Plane of Justice

  • Level of Monsters:
  • Types of Monsters:
  • Name in /who:
  • pojustice
  • Succor/Evacuate:
  • Y: 58.0, X: -61.0 Z: 5.0
  • ZEM:
  • 1.45
Quick Facts
Expansion: Powericon.gif
Cast Outdoor
Cast Dungeon Only
None Can Bind
Level Required: 46


Items - Found 80 items that drop in Unknownpojustice:
Item Name Dropped By
item_958.png Alkaline Etched Stone
Multiple mobs
item_611.png Bailiff's Greaves
Multiple mobs
item_1359.png Baton of the Peacekeeper a blood leech
item_1351.png Bed Leg Club
Multiple mobs
item_843.png Belt of Woven Blanket Remains
Multiple mobs
item_966.png Blue Diamond
Multiple mobs
item_724.png Carved Inlaid Box
Multiple mobs
item_904.png Carved Pipe
Multiple mobs
item_1249.png Ceremonial Baton
Multiple mobs
item_769.png Chain Links of the Hunted
Multiple mobs
item_1235.png Chains of the Accused
Multiple mobs
item_1366.png Claymore of the Righteous the grallok underlord
item_655.png Confiscated Buckskin Pants
Multiple mobs
item_966.png Crystallized Cloudy Eye
Multiple mobs
item_966.png Diamond
Multiple mobs
item_957.png Enforcer Stone
Multiple mobs
item_862.png Ethereal Parchment
Multiple mobs
item_1366.png Faith Wrought Two Handed Sword The Seventh Hammer
item_1341.png Falchion of Flowing Water
Multiple mobs
item_526.png Fine Steel Guardian Gauntlets a blood leech
item_875.png Gem Crusted Ring
Multiple mobs
item_947.png Gleaming Tourmaline
Multiple mobs
item_646.png Gleaming Worn Coin
Multiple mobs
item_765.png Glittering Ring
Multiple mobs
item_927.png Glowing Chitin
Multiple mobs
item_1053.png Golden Charm of the Hopeful
Multiple mobs
item_1248.png Golden Cup
Multiple mobs
item_959.png Grallok Quartz
Multiple mobs
item_669.png Hammer Emblazoned Sleeves
Multiple mobs
item_521.png Hammer Signet Ring a screeching parasite
item_656.png Hammer Stitched Cloak the grallok underlord
item_1124.png Headsmans Hoop The Seventh Hammer
item_657.png Justice Cape a diamond beetle
item_1297.png Knife of Justice The Seventh Hammer
item_658.png Mantle of the Accused The Seventh Hammer
item_969.png Multifaceted Reflective Rock
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Page 11 of Dark Power
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Page 13 of Dark Power
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Page 17 of Dark Power
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Page 19 of Dark Power
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Page 2 of Dark Power
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Page 3 of Dark Power
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Page 5 of Dark Power
Multiple mobs
item_869.png Page 7 of Dark Power
Multiple mobs
item_957.png Peridot
Multiple mobs
item_805.png Plated Shield
Multiple mobs
item_891.png Platinum Spoon
Multiple mobs
item_851.png Polished Key Ring
Multiple mobs
item_858.png Porcelain Bowl
Multiple mobs
item_1053.png Precious Cameo Pendant The Seventh Hammer
item_872.png Precious Worm Ring
Multiple mobs
item_636.png Prisoner Crafted Digging Gloves
Multiple mobs
item_1204.png Pulsing Beetle Brain the ancient crawler
item_966.png Raw Diamond
Multiple mobs
item_1125.png Razor Mandible
Multiple mobs
item_545.png Resplendent Scalemail Boots the yrendan scarab
item_624.png Rigid Beetle Carapace the yrendan scarab
item_558.png Sandals of the Last Walk
Multiple mobs
item_1057.png Scale Emblazoned Ring the ancient crawler
item_891.png Silvery Spoon
Multiple mobs
item_1038.png Small Jewel
Multiple mobs
item_1128.png Small Ornate Knife
Multiple mobs
item_752.png Sparkling Charm
Multiple mobs
item_683.png Spectral Parchment
Multiple mobs
item_602.png Staff of the Peacekeeper
Multiple mobs
item_1104.png Steel Centered Great Bow The Seventh Hammer
item_851.png Sterling Key Chain
Multiple mobs
item_516.png Stout Plate Manacles
Multiple mobs
item_650.png Tattered Fancy Cards
Multiple mobs
item_528.png Terror Forged Mask the ancient crawler
item_1134.png Tiny Bottle and Note
Multiple mobs
item_1329.png Tribunal Loyalists Spear
Multiple mobs
item_1104.png True Bow of Balance a diamond beetle
item_546.png Twice Forged Arm Guards a screeching parasite
item_1062.png Veil of the Accused
Multiple mobs
item_1192.png Vengeful Diamond Blade
Multiple mobs
item_675.png Virtue Engraved Band the grallok underlord
item_676.png Warden's Buckler The Seventh Hammer
item_1273.png Weighty Polearm
Multiple mobs
item_644.png Worn Coin
Multiple mobs
Item Name Dropped By
NPCs - Found 167 NPC's that spawn in Unknownpojustice:
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
a blood leech Vacuum Worm Shadowknight Neuter 58 19,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a diamond beetle Beetle Necromancer Neuter 57 15,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a grallok appraisor Rock-gem Man Cleric Neuter 55 15,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a grallok crusader Rock-gem Man Paladin Neuter 55 15,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a grallok elder Rock-gem Man Magician Neuter 55 13,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a grallok overseer Rock-gem Man Monk Neuter 55 15,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a screeching parasite Vacuum Worm Paladin Neuter 56 16,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Jacosh Steldenn Efreeti Wizard Neuter 63 100,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Mavuin High Elf Enchanter Male 60 17,760 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
the ancient crawler Vacuum Worm Wizard Neuter 62 19,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
the grallok underlord StoneGrabber Warrior Neuter 60 20,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
the yrendan scarab Beetle Enchanter Neuter 62 18,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Adilan Lemansa Erudite Ghost Warrior Female 46 - 48 8,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Advisor Vyenz Evil Eye Enchanter Neuter 46 - 48 6,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Agent of The Tribunal Guard of Justice Warrior Neuter 60 22,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Alchemist Jorrum Iksar Shaman Male 46 - 48 7,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Alkus McNeeson Barbarian Rogue Male 42 - 44 4,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Aneya Mallar Erudite Paladin Female 42 - 44 4,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
