Kithicor Forest

  • Level of Monsters:
  • 1-13+, 35-50
  • Types of Monsters:
  • Snakes, Bixies, Fire Beetles, Spiderlings, Skeletons, Zombies, Ghouls, Giant Pirahnas, Young Kodiaks, Giant Scarabs, Giant Spiders, Orc Pawns, Orc Scouts, Grizzly Bears, Shadowed Men, Werewolves, Skeleton Squad Leader, Dread Wolf, Enraged Dread Wolf, Tortured Healer, Zombie Troopers, Zombie Commanders, Decaying Officers, Decaying Footman, Decaying Troopers, Decaying Swordsman, Decaying Commanders, Skeleton Infantry, Skeleton Trooper, Undead Cleric, Undead Mendicant, Decaying Healer, Skeleton Officer, Skeleton Captain, Decayed Knight, Rotting Knight, Rotting Priest, Tainted Swordsman, Wandering Warrior, Risen Commander, Risen Corporal, Risen Squad Leader, Zombie Guard, Deceased Deserter, Failed Experiment Pet
  • Name in /who:
  • kithicor
  • Succor/Evacuate:
  • Y: 3828.0, X: 1889.0 Z: 459.0
  • ZEM:
  • 0.75
Quick Facts
Expansion: Original.gif
Cast Outdoor
Cast Dungeon Only
Casters can Bind

Kithicor Forest has recently become a much more dangerous, dark place. In days past, it was a quiet woods where an intrepid explorer could find many things of interest, but now it is overrun. It is confusing to travel in only because there aren't too many identifiable waypoints and the range that one can see is limited, but it contains good hunting for two different ranges of adventurers, as well as several unique items.


  • 1. Shop with Boxes, Boots, Lightstones
  • 2. Shop with Food
  • 3. Closed Hut
  • 4. Ruined Hut
  • 5. Closed Hut
  • 6. Haunted Stone Ring
  • 7. Ranger Trainer Morin Shadowbane, as well as Ranger who gives out Ivy Etched Armor Quests, Shops with Food, Staves, and Arrows
  • 8. Closed Hut with Thumper outside
  • 9. Ruined Hut
  • 10. Shop with Compass, Food, Alchemy Leaves (Balm Leaves, Larkspur, Elf Leaf, Dragonwort)
  • 11. Shops with Food, Arrows, Spell Components, Peridot, Bloodstone
  • 12. Named Orc area (the Gan'Shraloks)
  • 13. General Spawn area (Ruined Hut)

In every era, the forest of Kithicor itself is confusing: all the trees and hills look the same, there is no sky to see, and there are few paths to follow. There are also no guards to save you, and usually few players as well.

The south-west corner of the zone is controlled by the Shralok Orcs. They are also by far zone's the toughest non-undead (other than Thumper), and they often attack unwary adventurers travelling along the southern wall between West Commonlands and Highpass Hold.

Haunting of Kithicor

Following the opening of the Plane of Hate, this zone changes to become much more dangerous, especially at night. From 8PM-6AM (in-game) ordinary NPCs (eg. Shralok Orcs) despawn*, and are replaced with numerous highly aggressive level 35+ undead (a few undead also appear during the day).

During the day goblin workers and will-o-wisps (low teens) get added, as do Shadowed Men. Groups of these mobs can be difficult to see until close, and are powerful, so keep your eyes peeled!

Finally, Dark Elf Dragoons are also added, causing still more problems during the daytime hours.


As I mentioned above, people think that there are few benefits to playing in this area. When playing my ranger, I had to disagree. This area provides some of the best untouched hunting in the game, all readily accessable. It is possible to track around and find any monster you want, and I guarantee you nobody else will be after it. This goes for the newbie area as well as the higher level area that covers most of the southern edge of the zone. As a 10th level ranger, everything in that area /con'ed comfortably blue to me, and lower level groups could hunt there and make good experience. The largest problem with hunting here is the lack of money, as none of the creatures are sentient and carry cash with them. This is still true since the addition of the more powerful monsters, but is much more dangerous.

The other big plus in the game is that there seems to be some interesting quests available (or soon to be) in this area. The items that I mentioned above can be obtained from Ged Twigborn, a roaming NPC in the vein of the more famous Baobob Miller. He is occasionally accompanied by his non-speaking companion Irin Lunis. To find him, you either have to be able to track him down, which still requires some footwork, or to find Irin Lunis and follow her when she moves, because if she's by herself, she's walking towards him. He generally appears randomly in the southern half of the zone. It also appears that there is a Kithicor Residents faction. I haven't been able to increase it other than by doing the above quests, although you can increase it by killing orcs in Highpass Hold. There are several more NPC's (including the enigmatic Thumper) who don't speak to me yet, who I think will if I can get my standing higher.

The newest quest is that rangers can now obtained Ivy Etched Armor from a ranger outside of Morin Shadowbane's house in the northwestern section of the forest. This is a class-specific armor for rangers, and appears as green chain armor.

Travel To and From

On the eastern edge of the zone lies the entrance to the West Commonlands, a mid-level zone that most people duck their heads and run through on their way to Freeport to the east.

On the northern edge lies the halfling starting city of Rivervale, a remarkably well-developed city (in terms of quests and talking NPC's), and beyond lies Misty Thicket and Runnyeye and the Gorge of King Xorbb, along the alternate route between Qeynos and Freeport.

On the western edge lies the entrance to Highpass Hold, a high mid-level zone. My recommendations are to not attempt this zone unless you are invisible, know the zone extremely well (and I mean like the back of your hand) or are at least 15th level or higher. Once you step in and see the trail of bodies leading off down the narrow, windy path, you might get an idea of what I mean. When you look up and see the orc shaman casting Root on you you'll definitely know what I mean.

History, Lore, Background


This forest was cursed on Halloween night, October 31, 1999 after the "Battle of Bloody Kithicor" which coincided with the initial opening of the Plane of Hate. The GM event was mentioned in the follow-on patch message on November 3, 1999. Thereafter, the undead will rise when the sun sets in the forest.

The legend tells of a stone that was found by a goblin of the pickclaw tribe named "Nurgal" in the mines of Highkeep. This stone was an artifact of great power, and once the Dark Elf ambassador took possession of it from Nurgal, Neriak soon sent an army to Highkeep to find more. The humans and high elves of Highkeep discovered the plot and met them on the slopes of the Serpentspine Mountains in Kithicor Forest. The battle that ensued, Bloody Kithicor, came to an end when Lanys T`vyl (Child of Hate) was wounded by Firiona Vie. A dark elf shadowknight named Laarthik took Nurgal's stone and supplicated for Innoruuk to aid them. When Innoruuk found his only child wounded, he cursed the forest and had his servant Hate destroy all living things. The undead of Innoruuk's plane appear at night in the forest because that is when the portal is strongest.

