves had been at odds since the Elves arrived. When they started building Crushbone as their own city so near the Wood Elven settlement, the Fier'Dal were furious and began preparing for war. Unfortunately, the Orcs attacked first. The Orcs massacred the unprepared Elves and set fire to the Keep, burning it and everything in it. Only a handful of the Wood Elves escaped.

Today, no one knows precisely where to find the ruins of the Keep. Those few who claim to have seen it speak of a burned-out shell haunted by decaying skeletons-- the remains of the inhabitants whose hatred of the orcs keeps them from true rest.

The remaining Wood Elves were heart-broken but not beaten. They began construction at once on an even more magnificent home. Slowly, one of oldest and most respected rangers, Kele, put together a team of rangers to distract the orcs while the others worked on the nascent city. Dispite attacks from both the orcs and the native fae, the Wood Elves build many platforms and huts high above the forest floor. Once there were enough homes for everyone, the community moved in there, and christened it "Kelethin," Elvish for "Child of Kele."

The Orcs, enraged at the seeming disappearance of their hated enemies, began burning great swaths of forest down to drive them out of hiding. It was only at this point, after having established a city of their own, that Kele went to Felwithe to ask aid against the Orcs. The High Elves, who had only been waiting to be asked, graciously granted it. The Orcish threat diminished thereafter. The High Elves made it plain, however, that if their woodland countrymen expected Felwithian aid, they should remember their loyalty to the Felwithian crown.

Items - Found 262 items that drop in The Greater Faydark:
Item Name Dropped By
item_870.png A Faded Salil's Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Salil's Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Salils Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_927.png A Large Widow Abdomen
Multiple mobs
item_710.png Ale
Multiple mobs
item_951.png Amber
Multiple mobs
item_951.png Arborean Amber
Multiple mobs
item_1084.png Arborean Sapling Bark an arborean sapling
item_1084.png Arborean Sprout Bark an arborean sprout
item_583.png Arborean Sprout Root an arborean sprout
item_601.png Arborean Sprout Twig an arborean sprout
item_565.png Backpack
Multiple mobs
item_812.png Bandages
Multiple mobs
item_1224.png Basilisk Hatchling Hide a basilisk hatchling
item_792.png Bat Fur
Multiple mobs
item_791.png Bat Wing
Multiple mobs
item_848.png Bead Necklace
Multiple mobs
item_561.png Belt Pouch
Multiple mobs
item_556.png Black Wolf Skin a black wolf
item_800.png Black Wolf Tooth a black wolf
item_947.png Bloodstone
Multiple mobs
item_674.png Bloodstone Ring
Multiple mobs
item_804.png Bone Chips
Multiple mobs
item_831.png Bottle of Kalish
Multiple mobs
item_569.png Bronze Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Bronze Dagger a faerie royal guard
item_975.png Bronze Knuckles
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Bronze Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_578.png Bronze Mace
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Bronze Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_1018.png Brownie Brain
Multiple mobs
item_919.png Brownie Leg
Multiple mobs
item_925.png Brownie Parts
Multiple mobs
item_507.png Burned Out Lightstone a willowisp
item_960.png Carnelian
Multiple mobs
item_955.png Cat's Eye Agate
Multiple mobs
item_920.png Centurion Relgle's Head Centurion Relgle
item_817.png Chunk of Meat
Multiple mobs
item_639.png Cloth Cap a decaying skeleton
item_656.png Cloth Cape a decaying skeleton
item_500.png Cloth Choker a decaying skeleton
item_572.png Cloth Cord a decaying skeleton
item_517.png Cloth Gloves a decaying skeleton
item_631.png Cloth Pants a decaying skeleton
item_666.png Cloth Sandals a decaying skeleton
item_665.png Cloth Shawl a decaying skeleton
item_670.png Cloth Sleeves a decaying skeleton
item_677.png Cloth Veil a decaying skeleton
item_638.png Cloth Wristband a decaying skeleton
item_602.png Combine Great Staff Alania Peaceheart
item_754.png Copper Amulet
Multiple mobs
item_748.png Copper Band
Multiple mobs
item_555.png Coyote Pelt
Multiple mobs
item_744.png Coyote Skull
Multiple mobs
item_601.png Cracked Staff
Multiple mobs
item_864.png Crumpled Piece of Paper Expin
item_564.png Crushbone Belt
Multiple mobs
item_1157.png Elven Blood
Multiple mobs
item_836.png Essence of Rathe Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_910.png Faerie Wing
Multiple mobs
item_1075.png Fairy Dust
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Fine Steel Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Fine Steel Great Staff
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Fine Steel Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Fine Steel Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Fine Steel Rapier a faerie royal guard
item_604.png Fine Steel Scimitar
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Fine Steel Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Fine Steel Spear a faerie royal guard
item_519.png Fine Steel Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_581.png Fine Steel Warhammer
Multiple mobs
item_955.png Flame Agate
Multiple mobs
item_706.png Flame of Vox
Multiple mobs
item_1088.png Forest Drakeling Scales a forest drakeling
item_792.png Giant Sylvan Bat Fur
Multiple mobs
item_1074.png Giant Wasp Drone Pollen a giant wasp drone
item_1225.png Giant Wasp Drone Sternite a giant wasp drone
item_820.png Giant Wasp Venom Sac
Multiple mobs
item_1074.png Giant Wasp Warrior Pollen a giant wasp warrior
item_1225.png Giant Wasp Warrior Sternite a giant wasp warrior
item_1224.png Giant Wasp Warrior Tergite a giant wasp warrior
item_1246.png Giant Wasp Warrior Thorax a giant wasp warrior
item_1074.png Giant Wasp Worker Pollen a giant wasp worker
item_1203.png Giant Wasp Worker Tarsus a giant wasp worker
item_1224.png Giant Wasp Worker Tergite a giant wasp worker
item_518.png Glove of Rallos Zek
Multiple mobs
item_615.png Gold Ring
Multiple mobs
item_802.png Golden Bandit Tooth
Multiple mobs
item_535.png Golden Earring
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Great Staff Faelin Bloodbriar
item_507.png Greater Lightstone a willowisp
item_988.png Head of an Ebon Mask Spy an ebon mask spy
item_1003.png Heart of the Pure Druid Alania Peaceheart
item_767.png Hematite
Multiple mobs
item_553.png High Quality Wolf Skin a black wolf
item_570.png Iron Ration
Multiple mobs
item_1129.png Ivory
Multiple mobs
item_952.png Jade
Multiple mobs
item_715.png Jade Earring
Multiple mobs
item_949.png Jasper
Multiple mobs
item_945.png Lapis Lazuli
Multiple mobs
item_539.png Large Bag
Multiple mobs
item_792.png Large Sylvan Bat Fur
Multiple mobs
item_507.png Lightstone a willowisp
item_590.png Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_555.png Low Quality Coyote Pelt
Multiple mobs
item_553.png Low Quality Wolf Skin a black wolf
item_551.png Lute Lily Ashwood
item_944.png Malachite
Multiple mobs
item_1084.png Mature Arborean Bark a mature arborean
item_586.png Mead
Multiple mobs
item_553.png Medium Quality Wolf Skin a black wolf
item_756.png Mithril Earring
Multiple mobs
item_717.png Morning Dew
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 115 Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 116 Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 300 Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 301 Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 35 Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 351 Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 352 Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 36 Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_956.png Onyx
Multiple mobs
item_804.png Orc Finger Bones orc pawn
item_569.png Orc Hatchet
Multiple mobs
item_920.png Orc Head
Multiple mobs
item_555.png Orc Scalp
Multiple mobs
item_1070.png Orc Skull
Multiple mobs
item_547.png Orcish Arsons Torch an orc arsonist
item_592.png Parrying Dagger a decaying skeleton
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23 a faerie guard
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 23 a faerie guard
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24 a faerie guard
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 24 a faerie guard
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26 a faerie guard
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 26 a faerie guard
item_953.png Pearl
Multiple mobs
item_1074.png Pixie Dust a pixie trickster
item_910.png Pixie Wing a pixie trickster
item_1088.png Pristine Forest Drakeling Scales a forest drakeling
item_570.png Ration
Multiple mobs
item_838.png Robe of Discord Priest of Discord
item_542.png Round Shield
Multiple mobs
