2001 09 30

September 30, 2001

Firiona Vie server is available on Test now:

Or it will be very shortly... You can get to this server by running testeverquest.exe from your EverQuest directory. Please read the Test Server disclaimer (available in the Test Server patch message) carefully before playing on the Test Server.

Here is part of the message from the Test Server.

* Firiona Vie Server *

The new Firiona Vie Server is now available for testing. As usual, please keep in mind that this is a Test server and we will be changing things as time goes by. The Test Server Disclaimer shown above applies to this server as well. Please be aware that when the server 'goes Live' all existing characters from the beta periods will be removed.

There are many special rules for this server. We will be keeping an updated list of these rules on our Developer's Corner message board. Please head over to www.everquest.com and head to the message boards for the most recent information about this server.

Here is the preliminary list of rules. To read this information later, you can refer to the testeqnews.txt file in your EverQuest folder.

  • Firiona Vie Server Feature List *

This is a new server, not a split server. Nor will there be any transfers to this server.

Characters will be wiped before the server goes Live.

This is a PvE (Player vs. Environment) server, NOT a PvP (Player vs. Player) server. In other words, it's a standard 'blue' server with the same rules and features regarding PvP as the vast majority of our servers. It is not one of the 'Zeks'.

Auction restricted to city zones: Qeynos, Surefall Glade, Highkeep, Freeport, Rivervale, Erudin, Halas, Neriak, Grobb, Oggok, Greater Faydark, Ak'Anon, Kaladim, Felwithe, Paineel, Cabilis, Kael and Thurgadin.

Beneficial buff spells will not work on characters 20 levels lower than the caster.

Each character will be assigned an "alignment" upon creation. This alignment will be described in brief on the character creation screen (in the same location the their Deity is described).

Each character will be able to change their alignment once any time after they reach 10th level if they choose. A character is not required to change alignments, but may do so any time after attaining 10th level. The player will be able to chose from a list of alignments based on their race, class and deity.

A character's alignment will determine whether or not they can group or guild with other characters. (Note: The Guild portion of this code has not yet been implemented, and no guilds will be forming on this server until we can get it working).

A character's alignment will determine an experience bonus or penalty when grouping with other characters.

A character's alignment will determine if they can cast beneficial spells on other characters (including resurrections).

Language skills will improve only through group chat in the same zone and from /say.

Languages will only improve 1 point each hour and will be capped at level*5+5 skill points.

Common will not exist. A Human language will be added and only made easily available to certain races.

One character per account.

The Trivial Loot Code will be in effect in all zones.

Very few items will be No-Drop. Exceptions will include things such as newbie notes and epic weapons.

Bind Affinity will be restricted for all characters to locations where melee characters can bind on other servers.

/emote will be language specific

All characters will be /roleplay.

/alignment will display the alignment of your character and probably a more detailed description of that alignment.

  • Trivial Loot Code *

Briefly, the Trivial Loot Code works like this: If a character kills an NPC and that NPC does not give them experience, then the Trivial Loot Code takes effect. If any member of a group does not get experience for a kill, the Trivial Loot Code will take effect. The Trivial Loot Code prevents magical, lore and no-drop items from appearing on the corpse. Normal items and coins will appear on the corpse in all cases as usual.

September 30, 2001

Firiona Vie server is available on Test now:

Or it will be very shortly...
You can get to this server by running testeverquest.exe from your
EverQuest directory. Please read the Test Server disclaimer (available
in the Test Server patch message) carefully before playing on the Test

Here is part of the message from the Test Server.

*** Firiona Vie Server ***

The new Firiona Vie Server is now available for testing. As usual,
please keep in mind that this is a Test server and we will be changing
things as time goes by. The Test Server Disclaimer shown above applies
to this server as well. Please be aware that when the server 'goes
Live' all existing characters from the beta periods will be removed.

There are many special rules for this server. We will be keeping an
updated list of these rules on our Developer's Corner message board.
Please head over to www.everquest.com and head to the message boards
for the most recent information about this server.

Here is the preliminary list of rules. To read this information later,
you can refer to the testeqnews.txt file in your EverQuest folder.

* Firiona Vie Server Feature List *

This is a new server, not a split server. Nor will there be any
transfers to this server.

Characters will be wiped before the server goes Live.

This is a PvE (Player vs. Environment) server, NOT a PvP (Player vs.
Player) server. In other words, it's a standard 'blue' server with the
same rules and features regarding PvP as the vast majority of our
servers. It is not one of the 'Zeks'.

Auction restricted to city zones: Qeynos, Surefall Glade, Highkeep,
Freeport, Rivervale, Erudin, Halas, Neriak, Grobb, Oggok, Greater
Faydark, Ak'Anon, Kaladim, Felwithe, Paineel, Cabilis, Kael and

Beneficial buff spells will not work on characters 20 levels lower than
the caster.

Each character will be assigned an "alignment" upon creation. This
alignment will be described in brief on the character creation screen
(in the same location the their Deity is described).

Each character will be able to change their alignment once any time
after they reach 10th level if they choose. A character is not required
to change alignments, but may do so any time after attaining 10th
level. The player will be able to chose from a list of alignments based
on their race, class and deity.

A character's alignment will determine whether or not they can group or
guild with other characters. (Note: The Guild portion of this code has
not yet been implemented, and no guilds will be forming on this server
until we can get it working).

A character's alignment will determine an experience bonus or penalty
when grouping with other characters.

A character's alignment will determine if they can cast beneficial
spells on other characters (including resurrections).

Language skills will improve only through group chat in the same zone
and from /say.

Languages will only improve 1 point each hour and will be capped at
level*5+5 skill points.

Common will not exist. A Human language will be added and only made
easily available to certain races.

One character per account.

The Trivial Loot Code will be in effect in all zones.

Very few items will be No-Drop. Exceptions will include things such as
newbie notes and epic weapons.

Bind Affinity will be restricted for all characters to locations where
melee characters can bind on other servers.

/emote will be language specific

All characters will be /roleplay.

/alignment will display the alignment of your character and probably a
more detailed description of that alignment.

* Trivial Loot Code *

Briefly, the Trivial Loot Code works like this: If a character kills an
NPC and that NPC does not give them experience, then the Trivial Loot
Code takes effect. If any member of a group does not get experience for
a kill, the Trivial Loot Code will take effect. The Trivial Loot Code
prevents magical, lore and no-drop items from appearing on the corpse.
Normal items and coins will appear on the corpse in all cases as usual.