Items - Found 416 items that drop in Kithicor Forest:
Item Name Dropped By
item_870.png A Faded Salil's Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Salils Writ Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Velishouls Tome Page
Multiple mobs
item_870.png A Faded Velishouls Tome Page
Multiple mobs
item_1003.png A Ghouls Heart a ghoul
item_554.png a piece of Rat Fur a large rat
item_945.png A Shining Stone
Multiple mobs
item_818.png A Snake Venom Sac a darkweed snake
item_819.png A Spider Venom Sac a giant spider
item_710.png Ale Irin Lunis
item_951.png Amber
Multiple mobs
item_1176.png Argent Defender
Multiple mobs
item_598.png Arrow
Multiple mobs
item_565.png Backpack
Multiple mobs
item_812.png Bandages
Multiple mobs
item_792.png Bat Fur a bat
item_791.png Bat Wing a bat
item_817.png Bear Meat
Multiple mobs
item_561.png Belt Pouch
Multiple mobs
item_817.png Bixie Parts
Multiple mobs
item_1123.png Bixie Stinger
Multiple mobs
item_910.png Bixie Wing
Multiple mobs
item_743.png Black Bear Paw a black bear
item_965.png Black Sapphire Kithicor
item_556.png Black Wolf Skin a black wolf
item_800.png Black Wolf Tooth a black wolf
item_568.png Blood Riven Axe Laarthik K`Shin
item_947.png Bloodstone an orc warrior
item_674.png Bloodstone Ring an orc warrior
item_804.png Bone Chips a skeleton
item_831.png Bottle of Kalish Irin Lunis
item_826.png Brandy Irin Lunis
item_836.png Breath of Ro Kithicor
item_573.png Bronze Axe a ghoul
item_577.png Bronze Bastard Sword
Multiple mobs
item_569.png Bronze Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Bronze Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_736.png Bronze Halberd
Multiple mobs
item_975.png Bronze Knuckles an orc warrior
item_590.png Bronze Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_578.png Bronze Mace
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Bronze Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Bronze Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_604.png Bronze Scimitar
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Bronze Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Bronze Spear
Multiple mobs
item_568.png Bronze Two Handed Battle Axe a ghoul
item_519.png Bronze Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_567.png Bronze Warhammer
Multiple mobs
item_507.png Burned Out Lightstone a willowisp
item_960.png Carnelian an orc warrior
item_817.png Chunk of Meat
Multiple mobs
item_639.png Cloth Cap
Multiple mobs
item_656.png Cloth Cape a lesser mummy
item_500.png Cloth Choker a lesser mummy
item_572.png Cloth Cord
Multiple mobs
item_517.png Cloth Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_631.png Cloth Pants a lesser mummy
item_666.png Cloth Sandals a lesser mummy
item_665.png Cloth Shawl a lesser mummy
item_678.png Cloth Shirt a lesser mummy
item_670.png Cloth Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_677.png Cloth Veil
Multiple mobs
item_638.png Cloth Wristband a lesser mummy
item_754.png Copper Amulet a goblin
item_927.png Cracked Giant Scarab Carapace a giant scarab
item_601.png Cracked Staff
Multiple mobs
item_1076.png Deathward Blossom Pollen dread wolf
item_842.png Dreadskin Cloak enraged dread wolf
item_601.png Enchanted Teir`Dal Great Staff Coercer Q`ioul
item_695.png Essence of Moonlight
Multiple mobs
item_956.png Essence of Shadow
Multiple mobs
item_943.png Eye of Serilis
Multiple mobs
item_885.png Eye of Shadow
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Fine Steel Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Fine Steel Great Staff
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Fine Steel Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Fine Steel Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Fine Steel Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_604.png Fine Steel Scimitar
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Fine Steel Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Fine Steel Spear
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Fine Steel Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_581.png Fine Steel Warhammer
Multiple mobs
item_859.png Fire Beetle Eye
Multiple mobs
item_1089.png Fire Beetle Leg
Multiple mobs
item_962.png Fire Emerald Kithicor
item_960.png Fire Opal Kithicor
item_799.png Fish Scales a large piranha
item_955.png Flame Agate
Multiple mobs
item_706.png Flame of Vox
Multiple mobs
item_775.png Fresh Fish a large piranha
item_822.png Gem-Encrusted Scepter War Priestess T`zan
item_792.png Giant Bat Fur a giant bat
item_791.png Giant Bat Wing a giant bat
item_1136.png Giant Scarab Egg Sack a giant scarab
item_886.png Giant Scarab Eye a giant scarab
item_1089.png Giant Scarab Legs a giant scarab
item_801.png Giant Snake Fang a darkweed snake
item_1122.png Giant Snake Rattle a darkweed snake
item_905.png Giant Wood Spider Femur
Multiple mobs
item_1246.png Giant Wood Spider Thorax
Multiple mobs
item_518.png Glove of Rallos Zek
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Glowing Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_1205.png Goblin Brain a goblin
item_1070.png Goblin Skull a goblin
item_615.png Gold Ring
Multiple mobs
item_535.png Golden Earring an orc warrior
item_507.png Greater Lightstone a willowisp
item_746.png Griffon Helm Kithicor
item_554.png Grizzly Bear Skin
Multiple mobs
item_971.png Hand of Shadow a shadowed man
item_554.png High Quality Bear Skin
Multiple mobs
item_553.png High Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple mobs
item_1069.png Honeycomb
Multiple mobs
item_972.png Ice of Velious
Multiple mobs
item_671.png Incarnadine Bracers Adjutant D`kan
item_540.png Incarnadine Greaves Ioltos V`ghera
item_1169.png Indigo Sabre Brigadier G`tav
item_570.png Iron Ration Irin Lunis
item_770.png Iron Visor
Multiple mobs
item_1129.png Ivory
Multiple mobs
item_952.png Jade
Multiple mobs
item_715.png Jade Earring
Multiple mobs
item_952.png Jade Shard
Multiple mobs
item_949.png Jasper an orc warrior
item_539.png Large Bag
Multiple mobs
item_813.png Large Snake Skin a tree snake
item_507.png Lightstone
Multiple mobs
item_597.png Longbow
Multiple mobs
item_554.png Low Quality Bear Skin
Multiple mobs
item_553.png Low Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple mobs
item_521.png Lupine Runed Armband a werewolf
item_771.png Mask of Shadow
Multiple mobs
item_586.png Mead
Multiple mobs
item_554.png Medium Quality Bear Skin
Multiple mobs
item_553.png Medium Quality Wolf Skin
Multiple mobs
item_552.png Mist Wolf Pelt a gray wolf
item_756.png Mithril Earring
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 378 Kithicor
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 379 Kithicor
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 400 Kithicor
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 401 Kithicor
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 415 Kithicor
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 416 Kithicor
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 449 Kithicor
item_869.png Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 450 Kithicor
item_956.png Onyx an orc warrior
item_555.png Orc Scalp
Multiple mobs
item_1070.png Orc Skull
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Parrying Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 30
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 30
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 312
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 312
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 375
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 375
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Part of Tasarin's Grimoire Pg. 390
Multiple mobs
item_595.png Patch of Shadow
Multiple mobs
item_953.png Pearl
Multiple mobs
item_972.png Pearl Shard
Multiple mobs
item_813.png Plague Rat Tail a large rat
item_955.png Preserved Snake Eye a darkweed snake
item_927.png Pristine Giant Scarab Carapace a giant scarab
item_793.png Rat Ears a large rat
item_917.png Rat Eye a large rat
item_743.png Rat Foot a large rat
item_916.png Rat Head a mangy rat
item_817.png Rat Meat a large rat
item_800.png Rat Tooth a large rat
item_794.png Rat Whiskers a large rat
item_570.png Ration
Multiple mobs
item_564.png Raw-hide Belt
Multiple mobs
item_633.png Raw-hide Boots
Multiple mobs
item_660.png Raw-hide Cloak
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Raw-hide Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_643.png Raw-hide Gorget
Multiple mobs
item_635.png Raw-hide Leggings
Multiple mobs
item_771.png Raw-hide Mask
Multiple mobs
item_668.png Raw-hide Shoulderpads
Multiple mobs
item_640.png Raw-hide Skullcap
Multiple mobs
item_634.png Raw-hide Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_632.png Raw-hide Tunic
Multiple mobs
item_637.png Raw-hide Wristbands
Multiple mobs
item_545.png Ringmail Boots
Multiple mobs
item_620.png Ringmail Bracelet
Multiple mobs
item_661.png Ringmail Cape
Multiple mobs
item_538.png Ringmail Coat
Multiple mobs
item_625.png Ringmail Coif
Multiple mobs
item_526.png Ringmail Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_769.png Ringmail Mantle
Multiple mobs
item_627.png Ringmail Neckguard
Multiple mobs
item_540.png Ringmail Pants
Multiple mobs
item_562.png Ringmail Skirt
Multiple mobs
item_543.png Ringmail Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_940.png Robe of the Ishva Coercer Q`ioul
item_940.png Robe of the Kedge
Multiple mobs
item_542.png Round Shield a zombie
item_964.png Ruby Kithicor
item_741.png Ruined Battleworn Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_554.png Ruined Bear Pelt
Multiple mobs
item_577.png Ruined Steel Bastard Sword
Multiple mobs
item_601.png Ruined Teir`Dal Great Staff
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Ruined Teir`Dal Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Ruined Teir`Dal Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_553.png Ruined Wolf Pelt
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Al'Kabor
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Ap`Sagor Kithicor
item_967.png Rune of Arrest
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Attraction
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Banding
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Concussion
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Consumption
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Contortion
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Crippling Kithicor
item_967.png Rune of Disassociation
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Dismemberment
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Expulsion
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Frost Kithicor
item_967.png Rune of Fulguration
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Howling
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Impetus Kithicor
item_967.png Rune of Karana
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Neglect
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Oppression
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Presence
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Rallos Zek
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Rathe Kithicor
item_967.png Rune of Regeneration
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Solusek Ro
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Sorcery
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Astral Kithicor
item_967.png Rune of the Catalyst
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Combine
