9/1/98 5:03pm (IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ)
We are starting to build up the Game Master (GM) infrastructure for EverQuest. If you require assistance in-game, use the /petition command -- all GMs online will receive your message
and you will be helped as soon as possible -- using the /tell command to solicit help from a GM is no longer legal. Note that there are serveral kinds of GMs you might encounter in-game, but
there are only two kinds responsible for helping testers -- GUIDES, and GM-Admin GMs. Other GMs (coders, areas, etc.) are development team members and are not there to help you (sorry -- but
they need to finish the game). GUIDES are external (non-Sony) GMs who are there to help you and answer questions, but their power is limited (meaning they will often refer you to a GM-Admin).
Our plan is to have GM-Admins in-game most of the time, all week, but it may take some time for this coverage to become complete.
-- NO reimbursals of lost items, money, or experience will be made (sorry, but this is a BETA).
-- Using the /tell command to solicit help from a GM is no longer legal -- use the /petition command.
-- Using 'safe' areas (ie. areas where NPCs can't or won't go, even though it makes sense they could) is illegal. Fighting NPCs, or using those areas to rest and heal, is not allowed. An example would
be areas near zone transition sections. These problem areas are being fixed as quickly as possible, but in the meantime, testers caught abusing these areas won't be testers for long.
9/1/98 5:03pm (IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ)
We are starting to build up the Game Master (GM) infrastructure for EverQuest. If you require assistance in-game, use the /petition <msg> command -- all GMs online will receive your message
and you will be helped as soon as possible -- using the /tell command to solicit help from a GM is no longer legal. Note that there are serveral kinds of GMs you might encounter in-game, but
there are only two kinds responsible for helping testers -- GUIDES, and GM-Admin GMs. Other GMs (coders, areas, etc.) are development team members and are not there to help you (sorry -- but
they need to finish the game). GUIDES are external (non-Sony) GMs who are there to help you and answer questions, but their power is limited (meaning they will often refer you to a GM-Admin).
Our plan is to have GM-Admins in-game most of the time, all week, but it may take some time for this coverage to become complete.
-- NO reimbursals of lost items, money, or experience will be made (sorry, but this is a BETA).
-- Using the /tell command to solicit help from a GM is no longer legal -- use the /petition command.
-- Using 'safe' areas (ie. areas where NPCs can't or won't go, even though it makes sense they could) is illegal. Fighting NPCs, or using those areas to rest and heal, is not allowed. An example would
be areas near zone transition sections. These problem areas are being fixed as quickly as possible, but in the meantime, testers caught abusing these areas won't be testers for long.