an enervating beetle Beetle Rogue Neuter 54 - 56 15,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
an enforcer StoneGrabber Warrior Neuter 49 - 51 10,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
an eyeless gnawer Vacuum Worm Warrior Neuter 54 - 56 15,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Archpriest Del`Maque Dark Elf Necromancer Male 48 - 50 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Arch Menoch Vanim Efreeti Wizard Neuter 48 - 50 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Azomnius Sphinx Magician Neuter 46 - 48 6,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a demented locust Beetle Monk Neuter 52 - 54 12,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a dread locust Beetle Ranger Neuter 54 - 56 16,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a dust scarab Beetle Warrior Neuter 52 - 54 14,900 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a festering rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 40 - 42 4,100 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a festering rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 44 - 46 6,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a forgotten spirit Dwarf Ghost Warrior Male 48 - 50 10,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a grallok defender StoneGrabber Paladin Neuter 52 - 54 13,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a grallok drone Rock-gem Man Warrior Neuter 51 - 53 12,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a grallok mystic Rock-gem Man Shaman Neuter 52 - 54 12,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a grallok priest Rock-gem Man Cleric Neuter 50 - 52 11,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a grallok protector Rock-gem Man Ranger Neuter 51 - 53 12,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a grallok seeker Rock-gem Man Rogue Neuter 50 - 52 11,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a mindless tunneler Vacuum Worm Ranger Neuter 52 - 54 12,240 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a pestilence rat Giant Rat Warrior Neuter 46 - 48 8,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a punisher Fungal Fiend Warrior Neuter 49 - 51 10,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a ravaging burrower Vacuum Worm Monk Neuter 54 - 56 14,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
a shadow crawler Vacuum Worm Rogue Neuter 52 - 54 13,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
A violet rose Human Warrior Neuter 50 10,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Baxo Numbalin Gnome Wizard Male 44 - 46 4,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Bimlee Mellswar Halfling Druid Male 42 - 44 4,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Brugga Orc Cleric Neuter 46 - 48 7,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Captain Nyra Dark Elf Warrior Female 44 - 46 6,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Commander Ralinor Human Enchanter Male 46 - 48 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Conjurer Mrial Kunark Goblin Magician Neuter 46 - 48 6,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Cormin Desalis Spectre Warrior Neuter 46 - 48 8,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Councilor Vaylaz Froglok Ghoul Necromancer Neuter 48 - 50 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Djaa Xeda Dracnid Druid Male 46 - 48 6,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Drazl Froglok Wizard Neuter 46 - 48 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Dreamthief Demi Lich Necromancer Neuter 51 9,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Dremekal Minotaur Warrior Neuter 44 - 46 6,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Druenna Oakshade Wood Elf Ranger Female 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Dumann the Quick Dwarf Ghost Rogue Male 44 - 46 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Elzabetha Ianthe Human Cleric Female 44 - 46 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Evia N`Cizai Erudite Shadowknight Female 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Eyan Thunderseeker Centaur Paladin Neuter 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Fubbel Copperwheel Gnome Wizard Male 44 - 46 4,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Gaoler of Justice Guard of Justice Warrior Neuter 50 10,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
General Vhan`Geltah Shissar Cleric Neuter 52 12,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Genni Dulzane Erudite Ghost Warrior Female 44 - 46 6,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Georr Kul`Daar Kunark Goblin Warrior Neuter 46 - 48 8,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Golikan Erudite Ghost Wizard Male 44 - 46 4,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Grandmaster Xhaan Spectral Iksar Monk Male 46 - 48 7,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Grum Ogre Warrior Male 46 - 48 7,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Guardian Ionew Gargoyle Magician Neuter 44 - 46 4,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Guardian of Justice Guard of Justice Warrior Neuter 55 16,100 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Guardian Zephyst Guard of Justice Warrior Neuter 60 22,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Gubkuk Troll Shaman Male 46 - 48 7,100 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Habax Blackfang Gnoll Shadowknight Neuter 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Halken Zeparr Efreeti Wizard Neuter 46 - 48 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Halkr Nighman Half Elf Warrior Male 46 - 48 7,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
High Guardian of Justice Guard of Justice Warrior Neuter 60 22,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
High Guardian of Justice Guard of Justice Warrior Neuter 60 22,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