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Cyclone
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of the Helix
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Trauma
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Velious
Multiple mobs
item_967.png Rune of Xegony
Multiple mobs
item_575.png Runebladed Sword of Night
Multiple mobs
item_562.png Runebranded Girdle
Multiple mobs
item_848.png RunnyEye Warbeads a goblin
item_569.png Rusty Axe
Multiple mobs
item_577.png Rusty Bastard Sword
Multiple mobs
item_569.png Rusty Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_605.png Rusty Broad Sword
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Rusty Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_592.png Rusty Dagger
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Rusty Flail
Multiple mobs
item_736.png Rusty Halberd
Multiple mobs
item_975.png Rusty Knuckles
Multiple mobs
item_590.png Rusty Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_578.png Rusty Mace
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Rusty Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Rusty Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_604.png Rusty Scimitar
Multiple mobs
item_579.png Rusty Scythe
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Rusty Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_740.png Rusty Shortened Spear
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Rusty Spear
Multiple mobs
item_568.png Rusty Two Handed Battle Axe a ghoul
item_567.png Rusty Two Handed Hammer
Multiple mobs
item_519.png Rusty Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_567.png Rusty Warhammer
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 60
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Salil's Writ Pg. 60
Multiple mobs
item_1005.png Salil's Writ Pg. 64
Multiple mobs
item_1004.png Salil's Writ Pg. 90
Multiple mobs
item_963.png Sapphire Kithicor
item_604.png Scimitar of the Ykesha Adjutant D`kan
item_566.png Serpent Insignia Collar a werewolf
item_918.png Severed TeirDal Hands a teir`dal assassin
item_743.png Shadow Wolf Paw a black wolf
item_556.png Shadow Wolf Pelt a shadow wolf
item_507.png Shadowed Ball a shadowed man
item_569.png Shadowed Battle Axe
Multiple mobs
item_777.png Shadowed Book a shadowed man
item_590.png Shadowed Long Sword
Multiple mobs
item_578.png Shadowed Mace
Multiple mobs
item_741.png Shadowed Morning Star
Multiple mobs
item_762.png Shadowed Rapier
Multiple mobs
item_604.png Shadowed Scimitar
Multiple mobs
item_776.png Shadowed Spear
Multiple mobs
item_828.png Short Beer
Multiple mobs
item_580.png Short Sword
Multiple mobs
item_823.png Shriveled Flesh
Multiple mobs
item_566.png Silver Amulet
Multiple mobs
item_544.png Silver Earring an orc warrior
item_675.png Silver Ring an orc warrior
item_539.png Small Bag
Multiple mobs
item_609.png Small Box Irin Lunis
item_1135.png Small Brick of Ore a zombie
item_639.png Small Cloth Cap
Multiple mobs
item_656.png Small Cloth Cape
Multiple mobs
item_500.png Small Cloth Choker
Multiple mobs
item_572.png Small Cloth Cord
Multiple mobs
item_517.png Small Cloth Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_631.png Small Cloth Pants
Multiple mobs
item_666.png Small Cloth Sandals
Multiple mobs
item_665.png Small Cloth Shawl
Multiple mobs
item_678.png Small Cloth Shirt
Multiple mobs
item_670.png Small Cloth Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_677.png Small Cloth Veil
Multiple mobs
item_638.png Small Cloth Wristband
Multiple mobs
item_564.png Small Raw-hide Belt
Multiple mobs
item_660.png Small Raw-hide Cloak
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Small Raw-hide Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_643.png Small Raw-hide Gorget
Multiple mobs
item_635.png Small Raw-hide Leggings
Multiple mobs
item_771.png Small Raw-hide Mask
Multiple mobs
item_668.png Small Raw-hide Shoulderpads
Multiple mobs
item_640.png Small Raw-hide Skullcap
Multiple mobs
item_634.png Small Raw-hide Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_632.png Small Raw-hide Tunic
Multiple mobs
item_637.png Small Raw-hide Wristbands
Multiple mobs
item_545.png Small Ringmail Boots a goblin
item_871.png Snake Egg
Multiple mobs
item_801.png Snake Fang
Multiple mobs
item_817.png Snake Meat a darkweed snake
item_813.png Snake Scales a moss snake
item_1089.png Spider Legs a giant spider
item_782.png Spider Silk
Multiple mobs
item_885.png Spiderling Eye a spiderling
item_1089.png Spiderling Legs a spiderling
item_782.png Spiderling Silk a spiderling
item_737.png Splintering Club
Multiple mobs
item_961.png Star Ruby Kithicor
item_741.png Tainted Battleworn Morning Star undead cleric
item_699.png Tears of Prexus Kithicor
item_524.png Teir`Dal Adamantite Boots
Multiple mobs
item_516.png Teir`Dal Adamantite Bracers
Multiple mobs
item_624.png Teir`Dal Adamantite Breastplate
Multiple mobs
item_531.png Teir`Dal Adamantite Gauntlets
Multiple mobs
item_540.png Teir`Dal Adamantite Greaves
Multiple mobs
item_550.png Teir`Dal Adamantite Helm
Multiple mobs
item_622.png Teir`Dal Adamantite Vambraces
Multiple mobs
item_625.png Teir`Dal Chain Coif
Multiple mobs
item_540.png Teir`Dal Chainmail Leggings
Multiple mobs
item_543.png Teir`Dal Chainmail Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_538.png Teir`Dal Chainmail Tunic
Multiple mobs
item_604.png Teir`Dal Scimitar Adjutant D`kan
item_554.png Thick Grizzly Bear Skin
Multiple mobs
item_954.png Topaz
Multiple mobs
item_504.png Torn Page of Magi`kot pg. 1
Multiple mobs
item_946.png Turquoise a zombie
item_568.png Two Handed Battle Axe Laarthik K`Shin
item_519.png Two Handed Sword
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 109
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 8
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg. 9
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.17
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.43
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.44
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.67
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.68
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.75
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Velishoul's Tome Pg.76
Multiple mobs
item_584.png Water Flask
Multiple mobs
item_556.png Werewolf Pelt
Multiple mobs
item_753.png Wing of Xegony Kithicor
item_817.png Wolf Meat
Multiple mobs
item_542.png Wooden Shield a zombie
item_869.png Words of Abatement
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Absorption
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Acquisition (Azia)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Acquisition (Beza) Kithicor
item_869.png Words of Allure
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Anthology
Multiple mobs
item_896.png Words of Bondage Kithicor
item_869.png Words of Cazic-Thule
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Cloudburst
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Coercion
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Crippling Force Kithicor
item_869.png Words of Dark Paths
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Detachment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Detention
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dimension
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Discernment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dissemination
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Dominion
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Duration
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Duress
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Efficacy
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Endurance
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Enlightenment
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Eventide
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Grappling Kithicor
item_869.png Words of Haunting
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Mistbreath
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Motion
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Neglect
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Odus Kithicor
item_869.png Words of Parasitism
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Possession
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Purification
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Quivering
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Radiance
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Recluse
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Refuge
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Requisition Kithicor
item_869.png Words of Resolve
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Rupturing
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Sight
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Ethereal Kithicor
item_869.png Words of the Extinct
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Incorporeal
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Quickening
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Sentient (Beza)
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of the Suffering
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Words of Transcendence
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Worn Great Staff
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Worn Weighted Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_905.png Young Kodiak Femur a young kodiak
item_743.png Young Kodiak Paw a young kodiak
item_823.png Zombie Skin a zombie
Item Name Dropped By
NPCs - Found 165 NPC's that spawn in Kithicor Forest:
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
Adjutant D`kan Dark Elf Warrior Male 53 19,000 100 425 40 75 80 1 All Remaining
Advisor C`zatl Dark Elf Cleric Male 55 20,000 100 100 85 160 165 1 All Remaining
Brigadier G`tav Dark Elf Warrior Male 58 27,000 60 40 140 40 165 1 All Remaining
Coercer Q`ioul Dark Elf Enchanter Female 58 18,000 100 100 85 175 175 1 All Remaining
Ioltos V`ghera Dark Elf Shadowknight Male 54 13,500 100 40 40 150 75 1 All Remaining
Tasi V`ghera Dark Elf Shadowknight Female 56 16,000 40 40 40 160 160 1 All Remaining
War Priestess T`zan Dark Elf Cleric Female 59 20,000 190 70 140 180 140 1 All Remaining
an orc raider Orc Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 50 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
an orc raider Orc Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 50 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
an orc scout Orc Warrior Neuter 1 - 3 20 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
an orc scout Orc Warrior Neuter 1 - 3 20 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
an orc warrior Orc Warrior Neuter 6 - 10 150 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
