2000 12 01

December 1, 2000 7:00 pm

SBLive Soundcards and Hardware Acceleration

Due to some past problems with SBLive cards, users of those cards who called into tech support were asked to turn "Hardware Acceleration" down one notch in DXDIAG. The last patch corrected those problems and most users should again increase hardware acceleration to maximum.

To do this:

  1. Click "Start"
  2. Click "Run"
  3. Type "DXDIAG.EXE" and press enter.
  4. Click on the "Sound" tab.
  5. Increase the "Hardware Acceleration" slider to maximum.

Doing this should correct issues such as not hearing certain sounds or sound volume disparities.

The only users who may not want to do this are Windows 2000 users. Creative Labs is currently working on new drivers for Win2K, so you may wish to wait until these drivers are completed prior to increasing hardware acceleration.

Finally, all SBLive users should get LiveWare 3.0 from http://www.soundblaster.com/liveware/ After installing LiveWare, you will then want to REINSTALL the latest drivers for your sound card. The order of installation is important.

- The EverQuest Team

December 1, 2000 7:00 pm

*SBLive Soundcards and Hardware Acceleration*

Due to some past problems with SBLive cards, users of those cards who
called into tech support were asked to turn "Hardware Acceleration"
down one notch in DXDIAG. The last patch corrected those problems and
most users should again increase hardware acceleration to maximum.

To do this:

1. Click "Start"
2. Click "Run"
3. Type "DXDIAG.EXE" and press enter.
4. Click on the "Sound" tab.
5. Increase the "Hardware Acceleration" slider to maximum.

Doing this should correct issues such as not hearing certain sounds or
sound volume disparities.

The only users who may not want to do this are Windows 2000 users.
Creative Labs is currently working on new drivers for Win2K, so you may
wish to wait until these drivers are completed prior to increasing
hardware acceleration.

Finally, all SBLive users should get LiveWare 3.0 from
http://www.soundblaster.com/liveware/ After installing LiveWare, you
will then want to REINSTALL the latest drivers for your sound card. The
order of installation is important.

- The EverQuest Team