item_1018.png Royal Jelly
Multiple mobs
item_555.png Ruined Coyote Pelt
Multiple mobs
item_1088.png Ruined Forest Drakeling Scales a forest drakeling
item_553.png Ruined Wolf Pelt a black wolf
item_967.png Rune of Al'Kabor
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Attraction Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_967.png Rune of Conception
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Embrace
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Falhalem a faerie guard
item_967.png Rune of Fulguration a faerie guard
item_967.png Rune of Infraction
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Nagafen a faerie guard
item_967.png Rune of Paralysis
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Periphery a faerie guard
item_967.png Rune of Petrification
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Proximity a faerie guard
item_967.png Rune of Rathe Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_967.png Rune of Substance a faerie guard
item_967.png Rune of the Combine
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Helix
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Inverse Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_967.png Rune of Tyranny
Multiple mobs
item_569.png Rusty Axe a decaying skeleton
item_577.png Rusty Bastard Sword a decaying skeleton
item_569.png Rusty Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_605.png Rusty Broad Sword
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Rusty Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Rusty Flail
Multiple mobs
item_736.png Rusty Halberd a decaying skeleton
item_975.png Rusty Knuckles
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Rusty Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_578.png Rusty Mace
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Rusty Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Rusty Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_604.png Rusty Scimitar a decaying skeleton
item_579.png Rusty Scythe
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Rusty Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_740.png Rusty Shortened Spear
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Rusty Spear
Multiple mobs
item_567.png Rusty Two Handed Hammer
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Rusty Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_1180.png Rusty Ulak a decaying skeleton
item_567.png Rusty Warhammer
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 153
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Salil's Writ Pg. 174
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 174
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Salil's Writ Pg. 282
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 288
Multiple mobs
item_743.png Severed Orc Foot
Multiple mobs
item_743.png Shadow Wolf Paw a black wolf
item_566.png Silver Amulet
Multiple mobs
item_544.png Silver Earring
Multiple mobs
item_1049.png Silver Leafed Emerald Amulet Gurleg Bribgok
item_675.png Silver Ring
Multiple mobs
item_544.png Silver Stud
Multiple mobs
item_905.png Skeleton Tibia an elven skeleton
item_539.png Small Bag
Multiple mobs
item_609.png Small Box
Multiple mobs
item_639.png Small Cloth Cap
Multiple mobs
item_656.png Small Cloth Cape
Multiple mobs
item_500.png Small Cloth Choker
Multiple mobs
item_572.png Small Cloth Cord
Multiple mobs
item_517.png Small Cloth Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_631.png Small Cloth Pants
Multiple mobs
item_666.png Small Cloth Sandals
Multiple mobs
item_665.png Small Cloth Shawl
Multiple mobs
item_678.png Small Cloth Shirt
Multiple mobs
item_670.png Small Cloth Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_677.png Small Cloth Veil
Multiple mobs
item_638.png Small Cloth Wristband
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Spear Geeda
item_1089.png Spider Legs
Multiple mobs
item_885.png Spiderling Eye a widow hatchling
item_1089.png Spiderling Legs a widow hatchling
item_782.png Spiderling Silk a widow hatchling
item_737.png Splintering Club a decaying skeleton
item_887.png Staff of Discord Priest of Discord
item_950.png Star Rose Quartz
Multiple mobs
item_975.png Steel Knuckles a faerie royal guard
item_699.png Tears of Prexus Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_599.png The Scent of Marr Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_954.png Topaz
Multiple mobs
item_547.png Torch orc pawn
item_946.png Turquoise
Multiple mobs
item_910.png Wasp Wing
Multiple mobs
item_584.png Water Flask
Multiple mobs
item_817.png Wolf Meat a black wolf
item_817.png Wood Elf Parts
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Bidding
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Burnishing Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Words of Cazic-Thule
Multiple mobs
item_864.png Words of Collection (Azia)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Collection (Beza)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Collection (Caza) Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Words of Convocation
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Derivation a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of Descrying
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Disillusionment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dissolution a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of Eradication a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of Imitation a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of Incarceration Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Words of Materials a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of Obligation Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Words of Possession a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of Projection
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Reviviscence a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of Seizure
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Spirit a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of the Element a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of the Psyche Lieutenant Leafstalker
item_869.png Words of the Sentient (Azia) a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of the Spectre
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Spoken a faerie guard
item_869.png Words of the Suffering
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Tyranny a faerie guard
item_602.png Worn Great Staff
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Worn Weighted Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_572.png Woven Spider Silk
Multiple mobs
Item Name Dropped By
NPCs - Found 172 NPC's that spawn in The Greater Faydark:
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
Alania Peaceheart Wood Elf Druid Female 45 9,000 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Aleena Lightleaf Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Aliafya Mistrunner Wood Elf Druid GM Female 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 3 All Remaining
an arborean sapling Treant Warrior Neuter 7 - 8 119 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
an arborean sprout Treant Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 50 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
an ebon mask spy Dark Elf Rogue Male 10 240 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
an elven skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 5 - 7 80 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
an orc arsonist Orc Warrior Neuter 12 264 25 25 25 25 25 3 All Remaining
Astar Leafsinger Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a bandit Half Elf Rogue Female 4 - 8 57 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a bandit Human Rogue Female 4 - 8 57 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a bandit Wood Elf Rogue Female 5 - 8 75 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a basilisk hatchling Alligator Warrior Neuter 8 - 10 190 25 25 350 15 15 -1 All