an orc warrior Orc Warrior Neuter 6 - 10 150 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a bat Giant Bat Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a bat Giant Bat Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a bixie Bixie Ranger Neuter 1 13 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a bixie Bixie Ranger Neuter 1 13 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a bixie drone Bixie Ranger Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a bixie drone Bixie Ranger Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a black bear Bear Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 50 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a black bear Bear Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 50 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a black wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 1 - 5 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a black wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 1 - 5 16 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a cliff spider Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a darkweed snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 8 - 10 190 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a darkweed snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 8 - 10 190 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a fire beetle Beetle Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a fire beetle Beetle Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a ghoul Ghoul Warrior Neuter 13 - 17 370 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
a ghoul Ghoul Warrior Neuter 13 - 17 370 25 25 25 25 25 1 1
a giant bat Giant Bat Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant scarab Beetle Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant scarab Beetle Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a giant spider Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a giant spider Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 7 - 9 170 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a goblin Goblin Warrior Neuter 4 - 8 80 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a goblin Goblin Warrior Neuter 4 - 8 80 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a goblin worker Goblin Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a goblin worker Goblin Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a gray wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 5 - 7 110 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a grizzly bear Bear Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a Klaknak drone Beetle Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a Klaknak drone Beetle Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a Klaknak warrior Beetle Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a Klaknak warrior Beetle Warrior Neuter 2 32 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a large piranha Piranha Warrior Neuter 10 - 13 260 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large piranha Piranha Warrior Neuter 10 - 13 260 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a large rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a large rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a lesser mummy Zombie Warrior Male 10 - 12 250 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a lesser mummy Zombie Warrior Male 10 - 12 250 35 35 35 25 25 1 1
a mangy rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 1 - 3 20 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a mangy rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 1 - 3 20 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a moss snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a moss snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 1 16 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a shadow wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 50 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a shadow wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 3 - 5 50 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a skeletal warrior Skeleton Warrior Neuter 32 1,461 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a skeleton Skeleton Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a spiderling Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 1 - 3 20 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a spiderling Giant Spider Warrior Neuter 1 - 3 20 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a teir`dal assassin Dark Elf Rogue Male 12 310 25 25 25 25 25 3 All Remaining
a tree snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a tree snake Giant Snake Warrior Neuter 4 - 6 80 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a werewolf Werewolf Warrior Neuter 19 - 21 480 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
a willowisp Wisp Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a willowisp Wisp Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a young kodiak Bear Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a young kodiak Bear Warrior Neuter 9 - 11 220 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
a zombie Zombie Warrior Male 6 - 10 150 25 25 25 15 15 -1 All
a zombie Zombie Warrior Male 6 - 10 150 25 25 25 15 15 1 1
Barg Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 12 - 14 302 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Bashil Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 14 - 16 340 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Bevlok Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 11 - 13 228 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Brollus Hoost Human Rogue Male 17 455 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Captain Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 16 - 18 375 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Chief Gan`Shralok Orc Shaman Neuter 19 409 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Clomen Walker Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male 45 5,875 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Curkur Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 14 - 16 340 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
C`Habrel Shralok Orc Shaman Neuter 16 - 18 330 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
decayed footman Skeleton Warrior Neuter 30 - 32 1,151 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decayed soldier Skeleton Warrior Neuter 32 - 34 1,319 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decaying commander Skeleton Necromancer Neuter 36 - 38 1,462 100 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decaying footman Skeleton Warrior Neuter 32 - 34 1,319 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decaying healer Ghoul Cleric Neuter 35 - 37 2,056 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decaying officer Skeleton Necromancer Neuter 33 - 35 990 100 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decaying officer Skeleton Warrior Neuter 35 1,675 100 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decaying swordsman Skeleton Warrior Neuter 35 1,675 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decaying trooper Skeleton Warrior Neuter 30 - 32 1,151 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
decaying warrior Skeleton Warrior Neuter 30 - 32 1,151 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
dreaded wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 33 1,507 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
dread wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 29 - 31 1,249 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Eithne Walker Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female 45 5,875 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Elsbyth Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female 35 1,675 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
enraged dread wolf Wolf Warrior Neuter 40 3,418 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
fallen advisor Skeleton Necromancer Neuter 30 - 32 782 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
fallen warrior Skeleton Warrior Neuter 32 - 34 1,319 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Gandari Human Ranger Female 35 1,016 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Ged Twigborn Human Warrior Male 25 965 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Giz X`Tin Dark Elf Rogue Male 50 9,550 35 35 35 25 25 1 All Remaining
Grigga Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 13 - 15 350 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Grim Oakfist Human Monk Male 30 1,143 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Hagnis Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 13 - 15 350 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Hargvex Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 16 - 18 375 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
infected officer Werewolf Warrior Neuter 18 - 22 570 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Innkeep Darvon Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male 30 1,150 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Innkeep Grace Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female 30 1,150 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Innkeep Jurn Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male 30 1,150 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Innkeep Lynnie Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female 30 1,150 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Innkeep Min Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female 30 1,230 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Innkeep Morgan Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male 30 1,225 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Irin Lunis Half Elf Ranger Female 25 965 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Jeena Firechaser High Elf Shopkeeper Female 30 1,150 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Kithicor Wood Elf Ranger GM Male 61 32,000 440 440 440 440 440 -1 All
Kladnog Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 12 - 14 325 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Kornek Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 11 - 13 232 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Krile Arrowsmith Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male 45 5,875 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Laarthik K`Shin Zombie Shadowknight Male 45 8,986 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Leaf Falldim Human Ranger Male 35 1,750 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Lena Leatherspinner Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female 45 5,875 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Mildin Whistler Half Elf Druid Male 30 1,450 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Morin Shadowbane Human Ranger GM Male 61 32,000 225 225 225 210 210 -1 All
Mune Woodchopper Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male 45 5,875 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Nura Starwatcher Human Ranger Female 30 1,031 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Recfek Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 12 - 14 325 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Renkil Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 11 - 13 232 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
revenging knight Zombie Shadowknight Male 35 - 37 2,591 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
risen commander Zombie Shadowknight Male 35 - 37 2,591 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
risen corporal Zombie Shadowknight Male 35 - 37 2,591 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
risen squad leader Skeleton Necromancer Neuter 36 - 38 1,462 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Rok Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 12 - 14 325 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
rotted tactician Skeleton Necromancer Neuter 36 - 38 1,462 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
