September 12, 2000 3:00 pm
Guild Maintenance
We are in the process of preparing to do maintenance on the guild
database. To that end, guild creation and activation will be on hold
for the next three weeks. After that time, we may be running a process
to remove inactive or under-subscribed guilds from the system. We would
ask and recommend that those in guilds with under 10 separate members
(on separate accounts) consider merging and deleting the under-
subscribed guild.
In addition, it's apparently become common practice for people wishing
to register a guild to enter the chat server and advertise there for
help creating the guild. This will no longer be permitted. People
wishing to submit a guild must organize prior to entering the chat
server. Advertising for assistance within the chat server could result
in a short-term (24 hour) suspension for the account.
- The EverQuest Team
September 12, 2000 3:00 pm
*Guild Maintenance*
We are in the process of preparing to do maintenance on the guild
database. To that end, guild creation and activation will be on hold
for the next three weeks. After that time, we may be running a process
to remove inactive or under-subscribed guilds from the system. We would
ask and recommend that those in guilds with under 10 separate members
(on separate accounts) consider merging and deleting the under-
subscribed guild.
In addition, it's apparently become common practice for people wishing
to register a guild to enter the chat server and advertise there for
help creating the guild. This will no longer be permitted. People
wishing to submit a guild must organize prior to entering the chat
server. Advertising for assistance within the chat server could result
in a short-term (24 hour) suspension for the account.
- The EverQuest Team