High Shaman Dannal Barbarian Shaman Male 44 - 46 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Huntmaster Synl Dracnid Ranger Male 48 - 50 9,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Ine`Thar Di`zok Sarnak Wizard Neuter 46 - 48 6,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Isseith Xerok Spectral Sarnak Rogue Neuter 46 - 48 7,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Iyalinaoukh Sphinx Wizard Neuter 44 - 46 4,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Iziyaneema Dracnid Warrior Female 46 - 48 8,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Jegard Q`Nacat Gargoyle Monk Neuter 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Jhyric Kan Voth Vah Shir Rogue Male 46 - 48 7,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Kalliz Giant/Cyclops Warrior Neuter 52 13,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Kantao Darkwaters Otterman Warrior Neuter 46 - 48 7,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Karzyn the Dreadgazer Evil Eye Wizard Neuter 48 - 50 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Kennar Minotaur Cleric Neuter 46 - 48 7,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Kimry Joolimel Gnome Wizard Female 46 - 48 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Klaren Dunn Dwarf Cleric Female 42 - 44 4,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Komazz Drake Enchanter Neuter 46 - 48 6,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Kuraal Nem Azmih Vah Shir Beastlord Female 42 - 44 4,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Kuvan Wolvesbane Barbarian Warrior Male 46 - 48 7,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Lasiya Dark Elf Magician Female 46 - 48 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Librarian Rushal Spectral Iksar Warrior Male 46 - 48 7,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Maen Kul`Daar Kunark Goblin Shaman Neuter 46 - 48 7,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Master Vhezar Iksar Monk Male 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Moobik Ogre Shadowknight Male 42 - 44 4,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Mublok Ratman Warrior Neuter 44 - 46 6,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Mystic Bamina Otterman Cleric Neuter 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Nemli Dwarf Rogue Male 46 - 48 7,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Nentae Weaver Erudite Ghost Enchanter Female 46 - 48 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Nerkila Froglok Ghoul Shadowknight Neuter 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Nghala Sretch Denizen Shadowknight Neuter 52 12,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Norlta Zamish Gnome Magician Female 42 - 44 3,900 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Numeinastel Bear Warrior Neuter 48 - 50 10,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Nuryek Ratman Warrior Neuter 46 - 48 8,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Oracle Morgak Orc Shaman Neuter 46 - 48 7,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Parza Dwarf Cleric Female 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Priest of Tumagal Dwarf Ghost Cleric Male 46 - 48 7,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Qallan Shellhopper Otterman Druid Neuter 46 - 48 7,100 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Quillon Gargoyle Magician Neuter 44 - 46 4,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Ral`Zehta Shissar Necromancer Neuter 48 - 50 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Ranno Zalpar High Elf Warrior Male 46 - 48 7,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Ra`Silyas Sarnak Wizard Neuter 44 - 46 4,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Rhionn Leafsblade Half Elf Ranger Male 42 - 44 4,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Royal Guardian Finro High Elf Paladin Male 42 - 44 4,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Saal the Keeper Aviak Ranger Neuter 48 - 50 9,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Sentry of Justice Guard of Justice Warrior Neuter 45 6,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
servant of Del`Maque Skeleton Warrior Neuter 48 - 50 10,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Shadalis Oathbinder Erudite Enchanter Male 48 - 50 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Shaldyn Thunderhoof Centaur Warrior Neuter 42 - 44 5,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Shera Banneth Barbarian Warrior Female 42 - 44 5,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Sheyna D`Leen Dark Elf Rogue Female 42 - 44 4,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Sister Tomyn Human Monk Female 42 - 44 4,300 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Soothsayer Greyal Spectral Sarnak Shaman Neuter 46 - 48 7,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Sralm Noramir Iksar Warrior Male 48 9,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Summoner Teikk Efreeti Magician Neuter 46 - 48 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Syenni Ratman Rogue Neuter 46 - 48 7,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Talliz Giant/Cyclops Warrior Neuter 52 13,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Tamsin Gnome Necromancer Female 46 - 48 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Tamyna Willowsong Wood Elf Bard Female 44 - 46 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Ten`Aphiim Spectral Iksar Necromancer Male 46 - 48 6,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Tetorau Xi Atraeth Akhevan Wizard Male 51 9,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
The Seventh Hammer Tribunal (New) Monk Neuter 73 1,080,000 265 190 190 175 175 -1 All
The Tribunal Tribunal (New) Warrior Neuter 66 370,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
The Tribunal Tribunal (New) Warrior Neuter 70 370,000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 -1 All
The Xel`Moar Gorgon Druid Neuter 53 12,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Thrak Riftwing Aviak Druid Neuter 42 - 44 4,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Tjey Xeda Dracnid Druid Female 46 - 48 6,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
tormented wraith Shade Warrior Female 44 - 46 6,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