rotting knight Zombie Shadowknight Male 35 - 37 2,611 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
rotting officer Skeleton Warrior Neuter 35 1,675 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
rotting priest Ghoul Cleric Neuter 35 - 37 2,056 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Skeletal guard Skeleton Warrior Neuter 35 - 37 2,056 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeleton advisor Skeleton Necromancer Neuter 36 - 38 1,462 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeleton guard Skeleton Warrior Neuter 32 - 34 1,493 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeleton infantry Skeleton Warrior Neuter 30 - 35 1,151 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeleton officer Skeleton Warrior Neuter 35 - 37 1,462 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeleton private Zombie Shadowknight Male 29 - 31 1,334 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeleton squad leader Skeleton Necromancer Neuter 33 - 35 1,153 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
skeleton trooper Skeleton Necromancer Neuter 30 - 32 782 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
tainted swordsman Zombie Shadowknight Male 29 - 31 1,314 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Tallyn Starwatch Human Ranger Female 30 1,011 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Talok Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 12 - 14 325 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Thumper Bear Warrior Neuter 35 1,675 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
tormented corporal Skeleton Necromancer Neuter 30 782 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
tortured healer Ghoul Cleric Neuter 29 - 31 930 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Tulonk Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 11 - 13 228 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
undead advisor Zombie Shadowknight Male 29 - 31 1,314 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
undead cleric Ghoul Cleric Neuter 32 - 34 1,059 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
undead mendicant Skeleton Necromancer Neuter 33 - 35 1,010 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Unked Shralok Orc Shaman Neuter 14 - 16 294 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Vehgar Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 12 - 14 325 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Vopuk Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 13 - 15 350 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
wandering warrior Skeleton Warrior Neuter 35 1,675 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
Wrek Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 11 - 13 228 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
Wrom Shralok Orc Warrior Neuter 12 - 14 325 25 25 25 25 25 -1 All
zombie advisor Zombie Shadowknight Male 36 - 37 2,591 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
zombie commander Zombie Shadowknight Male 35 - 37 2,733 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
zombie guard Zombie Shadowknight Male 35 - 36 2,733 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
zombie infantry Zombie Shadowknight Male 29 - 31 1,314 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
zombie trooper Zombie Shadowknight Male 29 - 31 1,484 35 35 35 25 25 -1 All
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
Spawn Points - Found 485 spawn points in Kithicor Forest:
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
(-502.0, 187.0, -70.0) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-503.0, 182.0, -69.0) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1335.0, 3151.0, 401.5) a teir`dal assassin (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 3 All Remaining
(700.0, 4421.0, 654.6) Ged Twigborn (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(104.0, 4248.0, 515.2) a cliff spider (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(705.0, 4435.0, 662.5) Irin Lunis (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(812.0, 2293.0, 272.3) War Priestess T`zan (100%)
4:46:40 (0:15:00) 1 All Remaining
(793.0, 2290.0, 272.4) Advisor C`zatl (100%)
8:00:00 (0) 1 All Remaining
(813.0, 2309.0, 273.6) Coercer Q`ioul (100%)
4:46:40 (0:15:00) 1 All Remaining
(809.0, 2299.0, 272.3) Tasi V`ghera (100%)
4:46:40 (0:15:00) 1 All Remaining
(787.0, 2302.0, 272.3) Ioltos V`ghera (100%)
4:46:40 (0:15:00) 1 All Remaining
(801.0, 2314.0, 274.5) Adjutant D`kan (100%)
4:46:40 (0:15:00) 1 All Remaining
(830.0, 2306.0, 273.1) Brigadier G`tav (100%)
4:46:40 (0:15:00) 1 All Remaining
(-868.0, 4537.0, 660.4) Chief Gan`Shralok (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-678.0, 4530.0, 598.7) a gray wolf (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a cliff spider (10%)
Bevlok Shralok (15%)
Curkur Shralok (15%)
Grigga Shralok (15%)
Talok Shralok (15%)
Kladnog Shralok (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(983.0, 1601.0, 247.0) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1133.0, -432.0, -32.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1378.0, 1714.0, 197.4) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1164.0, 2620.0, 305.8) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-466.0, 1144.0, 185.0) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-461.0, 1146.0, 183.2) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(829.0, 2636.0, 350.6) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(758.0, 2186.0, 252.6) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(957.0, 509.0, 19.9) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1162.0, 2624.0, 308.2) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-141.0, 3659.0, 452.6) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1344.0, 376.0, 13.4) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1859.0, 2403.0, 353.3) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(415.0, 2719.0, 322.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1305.0, 3361.0, 399.4) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(637.0, 3587.0, 437.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-263.0, 1236.0, 152.2) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-274.0, 1225.0, 152.3) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(702.0, -53.0, -14.0) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(193.0, 3520.0, 439.1) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(36.0, -448.0, -30.4) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(27.0, -410.0, -28.7) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(70.0, 711.0, 92.7) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(51.0, 715.0, 90.8) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1168.0, 944.0, 100.4) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1781.0, 2913.0, 401.7) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-805.0, 654.0, 114.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(389.0, -308.0, 8.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (20%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
a black wolf (20%)
a giant scarab (20%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(175.0, -889.0, 31.3) a young kodiak (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1521.0, -482.0, -12.3) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-758.0, 837.0, 180.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1900.0, -819.0, 44.1) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1596.0, 1840.0, 211.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1420.0, 1086.0, 123.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1496.0, 2854.0, 336.3) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-573.0, 2794.0, 475.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1701.0, 527.0, 50.6) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(836.0, 2267.0, 266.5) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(775.0, 2279.0, 268.6) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(773.0, 2304.0, 272.9) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(840.0, 2333.0, 278.6) a ghoul (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(825.0, 2288.0, 273.0) a ghoul (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(827.0, 2309.0, 274.3) a ghoul (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(816.0, 2299.0, 272.9) Laarthik K`Shin (25%)
a ghoul (75%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(783.0, 2334.0, 277.1) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(147.0, 1891.0, 221.9) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(796.0, 1391.0, 159.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1481.0, 1232.0, 207.3) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1203.0, 271.0, -16.7) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(453.0, 3510.0, 423.1) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(464.0, 1249.0, 157.9) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1523.0, 1391.0, 225.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1478.0, 779.0, 79.9) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-583.0, 1885.0, 217.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(150.0, 2644.0, 320.1) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(428.0, 4102.0, 488.9) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-8.0, 1845.0, 216.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-235.0, 2429.0, 291.9) a ghoul (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-47.0, 2385.0, 304.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-110.0, 3826.0, 495.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-512.0, 4008.0, 481.0) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1490.0, 2261.0, 295.9) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(991.0, 47.0, -15.8) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-681.0, 951.0, 200.1) a goblin (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1153.0, 1051.0, 113.3) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1404.0, 976.0, 104.6) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-184.0, 1123.0, 151.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(103.0, 1665.0, 191.7) a goblin (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-415.0, 3003.0, 376.2) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(241.0, 2732.0, 332.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1206.0, 3098.0, 424.9) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-782.0, 2396.0, 329.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1189.0, -95.0, -21.8) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1043.0, 3231.0, 387.5) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-486.0, 4006.0, 481.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(410.0, -151.0, 49.1) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (20%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
a black wolf (20%)
