9/4/98 6:35pm
There will be a player wipe (pwipe) Tuesday morning at approximately 10am pacific. This is in preperation for Phase 2 of the EverQuest beta test, which begins early next week.
You may have ONE character's level re-imbursed, and you will be given some gold based upon that character's level.
To register one of your characters, use the /feedback command, and begin the message with REGISTER. Make sure you
are logged on as the character you want to save (we are recording your name, race, class, and level). Once the
pwipe is complete, we will post a message here explaining how to get re-imbursed. Note that artificially 'buffed'
characters are not eligible for restoration. If possible, we reccomend using the /feedback command late Monday or so such that if you level over the weekend, it will be recorded.