a bat Giant Bat Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a bat Giant Bat Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a black wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a brownie scout Brownie Druid Female 1 - 3 11 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a brownie scout Brownie Druid Male 1 - 3 11 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a coyote Wolf Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 119 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a decaying skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a drunkard High Elf Warrior Male 8 - 10 190 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a faerie courtier Fairy Ranger Female 9 - 11 195 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a faerie duchess Fairy Ranger Female 18 - 20 422 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a faerie guard Fairy Ranger Female 15 - 17 373 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a faerie maiden Fairy Ranger Female 6 - 8 111 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a faerie noble Fairy Ranger Female 12 - 14 270 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a faerie royal guard Fairy Ranger Female 20 - 22 510 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a fae drake hatchling Drixie Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a forest drakeling Drake Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 61 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant bat Giant Bat Warrior Neuter 7 - 8 119 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant sylvan bat Giant Bat Warrior Neuter 7 - 8 119 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant wasp drone Wasp Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant wasp warrior Wasp Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 160 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant wasp worker Wasp Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 54 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large bat Giant Bat Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 54 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large sylvan bat Giant Bat Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 54 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large widow Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large widow Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
a mature arborean Treant Ranger Neuter 9 - 11 195 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a pixie trickster Pixie Rogue Female 2 25 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a sylvan bat Giant Bat Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a widow hatchling Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a widow matriarch Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 8 - 10 180 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a willowisp Wisp Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a young coyote Wolf Warrior Neuter 3 51 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Banker Willaen Fayguard Banker Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Barkeep Aanlawen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Barkeep Lysslan Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Barkeep Manlawen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Barkeep Myrisa Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Barkeep Sissya Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Barkeep Syntan Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Barkeep Tuviena Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Barkeep Tvanla Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Barkeep Uulianu Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Beleth Streamfoot Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Bidl Frugrin Gnome Wizard Male 13 322 26 26 26 26 26 -1 All
Bilrio Surecut Wood Elf Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Captain Silverwind Felguard Warrior Male 44 4,719 75 50 50 50 50 -1 All
Centurion Relgle Orc Warrior Neuter 10 240 25 25 25 15 15 3 All Remaining
Cerila Windrider Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Devin Ashwood Wood Elf Ranger Male 10 260 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Dill Fireshine Wood Elf Ranger GM Male 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Expin Wood Elf Rogue GM Male 45 5,875 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Faelin Bloodbriar Wood Elf Druid Female 55 19,750 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Gallin Woodwind Wood Elf Warrior GM Male 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Geeda Wood Elf Rogue GM Female 61 32,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Grynn Drixie Warrior Neuter 10 250 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Guard Briarstorm Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Brookrock Fayguard Warrior Male 50 32,000 200 175 175 175 175 -1 All
Guard Crystalwind Felguard Warrior Male 50 32,000 200 1757 175 175 175 -1 All
Guard Dayblaze Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Eaglesong Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Fayfear Fayguard Warrior Male 50 32,000 200 175 175 175 175 -1 All
Guard Fayfield Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Fireblight Fayguard Warrior Male 50 32,000 200 175 175 175 175 -1 All
Guard Frostfallen Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Highmoon Felguard Warrior Male 50 32,000 200 175 175 175 175 -1 All
Guard Marshmoor Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Moonwind Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Nitegazer Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Noonshadow Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Oakwillow Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Orcflayer Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Pinebramble Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Pineshade Fayguard Warrior Male 50 32,000 200 175 175 175 175 -1 All
Guard Rainstrider Fayguard Warrior Male 50 32,000 200 175 175 175 175 -1 All
Guard Starstrike Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Streamtree Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Sunblaze Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Sunweaver Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Tangleroot Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Treestrider Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Guard Valewatcher Fayguard Warrior Male 38 - 42 3,210 145 145 145 130 130 -1 All
Gurleg Bribgok Orc Warrior Neuter 12 290 25 25 25 25 25 3 All Remaining
Heartwood Master Wood Elf Druid GM Male 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Hendricks Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Horth Evergreen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Idia Wood Elf Bard Female 25 810 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Innkeep Anisyla Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Innkeep Larya Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Innkeep Linen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Innkeep Wuleran Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Jakum Webdancer Wood Elf Bard Male 25 810 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Josylyn Greenblade Wood Elf Warrior GM Female 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 3 All Remaining
Kindl Lunsight Wood Elf Warrior Male 20 610 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Laren Wood Elf Rogue GM Male 61 32,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Lieutenant Leafstalker Fayguard Warrior Male 47 5,915 75 50 50 50 50 -1 All
Lily Ashwood Wood Elf Bard Female 15 430 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Linadian Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Maesyn Trueshot Wood Elf Ranger GM Male 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Merchant Aianya Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Aildien Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Ainaiana Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Aluuvila Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Aluwenae Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Gaeadin Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Gerienae Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Gililya Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Iludarae Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Kaeluase Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Kanoldar Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Kweili Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Kwein Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Laedar Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Lanin Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Legweien Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Linolyen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Milania Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 3 All Remaining
Merchant Minamas Wood Elf Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Muvien Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Neaien Wood Elf Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Nildar Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Niwiny Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 2 All Remaining
