2001 03 27

March 27, 2001 2:00 am

Fan Faire Reminder

Registration for the San Diego Fan Faire closes on Wednesday, March 28th, and we are running out of spaces. Once all the spaces are taken, we will not be accepting any further registrations (or walk-ins). So if you plan to attend sign up before someone else gets your spot. Head over to www.everquest.com to register.

* Patch Day *

Spell Changes and Additions

  • A new teleportation spell has been added to the game for both Druids and Wizards. These are self-only gate spells to the Dreadlands. These spells should be available on the more exclusive spell vendors in Norrath.

  • Increased the drop rate on some Kunark spells to coincide with the narrowing of the creatures carrying those spells as the game evolves.

  • Wizards now have access to a new type of spell that only works on certain types of target. Generically called 'bane' spells, a few are now available in the game. May your quest for such spells be successful.

Item Changes

  • Changed the effects on the Singing Steel Boots and Greaves. After a fair amount of concern from players, we have removed the summon food and water effects from these items. They have been replaced with modified versions of Aria of the Eagles (boots) and Appalling Screech (greaves).

  • The Incandescent Bracer can now be worn on the wrist rather than the waist.

  • The Incarnadine Breastplate must now be worn to activate.

  • Changed spell effects on Pauldrons of the Fearsome and Fearsome Shield to right click and worn to activate.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that was causing some players to zone into the Warrens at the wrong location.

  • Corrected an error with the Bixie Sword Blade, changing its delay from 6 to 16.

  • Fixed a bug where Iskar Monks were unable to Feign Death after Foraging.

  • Kodiaks in the Great Divide are now seen as animals.

  • Toxdil, the wandering rogue poison vendor, will now sell to characters even when he is away from his home.


  • Fixed a problem that occurred when players mistyped /guild. Typing /guildd in the chat window is the shortcut for typing /guilddelete. /guildd now has a confirmation box so that such an error should no longer lead to the accidental deletion of a guild.

  • Added /showspelleffects. Using this toggle ('on' or 'off') a player can turn on or off the display of particle effects for spells. This will only affect spells, not world effects like waterfalls or weapon particle effects. This should allow you to turn off many of the effects that hamper rendering performance, inducing effects of spells, while still being able to see some of the awesome effects, like those on certain paladin weapons...

  • Added server-side filtering for chat and combat messages. This will allow you to turn off guild chat, shouts, auctions, oocs, 'my misses', 'others misses', 'others hits', 'attacker misses me', PC spells (all options), NPC spells and Bard songs (all options) at the server instead of at the client. This can reduce that amount of data sent to you over your connection, and can help those with slower connections with better performance and connectivity.

  • Ships will now be announcing their arrival in most zones. They will also be announcing their progress to any zone they travel through. Any of those zones that they are not currently making announcements in will be added in the next patch or two.

  • Shift - Left and Shift - Right will now repeat in the chat window. This means that when editing what you've typed, you can just hold down the Shift and Left Arrow keys and the cursor will move left until it reaches the beginning of the line or until you release the keys.

  • The spell slot number will now show up in front of the spell name when you press Alt to cast a spell using the Alt-Spell Number method.

  • View perspective in wolf form has been fixed. First-person view will now be on level with the wolf, rather than a few feet above it. At the same time, perceiving other players in wolf form will appear to be standing on the ground instead of floating a few feet above it.

  • Trade skill success and failure messages will be sent to the craftsperson's group instead of just the craftsperson, as long as the craftsperson is using the proper ingredients. Failure of the craftsman to use the proper ingredients will result in no failure message being sent.

  • In order to prevent a few trade scams, money can no longer be removed from a trade window. You will have to cancel the trade and start over to adjust the amount of money involved in the trade.

  • We're now sending hitpoint updates to the casters of direct damage spells no matter how far away they are when the spell lands. This will allow those casters that try to stand as far back as possible to get updates even when their range indicates that the messages should be surpressed.


Several new quests have been added as well, so don't be afraid to talk to the folks of Norrath, they might have new information for you.

  • The EverQuest Team

March 27, 2001 2:00 am

***Fan Faire Reminder***

Registration for the San Diego Fan Faire closes on Wednesday, March
28th, and we are running out of spaces. Once all the spaces are taken,
we will not be accepting any further registrations (or walk-ins). So if
you plan to attend sign up before someone else gets your spot. Head
over to www.everquest.com to register.

*** Patch Day ***

*Spell Changes and Additions*

- A new teleportation spell has been added to the game for both Druids
and Wizards. These are self-only gate spells to the Dreadlands. These
spells should be available on the more exclusive spell vendors in

- Increased the drop rate on some Kunark spells to coincide with the
narrowing of the creatures carrying those spells as the game evolves.

- Wizards now have access to a new type of spell that only works on
certain types of target. Generically called 'bane' spells, a few are
now available in the game. May your quest for such spells be

*Item Changes*

- Changed the effects on the Singing Steel Boots and Greaves. After a
fair amount of concern from players, we have removed the summon food
and water effects from these items. They have been replaced with
modified versions of Aria of the Eagles (boots) and Appalling Screech

- The Incandescent Bracer can now be worn on the wrist rather than the

- The Incarnadine Breastplate must now be worn to activate.

- Changed spell effects on Pauldrons of the Fearsome and Fearsome
Shield to right click and worn to activate.

*Bug Fixes*

- Fixed a bug that was causing some players to zone into the Warrens at
the wrong location.

- Corrected an error with the Bixie Sword Blade, changing its delay
from 6 to 16.

- Fixed a bug where Iskar Monks were unable to Feign Death after

- Kodiaks in the Great Divide are now seen as animals.

- Toxdil, the wandering rogue poison vendor, will now sell to
characters even when he is away from his home.


- Fixed a problem that occurred when players mistyped /guild. Typing
/guildd in the chat window is the shortcut for typing /guilddelete.
/guildd now has a confirmation box so that such an error should no
longer lead to the accidental deletion of a guild.

- Added /showspelleffects. Using this toggle ('on' or 'off') a player
can turn on or off the display of particle effects for spells. This
will only affect spells, not world effects like waterfalls or weapon
particle effects. This should allow you to turn off many of the effects
that hamper rendering performance, inducing effects of spells, while
still being able to see some of the awesome effects, like those on
certain paladin weapons...

- Added server-side filtering for chat and combat messages. This will
allow you to turn off guild chat, shouts, auctions, oocs, 'my misses',
'others misses', 'others hits', 'attacker misses me', PC spells (all
options), NPC spells and Bard songs (all options) at the server instead
of at the client. This can reduce that amount of data sent to you over
your connection, and can help those with slower connections with better
performance and connectivity.

- Ships will now be announcing their arrival in most zones. They will
also be announcing their progress to any zone they travel through. Any
of those zones that they are not currently making announcements in will
be added in the next patch or two.

- Shift - Left and Shift - Right will now repeat in the chat window.
This means that when editing what you've typed, you can just hold down
the Shift and Left Arrow keys and the cursor will move left until it
reaches the beginning of the line or until you release the keys.

- The spell slot number will now show up in front of the spell name
when you press Alt to cast a spell using the Alt-Spell Number method.

- View perspective in wolf form has been fixed. First-person view will
now be on level with the wolf, rather than a few feet above it. At the
same time, perceiving other players in wolf form will appear to be
standing on the ground instead of floating a few feet above it.

- Trade skill success and failure messages will be sent to the
craftsperson's group instead of just the craftsperson, as long as the
craftsperson is using the proper ingredients. Failure of the craftsman
to use the proper ingredients will result in no failure message being

- In order to prevent a few trade scams, money can no longer be removed
from a trade window. You will have to cancel the trade and start over
to adjust the amount of money involved in the trade.

- We're now sending hitpoint updates to the casters of direct damage
spells no matter how far away they are when the spell lands. This will
allow those casters that try to stand as far back as possible to get
updates even when their range indicates that the messages should be


Several new quests have been added as well, so don't be afraid to talk
to the folks of Norrath, they might have new information for you.

- The EverQuest Team