1998 08 03 2

8/3/98 9:00pm

East Freeport is finally up -- the entire city of Freeport is online now. Also, several of the crash bugs we've had should be fixed now -- let us know if you encounter any more and please attempt to make note of the circumstances and events immediately prior to the crash. Lastly, an assist command has been added -- target a player, type /assist, and you should then target whoever he is currently fighting at that moment.

8/3/98 9:00pm
East Freeport is finally up -- the entire city of Freeport is online now. Also, several of the crash bugs we've had should be fixed now -- let us know if you encounter any more and please attempt to make note of the circumstances and events immediately prior to the crash. Lastly, an assist command has been added -- target a player, type /assist, and you should then target whoever he is currently fighting at that moment.