1/18/99 5pm
Phase 3.5 will begin tomorrow. Phase 3.5 will require a download of an entire set of new EverQuest files. This Phase is optional, a Phase 3.0 server will be in operation for some time after Phase 3.5 begins. The Phase 3.0 server will not be updated once the 3.5 server is in operation. Instructions on how to obtain the Phase 3.5 files will be posted once 3.5 is ready to go.
Problems with NPC saving throws have been addressed.
Weather effects crashing entire zones have been fixed.
The spell: Reclaim Energy has been fixed.
Odd effects from enspelled items have been fixed.
The resolution of death by drowning has been fixed.
Bard songs that are group oriented should be working correctly again.
Autosplit and split have returned. Autosplit will cause all monetary treasure you acquire to be split evenly amongst all of your party members. Autosplit can be turned on in your options menu. Split will cause a specified amount of money to be split amongst your party. The syntax for split is /split . For example to split 10 gold, 3 silver and 5 copper you would type /split 0 10 3 5.
ALL USERS MUST DELETE ALL .PFS FILES IN THERE EVERQUEST DIRECTORY. A new set of .pfs files is available via anonymous ftp at flint.sonyinteractive.com/pub/everquest. You MUST have either no .pfs files in your EQ directory or have these updated ones in order to have sound function correctly.
1/18/99 5pm
Phase 3.5 will begin tomorrow. Phase 3.5 will require a download of an entire set of new EverQuest files. This Phase is optional, a Phase 3.0 server will be in operation for some time after Phase 3.5 begins. The Phase 3.0 server will not be updated once the 3.5 server is in operation. Instructions on how to obtain the Phase 3.5 files will be posted once 3.5 is ready to go.
Problems with NPC saving throws have been addressed.
Weather effects crashing entire zones have been fixed.
The spell: Reclaim Energy has been fixed.
Odd effects from enspelled items have been fixed.
The resolution of death by drowning has been fixed.
Bard songs that are group oriented should be working correctly again.
Autosplit and split have returned. Autosplit will cause all monetary treasure you acquire to be split evenly amongst all of your party members. Autosplit can be turned on in your options menu. Split will cause a specified amount of money to be split amongst your party. The syntax for split is /split <plat> <gold> <silver> <copper>. For example to split 10 gold, 3 silver and 5 copper you would type /split 0 10 3 5.
ALL USERS MUST DELETE ALL .PFS FILES IN THERE EVERQUEST DIRECTORY. A new set of .pfs files is available via anonymous ftp at flint.sonyinteractive.com/pub/everquest. You MUST have either no .pfs files in your EQ directory or have these updated ones in order to have sound function correctly.