Merchant Nluolian Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Sylnis Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Tananie Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Tegdian Wood Elf Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Tenra Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Tiladinya Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Tilluen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Tinolwenya Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Tuluvdar Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Uaylain Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Ueaas Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Weaolanae Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Merchant Winerasea Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Nexus Scion High Elf Warrior Female 66 1,000,000,000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 3 All Remaining
Nylianne the True Wood Elf Ranger Female 61 32,000 35 35 35 25 25 2 All Remaining
orc centurion Orc Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
orc centurion Orc Warrior Neuter 6 - 8 140 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
orc centurion Orc Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 50 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
orc hatchetman Orc Warrior Neuter 1 - 3 20 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
orc oracle Orc Shaman Neuter 4 - 6 74 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
orc pawn Orc Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
orc shaman Orc Shaman Neuter 6 104 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
Priest of Discord Human Cleric Male 50 31,000 425 425 425 425 425 -1 All
Ran Sunfire Wood Elf Ranger GM Female 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Regren Wood Elf Warrior GM Male 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Salani Tunfar Wood Elf Warrior Female 12 290 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Samatansyn Flamecaller Wood Elf Ranger GM Male 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 3 All Remaining
Sarialiyn Tranquilsong Wood Elf Bard GM Female 61 32,000 440 440 440 440 440 3 All Remaining
Serilia Whistlewind Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Sindl Talonstrike Wood Elf Warrior GM Male 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Soulbinder Oakstout Wood Elf Warrior Male 1 34,500 26 26 26 26 26 3 All Remaining
Srendon Gladetender Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 2 All Remaining
Sylia Windlehands Wood Elf Bard GM Female 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Tilania Shadowwalker Wood Elf Rogue GM Female 61 32,000 440 440 440 440 440 3 All Remaining
Tylfon Wood Elf Rogue GM Male 61 2,000,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Uleen Laughingwater Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Verth Mistwielder Fayguard Shopkeeper Male 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Zelli Starsfire Fayguard Shopkeeper Female 40 3,250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
Spawn Points - Found 350 spawn points in The Greater Faydark:
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
(1907.0, -134.0, 25.7) a willowisp (100%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1825.0, 1669.0, 32.6) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(771.0, 1309.0, 1.7) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(442.0, -1049.0, 9.0) a faerie courtier (10%)
a faerie maiden (60%)
a faerie noble (10%)
a faerie guard (10%)
a faerie duchess (5%)
a faerie royal guard (5%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(170.0, 1576.0, 4.9) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1077.0, 1268.0, -2.5) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2194.0, 2062.0, 3.6) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1747.0, -1928.0, 70.0) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1734.0, -182.0, -0.4) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1689.0, 1117.0, -32.0) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1974.0, -626.0, 27.0) a faerie courtier (10%)
a faerie maiden (60%)
a faerie noble (10%)
a faerie guard (10%)
a faerie duchess (5%)
a faerie royal guard (5%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(785.0, 2201.0, 6.2) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1860.0, -216.0, -3.2) orc pawn (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1288.0, 1965.0, 43.8) a willowisp (100%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1905.0, -627.0, 17.6) a faerie courtier (10%)
a faerie maiden (60%)
a faerie noble (10%)
a faerie guard (10%)
a faerie duchess (5%)
a faerie royal guard (5%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1273.0, -718.0, 1.0) a bandit (33%)
a bandit (33%)
a bandit (34%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1829.0, -227.0, -3.4) orc pawn (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1273.0, -686.0, 0.1) a bandit (33%)
a bandit (33%)
a bandit (34%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1380.0, -1699.0, 1.3) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1252.0, -675.0, -0.3) a bandit (33%)
a bandit (33%)
a bandit (34%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1480.0, 2106.0, 21.0) an elven skeleton (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-1095.0, 2003.0, 24.7) a faerie courtier (10%)
a faerie maiden (60%)
a faerie noble (10%)
a faerie guard (10%)
a faerie duchess (5%)
a faerie royal guard (5%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1941.0, 206.0, 13.0) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(168.0, 33.0, 30.3) a decaying skeleton (20%)
a bat (40%)
a sylvan bat (40%)
a giant wasp drone (40%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2404.0, 132.0, 24.6) orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (85%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(171.0, -167.0, 16.9) a decaying skeleton (20%)
a bat (40%)
a sylvan bat (40%)
a giant wasp drone (40%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1522.0, 2374.0, -15.5) an elven skeleton (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(1863.0, -206.0, -1.6) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1659.0, -563.0, -1.5) a faerie courtier (10%)
a faerie maiden (60%)
a faerie noble (10%)
a faerie guard (10%)
a faerie duchess (5%)
a faerie royal guard (5%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-292.0, -1108.0, -2.5) orc centurion (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2373.0, 9.0, 18.8) orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (85%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1582.0, -2138.0, 2.6) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(27.0, 1966.0, 46.4) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1090.0, -920.0, -10.0) an elven skeleton (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(1741.0, -73.0, -1.4) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(413.0, -1182.0, -2.5) a faerie courtier (10%)
a faerie maiden (60%)
a faerie noble (10%)
a faerie guard (10%)
a faerie duchess (5%)
a faerie royal guard (5%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(386.0, -690.0, -25.0) a bat (100%)
a sylvan bat (100%)
a bat (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-875.0, -910.0, -12.9) a large widow (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(179.0, -82.0, 36.4) a decaying skeleton (20%)
a bat (40%)
a sylvan bat (40%)
a giant wasp drone (40%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1482.0, 411.0, -4.7) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1042.0, 2191.0, 26.3) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2.0, -924.0, 20.0) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1359.0, 1085.0, 39.5) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1846.0, 752.0, -0.3) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1946.0, -1383.0, 66.1) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(108.0, 1204.0, 33.6) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(285.0, -1945.0, 2.5) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(858.0, -1596.0, -1.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2026.0, -1773.0, 25.1) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1758.0, -1879.0, 67.0) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-902.0, 1102.0, 9.1) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1866.0, -1579.0, 49.3) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1724.0, -2123.0, 11.2) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1883.0, -1570.0, 61.4) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1912.0, 1843.0, 0.0) a large widow (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(1762.0, -72.0, -0.7) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1721.0, -1742.0, 59.1) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2001.0, 135.0, 8.8) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(352.0, 269.0, 77.0) Regren (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-213.0, -885.0, -1.