tormented wraith Shade Warrior Female 48 - 50 10,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
tortured spirit Spectre Warrior Neuter 48 - 50 10,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
tortured spirit Shade Warrior Female 48 - 50 10,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Trader Sha`Deno Sarnak Wizard Neuter 44 - 46 4,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Trainer Wazzel Ratman Magician Neuter 46 - 48 6,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Trazin D`Feyl Dark Elf Shadowknight Male 42 - 44 4,600 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Treasurer Ma`Quivo Sarnak Warrior Neuter 46 - 48 8,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Trisha Pettals Halfling Paladin Female 48 - 50 9,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
twisted phantom Spectre Warrior Neuter 46 - 48 8,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Umplud Froglok Warrior Neuter 46 - 48 7,800 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Vulur Stonehold Dwarf Warrior Male 44 - 46 6,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Warlord Urgalth Minotaur Warrior Neuter 46 - 48 9,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
warrior of Nel`Ptan Spectral Sarnak Warrior Neuter 44 - 46 6,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Welas Hollander Erudite Ghost Paladin Male 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Wurgoz Froglok Shaman Neuter 44 - 46 5,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Xaui Xi Ans Vius Akhevan Shadowknight Male 48 - 50 9,200 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Xenioth the Endless Thought Horror Warrior Neuter 51 12,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Xin Renthais Ishan Akhevan Necromancer Male 48 - 50 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Yalaki Ratman Enchanter Neuter 44 - 46 4,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Yventa Va`Ssula Iksar Shadowknight Female 44 - 46 6,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Zadyr Moralin Dark Elf Necromancer Male 48 - 50 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Zakis Var Sl`tad Iksar Shadowknight Male 44 - 46 6,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Zammar of Tial`Vok Minotaur Warrior Neuter 48 - 50 11,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Zayenaekk Sphinx Wizard Neuter 44 - 46 4,700 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Zemlan Blackfang Gnoll Shadowknight Neuter 46 - 48 7,500 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
Zenoux Drake Wizard Neuter 42 - 44 4,000 65 65 65 45 45 -1 All
NPC Name Race Class Gender Level(s) HP MR CR FR DR PR Min Expansion Max Expansion
Spawn Points - Found 307 spawn points in Unknownpojustice:
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
(-20.0, 118.0, -0.6) Shera Banneth (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-111.0, -80.0, -1.2) Aneya Mallar (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-128.0, -63.0, -1.2) Sister Tomyn (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-70.0, -118.0, -0.6) Kuraal Nem Azmih (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(39.0, -115.0, 0.6) Rhionn Leafsblade (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-159.3, 120.7, 0.0) Sentry of Justice (100%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-22.0, -122.0, 0.5) Moobik (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(160.0, -101.4, 0.0) Sentry of Justice (100%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(198.0, -198.0, 0.0) Sentry of Justice (100%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-141.0, -305.0, 0.0) Mublok (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(73.0, 113.0, -3.1) Norlta Zamish (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-68.2, -246.9, -3.1) a festering rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(121.0, 73.0, -0.6) Alkus McNeeson (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-134.1, -204.9, -3.1) a festering rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(109.0, -89.0, 0.4) Sheyna D`Leen (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(253.7, -148.5, -3.1) a festering rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-123.0, 57.0, -1.9) Trazin D`Feyl (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-68.7, -286.3, -3.1) a festering rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-67.7, -308.5, -3.1) a festering rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(157.7, -158.6, -3.1) a festering rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-159.0, -0.3, -3.1) a festering rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-18.0, 159.9, -3.1) a festering rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(24.0, 121.0, -0.9) Sralm Noramir (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-93.5, 143.5, -0.6) Shaldyn Thunderhoof (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-125.0, -24.0, -1.2) Royal Guardian Finro (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(198.0, -198.0, 0.0) Sentry of Justice (100%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(49.0, -207.0, -1.2) Elzabetha Ianthe (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-114.0, 40.0, 1.1) Thrak Riftwing (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(118.0, -33.0, -2.5) Klaren Dunn (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(127.0, 22.0, -1.2) Zenoux (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1195.0, -148.0, 76.2) Agent of The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1137.0, 1343.0, 4.2) Agent of The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1147.0, 772.0, 76.2) Agent of The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1046.0, 490.0, 76.2) Agent of The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-793.0, 911.0, 58.2) Agent of The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1044.0, 142.0, 76.2) Agent of The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(1228.0, 75.0, 15.8) The Seventh Hammer (100%)
3 days, 0:00:00 (1 day, 0:00:00) -1 All
(1276.0, 25.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(1226.0, 0.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(1174.0, 22.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(1173.0, 126.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(1225.0, 150.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(1276.0, 126.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(817.0, 417.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(765.0, 393.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(714.0, 418.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(713.0, 521.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(764.0, 543.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(816.0, 521.0, 17.3) The Tribunal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(502.0, 62.0, -22.5) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(445.0, 63.0, -22.5) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(499.0, 179.0, -43.5) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(499.0, 130.0, -43.5) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(442.0, 129.0, -43.5) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(444.0, 179.0, -43.5) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(472.0, 208.0, -31.6) Jacosh Steldenn (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-387.0, 259.0, -25.0) Dreamthief (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-378.0, 368.0, -24.4) General Vhan`Geltah (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-392.0, 433.0, -24.4) Nghala Sretch (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-376.0, 549.0, -23.7) Xenioth the Endless (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-386.0, 613.0, -24.3) Tetorau Xi Atraeth (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-455.0, 742.0, -26.2) Mavuin (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-563.0, 619.0, -24.3) The Xel`Moar (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-572.0, 416.0, -17.5) Talliz (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-567.0, 269.0, -17.5) Kalliz (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-471.0, 680.0, -22.4) Guardian Zephyst (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-493.0, 657.0, -24.2) an enforcer (50%)
a punisher (50%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-449.0, 656.0, -24.8) an enforcer (50%)
a punisher (50%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-493.0, 573.0, -24.8) an enforcer (50%)
a punisher (50%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-449.0, 574.0, -24.8) an enforcer (50%)
a punisher (50%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-449.0, 490.0, -24.9) an enforcer (50%)
a punisher (50%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-493.0, 488.0, -24.9) an enforcer (50%)
a punisher (50%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-493.0, 402.0, -24.9) an enforcer (50%)
a punisher (50%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-449.0, 402.0, -24.2) an enforcer (50%)
a punisher (50%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-449.0, 317.0, -24.2) an enforcer (50%)
a punisher (50%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-493.0, 318.0, -24.2) an enforcer (50%)
a punisher (50%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-469.0, 175.0, -23.7) an enforcer (100%)
0:12:59 (0) -1 All
(-557.0, 191.0, -24.4) a punisher (100%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-557.0, 158.0, -24.4) a punisher (100%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-645.0, 175.0, -23.7) an enforcer (100%)
0:12:59 (0) -1 All
(-546.0, 103.0, -23.7) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-566.0, 102.0, -23.7) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-566.0, 46.0, -23.7) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-547.0, 48.0, -23.7) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-472.0, 79.0, -23.7) High Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-553.5, -50.6, -28.1) a pestilence rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-697.0, -53.0, -28.1) a pestilence rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-713.0, -135.0, -28.1) a pestilence rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-265.4, -323.5, -28.1) a pestilence rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-253.9, -201.5, -28.1) a pestilence rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(716.0, -163.0, -28.1) a pestilence rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(696.9, -54.7, -28.1) a pestilence rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(715.0, -82.0, -28.1) a pestilence rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(780.0, -261.0, -28.1) a pestilence rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(744.0, -214.0, -28.1) a pestilence rat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-497.0, -92.0, -23.7) Warlord Urgalth (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-489.0, -116.0, -26.2) Komazz (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-512.0, -146.0, -25.0) Soothsayer Greyal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-683.0, -116.0, -26.2) Iziyaneema (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-670.0, -101.0, -26.2) Azomnius (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-763.0, -97.0, -23.7) Kennar (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-754.0, -137.0, -25.6) Brugga (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-770.0, -112.0, -26.2) Adilan Lemansa (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-664.0, -194.0, -26.8) Advisor Vyenz (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-671.0, -227.0, -25.6) Nuryek (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-822.0, -279.0, -24.9) Ine`Thar Di`zok (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-804.0, -240.0, -26.2) Zemlan Blackfang (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-664.0, -327.0, -25.6) Conjurer Mrial (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-664.0, -294.0, -25.6) Georr Kul`Daar (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-662.0, -281.0, -26.2) Grandmaster Xhaan (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-668.0, -273.0, -26.2) Ten`Aphiim (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-759.0, -403.0, -27.4) Priest of Tumagal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-592.0, -464.0, -50.6) tortured spirit (50%)
tortured spirit (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-598.0, -459.0, -51.2) Councilor Vaylaz (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-623.0, -434.0, -49.9) Ral`Zehta (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-513.0, -373.0, -50.6) Numeinastel (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-548.0, -367.0, -49.9) Huntmaster Synl (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-472.0, -520.0, -49.9) Xaui Xi Ans Vius (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-507.0, -523.0, -49.9) Xin Renthais Ishan (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-500.0, -492.0, -51.2) tormented wraith (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-472.0, -492.0, -51.2) tormented wraith (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-457.0, -358.0, -48.7) Zammar of Tial`Vok (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1054.0, -628.0, -28.7) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-420.0, -371.0, -51.2) Karzyn the Dreadgazer (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-259.0, -394.0, -26.2) Nerkila (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-287.0, -423.0, -26.2) Habax Blackfang (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-370.0, -281.0, -25.0) Trainer Wazzel (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-358.0, -320.0, -25.0) Syenni (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-219.0, -236.0, -25.6) Cormin Desalis (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-199.0, -236.0, -25.6) twisted phantom (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-211.0, -283.0, -26.2) Maen Kul`Daar (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-361.0, -236.0, -25.0) Oracle Morgak (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-373.0, -178.0, -22.8) Treasurer Ma`Quivo (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-440.0, -96.0, -26.2) Tjey Xeda (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-442.0, -142.0, -25.6) Djaa Xeda (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(439.0, -141.0, -25.6) Isseith Xerok (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(458.0, -103.0, -27.5) Nemli (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(454.0, -126.0, -25.9) Master Vhezar (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(374.0, -178.0, -23.9) Umplud (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(366.0, -228.0, -24.5) Grum (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(209.0, -234.0, -26.2) Commander Ralinor (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(220.0, -281.0, -26.2) Kantao Darkwaters (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(369.0, -283.0, -26.2) Welas Hollander (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(369.0, -327.0, -26.7) Halkr Nighman (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(354.0, -328.0, -25.6) Kuvan Wolvesbane (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(280.0, -376.0, -26.2) Drazl (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(296.0, -427.0, -28.1) Tamsin (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(441.0, -379.0, -51.2) tortured spirit (50%)
tortured spirit (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(469.0, -378.0, -51.2) Shadalis Oathbinder (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(423.0, -347.0, -52.8) Trisha Pettals (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(460.0, -499.0, -51.2) servant of Del`Maque (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(460.0, -519.0, -51.2) servant of Del`Maque (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(467.0, -509.0, -51.8) Archpriest Del`Maque (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(550.0, -364.0, -50.6) Arch Menoch Vanim (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(516.0, -356.0, -49.3) Saal the Keeper (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(606.0, -448.0, -51.8) Zadyr Moralin (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(584.0, -456.0, -52.4) a forgotten spirit (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(607.0, -460.0, -52.4) a forgotten spirit (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(624.0, -449.0, -52.4) a forgotten spirit (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(742.0, -382.0, -26.2) Nentae Weaver (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(764.0, -388.0, -26.2) Evia N`Cizai (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(767.0, -437.0, -25.8) Kimry Joolimel (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(659.0, -322.0, -26.8) Druenna Oakshade (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(667.0, -287.0, -26.2) Eyan Thunderseeker (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(834.0, -236.0, -27.4) Parza (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(814.0, -239.0, -26.8) Lasiya (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(828.0, -281.0, -26.2) Jegard Q`Nacat (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(658.0, -235.0, -26.2) Librarian Rushal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(677.0, -237.0, -25.6) Jhyric Kan Voth (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(662.0, -195.0, -24.9) Gubkuk (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(755.0, -103.0, -26.2) Mystic Bamina (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(765.0, -143.0, -26.2) Qallan Shellhopper (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(674.0, -135.0, -26.2) Alchemist Jorrum (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(682.0, -83.0, -26.2) Ranno Zalpar (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(496.0, -100.0, -26.2) Summoner Teikk (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(508.0, -137.0, -26.2) Halken Zeparr (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(292.1, -310.2, -25.0) Gaoler of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(533.0, -413.0, -48.7) Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(715.0, -99.0, -24.9) Gaoler of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(635.0, -54.0, -25.0) Gaoler of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(394.4, 0.0, 0.0) Gaoler of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-713.0, -113.0, -24.9) Gaoler of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-598.0, -409.0, -48.7) Guardian of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-323.0, -407.0, -25.0) Gaoler of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-323.0, -117.0, -25.0) Gaoler of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-472.0, 0.0, -25.0) Gaoler of Justice (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-198.0, -198.0, 0.0) Sentry of Justice (100%)
0:13:00 (0) -1 All
(-558.0, -809.0, -25.2) Sralm Noramir (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1067.0, -961.0, -27.8) a ravaging burrower (47%)
an eyeless gnawer (47%)
the ancient crawler (6%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1077.0, -1003.0, -27.3) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1037.0, -982.0, -28.3) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1044.0, -937.0, -28.7) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1084.0, -928.0, -27.9) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1118.0, -934.0, -27.3) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1209.0, -909.0, -28.6) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1321.0, -853.0, -26.6) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1325.0, -880.0, -26.9) an enervating beetle (40%)
a dread locust (40%)
the yrendan scarab (20%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1271.0, -862.0, -27.3) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1289.0, -801.0, -27.4) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1207.0, -769.0, -26.8) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1155.0, -790.0, -27.2) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1138.0, -863.0, -27.0) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1048.0, -854.0, -27.2) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1018.0, -794.0, -26.4) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1003.0, -726.0, -27.4) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1112.0, -643.0, -28.7) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1127.0, -588.0, -28.5) a ravaging burrower (45%)
an eyeless gnawer (45%)
a blood leech (10%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1072.0, -708.0, -27.4) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1148.0, -713.0, -27.4) an enervating beetle (50%)
a dread locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1175.0, -644.0, -27.7) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1275.0, -634.0, -27.9) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1266.0, -572.0, -28.7) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1176.0, -572.0, -27.8) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1153.0, -503.0, -28.0) a ravaging burrower (50%)
an eyeless gnawer (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1166.0, -447.0, -27.4) a dust scarab (50%)
a demented locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1186.0, -431.0, -27.2) an enervating beetle (40%)
a dread locust (40%)
a diamond beetle (20%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1187.0, -392.0, -26.7) a dust scarab (50%)
a demented locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1105.0, -431.0, -27.3) a dust scarab (50%)
a demented locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1059.0, -526.0, -26.4) a dust scarab (50%)
a demented locust (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1003.0, -621.0, -28.3) a mindless tunneler (45%)
a shadow crawler (45%)
a screeching parasite (10%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-969.0, -620.0, -28.3) a mindless tunneler (50%)
a shadow crawler (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-902.0, -644.0, -28.7) a mindless tunneler (50%)
a shadow crawler (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-933.0, -570.0, -28.7) a mindless tunneler (50%)
a shadow crawler (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-986.0, -503.0, -28.7) a mindless tunneler (50%)
a shadow crawler (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-1027.0, -431.0, -27.9) a mindless tunneler (50%)
a shadow crawler (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-954.0, -441.0, -28.3) a mindless tunneler (50%)
a shadow crawler (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-951.0, -486.0, -27.7) a mindless tunneler (50%)
a shadow crawler (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-891.0, -425.0, -25.3) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-864.0, -439.0, -26.2) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-973.0, -765.0, -26.2) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-891.0, -758.0, -25.0) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-827.0, -820.0, -24.9) a grallok protector (30%)
a grallok mystic (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-830.0, -838.0, -25.6) a grallok protector (30%)
a grallok mystic (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-785.0, -896.0, -26.2) a grallok priest (80%)
a grallok elder (15%)
the grallok underlord (5%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-816.0, -918.0, -26.2) a grallok protector (30%)
a grallok mystic (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-827.0, -890.0, -24.8) a grallok protector (30%)
a grallok mystic (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-757.0, -878.0, -25.3) a grallok protector (30%)
a grallok mystic (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-754.0, -915.0, -26.2) a grallok protector (30%)
a grallok mystic (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-799.0, -953.0, -25.9) a grallok protector (30%)
a grallok mystic (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-781.0, -951.0, -24.9) a grallok protector (30%)
a grallok mystic (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-730.0, -991.0, -25.2) a grallok protector (30%)
a grallok mystic (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-670.0, -964.0, -25.8) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-617.0, -916.0, -26.2) a grallok protector (30%)
a grallok mystic (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-598.0, -1025.0, -26.2) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-547.0, -1071.0, -26.2) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-500.0, -1030.0, -26.2) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-451.0, -990.0, -25.1) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-464.0, -904.0, -25.9) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-413.0, -915.0, -25.4) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-612.0, -825.0, -25.5) a grallok seeker (40%)
a grallok defender (40%)
a grallok crusader (20%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-607.0, -795.0, -25.9) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-564.0, -852.0, -26.1) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-501.0, -892.0, -25.6) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-500.0, -825.0, -26.2) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-433.0, -792.0, -25.7) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-467.0, -759.0, -25.3) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-484.0, -714.0, -25.3) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-549.0, -725.0, -26.0) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-494.0, -662.0, -26.2) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-454.0, -672.0, -26.0) a grallok priest (40%)
a grallok defender (40%)
a grallok appraisor (20%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-442.0, -652.0, -25.8) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-481.0, -600.0, -26.2) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-559.0, -658.0, -26.2) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-583.0, -574.0, -24.4) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-753.0, -678.0, -26.2) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-772.0, -695.0, -25.6) a grallok protector (80%)
a grallok overseer (20%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-755.0, -745.0, -25.3) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-782.0, -732.0, -25.0) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-705.0, -693.0, -24.7) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-696.0, -742.0, -25.2) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-631.0, -723.0, -24.6) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-712.0, -649.0, -25.1) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-648.0, -616.0, -25.3) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-766.0, -641.0, -25.7) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-770.0, -619.0, -26.0) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-750.0, -561.0, -25.1) a grallok seeker (25%)
a grallok priest (25%)
a grallok defender (25%)
a grallok drone (25%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-832.0, -612.0, -25.9) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-831.0, -593.0, -25.3) a grallok priest (30%)
a grallok defender (70%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-831.0, -548.0, -25.8) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-830.0, -468.0, -25.8) a grallok seeker (50%)
a grallok drone (50%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-285.0, 134.0, -1.2) A violet rose (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-222.0, 59.0, -1.9) Quillon (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-197.0, 78.0, -1.9) Guardian Ionew (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-188.0, -52.0, 0.6) Ra`Silyas (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-216.0, -106.0, 0.6) warrior of Nel`Ptan (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-192.0, -107.0, 0.6) warrior of Nel`Ptan (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-204.0, -101.0, 0.6) Trader Sha`Deno (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-293.0, -131.0, 1.3) Dremekal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-168.0, -275.0, 2.3) Yalaki (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-61.0, -208.0, -1.2) Iyalinaoukh (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(-83.0, -207.0, -1.2) Zayenaekk (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(293.0, 148.0, -1.9) Captain Nyra (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(278.0, 101.0, 0.4) Tamyna Willowsong (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(204.0, 100.0, -1.2) tormented wraith (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(205.0, 35.0, -3.1) Baxo Numbalin (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(209.0, 32.0, -3.1) Fubbel Copperwheel (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(198.0, -35.0, 1.4) Yventa Va`Ssula (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(222.2, -79.2, -0.9) Zakis Var Sl`tad (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(297.0, -131.0, -1.2) Genni Dulzane (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(290.0, -121.0, -1.2) Golikan (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(300.0, -119.0, -2.5) Dumann the Quick (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(118.0, -299.0, -2.5) Vulur Stonehold (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(157.0, -301.0, -0.6) High Shaman Dannal (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(94.0, -195.0, -1.2) Wurgoz (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(57.0, -142.0, -2.8) Bimlee Mellswar (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(216.0, 85.0, -1.2) tormented wraith (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
(193.0, 83.0, -1.2) tormented wraith (100%)
0:19:30 (0) -1 All
Coordinates (y, x, z) NPC Names Respawn Min Expansion Max Expansion
Fishing - Found 0 fish-able items in Unknownpojustice:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Foraging - Found 5 forage able items in Unknownpojustice:
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
item_571.png Bread Crumbs 0 30% -1 All
item_1242.png Cockroach 0 12% -1 All
item_1037.png Justice Fruit 0 16% -1 All
item_583.png Roots 0 8% -1 All
item_584.png Pod of Water 0 34% -1 All
Name Skill Level Chance Min Expansion Max Expansion
Ground Spawns - Found 0 ground spawns in Unknownpojustice:
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
Name Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Comment Min Expansion Max Expansion
Merchants - Found 0 merchants in Unknownpojustice (these are included in the NPCs list):
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion
Name Race Class Gender Coordinates (Y, X, Z) Expansion