a giant scarab (20%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1313.0, 695.0, 63.7) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-583.0, 3327.0, 422.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-134.0, 4050.0, 491.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(328.0, 2389.0, 282.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(641.0, 3366.0, 400.7) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1100.0, 245.0, -18.0) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1239.0, 3719.0, 441.9) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-434.0, 1675.0, 218.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-292.0, 1799.0, 208.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1351.0, 1181.0, 146.0) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-694.0, 3441.0, 452.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(965.0, 4029.0, 480.4) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1309.0, 3215.0, 399.8) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1520.0, 3275.0, 388.1) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1859.0, 3902.0, 485.0) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(770.0, 550.0, 33.9) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1428.0, 2790.0, 327.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1110.0, 2068.0, 238.7) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1197.0, 4361.0, 576.6) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(59.0, 826.0, 101.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-227.0, 3415.0, 406.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1695.0, 881.0, 106.1) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1413.0, 3959.0, 471.2) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(970.0, -475.0, -33.3) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-766.0, 2079.0, 287.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(676.0, 1867.0, 216.7) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1364.0, 224.0, -4.2) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-60.0, 4273.0, 513.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(231.0, 2844.0, 352.5) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-193.0, 1239.0, 154.1) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-248.0, 1184.0, 150.8) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-204.0, 1228.0, 153.8) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-237.0, 1195.0, 151.5) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-215.0, 1217.0, 153.6) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-226.0, 1206.0, 152.8) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(539.0, 2601.0, 306.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1174.0, 780.0, 80.6) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1261.0, 2597.0, 305.7) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(705.0, 3011.0, 419.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1627.0, 3532.0, 418.6) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1477.0, 3718.0, 444.0) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-439.0, 3015.0, 381.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(287.0, 2017.0, 287.9) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(461.0, -648.0, -39.5) a goblin (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1394.0, 2288.0, 298.4) Leaf Falldim (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1148.0, -679.0, -40.2) Tallyn Starwatch (65%)
Grim Oakfist (10%)
Brollus Hoost (25%)
0:25:00 (0) -1 All
(1385.0, 1348.0, 186.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1778.0, 4484.0, 605.0) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(62.0, 521.0, 122.1) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(217.0, 613.0, 105.2) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-510.0, 2701.0, 412.2) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1217.0, 3931.0, 467.2) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1056.0, 2446.0, 294.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-668.0, 3556.0, 459.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-676.0, 2853.0, 460.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-261.0, 2781.0, 328.6) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(181.0, 1696.0, 197.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(25.0, -215.0, 21.7) a goblin (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-792.0, 4500.0, 624.9) Vopuk Shralok (15%)
Rok Shralok (10%)
C`Habrel Shralok (10%)
Hagnis Shralok (15%)
Hargvex Shralok (15%)
Kornek Shralok (15%)
Recfek Shralok (10%)
Renkil Shralok (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-740.0, 4536.0, 609.2) a giant bat (50%)
a grizzly bear (10%)
Bashil Shralok (10%)
Captain Shralok (10%)
Unked Shralok (10%)
Wrek Shralok (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1175.0, 1710.0, 213.0) Giz X`Tin (100%)
1:00:00 (0) 1 All Remaining
(1464.0, 2316.0, 298.5) Nura Starwatcher (50%)
Mildin Whistler (50%)
0:06:00 (0) -1 All
(1441.0, 2386.0, 300.1) Innkeep Morgan (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1465.0, 2383.0, 300.2) Innkeep Min (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1522.0, 2315.0, 299.7) Morin Shadowbane (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1458.0, 2263.0, 299.1) Mune Woodchopper (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-569.0, 1930.0, 225.1) Thumper (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-569.0, 1961.0, 227.1) Kithicor (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-775.0, 3083.0, 475.0) Elsbyth (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-306.0, 3794.0, 496.1) Innkeep Lynnie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-280.0, 3821.0, 495.4) Innkeep Jurn (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-263.0, 4001.0, 498.9) Lena Leatherspinner (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-329.5, 3874.0, 499.7) Krile Arrowsmith (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-215.0, 3807.0, 496.3) Jeena Firechaser (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1095.0, -683.0, -40.3) Innkeep Grace (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1138.0, -672.0, -40.2) Innkeep Darvon (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1427.0, -824.0, -44.0) Eithne Walker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1471.0, 2421.0, 300.2) Gandari (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-413.0, 305.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-188.0, -100.0, -68.0) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-201.0, 4.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-428.0, -573.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-456.0, 350.0, -68.0) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-230.0, 54.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1443.0, -839.0, -43.9) Clomen Walker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1580.0, 2778.0, 330.2) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1492.0, 1831.0, 212.1) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1443.0, 3811.0, 455.9) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1131.0, 771.0, 80.7) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(818.0, 3806.0, 500.0) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1435.0, 3875.0, 463.2) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-161.0, 1985.0, 270.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1179.0, 2060.0, 240.3) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1362.0, 3451.0, 411.4) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1076.0, 3057.0, 406.3) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(926.0, 2646.0, 328.7) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1748.0, 1294.0, 250.2) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1410.0, 1377.0, 196.4) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(687.0, 1784.0, 209.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-651.0, 1439.0, 264.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1637.0, 2303.0, 285.6) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(967.0, 1560.0, 231.2) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-688.0, 2218.0, 263.4) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(548.0, 842.0, 117.3) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-359.0, 2025.0, 236.1) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1038.0, 1279.0, 145.3) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1544.0, -401.0, -2.2) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1405.0, 2248.0, 299.3) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1609.0, 3573.0, 425.5) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-493.0, 3211.0, 415.5) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1369.0, 3401.0, 404.4) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(803.0, 846.0, 147.7) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1832.0, 1125.0, 251.4) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-630.0, 3638.0, 463.7) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-515.0, -131.0, -65.6) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(13.0, 2585.0, 306.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1695.0, 4209.0, 506.8) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-263.0, 1236.0, 152.8) fallen advisor (15%)
risen corporal (15%)
decayed soldier (70%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-274.0, 1225.0, 152.9) fallen advisor (15%)
risen corporal (15%)
decayed soldier (70%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-20.0, 898.0, 105.8) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1577.0, 1682.0, 200.6) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1893.0, 3198.0, 465.0) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-215.0, 1217.0, 154.8) tainted swordsman (25%)
decaying swordsman (75%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-226.0, 1206.0, 154.1) tainted swordsman (25%)
decaying swordsman (75%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1060.0, 3282.0, 393.1) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-509.0, 2471.0, 360.3) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(454.0, 2738.0, 333.7) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-304.0, 1664.0, 191.3) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(458.0, 1882.0, 221.6) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1646.0, 134.0, 16.1) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1414.0, 2181.0, 281.9) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1796.0, 1410.0, 266.3) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(121.0, 796.0, 93.0) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1868.0, 1336.0, 300.5) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(344.0, 813.0, 94.4) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(471.0, 260.0, 12.7) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(264.0, 2667.0, 320.4) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(455.0, 683.0, 63.3) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-352.0, 2324.0, 298.8) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1177.0, 1922.0, 222.4) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-618.0, -266.0, -32.7) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1317.0, 4090.0, 489.9) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1153.0, -362.0, -30.7) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1649.0, 1677.0, 232.0) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-652.0, 3204.0, 460.5) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1511.0, 1820.0, 210.4) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-594.0, 2528.0, 411.6) zombie infantry (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1578.0, -178.0, -16.3) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(591.0, 9.0, 9.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1890.0, 4260.0, 573.2) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1477.0, 1502.0, 211.0) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1458.0, 1221.0, 203.7) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1624.0, 1876.0, 219.6) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(304.0, 2860.0, 348.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(231.0, 2844.0, 353.7) skeleton private (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1427.0, -855.0, -46.2) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1744.0, 1890.0, 259.3) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(678.0, 1306.0, 149.4) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(408.0, 1324.0, 175.0) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(36.0, -448.0, -30.4) decayed footman (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(62.0, 726.0, 91.9) risen squad leader (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(51.0, 715.0, 92.1) risen squad leader (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(27.0, -410.0, -28.1) fallen advisor (15%)