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1668.0, 982.0, 8.9) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1567.0, -603.0, 3.4) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1836.0, 1449.0, 15.7) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-285.0, 298.0, 77.0) Sarialiyn Tranquilsong (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-361.0, -332.0, 161.0) Laren (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-545.0, -194.0, 161.0) Tilania Shadowwalker (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-1677.0, -2221.0, 6.9) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1415.0, 1631.0, -38.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1843.0, -1597.0, 70.0) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2389.0, -144.0, 26.0) orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (85%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-443.0, 507.0, 117.5) Samatansyn Flamecaller (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-704.0, 224.0, 77.0) Aliafya Mistrunner (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(2396.0, 124.0, 24.3) orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (85%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-252.0, 294.0, 77.0) Astar Leafsinger (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-275.0, 268.0, 77.0) Serilia Whistlewind (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-240.0, 231.0, 77.0) Beleth Streamfoot (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-429.0, 477.0, 117.5) Cerila Windrider (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-412.0, 496.0, 117.5) Verth Mistwielder (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-398.0, 492.0, 117.5) Aleena Lightleaf (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-642.0, 219.0, 77.0) Horth Evergreen (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-621.0, 245.0, 77.0) Zelli Starsfire (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-639.0, 240.0, 77.0) Uleen Laughingwater (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(0.0, 395.0, 161.0) Devin Ashwood (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-4.0, 411.0, 161.0) Lily Ashwood (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1515.0, 558.0, 27.0) orc pawn (85%)
Faelin Bloodbriar (15%)
0:06:00 (0:06:00) -1 All
(1154.0, 1254.0, -1.3) Alania Peaceheart (10%)
a giant wasp drone (90%)
0:25:00 (0) -1 All
(2127.0, -6.0, -41.6) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2137.0, -26.0, -41.4) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1867.0, -2156.0, 1.0) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(251.0, -300.0, -2.5) a decaying skeleton (20%)
a bat (40%)
a sylvan bat (40%)
a giant wasp drone (40%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1333.0, -1621.0, -15.7) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-520.0, -326.0, -1.5) an elven skeleton (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(2053.0, -229.0, -40.5) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(124.0, -697.0, -10.7) orc centurion (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2039.0, -211.0, -35.1) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1531.0, -671.0, 12.1) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1743.0, -1837.0, 67.8) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1983.0, -1862.0, 23.3) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1803.0, -1648.0, 54.4) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1660.0, -1682.0, 25.4) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1891.0, -1559.0, 61.3) orc pawn (8%)
a pixie trickster (47%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (9%)
a large bat (10%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-636.0, 213.0, 77.0) Heartwood Master (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1335.0, -2048.0, 39.0) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1299.0, 1396.0, -0.5) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-153.0, -1792.0, 16.9) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-565.0, -144.0, 161.0) Geeda (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1631.0, -1122.0, -17.7) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(80.0, -1746.0, -0.6) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1785.0, -2042.0, 17.4) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-458.0, 522.0, 117.5) Maesyn Trueshot (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1944.0, -1976.0, 12.4) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-536.0, -549.0, 161.0) Bidl Frugrin (20%)
Hendricks (80%)
0:15:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-514.0, -227.0, 161.0) Tylfon (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-252.0, 242.0, 77.0) Sylia Windlehands (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(697.0, -1796.0, -0.4) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(737.0, -1012.0, -1.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1284.0, -1939.0, 63.9) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1470.0, -1169.0, -8.0) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-36.0, -1969.0, 2.0) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-518.0, -1881.0, 27.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1340.0, 1189.0, 31.8) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(274.0, -1137.0, -1.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1948.0, -2271.0, 18.0) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1877.0, 1540.0, 56.2) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1238.0, 1644.0, -43.8) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1448.0, -71.0, -0.3) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1144.0, 1636.0, -41.6) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1595.0, -1213.0, -31.8) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-687.0, -1342.0, 10.8) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(190.0, -1841.0, 5.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(220.0, 1755.0, 39.0) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(180.0, -746.0, -1.9) a decaying skeleton (20%)
a bat (40%)
a sylvan bat (40%)
a giant wasp drone (40%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1253.0, -1782.0, 2.0) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(489.0, -979.0, 24.5) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-268.0, -815.0, -0.7) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1517.0, -1704.0, 7.8) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1334.0, -1909.0, 14.8) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(286.0, 1275.0, 56.5) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1701.0, 544.0, 0.1) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1799.0, 1883.0, 2.3) a pixie trickster (65%)
a fae drake hatchling (35%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1354.0, 268.0, -12.9) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1761.0, -352.0, -7.8) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2176.0, 648.0, 63.3) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-668.0, 1564.0, 20.8) a willowisp (100%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-606.0, 2144.0, -40.3) a faerie courtier (10%)
a faerie maiden (60%)
a faerie noble (10%)
a faerie guard (10%)
a faerie duchess (5%)
a faerie royal guard (5%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1595.0, -1394.0, 7.1) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-589.0, -1911.0, 23.7) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1330.0, 189.0, -7.4) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(107.0, -112.0, 4.8) a decaying skeleton (20%)
a bat (40%)
a sylvan bat (40%)
a giant wasp drone (40%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2119.0, -742.0, 36.3) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1811.0, 282.0, 20.9) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1704.0, 618.0, 12.6) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(421.0, 688.0, 117.5) Kindl Lunsight (50%)
Salani Tunfar (50%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1856.0, 1382.0, 19.6) a faerie courtier (10%)
a faerie maiden (60%)
a faerie noble (10%)
a faerie guard (10%)
a faerie duchess (5%)
a faerie royal guard (5%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(121.0, 2087.0, 16.6) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(232.0, 1493.0, 1.1) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1715.0, 382.0, -3.0) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2074.0, -732.0, 47.7) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2133.0, 403.0, 23.5) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1620.0, 1848.0, 7.5) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(98.0, -560.0, -2.5) a decaying skeleton (20%)
a bat (40%)
a sylvan bat (40%)
a giant wasp drone (40%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(81.0, 2075.0, 21.8) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(475.0, -581.0, -43.2) orc pawn (33%)
a pixie trickster (33%)
an arborean sprout (34%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-523.0, 968.0, -1.1) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-606.0, 1477.0, 0.4) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2029.0, 614.0, 27.2) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2078.0, -1929.0, -35.3) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-495.0, 1124.0, -32.0) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1364.0, 1287.0, 9.3) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1577.0, 1521.0, -31.6) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1520.0, 1056.0, 15.3) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1416.0, 414.0, -23.6) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-18.0, 1575.0, -1.5) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(213.0, 2309.0, 1.7) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(557.0, 35.0, -0.6) orc pawn (33%)
a pixie trickster (33%)
an arborean sprout (34%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2149.0, 2248.0, -1.3) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1589.0, 1633.0, -1.5) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-330.0, 2014.0, 13.6) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1844.0, 1364.0, 0.6) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2292.0, 1801.0, 19.7) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1165.0, 1463.0, -2.7) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-50.0, -2128.0, 12.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1824.0, 1551.0, 44.9) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1144.0, 1905.0, 13.7) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1559.0, -1138.0, -36.1) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1111.0, 1879.0, 3.3) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1535.0, 1732.0, -0.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2110.0, -228.0, -1.2) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2233.0, -1392.0, -1.3) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2255.0, -1051.0, -2.0) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(286.0, 146.0, 26.0) orc pawn (33%)
a pixie trickster (33%)
an arborean sprout (34%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1998.0, 2001.0, -4.0) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1161.0, 2221.0, 12.2) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(97.0, -455.0, -1.9) a black wolf (20%)
a widow hatchling (20%)
a forest drakeling (20%)
a giant wasp worker (20%)
a large sylvan bat (20%)
a large bat (20%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(296.0, -24.0, 54.2) a black wolf (20%)
a widow hatchling (20%)
a forest drakeling (20%)
a giant wasp worker (20%)
a large sylvan bat (20%)
a large bat (20%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(524.0, -643.0, -39.0) a black wolf (20%)
a widow hatchling (20%)
a forest drakeling (20%)
a giant wasp worker (20%)
a large sylvan bat (20%)
a large bat (20%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1230.0, 783.0, -1.9) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-218.0, 262.0, 77.0) Idia (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2017.0, -450.0, 0.0) Nexus Scion (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-1870.0, 556.0, 0.5) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1622.0, -1942.0, 64.5) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2019.0, 699.0, -37.2) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2006.0, 328.0, -5.5) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1997.0, 24.0, 14.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1507.0, 1144.0, 27.4) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1751.0, -1368.0, 29.5) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-622.0, 206.0, 77.0) Merchant Milania (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-229.0, 265.0, 77.0) Jakum Webdancer (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-194.0, 718.0, 117.5) Banker Willaen (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1930.0, -1080.0, 59.1) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1163.0, -1411.0, -1.7) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2176.0, 950.0, 0.8) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-113.0, -130.0, 77.0) Merchant Gaeadin (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(311.0, 241.0, 77.0) Merchant Muvien (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-426.0, 466.0, 117.5) Merchant Tuluvdar (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-754.0, 2162.0, -29.5) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1466.0, -1779.0, 9.4) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-141.0, -544.0, 161.0) Linadian (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1537.0, 1430.0, 7.0) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-106.0, -564.0, 161.0) Merchant Nluolian (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2186.0, 198.0, 4.5) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(726.0, 459.0, 76.0) Innkeep Linen (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(759.0, 1454.0, 1.1) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(502.0, -611.0, -41.6) a black wolf (20%)
a widow hatchling (20%)
a forest drakeling (20%)
a giant wasp worker (20%)
a large sylvan bat (20%)
a large bat (20%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-246.0, -434.0, 117.5) Innkeep Anisyla (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(375.0, -453.0, -1.9) a black wolf (20%)
a widow hatchling (20%)
a forest drakeling (20%)
a giant wasp worker (20%)
a large sylvan bat (20%)
a large bat (20%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1872.0, 412.0, -1.5) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1889.0, 428.0, -0.4) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(867.0, 205.0, 77.0) Merchant Nildar (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(123.0, 805.0, 77.0) Barkeep Lysslan (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-84.0, 601.0, 117.5) Merchant Ueaas (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-479.0, 51.0, 161.0) Merchant Ainaiana (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-269.0, 89.0, 117.5) Merchant Winerasea (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-552.0, -156.0, 161.0) Expin (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(743.0, 56.0, 77.0) Merchant Tegdian (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-271.0, 51.0, 117.5) Merchant Kaeluase (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(318.0, 264.0, 77.0) Josylyn Greenblade (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-503.0, 23.0, 161.0) Merchant Tinolwenya (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-290.0, -403.0, 117.0) Guard Tangleroot (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(431.0, 390.0, 161.7) a drunkard (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-93.0, 224.0, 77.0) Merchant Aluuvila (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(409.0, 396.0, 161.0) Guard Starstrike (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-429.0, 65.0, 161.0) Guard Oakwillow (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-648.0, 386.0, 77.1) Bilrio Surecut (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2211.0, 2319.0, 0.0) Centurion Relgle (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-1989.0, -2350.0, 28.7) Guard Crystalwind (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2007.0, -2350.0, 28.7) Guard Highmoon (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(942.0, 198.0, 77.0) Guard Orcflayer (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(989.0, 203.0, -25.6) Guard Fayfear (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-20.0, -113.0, 77.0) Guard Frostfallen (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(118.0, 228.0, -0.7) Guard Rainstrider (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(155.0, 223.0, -0.7) Guard Fireblight (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(167.0, 286.0, 77.0) Guard Sunweaver (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-187.0, 136.0, 117.5) Merchant Niwiny (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 2 All Remaining
(991.0, 1485.0, 26.8) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2078.0, 1201.0, 15.6) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-38.0, 171.0, 77.6) Captain Silverwind (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-457.0, 496.0, 115.5) Grynn (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(326.0, 274.0, 77.0) Gallin Woodwind (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(325.0, 232.0, 77.0) Sindl Talonstrike (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-460.0, 496.0, 117.5) Ran Sunfire (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-433.0, 524.0, 117.5) Dill Fireshine (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(582.0, -1762.0, -1.7) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1677.0, 1138.0, -31.6) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1662.0, 1408.0, 4.1) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-591.0, 231.0, 77.0) Lieutenant Leafstalker (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-434.0, -331.0, 161.0) Guard Treestrider (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-162.0, -580.0, 161.0) Guard Valewatcher (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-480.0, -134.0, 77.0) Guard Eaglesong (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-240.0, -245.0, 75.1) Guard Briarstorm (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1205.0, -922.0, 3.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-87.0, -76.0, 77.0) Guard Noonshadow (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(987.0, 238.0, -25.0) Guard Pineshade (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-473.0, 260.0, 77.0) Guard Marshmoor (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1373.0, 1718.0, -8.5) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(80.0, 620.0, 77.0) Guard Dayblaze (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(386.0, 362.0, 161.0) Guard Nitegazer (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1750.0, -168.0, 0.2) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(201.0, 348.0, 77.0) Guard Sunblaze (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(899.0, 516.0, 117.5) Guard Fayfield (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(32.0, -118.0, -0.6) Guard Brookrock (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-189.0, 697.0, 117.5) Guard Pinebramble (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(411.0, 228.0, 161.0) Guard Streamtree (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1982.0, 2290.0, 0.0) Gurleg Bribgok (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(1958.0, 2271.0, 0.0) an orc arsonist (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-2223.0, 2311.0, -0.7) an ebon mask spy (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-214.0, 1538.0, -2.4) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1156.0, 81.0, 19.4) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(414.0, 329.0, 77.0) Merchant Lanin (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1064.0, 1153.0, 26.3) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1833.0, -1187.0, 12.7) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(411.0, 245.0, 161.0) Merchant Kweili (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(617.0, 542.0, 161.0) Merchant Laedar (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-495.0, -132.0, 77.0) Merchant Aildien (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-953.0, 1439.0, -1.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-84.0, 271.0, 77.0) Merchant Tilluen (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-408.0, -518.0, 161.0) Merchant Sylnis (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(428.0, 338.0, 161.0) Merchant Weaolanae (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(750.0, 357.0, 77.0) Merchant Kanoldar (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-359.0, -610.0, 161.0) Merchant Tiladinya (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(414.0, 464.0, 77.0) Merchant Neaien (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1421.0, -1193.0, 5.7) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-675.0, 387.0, 77.1) Merchant Minamas (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-642.0, 364.0, 77.1) Merchant Gerienae (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(420.0, 373.0, 77.0) Merchant Legweien (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1394.0, 63.0, -3.7) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-336.0, 141.0, 117.5) Innkeep Wuleran (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(940.0, 306.0, 77.1) Innkeep Larya (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2093.0, 301.0, 6.1) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-514.0, -549.0, 161.0) Barkeep Tvanla (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-563.0, -557.0, 161.0) Barkeep Sissya (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(601.0, 690.0, 161.0) Barkeep Aanlawen (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(394.0, 677.0, 117.5) Barkeep Myrisa (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(2373.0, 58.0, 19.4) orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (85%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(132.0, 822.0, 77.0) Barkeep Tuviena (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(881.0, 93.0, 77.0) Barkeep Syntan (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(286.0, 520.0, 77.0) Barkeep Uulianu (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(322.0, 542.0, 77.0) Barkeep Manlawen (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(251.0, 614.0, 77.0) Merchant Aianya (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-28.0, -148.0, 77.0) Merchant Iludarae (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(155.0, 334.0, 77.0) Merchant Kwein (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1964.0, 1056.0, -1.4) a giant wasp warrior (10%)
an arborean sapling (7%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (8%)
a pixie trickster (3%)
a widow hatchling (3%)
a giant sylvan bat (7%)
a basilisk hatchling (6%)
a large widow (8%)
a widow matriarch (7%)
a mature arborean (8%)
orc centurion (12%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc oracle (7%)
orc shaman (3%)
a giant bat (15%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-21.0, 118.0, 77.0) Merchant Uaylain (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(389.0, 627.0, 117.5) Merchant Tananie (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-617.0, -1055.0, 1.1) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1481.0, -1176.0, -22.6) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1524.0, 1155.0, 27.8) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-335.0, -115.0, 77.0) Merchant Aluwenae (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(110.0, 345.0, 77.0) Merchant Linolyen (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1711.0, -61.0, -2.6) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-174.0, 635.0, 117.5) Guard Moonwind (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-970.0, -957.0, -35.9) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1688.0, -624.0, -1.5) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1728.0, -38.0, -2.0) orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (35%)
orc centurion (15%)
orc centurion (45%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-214.0, 255.0, 77.0) Merchant Tenra (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-480.0, -210.0, 161.0) Merchant Gililya (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-2143.0, 2272.0, -4.9) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-49.0, 1834.0, 57.5) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(258.0, 1266.0, 50.6) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1705.0, -197.0, -2.9) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (20%)
a large bat (8%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(129.0, 1781.0, 55.7) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(434.0, -1341.0, 12.7) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(745.0, 480.0, 76.0) Nylianne the True (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 2 All Remaining
(-347.0, -381.0, 117.5) Soulbinder Oakstout (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 3 All Remaining
(-55.0, -1651.0, -1.3) a decaying skeleton (9%)
a bat (9%)
a black wolf (9%)
a sylvan bat (9%)
orc pawn (9%)
a giant wasp drone (9%)
a pixie trickster (9%)
a widow hatchling (9%)
an arborean sprout (9%)
a forest drakeling (9%)
a giant wasp worker (9%)
a large sylvan bat (10%)
a bat (7%)
a large bat (9%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(1477.0, 2050.0, 41.7) a giant wasp warrior (5%)
an arborean sapling (5%)
a black wolf (5%)
orc pawn (5%)
orc centurion (5%)
a widow hatchling (5%)
an arborean sprout (5%)
a forest drakeling (5%)
a giant wasp worker (5%)
a basilisk hatchling (1%)
a young coyote (6%)
a large widow (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a coyote (6%)
a large sylvan bat (6%)
a mature arborean (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc centurion (6%)
orc hatchetman (6%)
a brownie scout (3%)
a large bat (6%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-628.0, 210.0, 77.0) Srendon Gladetender (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) 2 All Remaining
(203.0, 214.0, 0.4) Priest of Discord (100%)
0:06:00 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-1666.0, -1734.0, 40.5) a decaying skeleton (25%)
a bat (25%)
a black wolf (25%)
a sylvan bat (25%)
a giant wasp drone (25%)
a bat (25%)
0:00:36 (0:01:00) -1 All
(-536.0, -549.0, 161.0) Hendricks (100%)
0:15:00 (0) -1 All
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
Fishing - Found 0 fish-able items in The Greater Faydark:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Foraging - Found 9 forage able items in The Greater Faydark:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_978.png Cinnamon Sticks 0 14% -1 All
item_717.png Morning Dew 0 10% -1 All
item_1037.png Ripened Heartfruit 0 10% 1 All Remaining
item_1037.png Fruit 0 12% -1 All
item_1011.png Vegetables 0 12% -1 All
item_584.png Pod of Water 0 18% -1 All
item_583.png Roots 0 10% -1 All
item_925.png Rabbit Meat 0 10% -1 All
item_1037.png Berries 0 4% -1 All
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Ground Spawns - Found 15 ground spawns in The Greater Faydark:
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (-1773.0, -1871.0, 70.0996) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (215.0, -94.0, 54.9177) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (-1426.0, -1872.0, 34.4143) 22119 -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (200.0, -22.0, 53.6282) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (-1660.99, -2270.45, 6.52608) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (279.0, -762.0, 2.15725) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (-2122.99, 933.555, -15.414) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (2081.01, -1749.45, -20.945) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (1482.01, -918.445, 2.15725) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (1899.0, 965.0, 0.324669) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (-43.0, 2313.0, -5.38102) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (2089.0, -832.0, 53.9705) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (267.01, -2155.45, 5.38693) -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (1344.0, -605.0, 34.3372) Default comment -1 All
item_795.png Evergreen Leaf (2220.0, -676.0, 7.05538) Default comment -1 All
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
Merchants - Found 63 merchants in The Greater Faydark (these are included in the NPCs list):
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion
Astar Leafsinger Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-252.0, 294.0, 77.0) -1
Serilia Whistlewind Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-275.0, 268.0, 77.0) -1
Beleth Streamfoot Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-240.0, 231.0, 77.0) -1
Cerila Windrider Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-429.0, 477.0, 117.5) -1
Verth Mistwielder Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-412.0, 496.0, 117.5) -1
Aleena Lightleaf Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-398.0, 492.0, 117.5) -1
Horth Evergreen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-642.0, 219.0, 77.0) -1
Zelli Starsfire Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-621.0, 245.0, 77.0) -1
Uleen Laughingwater Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-639.0, 240.0, 77.0) -1
Hendricks Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-536.0, -549.0, 161.0) -1
Merchant Milania Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-622.0, 206.0, 77.0) 3
Merchant Gaeadin Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-113.0, -130.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Muvien Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (311.0, 241.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Tuluvdar Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-426.0, 466.0, 117.5) -1
Linadian Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female (-141.0, -544.0, 161.0) -1
Merchant Nluolian Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-106.0, -564.0, 161.0) -1
Innkeep Linen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (726.0, 459.0, 76.0) -1
Innkeep Anisyla Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-246.0, -434.0, 117.5) -1
Merchant Nildar Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (867.0, 205.0, 77.0) -1
Barkeep Lysslan Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (123.0, 805.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Ueaas Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-84.0, 601.0, 117.5) -1
Merchant Ainaiana Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female (-479.0, 51.0, 161.0) -1
Merchant Winerasea Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female (-269.0, 89.0, 117.5) -1
Merchant Tegdian Wood Elf Shopkeeper Male (743.0, 56.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Kaeluase Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-271.0, 51.0, 117.5) -1
Merchant Tinolwenya Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-503.0, 23.0, 161.0) -1
Merchant Aluuvila Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-93.0, 224.0, 77.0) -1
Bilrio Surecut Wood Elf Shopkeeper Male (-648.0, 386.0, 77.099998) -1
Merchant Niwiny Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female (-187.0, 136.0, 117.5) 2
Merchant Lanin Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (414.0, 329.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Kweili Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (411.0, 245.0, 161.0) -1
Merchant Laedar Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (617.0, 542.0, 161.0) -1
Merchant Aildien Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-495.0, -132.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Tilluen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-84.0, 271.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Sylnis Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-408.0, -518.0, 161.0) -1
Merchant Weaolanae Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (428.0, 338.0, 161.0) -1
Merchant Kanoldar Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (750.0, 357.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Tiladinya Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female (-359.0, -610.0, 161.0) -1
Merchant Neaien Wood Elf Shopkeeper Male (414.0, 464.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Minamas Wood Elf Shopkeeper Male (-675.0, 387.0, 77.099998) -1
Merchant Gerienae Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female (-642.0, 364.0, 77.099998) -1
Merchant Legweien Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (420.0, 373.0, 77.0) -1
Innkeep Wuleran Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-336.0, 141.0, 117.5) -1
Innkeep Larya Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (940.0, 306.0, 77.099998) -1
Barkeep Tvanla Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-514.0, -549.0, 161.0) -1
Barkeep Sissya Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-563.0, -557.0, 161.0) -1
Barkeep Aanlawen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (601.0, 690.0, 161.0) -1
Barkeep Myrisa Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (394.0, 677.0, 117.5) -1
Barkeep Tuviena Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (132.0, 822.0, 77.0) -1
Barkeep Syntan Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (881.0, 93.0, 77.0) -1
Barkeep Uulianu Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (286.0, 520.0, 77.0) -1
Barkeep Manlawen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (322.0, 542.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Aianya Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (251.0, 614.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Iludarae Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-28.0, -148.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Kwein Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (155.0, 334.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Uaylain Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-21.0, 118.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Tananie Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female (389.0, 627.0, 117.5) -1
Merchant Aluwenae Wood Elf Shopkeeper Female (-335.0, -115.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Linolyen Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (110.0, 345.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Tenra Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-214.0, 255.0, 77.0) -1
Merchant Gililya Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-480.0, -210.0, 161.0) -1
Srendon Gladetender Fayguard Shopkeeper Male (-628.0, 210.0, 77.0) 2
Hendricks Fayguard Shopkeeper Female (-536.0, -549.0, 161.0) -1
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion