07/13/98 5:00pm
Be careful! NPCs now use their skills properly if they have them, so you might just get
kicked or bashed. Only humanoid type NPCs (like Gnolls) use skills.
Bash no longer guarantees that something will be stunned, which means it is more
difficult to keep an NPC bashed, but the NPCs will also have a harder time keeping
YOU bashed.
The "N" key (Target nearest NPC) will no longer target NPC corpses, only living NPCs.
Two new commands were added:
/split - Split a specified amount of money amongst your group members.
Format: /split
Example: /split 0 0 0 15 would split 15 copper amongst your group members.
which means split 0 plat, 0 gold, 0 silver, 15 copper. /split 1 5
would split 1 platinum, 5 gold, so trailing zeros are not necessary,
but the preceeding zeros ARE necessary.
/autosplit - Toggle automatic splitting of money looted with your group ON and OFF.
A few bugs were fixed:
Arrows will no longer become "supercharged" in damage over time.
"Shield of Brambles" type spells will no longer damage the thing they are protecting.
Spells like "Disease Cloud" no longer have unlimited range.
07/13/98 5:00pm
Be careful! NPCs now use their skills properly if they have them, so you might just get
kicked or bashed. Only humanoid type NPCs (like Gnolls) use skills.
Bash no longer guarantees that something will be stunned, which means it is more
difficult to keep an NPC bashed, but the NPCs will also have a harder time keeping
YOU bashed.
The "N" key (Target nearest NPC) will no longer target NPC corpses, only living NPCs.
Two new commands were added:
/split - Split a specified amount of money amongst your group members.
Format: /split <plat> <gold> <silver> <copper>
Example: /split 0 0 0 15 would split 15 copper amongst your group members.
which means split 0 plat, 0 gold, 0 silver, 15 copper. /split 1 5
would split 1 platinum, 5 gold, so trailing zeros are not necessary,
but the preceeding zeros ARE necessary.
/autosplit - Toggle automatic splitting of money looted with your group ON and OFF.
A few bugs were fixed:
Arrows will no longer become "supercharged" in damage over time.
"Shield of Brambles" type spells will no longer damage the thing they are protecting.
Spells like "Disease Cloud" no longer have unlimited range.