risen corporal (15%)
decayed soldier (70%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(70.0, 711.0, 93.3) fallen advisor (15%)
risen corporal (15%)
decayed soldier (70%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1306.0, 2448.0, 298.5) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-332.0, -414.0, -67.9) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(261.0, 3005.0, 368.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1249.0, 2016.0, 237.0) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-6.0, -589.0, -15.9) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1618.0, 1801.0, 219.1) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(362.0, 1429.0, 254.7) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1358.0, 1914.0, 222.9) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1619.0, 1772.0, 220.1) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-509.0, 28.0, -65.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(483.0, 1939.0, 248.0) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-515.0, 3031.0, 421.1) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-330.0, -623.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1320.0, 1236.0, 139.2) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1628.0, 208.0, 8.4) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-580.0, 1260.0, 241.9) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1391.0, 2492.0, 300.9) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1010.0, 2576.0, 305.6) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-514.0, -137.0, -66.7) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(692.0, 2108.0, 257.4) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1309.0, 1590.0, 182.8) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-221.0, 261.0, -20.2) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1909.0, 2207.0, 347.6) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(434.0, 1208.0, 136.6) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(805.0, 2296.0, 272.9) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(943.0, 272.0, -15.6) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-580.0, 3865.0, 478.6) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(57.0, 1809.0, 210.7) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-204.0, 74.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(999.0, 411.0, -11.4) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-413.0, -416.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1580.0, 905.0, 108.1) zombie commander (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1778.0, -76.0, 32.9) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(836.0, 2267.0, 266.5) rotting priest (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(775.0, 2279.0, 268.6) rotting priest (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(773.0, 2304.0, 274.2) zombie guard (50%)
Skeletal guard (50%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(840.0, 2333.0, 279.9) zombie guard (50%)
Skeletal guard (50%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(825.0, 2288.0, 273.0) rotting priest (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(827.0, 2309.0, 275.6) zombie guard (50%)
Skeletal guard (50%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(783.0, 2334.0, 278.4) zombie guard (50%)
Skeletal guard (50%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(816.0, 2299.0, 273.5) skeleton guard (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-819.0, 3679.0, 529.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(805.0, 2295.0, 274.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1099.0, 1857.0, 229.9) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-266.0, 935.0, 123.1) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1892.0, 4235.0, 569.2) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1430.0, 3795.0, 454.2) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1200.0, 269.0, -13.7) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-576.0, 1401.0, 254.4) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(276.0, -405.0, -29.5) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1228.0, 3468.0, 413.9) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1653.0, 1922.0, 225.0) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-237.0, 1195.0, 152.7) tainted swordsman (25%)
decaying swordsman (75%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(425.0, 1938.0, 246.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1269.0, 1916.0, 222.7) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1519.0, 1324.0, 228.0) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-236.0, 2610.0, 307.3) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(318.0, 1386.0, 217.9) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1601.0, 2531.0, 302.9) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1397.0, 14.0, -22.4) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-218.0, 2110.0, 288.2) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1444.0, 1076.0, 127.6) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1481.0, 1063.0, 140.3) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1535.0, 93.0, -20.9) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1329.0, -109.0, -24.7) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(986.0, 4138.0, 495.4) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(995.0, 538.0, 31.5) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-188.0, 1574.0, 181.8) zombie infantry (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-755.0, 3181.0, 474.4) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1445.0, -713.0, -39.6) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1115.0, 25.0, -16.4) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1334.0, 2050.0, 246.3) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1541.0, -618.0, -32.5) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1526.0, 2803.0, 332.3) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1519.0, 2354.0, 299.7) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(973.0, 2350.0, 317.0) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1604.0, 1316.0, 246.1) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(633.0, 2777.0, 360.6) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-639.0, 2493.0, 363.4) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1567.0, 1719.0, 201.3) enraged dread wolf (4%)
skeleton squad leader (5%)
decaying healer (11%)
skeleton officer (7%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
dreaded wolf (4%)
a skeletal warrior (9%)
tortured healer (9%)
dread wolf (11%)
undead cleric (11%)
zombie trooper (12%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-190.0, -116.0, -67.8) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(976.0, 3369.0, 400.4) decaying officer (5%)
risen commander (10%)
decaying officer (5%)
decaying commander (10%)
rotting knight (10%)
wandering warrior (10%)
decaying footman (10%)
tormented corporal (10%)
decaying trooper (10%)
fallen warrior (10%)
decaying warrior (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1082.0, -363.0, -25.3) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1372.0, 701.0, 66.7) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-640.0, 992.0, 213.7) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(1738.0, -443.0, -6.6) enraged dread wolf (3%)
decaying healer (16%)
skeleton trooper (16%)
dreaded wolf (3%)
tortured healer (14%)
dread wolf (14%)
undead cleric (17%)
zombie trooper (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-615.0, 4456.0, 578.5) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (5%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (18%)
skeleton advisor (10%)
undead mendicant (10%)
rotting officer (10%)
zombie advisor (10%)
revenging knight (10%)
skeleton infantry (20%)
a werewolf (1%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(388.0, 976.0, 110.6) infected officer (1%)
undead advisor (6%)
rotted tactician (5%)
skeleton trooper (17%)
zombie infantry (17%)
skeleton advisor (5%)
undead mendicant (5%)
rotting officer (11%)
zombie advisor (5%)
revenging knight (11%)
skeleton infantry (17%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-234.0, 1746.0, 202.5) zombie infantry (100%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-540.0, 4090.0, 490.2) a giant bat (50%)
a cliff spider (10%)
Barg Shralok (10%)
Tulonk Shralok (10%)
Vehgar Shralok (10%)
Wrom Shralok (10%)
0:05:20 (0) -1 All
(-502.0, 187.0, -70.0) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-503.0, 182.0, -69.0) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(983.0, 1601.0, 247.0) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1133.0, -432.0, -32.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1378.0, 1714.0, 197.4) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1164.0, 2620.0, 305.8) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-466.0, 1144.0, 185.0) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-461.0, 1146.0, 183.2) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(829.0, 2636.0, 350.6) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(758.0, 2186.0, 252.6) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(957.0, 509.0, 19.9) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1162.0, 2624.0, 308.2) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-141.0, 3659.0, 452.6) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1344.0, 376.0, 13.4) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1859.0, 2403.0, 353.3) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(415.0, 2719.0, 322.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1305.0, 3361.0, 399.4) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(637.0, 3587.0, 437.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-263.0, 1236.0, 152.2) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-274.0, 1225.0, 152.3) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(702.0, -53.0, -14.0) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(193.0, 3520.0, 439.1) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(36.0, -448.0, -30.4) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(27.0, -410.0, -28.7) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(70.0, 711.0, 92.7) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(51.0, 715.0, 90.8) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1168.0, 944.0, 100.4) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1781.0, 2913.0, 401.7) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-805.0, 654.0, 114.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(389.0, -308.0, 8.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (20%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
