June 27th, 1999
Due to the situation which occurred on the CerfNet servers on Tuesday and Thursday night, we have had to place most of our resources towards rectifying the problem on the live servers. However, we were able to make a few various changes to the Test server, some of which will be propagated to the live servers on Monday. The features and bug fixes are listed below. - Currently, when a character dies, they return with 25% of their Mana and Health, in addition, they have a massive hit to their stats. - This will NOT remain true, and we will be removing it next week.
Nagafen's Lair and Permafrost have been revamped with new treasure, items, etc. In addition, changes have been made to NPC spawning to the them.
A number of fixes were made to Research.
The following fixes have been made to spells.
Vampiric Curse / Bond of Death (formerly Circle of Death) now work with their new effects
Fufil's Curtailing Chant (BARD) now works on monsters
Magician pet attack spells have been slightly increased.
Incapacitate now works for Enchanters (lvl 44 spell)
Wizard "Casting Times" for damage spells have been slightly reduced
Necromancer poison spells have had their damage doubled and their duration cut in half. They will do EXACTLY the same amount of damage, but in half the pervious amount of time.
Necromancer and Shaman disease spells have had their duration reduced. Their damage has been upped to compensate.
Hungry Earth (Necromancer) is now researchable - check your book
Research for Thunderclap (Wizard) is now correct - check your book
Research for Fire Spiral of Al'Kabor (Wizard) is now correct - check your book
The Magician Burnout series has been made a bit better.
The reagent for Burnout III has been removed (Magician) Tuyen's Songs (Bard) have had their damage increased.
New Bard Songs have been added to vendors.
New Wizard Spell "Bonds of Force" on Wizard vendors.
Mana Sieve (Enchanter) has been changed. It is now an instant spell (instead of a DOT) and costs less mana (with less effect).
If all of the changes prove effective, we will be updating the live servers with this data on Tuesday morning of the 29th.