1/8/99 7:30pm
This patch includes:
- Various keyboard and button fixes.
- Bard songs should auto-loop again.
- Creature footspeed in dungeons has been corrected so that they are only faster when actively attacking or pursuing.
- Some problems with PCs under AI control, ie charm, have been addressed.
- Being stunned in midspell should NOT disable your buttons and spell gems, but should interrupt your casting.
- Casting related skills should increase with use again. However, you will be temporary unable to train in these skills with your Guildmaster.
- Lost attacks in melee has been addressed.
- Another "spell-stacking" bug has been addressed.
- Spell timing has been reworked.
- The extra "invisible" mana has been corrected. Hope you enjoyed it!
We have identified a problem that may be the root of the character corruption that has been occurring. We have found many characters with duplicate names. In order to correct this we have had to programmatically rename these characters. We realize that a name means a lot, but we had to do this to correct the problem. You may petition to have these new names changed, but you will not be able to obtain the former name of these characters.
In order to form a guild the following process must be followed:
- The leader of the guild must email Eqguilds@sonyinteractive.com. The header of the email must contain the NAME of the guild. In this email the leader will include a short Charter that includes the guild's role in Norrath. In addition, the leader needs to list at least 9 other characters that have agreed to form this guild.
- The leader and 9 other players need to email Eqguilds@sonyinteractive.com with the NAME of the guild as the header. The body of this email must include the name of the character that will be joining the guild and the ACCOUNT on which that character exists.
- Once the 10 prospective members (including the leader) have completed the above steps, the charter and name of the guild will be reviewed by 989. If both are approved, the leader of the guild will be notified of approval via email and told to approach a GM for formation of the guild. If 989 has any reservations about either the name or the charter, the guild leader will receive an email listing these concerns and be offered an opportunity to modify the charter or name as required.
1/8/99 7:30pm
This patch includes:
-Various keyboard and button fixes.
-Bard songs should auto-loop again.
-Creature footspeed in dungeons has been corrected so that they are only faster when actively attacking or pursuing.
-Some problems with PCs under AI control, ie charm, have been addressed.
-Being stunned in midspell should NOT disable your buttons and spell gems, but should interrupt your casting.
-Casting related skills should increase with use again. However, you will be temporary unable to train in these skills with your Guildmaster.
-Lost attacks in melee has been addressed.
-Another "spell-stacking" bug has been addressed.
-Spell timing has been reworked.
-The extra "invisible" mana has been corrected. Hope you enjoyed it!
We have identified a problem that may be the root of the character corruption that has been occurring. We have found many characters with duplicate names. In order to correct this we have had to programmatically rename these characters. We realize that a name means a lot, but we had to do this to correct the problem. You may petition to have these new names changed, but you will not be able to obtain the former name of these characters.
In order to form a guild the following process must be followed:
1. The leader of the guild must email Eqguilds@sonyinteractive.com. The header of the email must contain the NAME of the guild. In this email the leader will include a short Charter that includes the guild's role in Norrath. In addition, the leader needs to list at least 9 other characters that have agreed to form this guild.
2. The leader and 9 other players need to email Eqguilds@sonyinteractive.com with the NAME of the guild as the header. The body of this email must include the name of the character that will be joining the guild and the ACCOUNT on which that character exists.
3. Once the 10 prospective members (including the leader) have completed the above steps, the charter and name of the guild will be reviewed by 989. If both are approved, the leader of the guild will be notified of approval via email and told to approach a GM for formation of the guild. If 989 has any reservations about either the name or the charter, the guild leader will receive an email listing these concerns and be offered an opportunity to modify the charter or name as required.