a black wolf (20%)
a giant scarab (20%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(175.0, -889.0, 31.3) a young kodiak (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1521.0, -482.0, -12.3) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-758.0, 837.0, 180.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1900.0, -819.0, 44.1) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1596.0, 1840.0, 211.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1420.0, 1086.0, 123.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1496.0, 2854.0, 336.3) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-573.0, 2794.0, 475.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1701.0, 527.0, 50.6) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(836.0, 2267.0, 266.5) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(775.0, 2279.0, 268.6) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(773.0, 2304.0, 272.9) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(840.0, 2333.0, 278.6) a ghoul (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(825.0, 2288.0, 273.0) a ghoul (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(827.0, 2309.0, 274.3) a ghoul (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(816.0, 2299.0, 272.9) a ghoul (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(783.0, 2334.0, 277.1) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(147.0, 1891.0, 221.9) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(796.0, 1391.0, 159.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1481.0, 1232.0, 207.3) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1203.0, 271.0, -16.7) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(453.0, 3510.0, 423.1) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(464.0, 1249.0, 157.9) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1523.0, 1391.0, 225.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1478.0, 779.0, 79.9) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-583.0, 1885.0, 217.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(150.0, 2644.0, 320.1) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(428.0, 4102.0, 488.9) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-8.0, 1845.0, 216.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-235.0, 2429.0, 291.9) a ghoul (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-47.0, 2385.0, 304.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-110.0, 3826.0, 495.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-512.0, 4008.0, 481.0) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1490.0, 2261.0, 295.9) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(991.0, 47.0, -15.8) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-681.0, 951.0, 200.1) a goblin (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1153.0, 1051.0, 113.3) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1404.0, 976.0, 104.6) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-184.0, 1123.0, 151.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(103.0, 1665.0, 191.7) a goblin (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-415.0, 3003.0, 376.2) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(241.0, 2732.0, 332.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1206.0, 3098.0, 424.9) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-782.0, 2396.0, 329.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1189.0, -95.0, -21.8) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1043.0, 3231.0, 387.5) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-486.0, 4006.0, 481.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(410.0, -151.0, 49.1) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (20%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
a black wolf (20%)
a giant scarab (20%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1313.0, 695.0, 63.7) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-583.0, 3327.0, 422.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-134.0, 4050.0, 491.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(328.0, 2389.0, 282.5) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(641.0, 3366.0, 400.7) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1100.0, 245.0, -18.0) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1239.0, 3719.0, 441.9) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-434.0, 1675.0, 218.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-292.0, 1799.0, 208.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1351.0, 1181.0, 146.0) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-694.0, 3441.0, 452.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(965.0, 4029.0, 480.4) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1309.0, 3215.0, 399.8) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1520.0, 3275.0, 388.1) a goblin worker (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1859.0, 3902.0, 485.0) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(770.0, 550.0, 33.9) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1428.0, 2790.0, 327.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1110.0, 2068.0, 238.7) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1197.0, 4361.0, 576.6) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(59.0, 826.0, 101.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-227.0, 3415.0, 406.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1695.0, 881.0, 106.1) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1413.0, 3959.0, 471.2) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(970.0, -475.0, -33.3) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-766.0, 2079.0, 287.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(676.0, 1867.0, 216.7) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1364.0, 224.0, -4.2) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-60.0, 4273.0, 513.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(231.0, 2844.0, 352.5) a lesser mummy (15%)
a skeleton (85%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-193.0, 1239.0, 154.1) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-248.0, 1184.0, 150.8) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-204.0, 1228.0, 153.8) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-237.0, 1195.0, 151.5) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-215.0, 1217.0, 153.6) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-226.0, 1206.0, 152.8) a zombie (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(539.0, 2601.0, 306.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1174.0, 780.0, 80.6) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1261.0, 2597.0, 305.7) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(705.0, 3011.0, 419.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1627.0, 3532.0, 418.6) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1477.0, 3718.0, 444.0) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-439.0, 3015.0, 381.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(287.0, 2017.0, 287.9) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(461.0, -648.0, -39.5) a goblin (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1385.0, 1348.0, 186.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1778.0, 4484.0, 605.0) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(62.0, 521.0, 122.1) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(217.0, 613.0, 105.2) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-510.0, 2701.0, 412.2) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1217.0, 3931.0, 467.2) a Klaknak drone (10%)
a Klaknak warrior (10%)
a mangy rat (10%)
a fire beetle (10%)
a bat (15%)
a moss snake (15%)
a large rat (15%)
a spiderling (15%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(1056.0, 2446.0, 294.5) a bixie drone (12%)
a bixie (21%)
a shadow wolf (12%)
a tree snake (12%)
a black wolf (14%)
a black bear (11%)
a willowisp (8%)
an orc scout (10%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-668.0, 3556.0, 459.8) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-676.0, 2853.0, 460.4) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-261.0, 2781.0, 328.6) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(181.0, 1696.0, 197.3) a giant spider (20%)
a young kodiak (14%)
a darkweed snake (20%)
an orc warrior (6%)
a black wolf (14%)
a giant scarab (20%)
an orc raider (6%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(25.0, -215.0, 21.7) a goblin (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-413.0, 305.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-188.0, -100.0, -68.0) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-201.0, 4.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-428.0, -573.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-456.0, 350.0, -68.0) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
(-230.0, 54.0, -68.1) a large piranha (100%)
0:05:20 (0) 1 1
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
Fishing - Found 0 fish-able items in Kithicor Forest:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Foraging - Found 9 forage able items in Kithicor Forest:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_1084.png Oak Bark 0 16% -1 All
item_923.png Wild Radish 0 20% -1 All
item_1037.png Fruit 0 4% -1 All
item_1037.png Berries 0 6% -1 All
item_1011.png Vegetables 0 10% -1 All
item_925.png Rabbit Meat 0 6% -1 All
item_583.png Roots 0 20% -1 All
item_584.png Pod of Water 0 16% -1 All
item_926.png Fishing Grubs 0 2% -1 All
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Ground Spawns - Found 2 ground spawns in Kithicor Forest:
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_778.png Turgans Note (1729.0, 1143.0, 230.0) Part of quest for Boots of the Reliant -1 All
item_1092.png Ingot of the Reliant (-86.0, 3280.0, 419.0) Part of quest for Boots of the Reliant -1 All
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
Merchants - Found 13 merchants in Kithicor Forest (these are included in the NPCs list):
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion
Innkeep Morgan Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male (1441.0, 2386.0, 300.100006) -1
Innkeep Min Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female (1465.0, 2383.0, 300.200012) -1
Mune Woodchopper Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male (1458.0, 2263.0, 299.100006) -1
Elsbyth Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female (-775.0, 3083.0, 475.0) -1
Innkeep Lynnie Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female (-306.0, 3794.0, 496.100006) -1
Innkeep Jurn Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male (-280.0, 3821.0, 495.399994) -1
Lena Leatherspinner Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female (-263.0, 4001.0, 498.899994) -1
Krile Arrowsmith Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male (-329.5, 3874.0, 499.700012) -1
Jeena Firechaser High Elf Shopkeeper Female (-215.0, 3807.0, 496.299988) -1
Innkeep Grace Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female (1095.0, -683.0, -40.299999) -1
Innkeep Darvon Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male (1138.0, -672.0, -40.200001) -1
Eithne Walker Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Female (1427.0, -824.0, -44.0) -1
Clomen Walker Qeynos Citizen Shopkeeper Male (1443.0, -839.0, -43.900002) -1
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion