1998 07 17 1

7/17/98 11:55am

There will be a player wipe tonight. IF and only if you talk to Generyk the GM before the wipe, you will be reimbursed your level on ONE character, and you will be given 7 gold per level. No other GM will help you in this matter, and this is not something negotiable. PWipes are an unfortunate aspect of beta testing -- we do them as infrequently as possible -- please hang tough and bear with it.

7/17/98 11:55am
There will be a player wipe tonight. IF and only if you talk to Generyk the GM before the wipe, you will be reimbursed your level on ONE character, and you will be given 7 gold per level. No other GM will help you in this matter, and this is not something negotiable. PWipes are an unfortunate aspect of beta testing -- we do them as infrequently as possible -- please hang tough and bear with it.