1998 10 01

10/1/98 2:00pm

A new command has been added: /Random <#> <#> - This will give you a random number from # to # (i.g. "/Random 1 10" would give you a random number from 1 to 10 inclusive). If you only specify one number (i.e. "/Random 5") it assumes 0 to the number you supplied. The "/Who" command now has an additional option: "corpse" (i.e. "/Who corpse") allows you to see if any of your corpses are in your current zone.

10/1/98 2:00pm
A new command has been added:
/Random <#> <#> - This will give you a random number from # to # (i.g. "/Random 1 10" would give you a random number from 1 to 10 inclusive). If you only specify one number (i.e. "/Random 5") it assumes 0 to the number you supplied.
The "/Who" command now has an additional option: "corpse" (i.e. "/Who corpse") allows you to see if any of your corpses are in your current zone.